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University of Groningen. Performing arts and the city van den Hoogen, Q.L.


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Performing arts and the city van den Hoogen, Q.L.

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van den Hoogen, Q. L. (2010). Performing arts and the city: Dutch municipal cultural policy in the brave new world of evidence-based policy. s.n.


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Therefore, in order to improve the level of control and the performance of the Food department, it is of critical importance to change the culture of the Food department, mainly

Research in the following fields is explored ; (1) Performance measurement systems, (2) Behavior-based and outcome-based control, (3) Agency theory, (4) Organizational theory,

Ook in de fijne kluitgrootte kleiner dan 2 mm diameter waren geen betrouwbare verschillen in percentages tussen de verschillende producten en doseringen.... Percentages kluiten in

The equal treatment principle requires an acquirer the opportunity to offer minority shareholders to exit on terms that are no less favourable than those offered to

Using data from the German construction industry, we find that the transacting parties utilize three distinct types of hybrid governance structures beyond market and hierarchy

Die vraag wat in hierdie artikel onder die loep kom is: Hoe kan die jeug, wat finansieel bevoorreg is, en gereeld by eredienste van die Afrikaanse kerke betrokke is, deur deelname

and zero otherwise, the 10-day volatility of the stock return (Volatility), a dummy variable (D_CrossMult.) which equals one if the firms cross listed to more than one foreign

in deze experimenten bestaat nog uit 1 kweekkamer en 1 toevoerkanaal voor het analyseren van één medicijn in één concentratie, maar door het aantal kweekkamers en toevoerkanalen