Immunity to varicella-zoster virus in immunocompromised patients
Rondaan, Christien
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Publication date: 2018
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Rondaan, C. (2018). Immunity to varicella-zoster virus in immunocompromised patients. University of Groningen.
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Immunity to varicella-zoster virus in
immunocompromised patients
© Christien Rondaan, Groningen, 2018.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission of the author.
The research presented in this thesis was financially supported by the Reumafonds/Dutch Arthritis Association (NC Smit Fonds), a Healthy Ageing grant from the University Medical Center Groningen, the Jan Kornelis de Cock stichting, and an unrestricted grant from Merck Sharp & Dohme.
The printing of this thesis was financially supported by the Graduate School of Medical Sciences of the University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen and ChipSoft.
Immunity to varicella-zoster virus in
immunocompromised patients
ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
op gezag van de
rector magnificus prof. dr. E. Sterken en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.
De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op maandag 19 maart 2018 om 14.30 uur
Christien Rondaan geboren op 2 mei 1991
Dr. S. van Assen
Prof. dr. S.J.L. BakkerProf. dr. A.L.W. Huckriede Prof. dr. N.M. Wulffraat
Chapter 1 Introduction 7 Part I Immunity to varicella-zoster virus in immunocompromised 27
patient groups
Chapter 2 Altered cellular and humoral immunity to varicella-zoster virus 29 in patients with autoimmune diseases
Arthritis & Rheumatology 2014;66:3122-8.
Chapter 3 Longitudinal analysis of varicella-zoster virus specific antibodies in 43 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: No association with subclinical viral
reactivations or lupus disease activity Submitted
Chapter 4 Decreased immunity to varicella-zoster virus in giant cell arteritis 61 Frontiers in Immunology 2017;8:1377
Chapter 5 Increased incidence of herpes zoster in patients on renal replacement 79 therapy cannot be explained by intrinsic defects of cellular or humoral immunity to varicella-zoster virus
Chapter 6 Immune response to varicella-zoster virus before and after 95 renal transplantation
Part II Vaccination of patients with autoimmune inflammatory 117 rheumatic diseases
Chapter 7 Vaccination of patients with autoimmune inflammatory 119 rheumatic diseases
Nature Reviews Rheumatology 2015;11:135-45
Chapter 8 Proposal for updated recommendations for vaccination in 149 adult patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases
Manuscipt in preparation
Chapter 9 Summary, discussion and future perspectives 183 Chapter 10 Nederlandse samenvatting 201 Dankwoord 208