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University of Groningen Field perturbations in general relativity and infinite derivative gravity Harmsen, Gerhard Erwin


Academic year: 2021

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Field perturbations in general relativity and infinite derivative gravity

Harmsen, Gerhard Erwin



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Publication date: 2019

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):

Harmsen, G. E. (2019). Field perturbations in general relativity and infinite derivative gravity. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.99355803


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Appendix A

Gamma Matrices

During the derivation of the Super covariant derivative and subsequently the deriva-tion of the radial equaderiva-tions we have used the Dirac gamma matrices some of their identities. As such we will briefly go over these matrices and show some useful iden-tities. The gamma matrices are a set of γi, where i =0, 1, 2, ..., N−1, N×N matrices with a specific anti-commutation relation that ensures they generate theCl1,N1(R) Clifford algerbra, where N represents the total number of space time dimensions. That is they must obey the relation [119]

γµ, γν =2ηµνIN. (A.1)

Furthermore if N is even we can construct another matrix as follows[119]

γN =iN/2−1 N−1


γi, (A.2)

in some literature this is called the Hermitian chiral matrix.

For our work the identities we will need involve the anti-symmetric gamma matrix relations given as follows

γaγb=γab+gab γaγbγc =γabc+γagbc−γbgac+γcgab γaγbγcγd =γabcd+  γabgcd−γacgbd+γadgbc  +γbcgad−γbdgac+γcdgab  +gabgcd−gacgbd+gadgbc γaγbγcγdγe =γabcde+ 



 + gbcgde−gbdgce+gbegcdγa−  gcdgea−gcegda+gcagdeγb +gdegab−gdageb+gdbgeaγc−  geagbc−gebgac+gecgabγd +gabgcd−gacgbd+gadgbcγe  (A.3) Using the above identities we can easily, although tedious, obtain the following re-sults

γaγa = D (A.4)


γabγb= (D−1)γa (A.7) γabγbc= (D−2)γac+ (D−1)gac (A.8) γabγbcd= (D−3)γacd− (D−2)(γcgad−γdgac) (A.9) γabcγc = (D−2)γab (A.10) γabcγcd = (D−3)γdab+ (D−2)(γagbdγbgad) (A.11) γabcγce f =(D−4)γabe f− (D−3)  γaegbfγafgbeγbegaf +γbfgae  − (D−2)(gaegbf −gafgbe). (A.12) γge f aγa = (D−3)γge f (A.13) γgacbγbe = (D−4)γgace+ (D−3) γgagceγgcgae+γacgeg  (A.14) γgacbγbe f = (D−5)γgace f − (D−4)γgaegcf −γ ga fg c e+γ gc fg a e−γ gc egaf +γaceg g f −γ ac fg g e  − (D−3)  γg  gaegcf −gafgce−γa  gcfgeg−gceg g f  +γc  geggaf −gaeg g f   (A.15) There are further relations we may need to consider which are nessecary for the calculation of the super covariant derivative. We have given there results below.

γλµν[D, γνρσFρσ] =2(D−3)γνλµFµν− (D−3)γµνλFµν+2(D−2)∇µFµλ. γλµν[γµ, γnu] = −2(D−2)(D−1)γλ. γλµν[γµ, γρFνρ] = −2(D−3)γλνρFνρ+2(D−2)γνFνλ. γλµν= −2(D−4)(D−3)γλρσFρσ+4(D−3)(D−2)γρFρλ γλµν[γρFµρ, γσFνσ] = −2γλµνρσFµνFρσ4γµνρFµρFνλ2γλFρσFρσ4γµFµνFνλ. γλµν[γαFµα, γνρσF ρσ] = −2(D5) γλµνρσFµνF ρ+6(D4) γµρσF ρσFλ µ . γλµν[γµαβF αβ, γ νρσFρσ] = −2(D2−11D+26)γλαβρσF αβFρσ+8(D6)(D3) γραβF αβFρλ +4(D−4)(D−3)γλFρσFρσ−16(D−3)γρFρσFσλ.



Appendix B

Full expressions of the curvature


In this appendix we show the full expressions for all curvature tensors and invari-ants for the IDG linearized static metric for a charged point-source derived in Eqs. (6.19). Furthermore we recall that F(x)is the Dawson function and Erf(x) is the error function.

The Ricci scalar is given by[110]:

R = GmM 3 se− 1 4r2M2s √ π ; (B.1)

the non-zero components of the Riemann tensor:

R0101= 1 8G " Ms3   2Q2FrMs 2  r + 4me−14r2M2s √ π  + 8Ms  Q2FrMs 2  + 2mre− 1 4r2 M2s √ π  r3 +Q2rM5sF rMs 2  − 16mErf  rMs 2  r3 − 4Q2M2 s r2 −Q 2M4 s # , R0303= R0202sin2(θ) = 1 4G sin 2( θ) h Ms  − 2Q2FrMs 2  r − 4me−14r2M2s √ π   −Q2rM3 sF  rMs 2  + 4mErf(rMs2 ) r +Q2M2s i , R1313= R1212sin2(θ) = 1 16G sin 2( θ) " Ms   4Q2F  rMs 2  r + 16me−14r2M2s √ π  +Q2r3M5sF  rMs 2  −16mErf(rMs2 ) r + 8mr2M3 se− 1 4r2M2s √ π −Q2r2M4s −2Q2M2s # , R2323= 1 4Gr sin 2( θ) " Ms −2Q2F rMs 2  − 8mre −1 4r2Ms2 √ π ! −Q2r2M3sF rMs 2  +8mErf rMs 2  +Q2rM2s # ; (B.2)


R00= 1 8GM 3 s s 2 r + 4me √ π −Q2Ms, R11= 1 4GMs  Ms 2mMse −1 4r2M2s √ π + Q 2 r2 ! − Q 2 r2M2 s+2 F  rMs 2  r3  , R22= 1 16GMs   Q2 r4M4s+4 FrMs 2  r +Ms 8mr2Mse− 1 4r2M2s √ π −Q2r2M2s −2Q2 ! , R33= 1 16G sin 2( θ)Ms " Q2 r4M4s+4 FrMs 2  r +Ms  8mr2Mse− 1 4r2 M2s √ π −Q 2r2M2 s−2Q2 # ; (B.3) the non-zero components of the Weyl tensor:

C0101 = 1 48G " M3s   12Q2FrMs 2  r + 16me−14r2M2s √ π  + Ms  36Q2FrMs 2  +96mre− 1 4r2 M2s √ π  r3 +3Q2rMs5F rMs 2  −96mErf  rMs 2  r3 − 18Q2M2s r2 −3Q 2M4 s # , C0303 = −C1313 = C0202sin2(θ) = −C1212sin2(θ) = 1 96G sin 2( θ) " 4rM3s −3Q2F rMs 2  − 4mre −1 4r2M2s √ π ! +Ms  −36Q2F(rMs2 ) r −96me −14r2 M2sπ  −3Q2r3M5sF rMs 2  + 96mErfrMs 2  r +3Q 2r2M4 s +18Q2M2s # , C2323 = 1 48Gr sin 2( θ) " 4r2M3s −3Q2F rMs 2  −4mre −1 4r2M2s √ π ! +Ms  −36Q2FrMs 2  −96mre−14r2 M2s √ π  −3Q2r4M5sF rMs 2  +96mErf rMs 2  +3Q2r3M4s+18Q2rMs2 # . (B.4) We will now show the expressions for the curvature invariants. The Ricci scalar squared is given by:

R2 = G 2m2M6 se− 1 2r2M2s π ; (B.5)


Appendix B. Full expressions of the curvature tensors 95

the Ricci tensor squared:

RµνRµν = G2M2 s 128πr6 " F rMs 2  32√πmQ2r7M6se− 1 4r2M2s 64πmQ2r5M4 se− 1 4r2M2s −6πQ4r7M7s +4πQ4r5M5s24πQ4r3M3s48πQ4rMs ! +πQ4  3r8M8s−8r6M6s +24r4M4s+32r2M2s+48  F rMs 2 2 +M4s128m2r6e−12r2Ms2+4πQ4r4  −32√πmQ2r6Ms5e− 1 4r2Ms2 +3πQ4r6M6s +12πQ4r2Ms2 # ; (B.6) the Weyl tensor squared:

CµνρσCµνρσ= G2e−1 2r2M2s 192πr6 " −4r2M3s  3√πQ2e14r2M2sF rMs 2  +4mr  −12Ms  3√πQ2e 1 4r2M2sF rMs 2  +8mr  −3√πQ2r4M5se 1 4r2M2sF rMs 2  +96√πme 1 4r2M2sErf rMs 2  +18√πQ2rMs2e 1 4r2Ms2+3πQ2r3M4 se 1 4r2M2s #2 ; (B.7)


K = 32πr6 3e πQ r F 2 Ms −6e πQ r F 2 Ms +32e14r2M2smπQ2F rMs 2  r7+3e12r2M2sπQ4r6 +8e12r2M2sπQ4F  rMs 2  2r6M8 s −4e14r2M2s√πQ2r5  7e14r2M2s√πF rMs 2  Q2+8mr  M7s +4r418e12r2M2sπF rMs 2  2Q4+5e1 2r2M2sπQ4+32e41r2M2smπrF rMs 2  Q2 +24m2r2M6s −24e14r2M2s√πQ2r3  8mr+e14r2Ms2√πF rMs 2   5Q2+4mrErf rMs 2  M5s +4r2  40e12r2M2sπF rMs 2  2Q4+15e1 2r2M2sπQ4+144e41r2M2smπrF rMs 2  Q2 +24e12r2M2smπrErf rMs 2  Q2+128m2r2  Ms4 −16e14r2M2s√πr  3e14r2M2s√πF rMs 2   5Q2+8mrErf rMs 2  Q2 +4mr  9Q2+8mrErf rMs 2   M3s+48  5e12r2M2sπF rMs 2  2Q4 +24e14r2M2smπrF rMs 2  Q2+4mr  3e12r2M2sπErf rMs 2  Q2+8mr   M2s −384e14r2M2smπ  3e14r2M2s√πF rMs 2  Q2+8mr  Erf rMs 2  Ms +1536e12r2M2sm2πErf  rMs 2 2 # . (B.8) In the case Q=0, we would recover all curvature tensors and invariants for the case of a neutral point-source obtained in Ref. [120], as expected.



We then introduce spin-3/2 fields, by giving the appro- priate equation of motion describing these types of fields, note that due to the space times we wish to study we will need

F IGURE 3.6: In the above plot we have shown the relation between the QNMs for the non-TT eigenspinors for differing values of the di- mension, D, as well as the electric charge Q,

This results in QNMs modes that are far larger than the ones we have previously seen in the case of the Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordström black holes. Note that this choice of

In this process we will show how to obtain the propagator for IDG as well as derive the field equations that we will use later in this thesis to derive the modified metrics

This does not prove that the metric is in fact non-singular, to prove that the metric is non-singular in the next section we look at the curvature terms of the metric and derive

Note that this choice of the stresss-energy tensor, in analogy with the static case, is compatible with the fact that in order for the Einstein equations and the Kerr metric to

We note that we have successfully obtained the effective potentials for spin-3/2 fields near a Reissner-Nordström black holes, as well as for a Schwarzschild black hole in (A)dS

We note that we have successfully obtained the effective potentials for spin-3/2 fields near a Reissner-Nordström black holes, as well as for a Schwarzschild black hole in (A)dS