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Dislocation-governed current-transport mechanism in (Ni/Au)–AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures


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Dislocation-governed current-transport mechanism in (Ni/Au)–AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures

Engin Arslan, Şemsettin Altındal, Süleyman Özçelik, and Ekmel Ozbay

Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 105, 023705 (2009); doi: 10.1063/1.3068202 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3068202

View Table of Contents: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/JAPIAU/v105/i2 Published by the American Institute of Physics.

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Dislocation-governed current-transport mechanism in „Ni/Au…–AlGaN/AlN/

GaN heterostructures

Engin Arslan,1,a兲 Şemsettin Altındal,2Süleyman Özçelik,2and Ekmel Ozbay3

1Nanotechnology Research Center-NANOTAM, Bilkent University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey

2Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Arts, Gazi University, Teknikokullar, 06500 Ankara, Turkey

3Department of Physics, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and Nanotechnology Research Center-NANOTAM, Bilkent University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey

共Received 31 July 2008; accepted 4 December 2008; published online 22 January 2009兲

The current-transport mechanisms in 共Ni/Au兲–Al0,22Ga0,78N/AlN/GaN heterostructures were studied by using temperature dependent forward-bias current-voltage 共I-V兲 characteristics in the temperature range of 80–410 K. In order to determine the current mechanisms for 共Ni/Au兲–Al0,22Ga0,78N/AlN/GaN heterostructures, we fitted the experimental I-V data to the analytical expressions given for the current-transport mechanisms in a wide range of applied biases and at different temperatures. The contributions of thermionic-emission, generation-recombination, tunneling, leakage currents that are caused by inhomogeneities, and defects at the metal-semiconductor interface current mechanisms were all taken into account. The best fitting results were obtained for the tunneling current mechanism. On the other hand, we did not observe sufficient agreement between the experimental data and the other current mechanisms. The temperature dependencies of the tunneling saturation current共It兲 and tunneling parameters 共E0兲 were obtained from fitting results. We observed a weak temperature dependence of the saturation current and the absence of the temperature dependence of the tunneling parameters in this temperature range. The results indicate that in the temperature range of 80–410 K, the mechanism of charge transport in the共Ni/Au兲−Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN heterostructure is performed by tunneling among those dislocations intersecting the space charge region. The dislocation density 共D兲 that was calculated from the I-V characteristics, according to a model of tunneling along the dislocation line, gives the value of 0.24⫻107 cm−2. This value is close in magnitude to the dislocation density that was obtained from the x-ray diffraction measurements. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.



The transport properties of GaN and its alloys are at- tracting increasing interest due to the potential application of these materials for solar-blind photodetectors and high mo- bility transistors.1–3 Because of the large energy band gap, the applications of AlxGa1−xN are extensive, such as for visible-blind ultraviolet 共UV兲 detectors, laser diodes, and short-wave light-emitting diodes.4High-quality AlGaN/GaN heterostructures have been shown to contain two- dimensional electron gas 共2DEG兲, which has attracted spe- cial interest due to its potential applications in high mobility transistors operating at high power and high temperature levels.5,6

The device structures are usually grown on highly lattice-mismatched substrates, such as sapphire,7 SiC,8 or Si.3,9 It still remains difficult to obtain a high-quality GaN epilayer because of the large lattice mismatch and large dif- ference in the thermal expansion coefficients between the GaN film, sapphire, and SiC substrate. This fact causes a high level of in-plane stress and threading dislocation density 共DD兲 generation, as grown by metal-organic chemical vapor

deposition 共MOCVD兲 in the GaN epitaxial layer.7–9 These dislocations affect the performance reliability of the device.1,2Furthermore, it is well known that GaN usually has a high DD, much more than those in Si and GaAs semicon- ductors. If there exist many defects near the surface region, the electrons can easy go through the barrier by/via defect- assisted tunneling, thus greatly enhancing the tunneling probability. It is well established that the crystal qualities of Si and GaAs are far superior to that of GaN. For Schottky barriers on Si and GaAs with a doping concentration of

⬃1016 cm−3, tunneling does not play a role in the current- transport mechanisms.

The current-transport mechanism in these devices such as metal semiconductor共MS兲, metal-insulator semiconductor 共MIS兲, and solar cells are dependent on various parameters such as the process of surface preparation, formation of in- sulator layer between the metal and semiconductor, barrier height inhomogenity, impurity concentration of a semicon- ductor, density of interface states or defects, series resistance 共Rs兲 of a device, device temperature, and bias voltage. In these devices, a number of carrier transport mechanisms such as quantum mechanical tunneling, thermionic emission共TE兲, thermionic field emission 共TFE兲, minority carrier injection, recombination generation, and multistep tunneling compete, and usually, one of them may dominate over the others in a certain temperature and voltage regions. However, a simul-

a兲Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.:⫹90-312- 2901971. FAX: ⫹90-312-2901015. Electronic mail:


0021-8979/2009/105共2兲/023705/7/$25.00 105, 023705-1 © 2009 American Institute of Physics


taneous contribution from two or more mechanisms could also be possible. Among them, TFE is important at low tem- peratures and high doping concentration levels. Voltage- proportional leakage currents frequently alter the current- voltage 共I-V兲 relationship especially at lower bias voltage levels. These leakage currents are usually expressed by the addition of a term 共V-IRs兲/Rsh to the total current due to series resistance 共Rs兲 and shunt resistance 共Rsh兲 of device.

More recently, experimental results have been shown for MS, MIS, and solar cells.10–14Very interesting studies among these were presented by Kar et al.10and Cao et al.,11where the results indicated the likelihood of a primary current- transport mechanism being multistep tunneling and defect- assisted tunneling instead of TE, respectively. Evstropov et al.12,13 and Balyaev et al.14 showed that the current flow in the III–V heterojunctions is generally governed by multistep tunneling with the involvement of dislocations even at room temperature. They demonstrated that an excess tunnel current can be attributed to dislocations. A model of tunneling through a space charge region along a dislocation line共tube兲 is suggested.12

Analysis of the current-voltage 共I-V兲 characteristics of the MS, MIS, and solar cells measured only at room tem- perature does not provide detailed information about the current-conduction process and the nature of the barrier formed at the metal/semiconductor interface. On the other hand, the forward bias I-V characteristics at a wide tempera- ture range enable us to understand the different aspects of the current-conduction mechanism and barrier formation. There- fore, the main aim of this study is to investigate the current- conduction mechanisms in AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures with a high dislocation compared with the literature in a wide temperature range共80–410 K兲.


The AlxGa1−xN/AlN/GaN 共x=0.22兲 heterostructures were fabricated on共0001兲 on a double-polished 2 –in. diam- eter 共0001兲, in which sapphire 共Al2O3兲 substrates were grown in a low pressure MOCVD reactor 共Aixtron 200/4 HT-S兲 by using trimethylgallium, trimethylaluminum, and ammonia as Ga, Al, and N precursors, respectively. Prior to the epitaxial growth, Al2O3 substrate was annealed at 1100 ° C for 10 min in order to remove surface contamina- tion. The buffer structures consisted of a 15 nm thick, low- temperature 共650 °C兲 AlN nucleation layer, and high tem- perature 共1150 °C兲 420 nm AlN templates. A 1.5 ␮m nominally undoped GaN layer was grown on an AlN tem- plate layer at 1050 ° C, followed by a 2 nm thick high tem- perature AlN共1150 °C兲 barrier layer. The AlN barrier layer was used to reduce the alloy disorder scattering by minimiz- ing the wave function penetration from the 2DEG channel into the AlxGa1−xN layer.15After the deposition of these lay- ers, a 23 nm thick undoped Al0.22Ga0.78N layer was grown on an AlN layer at 1050 ° C. Finally, a 5 nm thick GaN cap layer growth was carried out at a temperature of 1085 ° C and a pressure of 50 mbars.

Since the sapphire substrate is insulating, the Ohmic and Schottky/rectifier contacts were made bottom and top of the

sample, respectively, in the high coating system at about 10−7 Torr. The Ohmic contacts were formed as a square van de Pauw shape and the Schottky contacts formed as 1 mm diameter circular dots 共Fig.1兲. Prior to Ohmic contact for- mation, the samples were cleaned. The samples are cleaned with acetone in an ultrasonic bath. Then, a sample was treated with boiling isopropyl alcohol for 5 min and rinsed in de-ionized共DI兲 water having 18 M⍀ resistivity. After clean- ing, the samples were dipped in a solution of HCl/H2O共1:2兲 for 30 s in order to remove the surface oxides, and then rinsed in DI water again for a prolonged period. Ti/Al/Ni/Au 共17.5/175/40/80 nm兲 metals were thermally evaporated on the sample and were annealed at 850 ° C for 30 s in N2 ambient in order to form the Ohmic contact. Schottky con- tacts were formed by Ni/Au共40/80 nm兲 evaporation.

The crystalline quality 共DD兲 of the samples of the samples was examined by high-resolution x-ray diffraction 共HRXRD兲. The x-ray diffraction was performed by using a Bruker D-8 high-resolution diffractometer system, delivering Cu K␣1 共1.540 Å兲 radiation. The current-voltage 共I-V兲 mea- surements were performed by the use of a Keithley 2400 sourcemeter in the temperature range of 80–410 K using a temperature controlled Janes vpf-475 cryostat, which enables us to make measurements in the temperature range of 77–

450 K. The sample temperature was continually monitored by using a copper-constant thermocouple close to the sample and measured with a Keithley model 199 dmm/scanner and a Lake Shore model 321 autotuning temperature controller with sensitivity better than⫾0.1 K.


In the present study, the Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN hetero- structures were grown on sapphire with two steps exhibited high DDs.3,7The DD of the sample was investigated by the methods of high-resolution diffractometry. The DDs in the Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN heterostructures can be taken as equal to the DDs in the GaN layers.3There are three main types of dislocations that are present in the GaN epitaxial layers.16,17The pure edge dislocation with Burgers vector b

=13具112¯0典 共具a典兲, the pure screw dislocation with Burgers vec-

FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Schematic of the Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN hetero- structure and a view of the Ohmic contact and Schottky contact on the structures.

023705-2 Arslan et al. J. Appl. Phys. 105, 023705共2009兲


tor b =具0001典 共具c典兲, and the mixed dislocation with b

=13具112¯3典 共具c+a典兲. These DDs of GaN can be determined from the following equations:16

Dscrew= ␤共002兲2

9bscrew2 , Dedge= ␤共121兲2

9bedge2 , 共1兲

Ddis= Dscrew+ Dedge, 共2兲

where Dscrewis the screw DD, Dedgeis the edge DD,␤is the full width at half maximum共FWHM兲 of the measured XRD rocking curves, and b is the Burgers vector length 共bscrew

= 0.5185 nm, bedge= 0.3189 nm兲. The measured XRD rock- ing curves for共002兲 and 共121兲 reflections are shown in Fig.

2. The FWHM values measured for共002兲 and 共121兲 reflec- tions are 122.4 and 374.4 arc sec, respectively. By using Eqs. 共1兲 and共2兲, we calculated the values for screw, edge, and total DDs as 1.45⫻107, 2 , 41⫻108, and 2.55

⫻108 cm−2, respectively.

In order to correctly interpret the current-transport mechanisms in the 共Ni/Au兲–Al0,22Ga0,78N/AlN/GaN het- erostructures, we considered the contribution of TE current and various other current-transport mechanisms. Thus, the generation recombination, tunneling, and leak currents caused by the inhomogenities and defects at the M/S inter- face were taken into full account. In general, the relationship between the applied-bias voltage共Vⱖ3kT/q兲 and the current of the Schottky diodes, based on the TE theory, is given by18

Ithermionic= I0exp

q共V − IRnkT s

册 再


− exp

− q共V − IRkT s

册 冎

, 共3兲

where I0 is the saturation current derived from the straight- line intercept of ln I at zero bias and is given by

I0= AAT2exp


, 共4兲

where A is the rectifier contact area, A is the effective Ri- chardson constant 共32.09 A/cm2K2 for undoped Al0,22In0,78N兲,19T is the absolute temperature in kelvins, q is

the electron charge, ⌽B0 is the zero-bias apparent Schottky barrier height, n is the ideality factor, V is the applied-bias voltage, and IRs term is the voltage drop across the Rs of structure. The generation-recombination current can be de- scribed by the relation20

Ig−r= Igr


q共V − IR2kT s

− 1




2␶ , 共6兲

where Igris the generation-recombination saturation current, ni is the intrinsic carrier concentration, Wd is the depletion layer width, and ␶ is the effective carrier lifetime. The tun- neling current through the barrier is given by18

Itunnel= It


q共V − IRE0 s

− 1

, 共7兲

where It is the tunneling saturation current and E0 is the tunneling parameter. E0can be defined as21–23

E0= E00coth


, 共8兲

where E00 is the characteristic tunneling energy that is re- lated to the tunnel effect transmission probability. It is evi- dent that the mechanism of charge transport is tunnel, which is indicated by a weak temperature dependence of the satu- ration current. In addition, voltage-proportional leakage cur- rents frequently alter the current-voltage共I-V兲 relationship at lower bias voltage levels and can be expressed as21

Ileakage=V − IRs

Rsh . 共9兲

Thus, the total current of device can be expressed as Itotal= Ithermionic+ Ig−r+ Itunnel+ Ileakage. 共10兲 Figure 3 shows a set of semilogarithmic forward bias I-V characteristics of a 共Ni/Au兲−Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN het- erostructure that was measured in the temperature range of 80–410 K. As shown in Fig.3, the forward bias of structure

FIG. 2. The x-ray rocking curves for共002兲 and 共121兲 reflections of the GaN epilayer.

FIG. 3.共Color online兲 Experimental forward and reverse bias semilogarith- mic current-voltage characteristics of a共Ni/Au兲–Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN heterostructure at different temperatures.


current is an exponential function of the applied-bias voltage in the intermediate voltage regime 共0.1ⱕVⱕ0.6 V兲. It is clear that over a broad range共10−6− 10−4 A兲 of forward cur- rent, the behavior is exponential and beyond that 共I ⱖ10−4 A兲 the plots deviate from this behavior due to the effect of series resistance共Rs兲. Moreover, these plots are par- allel over a forward-current range of 10−6− 10−4 A. To inter- pret the observed electrical characteristics of an 共Ni/Au兲

− Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN heterostructure, Riben and Feucht23 developed a multistep recombination-tunneling model. This model successfully explains the functional de- pendence of the forward current on applied voltage and tem- perature. The model, assuming a staircase path that consists of a series of tunneling transitions between trapping levels in the diode space charge region coupled with a series of verti- cal steps where the carrier loses energy by transferring from one level to another. However, such a process is only pos- sible if the concentration of the trapping levels is sufficiently high. In this model, the carrier tunneling between the defect levels increases the probability of tunneling through the en- tire barrier.

The temperature dependent values of zero-bias barrier height 共⌽b0兲 and ideality factor 共n兲, as calculated from the semilogarithmic forward bias ln I versus V characteristics, are shown in Fig.4and TableI. As can be seen in Fig.4and TableI, the values of ⌽b0increase with increasing tempera- ture, in which there is a positive coefficient that is contrary to the negative dependence measurements by Crowell and Rideout24in silicon Shottky diodes and Mead and Spitzer25 in InAs and InSb, which closely follows the charge in for- bidden energy band gap共Eg兲 with temperature. This contra- diction is possible due to Eq.共4兲, which is not representative of the reverse saturation current of our samples implying that the current transport is not the TE.

For the tunneling dominated current-transport equation 共7兲, the slope of the ln I versus V plot 共q/E0= q/nkT兲 is essentially temperature independent and is called a voltage factor or tunneling constant. In addition, at a constant bias voltage, ln I is more of a linear function of temperature than an inverse temperature. According to the tunneling model, which was developed for Schottky barriers, the band bending works as a barrier for carriers tunneling into interface states or dislocations, where various traps may be involved in mul- titunneling steps.23 Thermally activated carriers make共step- wise兲 tunneling into the interface states. The values of slope ln I versus V plots at different temperatures with the corre- sponding values of the ideality factor关obtained from Eq.共3兲兴 are shown in TableIand Fig.4. As can be seen in TableI, the n values changes from 12.68 共at 80 K兲 to 2.44 共at 410 K兲.

However, the slope and nT values remain almost unchanged over the same temperature range with an average of 11.35 V−1and 1025 K, respectively. The high value of n has been attributed to several effects such as interface states, tunneling currents in the high dislocations,12–14 image force lowering of the Schottky barrier in the high electric field at a MS interface, and generation currents within the space- charge region.18The TFE mechanism can be ruled out in this region, since nT is more or less constant in the measured temperature range. Apart from discussing the main carrier transport mechanisms, the ideality factor is further analyzed

FIG. 4. The zero-bias barrier height b0 and the ideality factor n of a 共Ni/Au兲−Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN heterostructure obtained from the for- ward bias I-V data at various temperatures. The straight line is the least- squares fit of Eq.共8兲to the ideality factor共n兲 data.

TABLE I. Temperature dependent values of various parameters determined from the forward bias I-V charac- teristics of共Ni/Au兲–Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN heterostructure. In the eighth and ninth columns, the values of tunneling saturation current共It兲 and tunneling parameters 共E0兲, obtained by least-squares fit of tunneling current mechanism关Eq.共7兲兴 to the measured I-V data, are listed.

T 共K兲

I0 x10−7 A


共A V−1 n

nT 共K兲


共eV兲 b0

共eV兲 E0 共eV兲


x10−7 A

80 1.84 11.43 12.68 1014.59 0.087 0.16 0.092 3.14

115 1.44 12.36 8.16 938.33 0.081 0.24 0.093 3.19

150 1.79 12.00 6.44 966.04 0.083 0.31 0.096 3.64

185 2.52 11.68 5.37 992.73 0.086 0.39 0.095 4.27

220 2.56 11.79 4.47 982.63 0.085 0.47 0.096 4.51

255 2.30 12.15 3.74 954.53 0.082 0.55 0.096 4.45

290 3.46 11.55 3.46 1003.46 0.086 0.63 0.094 5.00

310 4.26 11.13 3.36 1041.96 0.090 0.66 0.096 5.53

330 4.37 10.99 3.19 1054.58 0.091 0.71 0.096 6.08

350 4.26 11.19 2.96 1035.69 0.089 0.76 0.098 6.38

370 9.28 9.70 3.23 1194.78 0.103 0.78 0.096 6.62

390 8.68 10.06 2.95 1152.02 0.099 0.83 0.096 6.66

410 1.07 11.57 2.44 1002.09 0.086 0.86 0.097 7.03

023705-4 Arslan et al. J. Appl. Phys. 105, 023705共2009兲


by plotting nkT/q against kT/q as shown in Fig. 5, which shows the experimental and theoretical results of these plots.

If the FE dominates, then the E0 data will lay on a straight line as can be seen in Fig.5. In this case, E0is independent of the temperature and E0is very close to the E00values.26In our study, the average value of E0was found to be 88.5 meV, which is very close to the 85.7 meV value of E00 that was obtained from the fitting of Eq.共8兲to the n共T兲 data 共Fig.4兲.

In order to determine the true current-transport mecha- nisms for 共Ni/Au兲–Al0,22Ga0,78N/AlN/GaN heterostruc- tures, by taking the Ite, Igr, It, the tunneling parameter E0and

the Rsand Rshas adjustable fit parameters, we fit the experi- mental I-V data to the analytical expressions given for the current-transport mechanisms in a wide range of applied bi- ases and at different temperatures. A standard software pack- age was utilized for the curve fitting. As shown in Fig. 6, there is an excellent agreement between the measured I-V data and the current-transport expressions for the tunneling mechanism at all temperature range. However, there is no good fit between the measured I-V data and the analytic ex- pression given for TE, generation recombination, or the leak- age current mechanism at all the temperatures 共Fig.6兲. The tunneling saturation current Itand E0 values, as determined from the fits of the tunneling current expression to the mea- sured I-V data set, are summarized in the eighth and ninth columns of TableI. Similar results have been reported in the literature.11–14,26–29

The temperature dependences of Itand E0are shown in Fig.7. The results indicate that in the temperature range of 80–410 K, the mechanism of charge transport in the 共Ni/Au兲−Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN heterostructure is tunnel- ing, which is demonstrated by a weak temperature depen- dence of the saturation current and the absence of the tem- perature dependence of the tunneling parameters in this temperature range. The I-V behavior of the tunneling current in the barrier structures fabricated based on degenerate semi- conductors共Schottky diodes, p-n heterojunctions兲 can be ex- pressed by Eq.共7兲according to the dislocation model of the tunneling current, and the tunneling saturation current 共It兲 can be represented by the equation of the form12,14

FIG. 5. Experimentally and theoretically found tunneling current parameter E0共nkT/q兲 vs kT/q for 共Ni/Au兲–Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN heterostructure.

FIG. 6.共Color online兲 The least-squares fits of the TE 关Eq.共3兲兴, generation recombination 关Eq.共5兲兴, tunneling 关Eq.共7兲兴, and leakage current 关Eq.共9兲兴 equation to the I-V data measured at共a兲 80 K, 共b兲 250 K, 共c兲 330 K, and 共d兲 410 K.


It= qDDexp共− qVK/E0兲, 共11兲 where D is the DD,D⬇1.68⫻1013 s−1 is the Debye frequency30 for Al0.22Ga0.78N layer and qVK=⌽B−␮n is the diffusion potential for the Schottky barrier diode共SBD兲. In this equation, ⌽B is the height of the SBD, ␮n

⬵kT ln共NC/ND兲 is the chemical potential, Ncis the effective density of states in the conduction band,18NDis the concen- tration of the ionized donors in the AlGaN barrier layer, and E0= nkT is the tunneling parameter.

By using the model equation共11兲and determined Itand E0from the measured I-V characteristic as well as knowing VK共0兲, which is the expression for the DD that can be given as12–14

Ddis=It共0兲 qD



, 共12兲

where It共0兲 and E0共0兲 can be obtained by the extrapolation to zero of the absolute temperature of the temperature depen- dences of It共0兲 and E0共0兲. The value of qVK共0兲 can be cal- culated from the empirical dependence of ⌽B on the band gap Egin GaN 共because in our study Schottky diodes were done on GaN cap layers兲, ⌽B13EgGaN,14

qVK共0兲 = ⌽B共0兲 −␮n共0兲 ⬵13EgGaN共0兲 −␮n共0兲. 共13兲 By using It共0兲, E0共0兲, qVK共0兲, and Eg共0兲=3.47 eV values for GaN, the DD can be calculated by Eq.共12兲. In addition, this case was supported by the experimental values of the height of the Schottky barrier that was formed on the GaN layers by pure metals Ni, Pt, Ir,31 and Au.32 In the present study, we calculated the DD by using It共0兲=2.31⫻10−5 A/cm2, E0共0兲=0.092 eV, and qVK共0兲=1.15 eV values. We obtained 0.24⫻107 cm−2, which are near the results that were ob- tained from the XRD measurements. The DDs measured from XRD are 1.45⫻107, 2 , 41⫻108, and 2.55⫻108 cm−2 for the total dislocations, screw-, and edge-type DD, respec- tively. These DDs are consistent with the values given for GaN epitaxial films in the literature.3,4,9Analysis of the for- ward bias I-V data indicated that the predominant current mechanism of the Al0.22Ga0.78N/AlN/GaN heterostructure with high DDs in the intermediate bias voltage region that was investigated in this study was a dislocation-governed current-transport mechanism rather than the other current- transport mechanisms.


The current-transport mechanism across 共Ni/Au兲–Al0,22Ga0,78N/AlN/GaN heterostructures was car- ried out by using temperature dependent forward-bias current-voltage共I-V兲 characteristics in the temperature range of 80–410 K. The best fitting results were obtained for the tunneling current equation. However, we did not obtain a fit for the other current mechanisms. We did not observe suffi- cient agreement between the experimental data and the other current mechanisms. The tunneling saturation current共It兲 and tunneling parameter E0were determined from the fitting pro- cess. The typical features of a tunnel saturation current共Ittemperature dependence were weak and E0 was nearly inde- pendent of the temperature. These results show that the charge transport mechanism in the temperature range of 80–

410 K in the forward-biased 共Ni/Au兲–Al0,22Ga0,78N/ AlN/GaN heterostructures was performed by the tunneling mechanism among the dislocations intersecting the space charge region.


This work is supported by the European Union under the projects EU-METAMORPHOSE, EU-PHOREMOST, EU- PHOME, and EU-ECONAM, and TUBITAK under the Project Nos. 105E066, 105A005, 106E198, 106A017, and 107A012. One of the authors共E.O.兲 also acknowledges par- tial support from the Turkish Academy of Sciences.

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Using our model we have calculated the variation of the excitonic linewidth as a function of Al composition in our samples with higher Al content larger than 18% and have compared

However, AlGaN TLs grown on an AlN IL 共in samples A and B兲 are compressively strained in parallel to the growth direction; the magnitude of this strain was found to be relatively

The tem- perature dependence of SBH characteristics of 共Ni/Au兲–Al 0.3 Ga 0.7 N / AlN / GaN heterostructures are inter- preted based on the existence of the Gaussian

7 Although single field Hall effect measurements extract only averaged mobility and carrier concentration, single field measurements are used to determine carrier con- centration,

In the present work, we investigated and compared the transport properties of high quality AlGaN/AlN/GaN and AlInN/AlN/GaN heterostructures using temperature depen- dent Hall

The electric field and temperature dependence of the cur- rent density dictates the Frenkel–Poole emission rather than Schottky emission, in which carrier transport from the

We show that zero-field spin-split energy tends to increase with increasing sheet electron density and that our value 共12.75 meV兲 is the largest one reported in the literature

In the present work, we investigated and compared the transport properties of high quality AlGaN/AlN/GaN and AlInN/AlN/GaN heterostructures using temperature depen- dent Hall