VU Research Portal
Why do they want to become English teachers: a case study of Taiwanese EFL teachers
Post-unemployment identity in middle-aged professionals
The implementation of career management practices in the Public Service : the case of the Department of Trade and Industry
The impact of career progression on employee retention
The experience of organisational commitment, work engagement and meaning of work of nursing staff in hospitals
Die effek van 'n loopbaanbeplanningsprogram op skoolverlaters in 'n gedepriveerde gemeenskap
Antecedents for and outcomes of the pursuit of customised careers for millennial women in skilled occupations.
Career and Care: Difficulties Women Face in Career Development
manage your career
Under pressure? Primary school teachers' perceptions of their pedagogical practices
Diversiteit in opleiding en werk: een verkennende studie naar de school- en arbeidsloopbaan van hoger opgeleide jongeren.
De Stichtse Hof: gezond en met plezier tot aan het pensioen: verslag van een actieonderzoek in de zorgsector
Een beroepsbeeld voor de leraar: over ontwikkelrichtingen en groei van leraren in het onderwijs
Docent in het mbo: een dynamisch en veelzijdig beroep
Beroepsbeeld mbo docent: ontwikkeling van starter tot expert: handvat voor professionele ontwikkeling
Work-life transitions for young, coastal adults: a qualitative follow-up study
Meet the "Mompreneurs": How Self-Employed Women with Children Manage Multiple Life Roles
The Importance of Work Integrated Learning Experiences For Students Choosing Careers in the Arts
Impacts of employee optimism and leader motivation on career progression within Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation
Extraordinary people, extraordinary wisdom: How can professional ballet dancers persevere in their performance career?
Emergent selves, emergent lives: the role of curriculum in the identity development of undergraduate students : a narrative phenomenological study