Drinking until Intoxication: A qualitative study among underage adolescents admitted to the emergency room
The validation of an assessment battery for sales representatives in a telecommunication company
Spillover effects enhancing sales, production and competitiveness of South African manufacturers
Dynamic adjustment of size profiles
Collaboration between sales and marketing divisions
Challenges facing communal farmers to improve cattle production and marketing systems in Namibia: case study from Omaheke region
Exploring wellness among sales and marketing staff within a global automotive company
(Junior) accountmanager (bol)
Analysing the relationship between inventory management and sustainable supply chain management
The impact of social influence on the perceived helpfulness of online consumer reviews
The Commercial Consequences of Collective Layoffs: Close the Plant, Lose the Brand?
Advance Selling and Advertising: A Newsvendor Framework
Family physicians' interactions with pharmaceutical sales representatives: a focus group study in three countries