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APPENDIX A: Annotations of landscape metrics equations


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Appendix A


APPENDIX A: Annotations of landscape metrics equations

Table A.1: Notations used in the landscape metrics Equations 1-6 (Chapter 4) (McGarigal and Marks, 1995).





1, … , m or m’ patch types (classes)


j 1, … , n patches



Total landscape area (m2)



Area (m2) of patch ij


Total length (m) of edge in landscape; the user may specify whether entire landscape

boundary and background edge segments are to be included.


Total number of patches in the landscape, excluding any background patches

Supplementary references

McGarigal, K. & Marks, B. J. 1995. FRAGSTATS: spatial pattern analysis program for quantifying

landscape structure. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-351. OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture,

Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.


Appendix B


APPENDIX B: Box-Cox transformations (normality)

Ta ble B .1 : The B ox -Co x tra ns fo rm at io ns w ith the in di vidu al fo rm ula s fo r ea ch urba nis at io n m ea sure to a chie ve m ax im ized no rm ality o f their va lue dis tributio ns . Sta nd ard dev ia tio n, lo w er co nfi dence lim it, u pp er co nfide nce lim it, fo r the ind iv idu al m ea sures as co m pute d fo r the tra ns fo rm at io ns a re als o lis ted.


Appendix B


The following graphs represent the “before” (original) and “after” (Box-Cox transformed) normal

distribution plots for the eight urbanisation measures used in this study (see Chapter 4).


Appendix B


Appendix B


Appendix B


Appendix C


APPENDIX C: Landscape metrics correlation matrix

Ta ble C. 1: Co rr ela tio n m at rix f or the eig ht la nd sca pe m et ric s ca lcula ted fo r the 5 00 m ² grid ce lls w ithin t he st ud y are a. Sig nifica nt co rr ela tio ns (a t p <0 .0 5) a re ind ica ted in bo ld re d t ex t.


Appendix D


APPENDIX D: SPOT satellite– and in-field images of the 30 selected

grassland fragments

The images below represent SPOT 5 satellite images indicating maps of patch- and 500m matrix area

boundaries, as well as in-field photographs of the rural/peri-urban and urban grassland fragments. The

fragment and buffers sizes (ha) and specific urbanisation measure values are also provided. The

selected grassland fragments are arranged in the direction of increasing percentage impervious

surfaces (%IS).

R ural/p er i-u rb an


Appendix D



Appendix D




Appendix D


Appendix D


Appendix D


Appendix E


APPENDIX E: Annotations of plant functional diversity indices equations

Table E. 1: Notations used in the species diversity indices Equations (Chapter 5) (Begon et al., 2006). Term Definition


H Shannon’s diversity index

S Total number of species in the community Wi


Proportion contribution (individuals) of the i th species to the total sample Pielou’s evenness index

Table E. 2: Notations used in the species functional diversity indices Equations (Chapter 5) (Pla et al., 2012; Villéger et al., 2008).

Term Definition Symbol

EWb Weighted evenness

dij Euclidean distance between species i and j

dGi Euclidean distance of species i from the gravity centre

∆d Abundance weighted deviances

wi Abundance of species i

zi Distance of species i to the weighted centroid

Supplementary references

Begon, M., Townsend, C.R. & Harper, J.L. 2006. Ecology: from individuals to ecosystems. 4



Blackwell Publishing.

Pla, L., Casanoves, F. & Di Rienzo, J.A. 2012. Quantifying functional biodiversity. Springer.

Villéger, S., Mason, N. & Mouillot, D. 2008. New multidimensional functional diversity indices for


Appendix F


APPENDIX F: Plant species list and plant functional traits

Ta ble F. 1: Lis t of t he pla nt species (na m es f ollo w G er m is huizen et a l. (2 00 6) ) re co rded du ring t his s tud y an d their fun ct io na l t ra its ( af ter Co rnelis se n et a l. (2 00 3) a nd Aro ns on et a l. (2 00 7) ).


Appendix F


Ta ble F. 1 co ntin ue


Appendix F


Ta ble F. 1 co ntin ue


Appendix F


Ta ble F. 1 co ntin ue


Appendix F


Ta ble F. 1 co ntin ue


Appendix F


Ta ble F. 1 co ntin ue


Appendix F


Ta ble F. 1 co ntin ue


Appendix F


Ta ble F. 1 co ntin ue


Appendix G


APPENDIX G: Multiple regression analysis results for plant species

richness, functional traits, and functional diversity

Table G.1: Correlation matrix and multiple regression results for plant species richness and diversity indices and the selected five urbanisation measures (representing pattern/process associated with urbanisation). Significant correlations (at p < 0.05) are indicated in bold text. Moderate linear relationships (0.1 ≤ r² < 0.25) are indicated in orange, and strong linear relationships (r² ≥ 0.25) in red. Matrix variable Intra-patch variable Corr. direction r value p value r² value

PURBLC Mean species richness - -0.187787 0.320358 0.035264

(% impervious Shannon's diversity index (H') - -0.294002 0.114802 0.086437

surfaces) Pielou's evenness index (E) - -0.208938 0.267836 0.043655

ED Mean species richness - -0.296551 0.111544 0.087942

(fragmentation) Shannon's diversity index (H') - -0.375811 0.040693 0.141234

Pielou's evenness index (E) - -0.249395 0.183826 0.062198

PGRALC Mean species richness + 0.353275 0.055491 0.124803

(habitat loss) Shannon's diversity index (H') + 0.478830 0.007431 0.229278

Pielou's evenness index (E) + 0.403058 0.027211 0.162456

DENSPEOP Mean species richness - -0.428276 0.018219 0.183420

(urbanisation) Shannon's diversity index (H') - -0.433315 0.016757 0.187762

Pielou's evenness index (E) - -0.328731 0.076114 0.108064

Table G.2: Correlation matrix and multiple regression results for plant functional traits and the selected five urbanisation measures (representing pattern/process associated with urbanisation). Significant correlations (at p < 0.05) are indicated in bold text. Moderate linear relationships (0.1 ≤ r² < 0.25) are indicated in orange, and strong linear relationships (r² ≥ 0.25) in red.

Matrix value Intra-patch variable direction Corr. r value p value r² value

PURBLC 1. Status (% impervious %Native - -0.504098 0.0045 0.2541 surfaces) %Exotic + 0.504098 0.0045 0.2541 2. Growth form %Forb - -0.347144 0.0602 0.1205 %Graminoid + 0.159456 0.4000 0.0250 %Shrub - -0.214419 0.2552 0.0460 %Tree + 0.440770 0.0148 0.1943 %Succulent - -0.150576 0.4271 0.0227 %Vine + 0.346752 0.0605 0.1202 %Parasite - -0.038680 0.8392 0.0015 3. Life form %Phanerophyte + 0.412661 0.0234 0.1703 %Hemicryptophyte - -0.029211 0.8782 0.0009 %Chamaephyte - -0.043909 0.8178 0.0019 %Therophyte + 0.104504 0.5826 0.0109 %Geophyte - -0.548437 0.0017 0.3008 4. Life span %Perennial - -0.132201 0.4862 0.0175 %Annual + 0.132201 0.4862 0.0175 5. Clonality %Non-clonal + 0.405263 0.0263 0.1642 %Clonal belowground - -0.476276 0.0078 0.2268 %Clonal aboveground + 0.288733 0.1218 0.0834


Appendix G


(PURBLC) 6. Spinescence %No spines + 0.106494 0.5754 0.0113 %Spines - -0.106494 0.5754 0.0113 7. Leaf periodicity %Deciduous - -0.096174 0.6132 0.0092 %Evergreen - -0.272873 0.1446 0.0745 %Semi-evergreen + 0.472326 0.0084 0.2231

8. Primary dispersal method

%Unassisted dispersal + 0.137817 0.4677 0.0190

%Wind dispersal - -0.212892 0.2587 0.0453

%Internal animal dispersal + 0.010093 0.9578 0.0001

%External animal dispersal + 0.055015 0.7728 0.0030

%Unassisted/internal animal dispersal + 0.416878 0.0219 0.1738

9. Primary pollination vector

%Abiotic pollination - -0.097392 0.6087 0.0095 %Biotic pollination + 0.097392 0.6087 0.0095 ED 1. Status (fragmentation) %Native - -0.516819 0.003453 0.267102 %Exotic + 0.516819 0.003453 0.267102 2. Growth form %Forb - -0.357265 0.052601 0.127638 %Graminoid + 0.216132 0.251329 0.046713 %Shrub - -0.217665 0.247901 0.047378 %Tree + 0.465496 0.009535 0.216686 %Succulent - -0.154311 0.415545 0.023812 %Vine + 0.216261 0.251040 0.046769 %Parasite - -0.037685 0.843271 0.001420 3. Life form %Phanerophyte + 0.387417 0.034412 0.150092 %Hemicryptophyte + 0.025569 0.893308 0.000654 %Chamaephyte - -0.061391 0.747251 0.003769 %Therophyte + 0.114126 0.548172 0.013025 %Geophyte - -0.605986 0.000387 0.367219 4. Life span %Perennial - -0.154895 0.413759 0.023992 %Annual + 0.154895 0.413759 0.023992 5. Clonality %Non-clonal + 0.431245 0.017345 0.185972 %Clonal belowground - -0.545707 0.001814 0.297796 %Clonal aboveground + 0.406950 0.025625 0.165608

%Clonal above-and belowground + 0.182679 0.333934 0.033372

6. Spinescence %No spines + 0.175327 0.354078 0.030740 %Spines - -0.175327 0.354078 0.030740 7. Leaf periodicity %Deciduous - -0.017547 0.926671 0.000308 %Evergreen - -0.339241 0.066660 0.115084 %Semi-evergreen + 0.435236 0.016225 0.189430

8. Primary dispersal method

%Unassisted dispersal + 0.102729 0.589064 0.010553

%Wind dispersal - -0.174340 0.356837 0.030394

%Internal animal dispersal + 0.025595 0.893203 0.000655

%External animal dispersal - -0.032151 0.866066 0.001034

%Unassisted/internal animal dispersal + 0.458078 0.010909 0.209836

9. Primary pollination vector

%Abiotic pollination + 0.017645 0.926264 0.000311

%Biotic pollination - -0.017645 0.926264 0.000311


Appendix G


PGRALC 1. Status

(habitat loss) %Native + 0.510794 0.003922 0.260911

%Exotic - -0.510794 0.003922 0.260911 2. Growth form %Forb + 0.193316 0.306051 0.037371 %Graminoid - -0.257233 0.169978 0.066169 %Shrub + 0.317801 0.087009 0.100997 %Tree - -0.319520 0.085221 0.102093 %Succulent + 0.259315 0.166426 0.067244 %Vine - -0.125799 0.507721 0.015825 %Parasite + 0.078974 0.678269 0.006237 3. Life form %Phanerophyte - -0.248132 0.186130 0.061569 %Hemicryptophyte + 0.155995 0.410410 0.024334 %Chamaephyte + 0.079025 0.678071 0.006245 %Therophyte - -0.252796 0.177724 0.063906 %Geophyte + 0.492881 0.005653 0.242932 4. Life span %Perennial + 0.292532 0.116712 0.085575 %Annual - -0.292532 0.116712 0.085575 5. Clonality %Non-clonal - -0.450153 0.012557 0.202637 %Clonal belowground + 0.485920 0.006482 0.236119 %Clonal aboveground - -0.196046 0.299141 0.038434

%Clonal above-and belowground - -0.288549 0.122009 0.083261

6. Spinescence %No spines + 0.030251 0.873917 0.000915 %Spines - -0.030251 0.873917 0.000915 7. Leaf periodicity %Deciduous + 0.061773 0.745727 0.003816 %Evergreen + 0.220291 0.242101 0.048528 %Semi-evergreen - -0.357528 0.052415 0.127826

8. Primary dispersal method

%Unassisted dispersal - -0.036380 0.848635 0.001324

%Wind dispersal + 0.048183 0.800392 0.002322

%Internal animal dispersal + 0.063679 0.738151 0.004055

%External animal dispersal + 0.156876 0.407739 0.024610

%Unassisted/internal animal dispersal - -0.456038 0.011315 0.207971

9. Primary pollination vector

%Abiotic pollination + 0.202598 0.282953 0.041046 %Biotic pollination - -0.202598 0.282953 0.041046 DENSPEOP 1. Status (urbanisation) %Native - -0.584005 0.000703 0.341062 %Exotic + 0.584005 0.000703 0.341062 2. Growth form %Forb - -0.181807 0.336285 0.033054 %Graminoid + 0.395871 0.030350 0.156714 %Shrub - -0.406758 0.025702 0.165452 %Tree + 0.201703 0.285132 0.040684 %Succulent - -0.307820 0.097961 0.094753 %Vine + 0.107282 0.572568 0.011509 %Parasite - -0.103796 0.585180 0.010774 3. Life form %Phanerophyte + 0.136879 0.470746 0.018736 %Hemicryptophyte - -0.212871 0.258726 0.045314 %Chamaephyte - -0.266423 0.154700 0.070981 %Therophyte + 0.427905 0.018331 0.183103 %Geophyte - -0.369285 0.044608 0.136371

Table G.2 continue


Appendix G


(DENSPEOP) 4. Life span %Perennial - -0.445522 0.013613 0.198490 %Annual + 0.445522 0.013613 0.198490 5. Clonality %Non-clonal + 0.498404 0.005061 0.248406 %Clonal belowground - -0.518106 0.003360 0.268433 %Clonal aboveground + 0.146900 0.438557 0.021580

%Clonal above-and belowground + 0.412699 0.023422 0.170320

6. Spinescence %No spines - -0.055467 0.770958 0.003077 %Spines + 0.055467 0.770958 0.003077 7. Leaf periodicity %Deciduous - -0.002423 0.989861 0.000006 %Evergreen - -0.249321 0.183961 0.062161 %Semi-evergreen + 0.304229 0.102146 0.092555

8. Primary dispersal method

%Unassisted dispersal + 0.024647 0.897135 0.000607

%Wind dispersal - -0.074520 0.695529 0.005553

%Internal animal dispersal - -0.191744 0.310079 0.036766

%External animal dispersal - -0.012364 0.948298 0.000153

%Unassisted/internal animal dispersal + 0.669312 0.000052 0.447979 9. Primary pollination vector

%Abiotic pollination - -0.021738 0.909223 0.000473

%Biotic pollination + 0.021738 0.909223 0.000473

Table G.3: Correlation matrix and multiple regression results for plant functional diversity indices and the selected five urbanisation measures (representing pattern/process associated with urbanisation). Significant correlations (at p < 0.05) are indicated in bold text. Moderate linear relationships (0.1 ≤ r² < 0.25) are indicated in orange, and strong linear relationships (r² ≥ 0.25) in red.

Matrix value Intra-patch variable direction Corr. r value p value r² value

PURBLC Functional richness (FRic) - -0.062451 0.743032 0.003900

(% impervious Functional evenness (FEve) + 0.422524 0.020015 0.178527

surfaces) Functional divergence (FDiv) - -0.075886 0.690218 0.005759

Functional dispersion (FDis) - -0.042766 0.822453 0.001829

Functional specialisation (FSpe) - -0.129305 0.495868 0.016720

ED Functional richness (FRic) - -0.187013 0.322391 0.034974

(fragmentation) Functional evenness (FEve) + 0.410571 0.024218 0.168569

Functional divergence (FDiv) - -0.097133 0.609615 0.009435

Functional dispersion (FDis) + 0.037531 0.843907 0.001409

Functional specialisation (FSpe) - -0.146575 0.439581 0.021484

PGRALC Functional richness (FRic) + 0.104223 0.583630 0.010862

(habitat loss) Functional evenness (FEve) - -0.560394 0.001278 0.314041

Functional divergence (FDiv) - -0.001961 0.991795 0.000004

Functional dispersion (FDis) + 0.165495 0.382126 0.027389

Functional specialisation (FSpe) + 0.154569 0.414754 0.023892

DENSPEOP Functional richness (FRic) - -0.103184 0.587404 0.010647

(urbanisation) Functional evenness (FEve) + 0.477227 0.007661 0.227746

Functional divergence (FDiv) + 0.009619 0.959767 0.000093

Functional dispersion (FDis) - -0.029437 0.877281 0.000867

Functional specialisation (FSpe) + 0.058124 0.760300 0.003378


Appendix H


APPENDIX H: Tukey’s HSD test (ANOVA) results for plant species

richness, functional traits, and functional diversity

Table H.1: Tukey’s HSD for unequal N (ANOVA) to indicate significant differences between mean species richness and species diversity indices for grassland fragments in rural/peri-urban and urban surroundings. Significant differences at p < 0.05 are indicated in red.

Mean species richness Rural / peri-urban M=54.164 M=47.561 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.115071

Urban 0.115071

Shannon's diversity index (H′) Rural / peri-urban M=3.0900 M=2.7179 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.049506

Urban 0.049506

Pielou's evenness index (E) Rural / peri-urban M=.68909 M=.64737 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.185576

Urban 0.185576

Table H.2: Tukey’s HSD for unequal N (ANOVA) to indicate significant differences between the mean % species richness consisting of plant species characterised by certain functional traits for grassland fragments in rural/peri-urban and urban surroundings. Significant differences at p < 0.05 are indicated in red.

1. Status

% Native Rural / peri-urban M=83.262 M=70.538 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.004832

Urban 0.004832

% Exotic Rural / peri-urban M=16.738 M=29.462 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.004832

Urban 0.004832

2. Growth form

% Graminoid Rural / peri-urban M=23.409 M=25.702 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.149649

Urban 0.149649

% Forb Rural / peri-urban M=65.224 M=61.709 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.047385

Urban 0.047385

% Shrub Rural / peri-urban M=5.6812 M=4.7857 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.344660

Urban 0.344660

% Tree Rural / peri-urban M=1.0041 M=2.9352 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.038893


Appendix H


% Succulent Rural / peri-urban M=1.0806 M=.78535 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.575039

Urban 0.575039

% Vine Rural / peri-urban M=3.2049 M=3.7100 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.478474

Urban 0.478474

% Parasite Rural / peri-urban M=.39593 M=.37392 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.942615

Urban 0.942615

3. Life form

% Phanerophyte Rural / peri-urban M=3.7308 M=5.5960 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.095738

Urban 0.095738

% Hemicryptophyte Rural / peri-urban M=44.708 M=44.200 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.797391

Urban 0.797391

% Chamaephyte Rural / peri-urban M=28.968 M=28.212 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.751107

Urban 0.751107

% Therophyte Rural / peri-urban M=13.138 M=15.812 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.384566

Urban 0.384566

% Geophyte Rural / peri-urban M=9.4554 M=6.1804 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.001579

Urban 0.001579

4. Life span

% Perennial Rural / peri-urban M=86.552 M=82.978 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.250456

Urban 0.250456

% Annual Rural / peri-urban M=13.448 M=17.022 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.250456

Urban 0.250456


Appendix H


5. Clonality

% Non-clonal Rural / peri-urban M=67.758 M=72.465 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.011998

Urban 0.011998

% Clonal belowground Rural / peri-urban M=26.500 M=19.970 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.002375

Urban 0.002375

% Clonal aboveground Rural / peri-urban M=4.5520 M=6.1725 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.083603

Urban 0.083603

% Clonal above- and belowground Rural / peri-urban M=1.1908 M=1.3920 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.356031

Urban 0.356031

6. Spinescence

% No spines Rural / peri-urban M=92.375 M=92.876 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.546990

Urban 0.546990

% Spines Rural / peri-urban M=7.6253 M=7.1245 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.546990

Urban 0.546990

7. Leaf periodicity

% Deciduous Rural / peri-urban M=83.329 M=83.366 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.979723

Urban 0.979723

% Evergreen Rural / peri-urban M=11.785 M=9.9078 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.099191

Urban 0.099191

% Semi-evergreen Rural / peri-urban M=4.8849 M=6.7265 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.047777

Urban 0.047777

8. Primary dispersal mode

% Unassisted dispersal Rural / peri-urban M=36.064 M=36.639 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.761121

Urban 0.761121

% Wind dispersal Rural / peri-urban M=52.006 M=50.205 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.463930

Urban 0.463930


Appendix H


% Internal animal dispersal Rural / peri-urban M=4.9639 M=5.1293 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.871812

Urban 0.871812

% External animal dispersal Rural / peri-urban M=5.6289 M=5.3536 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.715627

Urban 0.715627

% Unassisted/internal animal dispersal Rural / peri-urban M=1.3370 M=2.6716 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.003929

Urban 0.003929

9. Primary pollination vector

% Abiotic pollination Rural / peri-urban M=28.506 M=28.592 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.957903

Urban 0.957903

% Biotic pollination Rural / peri-urban M=71.494 M=71.408 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.957903

Urban 0.957903

Table H.3: Tukey’s HSD for unequal N (ANOVA) to indicate significant differences between the mean functional diversity indices for grassland fragments in rural/peri-urban and urban surroundings. Significant differences at p < 0.05 are indicated in red.

Functional richness (FRic) Rural / peri-urban M=7.9645 M=7.6174 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.593046

Urban 0.593046

Functional evenness (FEve) Rural / peri-urban M=.48273 M=.53368 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.009094

Urban 0.009094

Functional divergence (FDiv) Rural / peri-urban M=.92091 M=.91053 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.550311

Urban 0.550311

Functional dispersion (FDis) Rural / peri-urban M=1.1627 M=1.1774 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.849831

Urban 0.849831

Functional specialisation (FSpe) Rural / peri-urban M=1.8227 M=1.7984 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.377529

Urban 0.377529


Appendix I


APPENDIX I: Scoring method and ranges of the eleven Soil Surface

Assessment (SSA) indicators.

Table I.1: Specific scores and class values for the eleven soil surface indicators assessed during the SSA step of LFA (after Tongway & Hindley, 2004).

1. Vegetation canopy /rock cover (rainsplash protection)

Projected aerial cover Class Interpretation

<1% 1 No rainsplash protection

1-15% 2 Low rainsplash protection

15-30% 3 Moderate rainsplash protection

30-50% 4 High rainsplash protection

>50% 5 Very high rainsplash protection

2. Perennial vegetation cover

Basal/canopy cover Class Interpretation

>1% 1 No subsurface contribution

1-10% 2 Low subsurface contribution

10-20% 3 Moderate subsurface contribution

>20% 4 High subsurface contribution

3. Litter

Plant litter cover Class

<10% 1 10-25% 2 25-50% 3 50-75% 4 75-100% 5 100%; >20mm thick 6 100%; 21-70mm thick 7 100%; 70-120% 8 100%; 120-170mm thick 9 100%; >170mm thick 10

Litter origin Symbol

Local L

Transported T

Litter degree of decomposition

Nil N

Slight S

Moderate M

Extensive E

4. Cryptogam cover

Biological crust cover Class Interpretation

N/A 0 No stable crust present

<1% 1 No contribution

1-10% 2 Slight contribution

10-50% 3 Moderate contribution


Appendix I


5. Crust brokenness

Crust brokenness Class

No crust present 0

Crust present; extensively broken 1

Crust present; moderately broken 2

Crust present; slightly broken 3

Crust present; intact, smooth 4

6. Soil erosion type and severity

Erosion type Symbol

Sheeting E

Pedestal P

Terracette T

Rill R

Scalding S

Erosion severity Class

Severe 1

Moderate 2

Slight 3

Insignificant 4

7. Deposited materials

Deposited material (alluvium) Class Interpretation

>50% 1 Extensive amount

20-50% 2 Moderate amount

5-20% 3 Slight amount

0-5% 4 None/small amount

8. Soil surface roughness Soil surface roughness

(microtopography) Class Interpretation

<3mm relief 1 Smooth

3-8mm relief 2 Low retention

8-25mm relief 3 Moderate retention

Deep depressions with visible base 4 Large retention

Very deep depressions/cracks; >100m 5 Extensive retention

9. Surface resistance to disturbance

Soil surface nature Class Interpretation

Loose sandy surface 1 Surface is not crusted

Crust easily broken 2 Surface easily penetrated

Moderately hard crust 3 Moderately hard physical crust present

Hard and brittle crust 4 Needs metal instrument to break hard surface

Non-brittle 5 Soil surface shows "springiness"; self-mulching clay; no physical crust under dense perennial grass sward


Appendix I


10. Slake test

Soil fragment behaviour

in distilled water Class Interpretation

N/A 0 No coherent fragments

Very unstable 1 Fragment collapses in less than 5 sec.

Unstable 2 Fragment collapses in 5-10 sec; >50% of sub-crust material slumps Moderately stable 3 Surface crust remains intact; <50% sub-crust slumping

Very stable 4 Fragment remains intact with no swelling

11. Soil texture Texture

(determined by moist bolus test) Class Interpretation

Silty clay to heavy clay 1 Very slow infiltration rate

Sandy clay loam to sandy clay 2 Slow infiltration rate

Sandy loam to silt loam 3 Moderate infiltration rate

Sandy to clayey sand 4 High infiltration rate

Supplementary references

Tongway, DJ. & Hindley, N. 2004. Landscape function analysis: procedures for monitoring and

assessing landscapes. With special reference to minesites and rangelands. Canberra: CSIRO

Sustainable Ecosystems.


Appendix J


APPENDIX J: Multiple regression analysis results for landscape function

Table J.1: Correlation matrix and multiple regression results for physical landscape attributes and the selected five urbanisation measures (representing pattern/process associated with urbanisation). No significant correlations (at p < 0.05) were evident.

Matrix value Intra-patch variable Corr. direction r value p value r² value

PURBLC Landscape organisation index (LOI) - -0.045428 0.811594 0.002064

(% impervious Mean patch width (cm) + 0.037476 0.844133 0.001404

surfaces) Interpatch length (cm) + 0.022719 0.905144 0.000516

Total patch area (m²) - -0.075173 0.692987 0.005651

Longest interpatch (cm) - -0.172660 0.361564 0.029811

ED Landscape organisation index (LOI) + 0.017559 0.926621 0.000308

(fragmentation) Mean patch width (cm) + 0.158828 0.401855 0.025226

Interpatch length (cm) + 0.067486 0.723090 0.004554

Total patch area (m²) + 0.009178 0.961607 0.000084

Longest interpatch (cm) - -0.243255 0.195213 0.059173

PGRALC Landscape organisation index (LOI) - -0.147620 0.436293 0.021792

(habitat loss) Mean patch width (cm) - -0.175142 0.354594 0.030675

Interpatch length (cm) - -0.002572 0.989237 0.000007

Total patch area (m²) - -0.019659 0.917877 0.000386

Longest interpatch (cm) + 0.098082 0.606107 0.009620

DENSPEOP Landscape organisation index (LOI) + 0.104074 0.584171 0.010831

(urbanisation) Mean patch width (cm) + 0.146613 0.439462 0.021495

Interpatch length (cm) - -0.086309 0.650191 0.007449

Total patch area (m²) + 0.005690 0.976192 0.000032

Longest interpatch (cm) - -0.217752 0.247709 0.047416

Table J.2: Correlation matrix and multiple regression results for the soil surface indicators and total SSA functionality, and the selected five urbanisation measures (representing pattern/process associated with urbanisation). Significant correlations (at p < 0.05) are indicated in bold text. Moderate linear relationships (0.1 ≤ r² < 0.25) are indicated in orange and strong linear relationships (r² ≥ 0.25) in red. Matrix value Intra-patch variable Corr. direction r value p value r² value

PURBLC Stability + 0.012876 0.946159 0.000166

(% impervious Infiltration - -0.422318 0.020083 0.178353

surfaces) Nutrient Cycling - -0.350207 0.057797 0.122645

Total SSA functionality - -0.278941 0.135513 0.077808

ED Stability + 0.054395 0.775271 0.002959

(fragmentation) Infiltration - -0.340479 0.065609 0.115926

Nutrient Cycling - -0.275469 0.140651 0.075883

Total SSA functionality - -0.191157 0.311590 0.036541

PGRALC Stability + 0.126066 0.506814 0.015893

(habitat loss) Infiltration + 0.364243 0.047834 0.132673

Nutrient Cycling + 0.301887 0.104947 0.091136

Total SSA functionality + 0.304455 0.101879 0.092693

DENSPEOP Stability + 0.012863 0.946213 0.000165

(urbanisation) Infiltration - -0.202741 0.282606 0.041104

Nutrient Cycling - -0.134170 0.479653 0.018002


Appendix J


Table J.3: Correlation matrix and multiple regression results for physical landscape attributes soil surface indicators and SSA parameters. Significant correlations (at p < 0.05) are indicated in bold text. Moderate linear relationships (0.1 ≤ r² < 0.25) are indicated in orange and strong linear relationships (r² ≥ 0.25) in red.

Physical landscape

attribute SSA parameter Corr. Direction r value p value r² value

LOI Stability + 0.3877 0.0342 0.1503

Infiltration + 0.5159 0.0035 0.2662

Nutrient cycling + 0.5535 0.0015 0.3064

Total SSA functionality + 0.5408 0.0020 0.2924

Mean patch width (cm) Stability + 0.2601 0.1652 0.0676

Infiltration + 0.3892 0.0335 0.1515

Nutrient cycling + 0.3366 0.0690 0.1133

Total SSA functionality + 0.3716 0.0432 0.1381

Total patch area (m²) Stability + 0.3043 0.1021 0.0926

Infiltration + 0.2099 0.2656 0.0441

Nutrient cycling + 0.1743 0.3569 0.0304

Total SSA functionality + 0.2591 0.1668 0.0671

Mean interpatch length (m) Stability - -0.3704 0.0439 0.1372

Infiltration - -0.2071 0.2722 0.0429

Nutrient cycling - -0.2022 0.2838 0.0409

Total SSA functionality - -0.2985 0.1092 0.0891

Shortest interpatch (m) Stability - -0.2410 0.1995 0.0581

Infiltration - -0.1089 0.5666 0.0119

Nutrient cycling - -0.0555 0.7708 0.0031

Total SSA functionality - -0.1409 0.4577 0.0198

Longest interpatch (m) Stability - -0.1242 0.5130 0.0154

Infiltration - -0.0474 0.8034 0.0022

Nutrient cycling - -0.0799 0.6746 0.0064


Appendix K


APPENDIX K: Tukey’s HSD test (ANOVA) results for landscape function

Table K.1: Tukey’s HSD for unequal N (ANOVA) to indicate significant differences between mean physical landscape attributes for grassland fragments in rural/peri-urban and urban surroundings. There were no significant differences at p < 0.05.

Landscape organisation index (LOI) Rural / peri-urban M=83.900 M=84.879 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.877958

Urban 0.877958

Mean patch width (cm) Rural / peri-urban M=122.72 M=166.24 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.321149

Urban 0.321149

Mean total patch area (m²) Rural / peri-urban M=55.382 M=57.832 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.879578

Urban 0.879578

Mean interpatch length (m) Rural / peri-urban M=.32182 M=.32737 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.935889

Urban 0.935889

Shortest interpatch (m) Rural / peri-urban Urban

M=.11273 M=.11000

Rural / peri-urban 0.904404

Urban 0.904404

Longest interpatch (m) Rural / peri-urban Urban

M=.87636 M=.82105

Rural / peri-urban 0.825452

Urban 0.825452

Table K.2: Tukey’s HSD for unequal N (ANOVA) to indicate significant differences between mean SSA functionality indices for rural/peri-urban and urban surroundings. There were no significant differences at p < 0.05.

Stability SSA index Rural / peri-urban M=57.985 M=58.935 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.773001

Urban 0.773001

Infiltration SSA index Rural / peri-urban M=35.345 M=29.521 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.074442

Urban 0.074442

Nutrient cycling SSA index Rural / peri-urban M=30.902 M=25.563 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.169138

Urban 0.169138

Total SSA functionality Rural / peri-urban M=126.45 M=117.72 Urban

Rural / peri-urban 0.346035


Appendix L


APPENDIX L: Multiple regression analysis results for plant

diversity-landscape function

Table L.1: Correlation matrix and multiple regression results for physical landscape attributes and the selected five urbanisation measures (representing pattern/process associated with urbanisation). Significant correlations (at p < 0.05) are indicated in bold text and moderate linear relationships (0.1 ≤ r² < 0.25).

Corr. Direction r value p value r² value

Mean species richness

Stability + 0.024040 0.899655 0.000578

Infiltration - -0.047824 0.801847 0.002287

Nutrient Cycling - -0.035629 0.851728 0.001269

Total SSA functionality - -0.027960 0.883398 0.000782

LOI - -0.359666 0.050920 0.129360

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.336441 0.069084 0.113192

Interpatch length (m) + 0.268768 0.150964 0.072236

Total patch area (m²) - -0.248391 0.185657 0.061698

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.225419 0.231034 0.050814

Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.073538 0.699354 0.005408

Shannon's diversity index (H')

Stability - -0.021946 0.908357 0.000482

Infiltration - -0.011653 0.951265 0.000136

Nutrient Cycling - -0.020362 0.914950 0.000415

Total SSA functionality - -0.032325 0.865347 0.001045

LOI - -0.437542 0.015606 0.191443

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.229960 0.221522 0.052882

Interpatch length (m) + 0.280600 0.133105 0.078737

Total patch area (m²) - -0.122230 0.519929 0.014940

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.181944 0.335914 0.033104

Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.079223 0.677307 0.006276

Pielou's evenness index (E)

Stability - -0.024601 0.897325 0.000605

Infiltration - -0.055919 0.769144 0.003127

Nutrient Cycling - -0.051820 0.785659 0.002685

Total SSA functionality - -0.061325 0.747513 0.003761

LOI - -0.492788 0.005663 0.242840

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.142425 0.452783 0.020285

Interpatch length (m) + 0.356333 0.053265 0.126973

Total patch area (m²) - -0.067735 0.722106 0.004588

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.175913 0.352448 0.030945

Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.020582 0.914032 0.000424

Functional richness (FRic)

Stability - -0.033287 0.861379 0.001108

Infiltration + 0.106490 0.575424 0.011340

Nutrient Cycling + 0.096540 0.611812 0.009320

Total SSA functionality + 0.045238 0.812367 0.002047

LOI - -0.148061 0.434907 0.021922

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.202678 0.282760 0.041078

Interpatch length (m) + 0.137580 0.468454 0.018928

Total patch area (m²) - -0.134388 0.478932 0.018060

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.188984 0.317225 0.035715

Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.185338 0.326824 0.034350

Functional evenness (FEve)

Stability + 0.056846 0.765420 0.003232


Appendix L


Nutrient Cycling - -0.077077 0.685600 0.005941

Total SSA functionality - -0.038668 0.839235 0.001495

LOI + 0.213643 0.256963 0.045643

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.002068 0.991347 0.000004

Interpatch length (m) - -0.067057 0.724781 0.004497

Total patch area (m²) - -0.092349 0.627418 0.008528

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.070342 0.711853 0.004948

Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.078586 0.679765 0.006176

Functional divergence (FDiv)

Stability - -0.025100 0.895256 0.000630

Infiltration + 0.214357 0.255340 0.045949

Nutrient Cycling + 0.178053 0.346527 0.031703

Total SSA functionality + 0.138147 0.466607 0.019085

LOI + 0.274247 0.142493 0.075211

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.042740 0.822562 0.001827

Interpatch length (m) - -0.131264 0.489304 0.017230

Total patch area (m²) + 0.035899 0.850617 0.001289

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.202459 0.283293 0.040989

Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.147984 0.435148 0.021899

Functional dispersion (FDis)

Stability + 0.054105 0.776440 0.002927

Infiltration - -0.004119 0.982763 0.000017

Nutrient Cycling - -0.076134 0.689255 0.005796

Total SSA functionality - -0.037466 0.844172 0.001404

LOI - -0.232869 0.215571 0.054228

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.390185 0.033037 0.152244

Interpatch length (m) + 0.051355 0.787539 0.002637

Total patch area (m²) + 0.372608 0.042578 0.138837

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.018548 0.922500 0.000344

Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.179624 0.342217 0.032265

Functional specialisation (FSpe)

Stability - -0.139554 0.462036 0.019475

Infiltration + 0.239914 0.201612 0.057559

Nutrient Cycling + 0.152382 0.421469 0.023220

Total SSA functionality + 0.019853 0.917066 0.000394

LOI + 0.002333 0.990236 0.000005

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.143930 0.447971 0.020716

Interpatch length (m) + 0.097990 0.606449 0.009602

Total patch area (m²) + 0.129574 0.494963 0.016790

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.047226 0.804278 0.002230 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.099658 0.600304 0.009932 %Native Stability + 0.029568 0.876739 0.000874 Infiltration - -0.062684 0.742104 0.003929 Nutrient Cycling - -0.062168 0.744155 0.003865

Total SSA functionality - -0.002601 0.989117 0.000007

LOI - -0.173720 0.358578 0.030179

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.333418 0.071777 0.111168

Interpatch length (m) - -0.047267 0.804109 0.002234

Total patch area (m²) - -0.182552 0.334275 0.033325

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.094884 0.617960 0.009003 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.040240 0.832789 0.001619 %Exotic Stability - -0.029568 0.876739 0.000874 Infiltration + 0.062684 0.742104 0.003929 Nutrient Cycling + 0.062168 0.744155 0.003865

Total SSA functionality + 0.002601 0.989117 0.000007

LOI + 0.173720 0.358578 0.030179

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.333418 0.071777 0.111168


Appendix L


Interpatch length (m) + 0.047267 0.804109 0.002234

Total patch area (m²) + 0.182552 0.334275 0.033325

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.094884 0.617960 0.009003 Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.040240 0.832789 0.001619 %Forb Stability - -0.037131 0.845549 0.001379 Infiltration + 0.298398 0.109227 0.089041 Nutrient Cycling + 0.313998 0.091066 0.098595

Total SSA functionality + 0.181439 0.337280 0.032920

LOI + 0.246530 0.189081 0.060777

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.029149 0.878473 0.000850

Interpatch length (m) + 0.118972 0.531197 0.014154

Total patch area (m²) - -0.004939 0.979334 0.000024

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.039123 0.837369 0.001531 Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.307125 0.098761 0.094326 %Graminoids Stability + 0.018133 0.924231 0.000329 Infiltration + 0.016618 0.930547 0.000276 Nutrient Cycling + 0.062522 0.742749 0.003909

Total SSA functionality + 0.044121 0.816924 0.001947

LOI + 0.107535 0.571658 0.011564

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.121335 0.523013 0.014722

Interpatch length (m) + 0.033997 0.858448 0.001156

Total patch area (m²) + 0.052178 0.784211 0.002723

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.212609 0.259328 0.045203 Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.016037 0.932968 0.000257 %Shrub Stability + 0.050677 0.790281 0.002568 Infiltration + 0.061633 0.746286 0.003799 Nutrient Cycling - -0.043826 0.818127 0.001921

Total SSA functionality + 0.083073 0.662523 0.006901

LOI - -0.110592 0.560708 0.012231

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.144853 0.445032 0.020983

Interpatch length (m) - -0.169600 0.370263 0.028764

Total patch area (m²) - -0.067570 0.722758 0.004566

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.101834 0.592330 0.010370 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.333658 0.071561 0.111328 %Tree Stability - -0.078387 0.680533 0.006145 Infiltration - -0.345448 0.061522 0.119335 Nutrient Cycling - -0.363547 0.048293 0.132166

Total SSA functionality - -0.309334 0.096236 0.095688

LOI - -0.085094 0.654811 0.007241

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.173117 0.360274 0.029969

Interpatch length (m) - -0.068342 0.719715 0.004671

Total patch area (m²) + 0.181980 0.335819 0.033117

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.011403 0.952311 0.000130 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.029578 0.876700 0.000875 %Succulent Stability + 0.041745 0.826629 0.001743 Infiltration - -0.122486 0.519050 0.015003 Nutrient Cycling - -0.136437 0.472194 0.018615

Total SSA functionality - -0.025579 0.893266 0.000654

LOI - -0.401955 0.027675 0.161568

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.138534 0.465345 0.019192

Interpatch length (m) + 0.012992 0.945674 0.000169

Total patch area (m²) - -0.177175 0.348949 0.031391

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.069170 0.716459 0.004784

Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.158014 0.404302 0.024969


Appendix L


%Vines Stability + 0.136407 0.472293 0.018607 Infiltration - -0.236879 0.207546 0.056112 Nutrient Cycling - -0.173470 0.359279 0.030092

Total SSA functionality - -0.125230 0.509657 0.015683

LOI - -0.247893 0.186569 0.061451

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.300690 0.106401 0.090414

Interpatch length (m) - -0.061745 0.745838 0.003812

Total patch area (m²) - -0.206402 0.273818 0.042602

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.246850 0.188488 0.060935 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.194693 0.302553 0.037905 %Parasite Stability - -0.168081 0.374627 0.028251 Infiltration - -0.220733 0.241134 0.048723 Nutrient Cycling - -0.296946 0.111045 0.088177

Total SSA functionality - -0.266903 0.153930 0.071237

LOI - -0.183204 0.332521 0.033564

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.368564 0.045058 0.135839

Interpatch length (m) - -0.032989 0.862608 0.001088

Total patch area (m²) + 0.164955 0.383702 0.027210

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.082488 0.664764 0.006804 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.089906 0.636592 0.008083 %Phanerophytes Stability - -0.007053 0.970494 0.000050 Infiltration - -0.292806 0.116355 0.085735 Nutrient Cycling - -0.335842 0.069611 0.112790

Total SSA functionality - -0.231966 0.217407 0.053808

LOI - -0.069307 0.715918 0.004804

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.140717 0.458274 0.019801

Interpatch length (m) - -0.166328 0.379700 0.027665

Total patch area (m²) + 0.180196 0.340658 0.032471

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.012798 0.946486 0.000164 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.173585 0.358957 0.030132 %Hemicryptophyte Stability + 0.485051 0.006593 0.235274 Infiltration + 0.195886 0.299542 0.038371 Nutrient Cycling + 0.279643 0.134490 0.078200

Total SSA functionality + 0.400622 0.028244 0.160498

LOI - -0.020637 0.913802 0.000426

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.271142 0.147251 0.073518

Interpatch length (m) + 0.101603 0.593176 0.010323

Total patch area (m²) - -0.222404 0.237499 0.049464

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.033862 0.859006 0.001147 Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.117077 0.537805 0.013707 %Chamaephyte Stability - -0.175804 0.352751 0.030907 Infiltration - -0.400629 0.028241 0.160504 Nutrient Cycling - -0.394470 0.030995 0.155606

Total SSA functionality - -0.336699 0.068858 0.113366

LOI - -0.244002 0.193803 0.059537

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.179665 0.342106 0.032280

Interpatch length (m) - -0.020880 0.912794 0.000436

Total patch area (m²) - -0.126308 0.505990 0.015954

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.011343 0.952564 0.000129 Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.001835 0.992320 0.000003 %Therophyte Stability - -0.175667 0.353130 0.030859 Infiltration + 0.208547 0.268753 0.043492 Nutrient Cycling + 0.186464 0.323839 0.034769 Table L.1 continue


Appendix L


Total SSA functionality + 0.030337 0.873560 0.000920

LOI + 0.191677 0.310250 0.036740

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.268329 0.151658 0.072001

Interpatch length (m) + 0.103996 0.584453 0. 010815

Total patch area (m²) + 0.121291 0.523164 0.014712

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.042391 0.823988 0.001797 Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.092138 0.628208 0.008489 %Geophyte Stability + 0.011627 0.951375 0.000135 Infiltration + 0.222321 0.237680 0.049426 Nutrient Cycling + 0.169587 0.370299 0.028760

Total SSA functionality + 0.158672 0.402322 0.025177

LOI + 0.091999 0.628730 0.008464

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.027713 0.884421 0.000768

Interpatch length (m) - -0.240032 0.201383 0.057615

Total patch area (m²) + 0.132359 0.485658 0.017519

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.044975 0.813439 0.002023 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.273849 0.143095 0.074993 %Perennial Stability + 0.179883 0.341511 0.032358 Infiltration - -0.169141 0.371578 0.028609 Nutrient Cycling - -0.135193 0.476281 0.018277

Total SSA functionality + 0.008338 0.965120 0.000070

LOI - -0.111787 0.556457 0.012496

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.319627 0.085110 0.102161

Interpatch length (m) - -0.130387 0.492237 0.017001

Total patch area (m²) - -0.132325 0.485770 0.017510

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.033998 0.858447 0.001156 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.111651 0.556939 0.012466 %Annual Stability - -0.179883 0.341511 0.032358 Infiltration + 0.169141 0.371578 0.028609 Nutrient Cycling + 0.135193 0.476281 0.018277

Total SSA functionality - -0.008338 0.965120 0.000070

LOI + 0.111787 0.556457 0.012496

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.319627 0.085110 0.102161

Interpatch length (m) + 0.130387 0.492237 0.017001

Total patch area (m²) + 0.132325 0.485770 0.017510

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.033998 0.858447 0.001156 Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.111651 0.556939 0.012466 %Non-clonal Stability - -0.282850 0.129893 0.080004 Infiltration - -0.262424 0.161222 0.068866 Nutrient Cycling - -0.246364 0.189388 0.060695

Total SSA functionality - -0.309079 0.096525 0.095530

LOI - -0.074425 0.695897 0.005539

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.089459 0.638277 0.008003

Interpatch length (m) + 0.209608 0.266271 0.043935

Total patch area (m²) - -0.071334 0.707966 0.005089

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.195255 0.301133 0.038124 Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.275995 0.139862 0.076173 %Clonal belowground Stability + 0.307367 0.098482 0.094474 Infiltration + 0.283131 0.129495 0.080163 Nutrient Cycling + 0.281494 0.131822 0.079239

Total SSA functionality + 0.326540 0.078209 0.106628

LOI + 0.081093 0.670113 0.006576

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.205568 0.275806 0.042258

Interpatch length (m) - -0.219865 0.243035 0.048341


Appendix L


Total patch area (m²) + 0.008638 0.963864 0.000075

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.150701 0.426670 0.022711 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.246697 0.188772 0.060859 %Clonal aboveground Stability - -0.1499447 0.429020 0.022483 Infiltration - -0.1604963 0.396865 0.025759 Nutrient Cycling - -0.1808237 0.338950 0.032697

Total SSA functionality - -0.1525015 0.421100 0.023257

LOI - -0.0703474 0.711834 0.004949

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.3085861 0.097086 0.095225

Interpatch length (m) + 0.1329844 0.483580 0.017685

Total patch area (m²) + 0.1463214 0.440382 0.021410

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.0538309 0.777544 0.002898

Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.0548945 0.773262 0.003013

%Clonal above- and belowground

Stability - -0.0865367 0.649328 0.007489

Infiltration + 0.0378443 0.842619 0.001432

Nutrient Cycling - -0.0029715 0.987566 0.000009

Total SSA functionality - -0.0421359 0.825031 0.001775

LOI + 0.1115452 0.557315 0.012442

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.0564693 0.766933 0.003189

Interpatch length (m) - -0.1190199 0.531032 0.014166

Total patch area (m²) - -0.082453 0.664896 0.006799

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.0804256 0.672677 0.006468 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.0929141 0.625305 0.008633 %No spines Stability + 0.218259 0.246582 0.047637 Infiltration - -0.005681 0.976232 0.000032 Nutrient Cycling - -0.031475 0.868855 0.000991

Total SSA functionality + 0.050691 0.790226 0.002570

LOI - -0.133383 0.482258 0.017791

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.267906 0.152331 0.071773

Interpatch length (m) + 0.160883 0.395714 0.025883

Total patch area (m²) + 0.210291 0.264679 0.044222

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.053190 0.780130 0.002829 Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.004013 0.983210 0.000016 %Spines Stability - -0.218259 0.246582 0.047637 Infiltration + 0.005681 0.976232 0.000032 Nutrient Cycling + 0.031475 0.868855 0.000991

Total SSA functionality - -0.050691 0.790226 0.002570

LOI + 0.133383 0.482258 0.017791

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.267906 0.152331 0.071773

Interpatch length (m) - -0.160883 0.395714 0.025883

Total patch area (m²) - -0.210291 0.264679 0.044222

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.053190 0.780130 0.002829 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.004013 0.983210 0.000016 %Deciduous Stability + 0.399995 0.028515 0.159996 Infiltration + 0.289471 0.120767 0.083794 Nutrient Cycling + 0.373328 0.042149 0.139374

Total SSA functionality + 0.400046 0.028493 0.160037

LOI + 0.251190 0.180588 0.063096

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.008296 0.965297 0.000069

Interpatch length (m) - -0.035151 0.853695 0.001236

Total patch area (m²) - -0.031027 0.870709 0.000963

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.143664 0.448819 0.020639

Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.009853 0.958788 0.000097


Appendix L


%Evergreen Stability - -0.242224 0.197174 0.058672 Infiltration - -0.037620 0.843540 0.001415 Nutrient Cycling - -0.102517 0.589837 0.010510

Total SSA functionality - -0.146961 0.438366 0.021597

LOI + 0.083428 0.661167 0.006960

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.006674 0.972076 0.000045

Interpatch length (m) - -0.208579 0.268679 0.043505

Total patch area (m²) + 0.146265 0.440559 0.021394

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.041464 0.827780 0.001719 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.013735 0.942575 0.000189 %Semi-evergreen Stability - -0.303610 0.102882 0.092179 Infiltration - -0.385869 0.035202 0.148895 Nutrient Cycling - -0.432401 0.017014 0.186971

Total SSA functionality - -0.418620 0.021316 0.175243

LOI - -0.474494 0.008067 0.225144

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.004396 0.981608 0.000019

Interpatch length (m) + 0.303689 0.102787 0.092227

Total patch area (m²) - -0.130224 0.492784 0.016958

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.263222 0.159905 0.069286 Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.031121 0.870319 0.000969 %Unassisted dispersal Stability - -0.258871 0.167179 0.067014 Infiltration - -0.060250 0.751799 0.003630 Nutrient Cycling - -0.189104 0.316913 0.035760

Total SSA functionality - -0.227736 0.226148 0.051864

LOI - -0.202275 0.283739 0.040915

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.201405 0.285860 0.040564

Interpatch length (m) - -0.012795 0.946497 0.000164

Total patch area (m²) - -0.164613 0.384703 0.027097

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.163219 0.388797 0.026640 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.332287 0.072806 0.110414 %Wind Stability + 0.218903 0.245156 0.047918 Infiltration + 0.158289 0.403474 0.025056 Nutrient Cycling + 0.270059 0.148937 0.072932

Total SSA functionality + 0.251054 0.180832 0.063028

LOI + 0.226391 0.228976 0.051253

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.236350 0.208593 0.055861

Interpatch length (m) + 0.054443 0.775081 0.002964

Total patch area (m²) + 0.188509 0.318466 0.035536

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.148838 0.432473 0.022153

Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.402238 0.027556 0.161795

%Internal animal dispersal

Stability - -0.044515 0.815316 0.001982

Infiltration - -0.136902 0.470669 0.018742

Nutrient Cycling - -0.201741 0.285040 0.040699

Total SSA functionality - -0.122585 0.518709 0.015027

LOI - -0.053778 0.777758 0.002892

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.092882 0.625425 0.008627

Interpatch length (m) - -0.165872 0.381029 0.027513

Total patch area (m²) + 0.107462 0.571920 0.011548

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.012760 0.946642 0.000163

Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.169104 0.371683 0.028596

%External animal dispersal

Stability - -0.108076 0.569713 0.011680

Infiltration - -0.118495 0.532859 0.014041

Nutrient Cycling - -0.109418 0.564902 0.011972


Appendix L


Total SSA functionality - -0.097476 0.608348 0.009502

LOI - -0.279053 0.135349 0.077870

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.463150 0.009953 0.214508

Interpatch length (m) + 0.251950 0.179229 0.063479

Total patch area (m²) - -0.349406 0.058411 0.122085

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.158056 0.404177 0.024982

Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.040692 0.830938 0.001656

%Unassisted/internal animal dispersal

Stability + 0.146431 0.440036 0.021442

Infiltration - -0.093279 0.623941 0.008701

Nutrient Cycling - -0.041438 0.827884 0.001717

Total SSA functionality + 0.017002 0.928945 0.000289

LOI + 0.172615 0.361689 0.029796

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.100265 0.598077 0.010053

Interpatch length (m) - -0.255834 0.172393 0.065451

Total patch area (m²) - -0.001453 0.993921 0.000002

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.142437 0.452742 0.020288 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.317441 0.087387 0.100768 %Abiotic pollination Stability + 0.270860 0.147688 0.073365 Infiltration + 0.148042 0.434965 0.021917 Nutrient Cycling + 0.153697 0.417424 0.023623

Total SSA functionality + 0.258039 0.168596 0.066584

LOI - -0.040403 0.832125 0.001632

Mean patch width (cm) - -0.036955 0.846273 0.001366

Interpatch length (m) + 0.057440 0.763039 0.003299

Total patch area (m²) - -0.015186 0.936518 0.000231

Longest interpatch (m) - -0.186286 0.324311 0.034702 Shortest interpatch (m) - -0.081392 0.668962 0.006625 %Biotic pollination Stability - -0.270860 0.147688 0.073365 Infiltration - -0.148042 0.434965 0.021917 Nutrient Cycling - -0.153697 0.417424 0.023623

Total SSA functionality - -0.258039 0.168596 0.066584

LOI + 0.040403 0.832125 0.001632

Mean patch width (cm) + 0.036955 0.846273 0.001366

Interpatch length (m) - -0.057440 0.763039 0.003299

Total patch area (m²) + 0.015186 0.936518 0.000231

Longest interpatch (m) + 0.186286 0.324311 0.034702

Shortest interpatch (m) + 0.081392 0.668962 0.006625



CEI (Corporate Ethics Index): Percentage of firms in the country that give satisfactory rating to the questions on index calculated as the average of the

Table A.8.3, Regression results South-Asia without interaction term between Sachs-Warner and Arable Land. per Worker due to collinearity concerns


The following table presents the AARs and CAARs for bidder shareholders of Non-EU and EU acquisitions for the event window of 21 days.. The average abnormal return (AAR) says

Restoration of plant species diversity of ditch banks : ecological constraints and opportunities..

Nature-friendly ditch bank management involves no fertilisation, lower ditch cleaning frequencies, no deposition of ditch sediment or plant parts in the ditch bank and

Table 1 Results from linear mixed models testing the effects of year, precipitation (total precipitation February-May, standardized), substrate depth and shading on Species

The mean percentage tree species richness was significantly higher in the grassland fragments situated in the most urbanised matrix areas, and lowest in the rural/peri-urban