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Tekst 5 The click and the dead


Academic year: 2021

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Vraag Antwoord Scores

Tekst 5 The click and the dead

9 C

10 maximumscore 1

een antwoord met de volgende strekking:

Internet heeft aan het verdwijnen van kleine winkels bijgedragen.

11 A 12 C 13 D 14 maximumscore 1 (alinea) 2 15 C 16 maximumscore 2 1 niet 2 wel 3 niet 4 wel 2 1 indien vier goed

indien drie goed



4 In a paper published earlier this year Dr DeBruine found that women in countries with poor health statistics preferred men with masculine features more than those who lived

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I don't have time, in the middle of a conversation, for them to search their memory bank for what a protein is made of or for them to go off and look up the answer and come back

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een antwoord met de volgende strekking: dingen kunnen

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