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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/29742 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation

Author: Dongen, Teun Walter van

Title: The science of fighting terrorism : the relation between terrorist actor type and counterterrorism effectiveness

Issue Date: 2015-11-18


¡Basta Ya!, 209 9/11, 17, 316

limited economic impact of, 23 AAA (Apostolic Anticommunist

Alliance), 192

Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouq, 367

Abu Hamza, 314, 362, 363, 365, 373

arrested, 372

rise to prominence in British jihadist movement, 359 suggests security covenant,


Abu Nidal Organisation, 63 Abu Qatada, 314, 360, 362, 373

rise to prominence in British jihadist movement, 357 Action Directe, 22, 69, 71, 75 cooperates with RAF, 163 Action Plan Polarisation and

Radicalisation, 309

based on overestimation of jihadist threat, 340, 341 limited effectiveness of, 337,


logic and objectives behind, 335

Adams, Gerry, 241, 247, 248, 253, 270, 271, 284, 286

argues in favour of negotiated settlement, 6

argues 'Long War' strategy, 249

as leader of Belfast section of the Provisional IRA, 237 critical of Provisional IRA, 248 on support for Provisional

IRA, 257

presses Provisional IRA for negotiations, 268

reasons for supporting armed struggle, 277

transition from armed struggle to negotiations, 5 visits US in 1994, 288 Adebolajo, Michael, 376

Agreement for Freedom and Against Terrorism, 220, 222 AIVD (General Intelligence and

Security Service), 322, 326, 329, 341

false alarms and, 342 mole in Hofstad Group, 333 on deradicalisation and

disengagement, 102

recording devices in homes Hofstad Group members, 333

tensions with police, 334 thwarts attack in Portugal, 324 Akhnikh, Ismail, 332, 333

arrested, 326

Al Qaeda, 17, 20, 21, 37, 51, 54, 66, 73, 128, 203, 358, 360, 364, 370, 407

global jihadist ideology of, 54 training camps in Afghanistan

and Pakistan, 409, 410 Albizu, Mikel

argues against continuation of ETA's armed struggle, 189 Albrecht, Susan, 144

Ali, Abdullah Ahmed, 351, 367, 396

explains motivation behind attack, 384



suggests way to end terrorist attacks, 386

Ali, Abdullah Ahmed, 362 Allende, Salvador, 115 Alvarez, José Luis, 201

Amnesty International, 192, 256, 259, 393

ANC (African National Congress)

as inspiration to Provisional IRA, 238

Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985), 294

Antiterrorism ETA, 192

Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, 371

Part 4, 388

APO (Extraparliamentary Opposition), 124

Arana, Sabino, 177 Army Council, 268 Arregui, José, 201

Assad, Bashar al-, 321, 387 Association of Muslim Lawyers,


Aum Shinrikyo, 70, 74 Awlaki, Anwar al-

role in radicalisation of jihadists in UK and US, 367 Ayers, Bill, 102, 112

Azkarraga, Joseba, 212

Aznár, José Maria, 214, 219, 226, 434

Azzouz, Samir, 331, 333, 339 attack plans of, 323, 324 followed by AIVD, 332 on man-made laws, 314 trials against, 327 B Specials, 233 B., Saleh, 333

B2J (2 June Movement), 153, 154

Baader, Andreas, 121, 130, 133, 142, 144, 146, 147, 149, 156 freed from prison, 124 leadership style of, 129 Bajaka, Bilal

riots following death of, 344 Balkenende, Jan-Peter, 311 Ballymurphy Seven, 260 Barosso, Manuel

target of Hofstad Group, 325, 348

Barrionuevo, José, 194

Basque Autonomy Statute, 192, 205, 218, 220

Batasuna, 182, 188, 206, 219 Belfast, 296

as Provisional IRA stronghold, 258

rioting in, 233, 235 Berazadi, Ángel, 211

Bergaretxe, Eduardo Moreno, 211

Bin Laden, Osama, 356 Birmingham Cell

terrorist plot disrupted by MI5, 397

Birmingham Six, 260

BKA (Federal Criminal Office), 147

failure to curb RAF through arrests), 155

heavyhandedness in fight against RAF, 142

widening of powers of, 151 Black Panthers, 94, 118

offended by Weather Underground's views on counterculture, 95

Black September, 141 Blair, Patrick, 274


Blair, Tony, 285, 289, 291, 370, 411, 434

adopts counterterrorism legislation after 9/11, 353 Bloody Friday, 253

Bloody Sunday, 255, 277 Bolkestein, Frits, 311 Bot, Ben, 347

Bouyeri, Mohammed, 307, 313, 331

background and character of, 337

murders Theo van Gogh, 324 possible reason for killing Van

Gogh, 319

Bradley, Gerry, 248, 273

on calling off Provisional IRA operations, 276

Brandt, Willy, 149 British Army, 280, 289

accused of torture, 259

antagonises Catholics in Northern Ireland, 37

defeats Provisional IRA unit at Gibraltar, 265

enters Northern Ireland, 235 misconduct in Northern

Ireland, 257

Operation Demetrius, 254, 255, 257, 264

Operation Motorman, 263 participation in Operation

Enduring Freedom, 409 presence in Belfast and Derry,


violates laws in Northern Ireland, 258

British jihadist movement cut-off from training camps in

Pakistan, 410

decreasing cohesion, 365 decreasing complexity of

terrorist attacks, 375

embedded in international networks, 361

impact of arrests, deportations, control orders and bans on, 374

integration and interaction in, 361

international orientation of, 412

liberating Muslims lands of western military presence as goal of, 356

members travelling to Somalia and Syria, 387

members travelling to Syria, 376, 408

preference for IEDs, 368 turns against UK, 360 Brown, Gordon, 411 Brussels, 153

Buback, Siegfried, 134 Bundestag, 150

BVE (Basque-Spanish Battalion), 192

CAA (Autonomous

Anticapitalist Commandos), 213

Cameron, David, 411 Carlile, Alex, 377, 380, 393 Carlos the Jackal, 183 Carrero Blanco, Luis, 175

assassination of, 201 Carter, Jimmy, 117 Castro, Fidel, 176

Catarain, Dolores González, 213 Catholics in Northern Ireland

discrimination against, 276 CCC (Communist Combat

Cells), 71, 164

Choudhry, Roshonara, 366, 367, 369, 385, 398

Christmas Bomb Plot (2010), 366 disrupted by MI5, 397



CIE (Criminal Intelligence Unit), 332

Clark, Mark, 96, 105, 170 Clarke, Charles, 370, 373 Clarke, Terence, 274 Clausewitz, Carl von, 419 Clinton, Bill, 288

Collins, Eamon, 241, 245, 287 on cultivation of Republican

past, 243

on paranoia in Provisional IRA, 275

Consent-principle, 283, 286, 290 Conservative Party (UK), 406 Constitutional Convention

(Northern Ireland), 290 Constitutional Court (Spain), 197 Coogan, Tim Pat, 249

Cooper, Frank, 269 Corcuera, José Luis, 217 Cordoba Foundation, 404 Council of Ireland, 282

Countering International Terrorism: the United Kingdom’s Strategy, 401 Court of Appeal (UK), 390 CPS (Crown Prosecution

Service), 373

Criminal Justice and Public Order Act, 380

Croissant, Klaus, 143 Crumley, Cathal, 275

CTIVD (Review Committee for the Intelligence and Security Services), 333

Days of Rage (1969), 92, 97, 108 Debus, Sigurd, 148

Dellwo, Karl-Heinz, 138, 144 admits RAF's disconnection

with support base, 160 Democratic Party (US), 104

Derry, 232, 263, 275, 296

as Provisional IRA stronghold, 258

rioting in, 233, 235, 277

Direct rule (by UK over Northern Ireland), 280, 283 Dohrn, Bernardine, 102

decides to surface, 112 endorses counterculture, 95 Downing Street Declaration

(1993), 284

Duddy, Brendan, 283 Duggan, Mark, 383

Dutch jihadist movement, 431 around 9/11, 316

conspiratorial behaviour in, 322

deportation of leading members, 328

discussions of legitimacy of violence in, 315

falls apart, 328

grows out of regular social contacts, 319

inability to carry out attacks, 329

intra-group marriages in, 322 lack of formal organisational

structure, 318 lack of support of, 340 leadership in, 319 main activities of, 322

members travelling to Syria, 321

national orientation of, 317, 325

numerical strength of, 318 peer pressure in, 321 recruitment by, 320

rejection of man-made instutions, 314


rise of autonomous cells in, 317

views Islam as under global attack, 312

Dutschke, Rudi, 169

assassination attempt against, 140

Dylan, Bob, 93

EAE (Basque Patriotic Action), 206

EDL (English Defence League) terrorist plot against, 366, 368,

387, 398

EHAK (Communist Party of the Basque Homelands), 206 Elizabeth II, 293, 358 Elkarri, 209

Ellian, Afshin, 311

Ensslin, Gudrun, 121, 130, 132, 142, 146, 147, 149, 156

responds to death of Ohnesorg, 140

ETA (Fatherland and Freedom), 16, 37, 43, 45, 424, 430, 432, 433, 434

announces ceasefire, 218, 221 composition of, 176

death toll of, 173

decreasing precision of terrorist attacks by, 202 demonstrates working class

credentials, 178

demonstrations against, 186, 208

detachment from Basque roots, 181

eases demands on new recruits, 181

ends ceasefire, 219

first overtures towards, 216 founding of, 175

kale borroka and, 187 leaders arrested, 200

loses popular support, 195, 210

loses will to fight, 189, 222 organisations that support,


pacification of moderate wing, 214

prestige of, 175

provokes violent response from the state, 183

reasons of members for

abandoning armed

struggle, 211

refusal to disarm before negotiations, 215, 221 safe haven in France, 199, 203 splits and feuds in, 177, 210 targeting preferences of, 184 use of car bombs by, 185 wages war of attrition against

the state, 184 Etxebarrieta, Txabi, 175 Etxeberria, Rufino, 223 Etxebeste, Antxon, 217 Etxegarai, Alfonso

argues against continuation of ETA's armed struggle, 189 EU (European Union)

counterterrorism cooperation in, 346

European Convention on Human Rights, 258, 388, 391, 394

European Court of Human Rights, 41, 147, 259, 262 condemns stop and search

powers, 392

Euskadiko Ezkerra, 205, 212 Euskal Herritarok, 182 Eusko Alkartasuna, 217 Evans, Linda, 98

on FBI's inability to infiltrate Weather Underground, 109



Faisal, Abdullah al-, 373 Falls Road curfew, 235, 236, 255 FARC (Revolutionary Armed

Forces of Colombia), 183 ties with Provisional IRA, 287 FATF (Financial Action Task

Force), 347

Fathni, Nouredine el-, 338 followed by AIVD, 332 intimidates new members, 320 FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 96, 98, 110, 112, 431

and Counter Intelligence Program, 104

drops cases against Weather Underground, 116

inability to gather intelligence

about Weather

Underground, 105, 106

isolates Weather

Underground from support base, 113

misunderstands Weather Underground, 107

organisational culture of, 109 Finsbury Park mosque, 357, 360,


as headquarters of Abu Hamza, 363

raid against, 372 Flanagan, Brian, 103

on pointlessness of armed struggle, 113

FLN (National Liberation Front), 63

FLQ (Libertation Front of Québec), 70

Force Research Unit, 272, 274 Fortuyn, Pim, 310, 311

criticises Islam, 311

Franco, Francisco, 204, 226 represses Basque nationalism,


Front de libération du Québec (FLQ), 63

Fulton, Kevin, 272, 274, 275 GAL (Antiterrorist Liberation

Groups), 37, 193, 199

GCHQ (Government

Communications Headquarters, 396

GCHQ (Government

Communications Headquarters)

supplies intelligence for drone strikes, 410

GDR (German Democratic Republic), 164

supports RAF, 162

German Autumn, 121, 135, 159, 434

costs RAF popular support, 122

Gesto por la Paz, 209 Gestoras Pro-Amnistía, 213 Ghaffur, Tarique, 382 Ghurabaa, al-, 374

GIA (Armed Islamic Group)

European branches

dismantled, 356 Gilbert, David, 100, 102

Gogh, Theo van, 307, 311, 320, 324

González, Felipe, 191, 217 involvement in GAL activities,


limits freedom of the press, 197

signs Pact of Madrid, 217 strengthens hold over police

apparatus, 194


Good Friday Agreement, 286, 287, 291, 292

GRAPO (Antifascist Resistance Groups First of October), 164 Grathwohl, Larry, 98, 111

cover blown, 106

Guardia Civil, 186, 192, 194, 198 exercises restraint in fight

against ETA, 196

handling of demonstrations, 192

Guevara, Ernesto ‘Che’, 94, 176 Guildford Four, 260

Guipúzcoa, 181 Haag, Siegfried, 144 Hamas, 73

Hamid, Mohammed (a.k.a.

Osama bin London), 362, 363, 367, 394

Hampton, Fred, 96, 105, 170 Hasan, Nidal, 367

Haughey, Charles, 294 Heissler, Rolf, 152

Herold, Horst, 143, 151, 154, 166 on a-political nature of RAF in

later years, 161

Herri Batasuna, 182, 205, 206, 209, 210, 217, 219

Heuvel, Ien van den, 149 High Court (UK), 390, 391 Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 307, 311, 324 Hitler, Adolf, 161

Hizb ut-Tahrir, 358, 404

Hofstad Group, 318, 320, 326, 329, 330, 331

AIVD knowledge of, 331 as most active jihadist cell in

the Netherlands, 312 holds electorate responsible

for government policy, 315 limited explanatory value of

socio-economic factors, 337 peer pressure in, 338

similarities with jihadist travellers, 321

threatens members with physical violence, 320, 322 trials against, 326

Hoover, J. Edgar, 91, 106, 109, 112

Hughes, Brendan, 251, 270 on ideology in Provisional

IRA, 243

speaks out against sectarianism in Provisional IRA, 240

Human Rights Watch, 256, 257, 259, 393

Hume, David, 284 Hurst, Ian, 273

Ibrahim, Andrew, 366, 385, 398 Ibrahim, Mukhtar, 362

Independent International

Commission on

Decommissioning, 287 India, 37

Intelligence and Security Committee (UK), 395

IRA (Irish Republican Army), 234, 235

Irish War of Independence, 234 Islam, Umar, 386

Islam4UK, 374

Islamic Society of Britain

offended by link terrorism and Islam in Prevent strategy, 402

Issa, Redouan al-, 319, 329, 331 Iturbe, Jon

assessment of ETA's position in 1986, 216

Iturbe, Txomin, 200 Jefferson, Thomas, 68

Jemaah Islamiyyah (Egypt), 352 Jemaah Islamiyyah (Indonesia),




Johnson, Alan, 390 Jones, Jeff, 103, 107 Jyllands Posten, 54 Kaddouri, Yeyah, 326

attack plans of, 323

explains turn to jihadism, 316 KAS Alternative, 179, 215, 217,


Khan, Mohammed Qayyum, 361 Khan, Mohammed Siddique,

361, 394

as authority figure to fellow cell members, 365

as non-priority intelligence target, 395

explains motivation behind attack, 384

suggests way to end terrorist attacks, 385

visits training camp, 363 Khan, Parviz, 363

bugged by MI5, 397

plan to behead British soldier, 369

Khyam, Omar, 361, 363 Kim Il Sung, 126

Klar, Christian, 138, 144, 156 Klöpper, Gerald, 158

Law Lords (UK), 388, 390, 391 Leary, Timothy, 95

Leeds, 365

Liberal Democrats (UK), 390, 393, 406

Liberty, 393 Libya, 164

LIFG (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group), 352

London Bombings (2005), 351, 361

Long Kesh prison, 237, 264 Lorenz, Peter, 153, 154

MacStiofáin, Sean, 236, 241 as traditional Catholic, 236 on Bloody Friday, 253

overtures to British government, 279

Madrid Bombings (2004), 351 Magee, John Joe, 274

Mahler, Horst, 132 Major, John, 291

introduces Mitchell principles, 285

refusal to talk to Provisional IRA, 278

responds to Hume-Adams initiative, 284

Mallon, Seamus, 291 Manzanas, Méliton, 175 Marighella, Carlos, 133 Mason, Roy, 289 May, Theresa, 406 McGartland, Marty, 287 McGovern, George, 104

McGuinness, Martin, 241, 248, 271, 286, 291

as leader of the Belfast faction of the Provisional IRA, 237 reasons for joining Provisional

IRA, 277

McKearney, Tommy, 250 McKee, Billy, 280

McKevitt, Michael, 287 McKevitt, Mickey, 17 McLoughlin, Mitchell, 239 Meehan, Martin, 234

Meinhof, Ulrike, 121, 125, 126, 129, 130, 133, 138, 142, 146, 147, 149, 156

criticised by other RAF leaders, 132

falls out with Horst Mahler, 131


Meins, Holger, 138, 141, 144, 145, 146

MI5, 351, 372, 381, 389, 403 acquires new manpower, 396 disrupts terrorist plots, 396 fails to prevent London

Bombings (2005), 394 introduction of legacy teams,


misses terrorist plots, 399 Operation Crevice, 395 Operation Rhyme, 395

pressed for resources in 2004, 395

MLNV (Basque National Liberation Movement), 182 Mohammed, Bilal

explains motivation behind attack, 385

Mohammed, Omar Bakri, 362, 365, 376

leaves the UK, 373

rise to prominence in British jihadist movement, 358 Mohnhaupt, Brigitte, 138, 156,


takes on leadership of RAF's second generation, 156 Möller, Irmgard, 121

admits failure German Autumn, 160

defends past in RAF, 139 Moluccan terrorism in the

Netherlands, 48 Morrison, Danny, 268 Mountbatten, Louis, 293 Moussaoui, Zacarias, 358, 363 Múdiga, Francisco, 201 Muhajiroun, al-, 358, 359

various guises of, 374 Muslim Brotherhood, 358 Muslims in the Netherlands

criticised, 311

decreasing tolerance towards, 310

distrustful of police, 343 Muslims in the UK

discriminatory use of counterterrorism powers against, 381

first-hand experience with jihadist preachers among, 382

opinions on British government of, 382

National Democratic Convention (1968), 104

National Police (Spain), 192, 194, 198

exercises restraint in fight against ETA, 196

handling of demonstrations, 192

involvement in GAL activities, 193

Nazi Germany, 60, 124, 127 NCTb (National Coordinator for

Counterterrorism), 307, 341 Northern Ireland Assembly, 281,

283, 286

Northern Ireland Assembly Bill, 281

Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, 232, 233

November 17 group (N17), 69, 75

O’Callaghan, Sean, 246 O’Neill, Terence, 233, 234 Oatley, Michael, 283

Oever, Martine van den, 332 Ohnesorg, Benno, 169

shot by police officer, 139 Orde, Hugh, 7

Organic Law 21/1978, 196 Organic Law 56/1978, 196 Organic Law 9/1984, 198



Organic Law on Political Parties, 219

Osborne, Stuart, 351 Osman, Hussein

explains motivation behind attack, 384

Otegi, Arnaldo, 220 Oyarzun, 216

Pact of Ajuria-Enea, 217, 218 Pact of Lizarra, 218, 219 Paine, Thomas, 231 Patton, George S., 419 Payne, Cril, 109 Peru, 37

PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), 129, 162

hijacks Landshut, 121, 131, 135, 153

trains RAF members, 163 Pimental, Edward, 137, 163 Pinochet, Augusto, 115 Piranha-case, 330

PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party), 16

PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party), 60

PL (Progressive Labor Party), 93 PLO (Palestine Liberation

Organisation), 61

as inspiration to Provisional IRA, 238

PNV (Basque Nationalist Party), 174, 177, 187, 192, 219, 220 signs Pact of Lizarra, 188 Ponto, Jürgen, 144

Port Huron Statement, 93 PP (People’s Party), 16, 220 Prevent strategy (UK), 354, 371

accusations of intelligence gathering under, 403

associates Islam with terrorism, 402

ignores British foreign policy, 408

limited influence on potential radicals, 407, 412

new version of, 406

Preventing Violent Extremism Together

activities financed under, 401 Prevention of Terrorism

(Emergence Powers) Act, 258 Prevention of Terrorism Act

(1974), 370

Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005, 389

Price, Marian, 291 Proll, Astrid, 129, 138

Provisional IRA, 17, 21, 37, 43, 45, 49, 60, 219, 353, 370, 371, 372, 424, 430, 433, 435

‘Long War’-strategy of, 249

’Armalite and the ballot box – strategy’, 248

Active Service Units, 242, 252, 264, 265

Army and RUC repression as reason for joining, 277 Army Council, 240, 247, 253,

281, 285

Army Executive, 240

assessment of strategic context, 267, 280, 288 attack in Roermond, the

Netherlands, 307

attacks on British mainland, 251, 266, 268, 285

Auxiliary, 244, 258 East Tyrone Brigade, 265 forced to call off operations,



General Army Convention, 240, 286

General Head Quarters, 241, 242

Green Book, 242, 252 infiltration of, 273

Irish diaspora in the US and, 250

leftist leanings of, 237, 238 Northern Command, 242 numerical strength of, 266 nutting squad, 241, 274 operational failures of, 253 operational learning curve of,


opinion polls about, 297 publicly declared reasons to

fight, 278

sectarianism of, 238 Southern Command, 242 sympathisers of, 242

use of supergrasses against, 270, 271

weapons acquisition by, 250, 268

PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party), 16, 176, 194, 220

Qutb, Sayyid, 314, 384, 411 on need for restoration of

Muslim community, 355 RAF (Red Army Faction), 169,

170, 427, 430, 433

and ‘propaganda of the deed’, 127

association with

euroterrorism, 163 Contact Ban against, 150 former members' differing

views on use of violence, 138

hostage taking in German embassy in Stockholm, 152

hunger strikes by, 141

impact of end of Cold War on, 137

internationalist aspirations of, 126

lack of plans for post- revolutionary order, 127 leaders revered as martyrs,


leadership disrupts own trial, 149

loses sight of political cause, 157

loses touch with protest movement, 136

low morale after German Autumn, 154

Patsy O'Hara Commando, 137 position papers of, 125

public signs of discord in, 137 reasons for attacks, 158 second generation of, 136 supported by Committees

against Isolation Torture, 144

supported by lawyers, 143 supported by Socialist

Patients Collective, 144 takes up armed struggle, 124 third generation of, 157 torture claims of leadership,


uses info-system, 130, 156 views FRG as fascist, 123, 127 waning success of torture

claims in 1980s, 147

Raspe, Jan-Carl, 121, 132, 142, 147, 149, 156

Rauf, Rashid, 362 Real IRA, 17, 61 Red Army Faction, 183 Red Army Faction (RAF)

supported by Red Help, 145



views FRG as fascist, 121 Red Brigades, 46, 68, 164, 183

and amnesty reglations, 57 organisational fatigue in, 25 Red Hand Commando, 69 Rees, Merlyn, 281, 290

depicts Provisional IRA as criminals, 295

Reid, Alec, 283

Reid, Richard, 358, 363 Reilly, Nick, 366, 385, 398

suggests way to end terrorist attacks, 386

Republic of Ireland, 43, 293 fails to put a stop to

Provisional IRA activity, 294

Reynolds, David, 284 Rigby, Lee, 376, 399

Riots in British cities (2011), 383 Robbins, Terry, 100

Rosón, Juan José, 212

RUC (Royal Ulster

Constabulary), 233, 235, 250, 254, 264, 280, 283, 286, 296 accused of torture, 259

collusion with loyalist militias, 260

defeats Provisional IRA unit at Loughgall, 265

heavyhandedness against Catholic protest marches, 256

legitimacy undermined by shootings, 255, 262

Special Branch, 272, 274 violates laws, 258 Rudd, Mark, 103

Sahla, Soumaya, 324, 332 Sands, Bobby, 247

and prison protests / hunger strikes, 296

Saudi Arabia, 57, 358 Saved Sect, 374

Scappaticci, Freddie, 274 Scheel, Walter, 166 Scheveningen, 153

Schiller, Margrit, 131, 138, 145 Schleyer, Hanns-Martin, 121,

122, 134, 136, 150, 153, 156, 160, 166

Schmidt, Helmut, 149, 165, 166 defends hard line against

RAF, 155

presides Crisis Staff, 154 Schulz, Adelheid, 156

SDLP (Social Democratic Labour Party), 284

SDS (Socialist German Student Union), 140

SDS (Students for a Democratic Society), 93

infiltrated by FBI, 106 Shabaab, al-, 387

Sikh Community Action Network, 404

Sinn Féin, 237, 238, 246, 247, 248, 253, 275, 285, 286, 291, 292, 297 publicly declared reasons to support Provisional IRA, 278

SMN (Coalition of Moroccan Dutchmen), 344

Solaun, Mikel, 213 Sotelo, Leopoldo, 191, 197 South Africa, 231

South Armagh, 242

as Provisional IRA stronghold, 238, 258, 296 Soviet Union, 60

Speitel, Angelika, 145


Speitel, Volker, 145 Springer Publishers, 133 Sri Lanka, 37

Stalin, Joseph, 60

Stammheim prison, 132, 141, 147, 156

Steele, Frank, 279

Stormont parliament, 237, 280 Strickland, Don, 110

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 97

Suárez, Adolfo, 191, 205, 222 Subcommittee to Investigate the

Administration of the Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws (US Senate), 107

Sunningdale Agreement, 281, 283

similar to Good Friday Agreement, 286, 290

Supergrasses, 270

Swearingen, Wesley M., 109, 110 Syria, 358

takfir, 355

Tamil Tigers, 43, 60 Tanweer, Shezhad, 394

as non-priority intelligence target, 395

suggests way to end terrorist attacks, 385

Taymiyya, Ibn, 314

Terrorism Act 2000, 370, 383 Schedule 7, 379, 380, 381 section 44, 378, 379, 380, 391,


Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill, 390

Thatcher, Margaret, 289

refusal to talk to Provisional IRA, 278

Timms, Stephen, 366, 369

Trevi group, 164 Tsouli, Younes, 362 Tupamaros, 94, 183 Tyrone, 242

UDA (Ulster Defence Association), 69, 261

UDR (Ulster Defence Regiment), 251, 261

UK (United Kingdom)

as safe haven for jihadists, 352 UN (United Nations), 260

counterterrorism cooperation in, 347

United Irishmen, 231 Urrutikoetxea, Josu, 217

UUUC (United Ulster Unionist Council), 282

UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force), 69, 261

UWC (Ulster Workers Council), 282

Vietcong, 94

as inspiration to Provisional IRA, 238

Vietnam War, 93, 114, 115, 126, 432

Wahhab, Muhammed Ibn, 314 Walters, Jason, 315, 332, 333, 339

arrested, 326

attitude towards unbelievers, 320

susceptibility to peer pressure, 321

suspects mole in Hofstad Group, 333

visits training camp in Pakistan, 317

Walters, Jermaine, 340 Watergate affair, 117

Weather Underground, 169, 170, 425, 427, 430, 431, 432, 433 arrested members, 107



attempts to become communist party, 116 authority of leadership in, 99 boast about vigilance, 112 criticism/self-criticism

sessions of, 97

difficult living conditions in, 111

endorses counterculture, 94 grown out of anti-war

movement, 114

impact of end to Vietnam War on, 48

internationalist aspirations of, 94

members experience police respression, 104

'need-to-know' rule in, 99 on the run for FBI, 111 organise Days of Rage, 95 preferred targets of, 100 preparation of attacks by, 101 reasons for moving

underground, 96 rejects monogamy, 98

reluctance to kill or wound, 100, 101

shocked by murder of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, 96

supporters refuse to talk to FBI, 108

widening political focus of, 115

Westergaard, Kurt, 325, 386 Westminster parliament, 280,

281, 282

Whitelaw, William, 279, 290 Wilders, Geert, 340

Wilkerson, Cathy, 97 Wilson, Harold, 283 Wisniewski, Stefan, 144 Wolfe Tone, Theobald, 231 World Bank, 31

World Food Programme, 31 Yemen, 164

Zabala, Lorenzo, 178 Zaman, Waheed, 386

Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez, 220, 226, 434

Zaragoza, 217

Zawahiri, Ayman al-, 356 Zimmerman, Ernst, 137




Lexington Books, 2003), 189–202.. attacks may make it seem as if a counterterrorism policy is not working, but could in reality be digging its own grave. The population may

8 Misreading the enemy: successful repression and flawed prevention in ‘the broad approach’ against jihadist terrorism in the Netherlands 307 9 Fighting Qutb’s children:

This dissertation will take a first step towards a more evidence-based understanding of the wider applicability of counterterrorism lessons by examining whether

Lexington Books, 2003), 189–202.. attacks may make it seem as if a counterterrorism policy is not working, but could in reality be digging its own grave. The population may

In other words, successful state policies to reduce discrimination against or repression of social groups that a terrorist group is using as a potential support

Jones, eds., Sing a Battle Song: The Revolutionary Poetry, Statements, and Communiqués of the Weather Underground (New York, Toronto, London and Melbourne: Seven Stories Press,

83 Several members who of the RAF’s second generation later explained that they were drawn into the group by the example that was set by the incarcerated leaders of the

92 The panel followed a similar reasoning regarding Article XX (b) and found that measures aiming at the protection of human or animal life outside the jurisdiction of the