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Scriptie inzending van: Sander J Delwig |opleiding: Pharmacy


Academic year: 2021

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6/21/2021 University of Groningen Mail - Re: Scriptie inzending van: Sander J Delwig | opleiding: Pharmacy

https://mail.google.com/mail/b/ALGkd0wGf7ExnnmeJ1My6BJrY_hvyGhBXzHBAXPyx0wZ4Cj2OQ7K/u/0?ik=7f3089bb9d&view=pt&search=all&p… 1/2

Scriptie repository FWN, FA <scriptierepositoryfwn@rug.nl>

Re: Scriptie inzending van: Sander J Delwig | opleiding: Pharmacy

1 message

Sandy Schmidt <s.schmidt@rug.nl> Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 7:56 AM

To: FSE Repository Beheer <scriptierepositoryfwn@rug.nl>


Am 19.06.21 um 00:00 schrieb FSE Repository Beheer:

Scriptie inzending van: Sander J Delwig | opleiding: Pharmacy

Geachte heer, mevrouw,

Op 19-06-2021 heeft Sander J Delwig een scriptie geupload in de FSE scriptierepository. Hij/zij heeft daarbij aangegeven de scriptie openbaar te willen publiceren (beschikbaar via internet).

Geeft u hiervoor toestemming?


Let op: Voor de afstudeerrichting Life Sciences geldt dat de upload ook een Research Report en/of een Essay kan zijn. Houdt u hier rekening mee bij de evt. accordering? S.v.p. beantwoorden aan

scriptierepositoryfwn@rug.nl. Een niet leesbare copy van deze e-mail correspondentie zal in PDF bij de betreffende scriptie worden geplaatst.


Studentnummer: S3211894 Achternaam: Delwig

Voornaam, voorvoegel(s): Sander J E-mailadres: s.j.delwig@student.rug.nl Opleiding

Opleiding: Pharmacy

Scriptie type: Bachelor's Project Begeleider(s) aan de RUG Achternaam: Schmidt Voornaam, voorvoegel(s): S.

E-mailadres: s.schmidt@rug.nl ---

Achternaam: Runda

Voornaam, voorvoegel(s): M.E.

E-mailadres: m.e.runda@rug.nl Originele titel

Literature review on the bioactivities of cyanobacterial hapalindole-type indole alkaloids Samenvatting van de scriptie

This literature review provides a comprehensive collection of the available data on the bioactivities of hapalindole-type alkaloids. The compounds were grouped based on their molecular formula and grouped into 9 separate group. All available data on the antibacterial, antifungal, antialgal, cytotoxic, biochemical/molecular/cellular and plant/animal toxicity was gathered. Based on comparisons between the hapalindole-type alkaloids relative potency for the respective bioactivities was assessed. If

available, a comparison was made to the MIC/IC50s of known antimicrobial or cytotoxic compounds.


6/21/2021 University of Groningen Mail - Re: Scriptie inzending van: Sander J Delwig | opleiding: Pharmacy

https://mail.google.com/mail/b/ALGkd0wGf7ExnnmeJ1My6BJrY_hvyGhBXzHBAXPyx0wZ4Cj2OQ7K/u/0?ik=7f3089bb9d&view=pt&search=all&p… 2/2

From this data Hapalindole E, T, A and ambiguine H were derived as promising leads for antibacterial agents. Ambiguines I, E, F and hapalindoles A, C and E were discovered as promising leads for

antifungal drug development. Hapaliindole H, fischerindole L and the tetracyclic hapalindoles X, J and A provided potent cytotoxic activity and could be developed into potential cytotoxic leads. Future research could investigate the biosynthetic pathways, the culturing of cyanobacteria, the relative potencies of these hapalindole-type alkaloids and how to improve the yields of these hapalindole-type indole alkaloids

Aantal pagina's: 74

Taal van de scriptie: Engels Jaar van uitgave: 2021 Aanvullende opmerkingen:

Geef aan of het document publiekelijk toegankelijk mag zijn: Ja (we zullen de begeleider vragen om bevestiging)


Literature review on the bioactivities of hapalindole-type indole alkaloids Sander Delwig S3211894.pdf Browser info: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0


Dr. Sandy Schmidt

Assistant Professor / Rosalind Franklin Fellow Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Biology Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy

Antonius Deusinglaan 1, 9713AV Groningen, The Netherlands Email: s.schmidt@rug.nl

Web: https://www.rug.nl/staff/s.schmidt Phone: +31653524052

Guest Associate Editor of the Frontiers Research Topic "Illuminating Biocatalysis: Using the Power of Light to drive or regulate Enzymatic Reactions”

https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/16829/illuminating-biocatalysis-using-the-power-of-light-to-drive-or- regulate-enzymatic-reactions



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