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Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/136915 h


Academic year: 2021

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Cover Page

The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/136915 holds various files of this Leiden

University dissertation. Author: Voorneveld, P.W.


The Bone Morphogenetic Protein pathway in

Colorectal Cancer Progression


The Bone Moprphogenetic Protein pathway in Colorectal Cancer Prog

ression Philip W

. V




Our analysis of events and the comparison with the Hoek van Holland riot shows that there is a need to move forward the debate on the role contextual and individual factors play

At the same time, in contrast to our comparison case and a wide body of literature on spontaneous collective violence (see Reicher, 2001), our data indicate that trigger events

The second level of analysis is that of intragroup relations, which focuses on intragroup dynamics, norms and expectations (e.g. role models, synchronizing behaviors). The third

Sociale media hebben ontegenzeggelijk invloed op openbare ordevraagstukken: spannin- gen tussen groepen ontstaan reeds online, mensenmassa’s kunnen zich snel en onver-

Chapter 3 Loss of SMAD4 switches BMP signalling from tumour suppressive into pro-metastatic via activation of Rho-ROCK Chapter 4 The BMP Pathway either enhances or inhibits the

A small percentage (4-7%) of pancreatic cancers have TGF-β receptor II mutations and TGF-β signalling can be tumour suppressive in normal epithelial cells and tumour promoting in

In SMAD4 deficient cells, BMP pathway inhibition with Noggin leads to a slight increase in β-catenin at cell-cell junctions, while BMP pathway activation leads to increased

Fibroblasts produce more BMP2 when in proximity to SMAD4 negative cancer cells, which leads to an increase in migration and metastasis formation specifically in SMAD4 negative