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Protection for databases : the European Database Directive and its effects in the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom


Academic year: 2021

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Protection for databases : the European Database

Directive and its effects in the Netherlands, France and

the United Kingdom

Beunen, A.C.


Beunen, A. C. (2007, June 7). Protection for databases : the European

Database Directive and its effects in the Netherlands, France and the

United Kingdom. Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen. Retrieved from


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the University of Leiden

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for databases

The European Database Directive

and its effects in the Netherlands,

France and the United Kingdom


The European Database Directive introduced a new protection regime for database producers in 1996. This was to complement the already existing copyright protection for collections. This new sui generis right offers protection to producers who undertake a sub- stantial investment in the production of a database. Even though it was presented as a unique right without precedent, its scope closely resembles an intellectual property right, while its rationale – pre- venting misappropriation of another’s investment – is related to the tenet of unfair competition.

The sui generis right is the main focus of this book. Its most impor- tant concepts are extensively discussed, such as the criterion of the substantial investment, the definition of the producer, and the scope of the sui generis right. For this, a comparative study is made of the literature and case law of the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom. Particular attention is paid to the important judgments which the European Court of Justice delivered on the sui generis right in November 2004. Furthermore, consideration is given to the (re)introduction of a compulsory licensing regime to ward off infor- mation monopolies. The book ends with a conclusion which contains proposals for a review of the Database Directive.

This research was conducted at eLaw@Leiden, Centre for Law in the Information Society, at Leiden University within the framework of the research programme ‘Securing the Rule of Law in a World of Multilevel Jurisdiction’ of the E.M. Meijers Institute of Legal Studies.

This is a volume in the series of the E.M. Meijers Institute of Legal Studies of Leiden University.

125 MI

ANNEMARIE BEUNEN Protection for databases

omslag_MeijersInst_Beunen 02-04-2007 15:15 Pagina 1



A ‘database’ shall mean a collection for information purposes, in a fixed form, consisting of independent works, data or other materials, arranged in a system- atic or methodical way

The three countries studied here all adopted the Directive’s database definition in their copyright acts, while the Netherlands and the United Kingdom also introduced it in

When a user consults the database, the computer program systematically or methodically arranges the data and thus, it ensures that the data collection meets the database definition.

The European Court established in its Magill decision in 1995 that a refusal to license an intellectual property right may under exceptional circumstances amount to an abuse of

In four years, it evolved from a protection based on unfair competition merely applying to databases with contents not protected by copyright or neighbouring rights, to an ex-

Binnen vier jaar evolueerde dit regime van een bescherming die gebaseerd was op oneerlijke mededinging en alleen van toepassing was op databanken met inhoud die niet door

The right, referred to in Article 2, paragraph 1 shall not apply to databases of which the public authority is the producer, unless the right is expressly reserved either in general

Opinion of the Commission on the European Parliament’s amendments to the Council’s common position regarding the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the