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Comprehensive extraction and NMR-based Metabolomics : novel approaches to natural products lead finding in drug discovery


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novel approaches to natural products lead finding in drug discovery

Yuliana, N.D.


Yuliana, N. D. (2011, June 9). Comprehensive extraction and NMR-based Metabolomics : novel approaches to natural products lead finding in drug discovery. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/17704

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Comprehensive extraction and NMR-based Metabolomics : novel approaches to natural products lead finding in drug discovery..

In another study, 20 g/kg diet of green tea extract added into a high-fat diet did not affect the body weight gain and food intake of experimental rats but prevented the

Most NP drug discovery work follows „the silver bullet‟ approach as is usual in present Western medicine, in which the search is focused on single compounds with a particular

Based on this, we hypothized that by either making different extracts from the same plant or fractionation of an extract and measuring the activities of all extracts

stamineus fractions obtained from single solvent extraction followed by liquid-liquid partition (n-hexane, choloroform, butanol, and water fractions) with thin layer

Comprehensive exraction and NMR metabolomics coupled to multivariate data analysis (partial least square and orthogonal-partial least square analysis) were used to identify

“Comprehensive extraction” en NMR metabolomics in combinatie met multivariate data analyse (partiële kleinste-kwadraat –PKK- methode en orthogonale- partiële