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Why teens take risks ... : a neurocognitive analysis of developmental changes and individual differences in decision- making under risk


Academic year: 2021

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Why teens take risks ... : a neurocognitive analysis of

developmental changes and individual differences in decision- making under risk

Leijenhorst, L. van


Leijenhorst, L. van. (2010, January 19). Why teens take risks .. : a neurocognitive analysis of developmental changes and individual differences in decision-making under risk. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/14615

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Curriculum Vitae

Linda van Leijenhorst was born on March 14th 1979 in the city of Middelburg, the Netherlands. She graduated from Nehalennia Stedelijke Scholengemeenschap Middelburg in 1998. In 2005 she received a master's degree in psychology from the University of Amsterdam, specializing in developmental psychology. Her master's thesis work was supervised by Prof. Dr. Maurits van der Molen. During the academic year of 2004-2005 she spent six months in Dr. Silvia Bunge's Lab at the University of California, at Davis where she was introduced to developmental fMRI. In 2005 she moved to Leiden University, where she worked towards a PhD with Prof. Dr. Eveline Crone and Prof. Dr.

Michiel Westenberg as advisors in the Brain and Development Lab at the department of Developmental Psychology. In August of 2009 Linda joined UCLA's department of Developmental Psychology to work as a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. Adriana Galván's Developmental Neuroscience Lab for which she received a Rubicon fellowship from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).






The success of a PhD-project not only depends on hard work, but also to a large degree on the environment one is in and the people one is surrounded with. I have been fortunate to work in a very supportive and inspiring environment, and it's a pleasure to acknowledge those who shaped it and contributed to the work presented in this thesis. I am grateful to both Michiel Westenberg and Eveline Crone for their caring supervision and their supportive suggestions and comments. Eveline has been an amazing mentor, her trust in me and the many opportunities she has given me to develop and act on my scientific ambitions are greatly appreciated. I hope we will continue to work together in the future.

While I have learned from many people, I would like to mention Silvia Bunge, Maurits van der Molen, Russ Poldrack, Richard Ridderinkhof, and Serge Rombouts. They have each inspired me and I am thankful to them for sharing their knowledge. The studies presented in this thesis would not have been possible without all the children, adolescents, adults, parents and schools who were willing to participate. Their time and effort is much appreciated. Thanks also to all the students I have had the pleasure to work with, I've enjoyed passing on what I have learned and appreciate the help with data collection. My colleagues at the department of Developmental Psychology and the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition, especially all Brain and Development Lab members, thank you for your support, and for sharing your enthusiasm for and comments on my work. Wouter van den Bos, thanks! I couldn't have asked for a better person to share an office with. Dietsje Jolles, Bregtje Gunther Moor, and Berna Guro!lu special thanks to you for making me feel at home in the lab. Outside the lab the unconditional support from my parents, Ellen and Esther has been invaluable. Adriana Galván and Kristine McGlennen, thank you both for making me feel very welcome at UCLA! Adriana, I look forward to our collaboration in the coming years...

Los Angeles December 2009




The studies described in this chapter suggest that in order to fully understand adolescent risky behavior the development of risk estimation, reward processing, cognitive

In summary, children and adults exhibited similar patterns of activation in OFC and DLPFC in relation to risk estimation, but children recruited ACC more strongly for

Prior studies have reported inconsistent findings on adolescent reward processing, showing both overactive (Galvan et al. 2004) incentive-related neurocircuitry in

Self-report and observation studies have shown an increase in, for example, the number of traffic accidents and in the use of illegal drugs, tobacco and alcohol during

In summary, the analysis of autonomic nervous system responses to the outcome of gambles indicate that heart rate slowed following the presentation of the feedback, and

Figure 6.2 A) Whole-brain results for the contrast of High-Risk and Low-Risk gambles for all participants combined modeled at the time the gamble options were presented. B)

The cardiac response associated with the processing of the target stimulus in the control and experimental condition for the object and spatial WM tasks is

These findings support the hypothesis that a heightened sensitivity to rewards contributes to adolescent risk-taking, and suggest that developmental changes