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Cover Page The handle


Academic year: 2021

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Cover Page

The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/53235 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation.

Author: Tummers, Q.R.J.G.

Title: Fluorescence-guided cancer surgery using clinical available and innovative tumor- specific contrast agents

Issue Date: 2017-10-11



Fluorescence-guided cancer surgery

using clinical available and innovative tumor-specific contrast agents

Quirijn Tummers

Fluor esc enc e-guided canc er sur ger y Q uir ijn Tummers

46151 Tummers cover.indd 1 09-08-17 11:17



Title: Measuring, comparing and improving clinical outcomes in gastrointestinal cancer surgery. Issue

Title: Fluorescence-guided cancer surgery using clinical available and innovative tumor- specific contrast agents.. Issue

Fluorescence guided surgery using the FRα specific contrast agents EC17 allowed real time identification of both ovarian- and breast cancer cells.. In ovarian cancer,

Title: Fluorescence-guided cancer surgery using clinical available and innovative tumor- specific contrast agents.. Issue

Results: SGM-101 allowed the detection of tumor nodules in three different colon cancer models: LS174T human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell-induced peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC)

Chapter 3 Image-guided tumor resection using real-time near-infrared fluorescence in a syngeneic rat model of primary breast cancer 31 Chapter 4 Near-infrared fluorescence imaging

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