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Pieter Bruegel the Elder: art discourse in the sixteenth-century Netherlands


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Pieter Bruegel the Elder: art discourse in the sixteenth-century


Richardson, T.M.


Richardson, T. M. (2007, October 16). Pieter Bruegel the Elder: art discourse in the sixteenth-century Netherlands. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/12377

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328 Several scholars have suggested this possibility, both in support of and opposition to the idea; see Klaus Demus, Pieter Bruegel the Elder at the Kunsthistorisches Museum

This progression from left to right is visually highlighted by four figures isolated on the front edge of the picture: the fool in the far left bottom corner who attempts to

464 Describing the life of Hans Vredeman de Vries, a painter and designer of architectural scenes who may have known Bruegel personally, Van Mander recounts an incident

Ik betoog dat deze twee discussies niet alleen fundamenteel zijn voor een beter begrijpen van de kunsttheoretische argumenten van De Heere en Ortelius, maar ook dat zij een

Two primary responsibilities were, first, to assist in the structural formation and curriculum development of a new two-year research masters program, entitled “Western and Asian

Figure 8: Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Peasant Wedding Banquet, 1568, oil on panel.. Vienna,

Comparable to the poetic program of the Pléiade in France and rhetorician societies in the Netherlands for the enrichment of the vernacular language using formal qualities

That, around 1550, the painting came to be regarded as a product of a con- temporary artist, put Christ as the prototype at a distance – although we may wonder whether this is true