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University of Groningen Better prediction of drug response in diabetic kidney disease Idzerda, Nienke


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Better prediction of drug response in diabetic kidney disease

Idzerda, Nienke



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Publication date: 2020

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Idzerda, N. (2020). Better prediction of drug response in diabetic kidney disease: a biomarker approach to personalize therapy. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.113117223


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A novel drug response score

more  accurately predicts

renoprotective drug effects than

existing  renal risk scores

NMA Idzerda D de Zeeuw HJL Heerspink Submitted


Risk factor-based equations are used to predict risk of kidney disease progression in order to guide treatment decisions. It is however un-known whether these models can also be used to predict the effects of drugs on clinical outcomes. This study shows that an algorithm integrating multiple short-term drug effects outperformed existing renal risk scores in predicting long-term effects of angiotensin receptor blockers on renal outcomes. The response score may assist in improving clinical decision making and implement precision medicine strategies.



A novel drug response score more  accurately predicts renoprotective drug effects

than existing  renal risk scores


Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a heterogeneous disease involving various pathophysiological processes and exhibiting different rates of progression of the disease.[1] Renal risk scores consisting of multiple risk markers have been developed to estimate the risk of kidney fail-ure for patients with chronic kidney disease [2] or more specifically for patients with DKD.[3] These individual predictions can be used to identify patients at high risk of disease in whom intensification of treatment is required.

Patients with DKD not only show a large variation in renal risk, but also show a large variation in drug response. Although the existing re-nal risk scores have been shown to predict the risk of kidney failure, it is unknown whether changes in these risk scores can predict the long term renal protection of an intervention. We previously developed and validated a drug response score (multiple Parameter Response Efficacy [PRE] score) that translates the short-term drug effects on multiple cardiorenal risk factors into a predicted drug effect on long-term renal outcomes.[4–8] In this study we compared the PRE score with existing risk scores in their ability to predict renal risk and drug response on long-term renal outcomes.


Included risk scores

We searched literature for risk scores which were developed in patients with type 2 diabetes and/or chronic kidney disease (CKD) to predict clinically relevant renal endpoints (end-stage renal disease [ESRD], doubling of serum creatinine), and had their risk equations and re-gression coefficients published. We found a total of ten risk scores of which two scores fulfilled our criteria and were included in the anal-ysis.[2,3] The risk scores identified by the literature search are shown in Supplementary Table 1. The ADVANCE risk engine was developed in 11,140  patients with type 2 diabetes to predict the 5-year proba-bility of major kidney-related events (doubling of serum creatinine to ≥ 200 μmol/L or ESRD).[3] The other risk score was the Kidney Failure


Risk Equation (KFRE) which was developed in 3449 patients with stage 3–5 CKD to predict the risk of ESRD.[2] The score was subsequently validated in different cohorts of patients with stage 3–5 CKD. [9–11]

These existing risk scores were compared with the PRE score. The PRE score was developed in a pooled population of the DIAMETRIC database which is a large individual patient database of clinical trials involving patients with type 2 diabetes and CKD. To create the PRE score we used from the DIAMETRIC database the individual patient data from the IDNT, SUN-Macro and ALTITUDE trials (N = 5454). [12–14] These clinical trials included patients with type 2 diabetes at

high renal and cardiovascular risk. Additional details about the studies that were used to develop the ADVANCE, KFRE, and PRE scores are summarized in Supplementary Table 2.

The existing risk scores were firstly compared with the PRE score in their performance to predict the occurrence of renal events, and secondly, to predict the long-term effects of the angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) losartan on renal outcomes in subjects with type 2 diabe-tes and CKD who participated in the RENAAL trial. The detailed study design and outcomes of this trial have been previously published.[15]


The composite endpoint of doubling of serum creatinine to ≥ 200 μmol/L or ESRD, defined by the need for long-term dialysis or renal transplan-tation, was used to assess the predictive performance of the ADVANCE renal risk engine since the score was developed for this specific endpoint. Similarly, the outcome of ESRD was used for predictions by KFRE since the KFRE was developed and validated to predict this endpoint. Since the individual patient data was available to develop the PRE score, pre-dictions by the PRE score were performed for both renal endpoints.

Statistical analysis

We first compared the PRE score with the ADVANCE and KFRE score to assess their model performances in predicting renal risk. Model per-formance was examined by calibration and discrimination. To assess calibration, we compared the observed versus predicted risk of re-nal outcomes for each quintile of predicted risk and determined the magnitude of the deviation using the Greenwood-Nam-D’Agostino χ2



A novel drug response score more  accurately predicts renoprotective drug effects

than existing  renal risk scores

statistic.[16] The survival function applied to the risk score coefficients was recalibrated on the baseline hazard observed in RENAAL. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and C-statistics were computed to assess discrimination.

We subsequently compared the PRE score with the existing risk scores in their ability to predict the renoprotective effects of the ARB losartan. The regression coefficients that were calculated for the PRE score and those reported for the KFRE and ADVANCE risk engine were applied to the baseline and 6- month risk marker measurements of patients in RENAAL to estimate risk of renal outcomes at both time points, as previously described.[5,7,8] The mean difference in the predicted risk in the ARB arm was adjusted for the mean difference in the predicted risk in the placebo arm to calculate the expected renal risk reduction conferred by ARB treatment.

The observed drug-induced reduction in risk of renal endpoints was calculated using a Cox proportional hazards model with ARB treat-ment as explanatory variable. Relative risk reductions were calculated by (1 − hazard ratio) × 100%.

Two-sided p- values < 0.05 indicated statistical significance. All statis-tical analyses were conducted with R version 3.4.0 (R Project for Statis-tical Computing, http://www.r-project.org).


Model performance at baseline

A total of 263 (34.5%) patients in the placebo arm experienced the composite renal outcome in the RENAAL trial during a median follow up of 3.4 years. The observed versus predicted probability for the com-posite renal outcome of doubling of serum creatinine to ≥ 200 μmol/L or ESRD and for the separate ESRD endpoint in RENAAL at median follow-up are shown in Supplementary Figure 1. Observed and pre-dicted risks over quintiles of prepre-dicted risks of the doubling of serum creatinine or ESRD endpoint significantly differed for the ADVANCE score (χ2 statistic 124.5, P< 0.01), indicating inadequate calibration.

The observed and predicted risks were fairly similar for the PRE score (χ2 statistic 8.8, P = 0.07). A total of 194 (25.5%) placebo-treated


patients progressed to ESRD in the RENAAL trial. Observed and predicted risks over quintiles of predicted risk of the ESRD endpoint based on the KFRE and the PRE score were similar and represented good calibration (GND χ2 statistic 4.7, P = 0.32 and χ2 statistic 8.9,

P = 0.06, respectively).

The ADVANCE score showed good discrimination for the compos-ite renal outcome (C-statistic 0.79) but was outperformed by the PRE score (C-statistic 0.82; p for difference 0.02).The KFRE and the PRE score showed similar discrimination for the ESRD endpoint (C-statistic 0.83 and 0.81, p for difference 0.24; Supplementary Figure 2).

Observed and predicted effects of ARB treatment on renal outcomes

In the RENAAL trial, 226 (30.1%) patients in the losartan arm and 263 (34.5%) in the placebo arm reached the composite renal endpoint, resulting in a relative risk reduction of −21.8% (95%CI −34 to −6%, P = 0.01). The predicted risk change for this endpoint based on the ADVANCE risk score was −12.4% (95%CI −17 to −7%), whereas the PRE score predicted a renal risk reduction of −22.6% (95%CI −23 to −16), close to the actual observed relative risk reduction. (Figure 1A). A total of 147 (19.6%) in the losartan group and 194 (25.5%) pa-tients in the placebo group in the RENAAL trial progressed to ESRD (RRR −28.8%; 95%CI −42.0 to −11.5%; P = 0.002 compared to pla-cebo). The predicted risk change for ESRD by the KFRE was 3.1% (95%CI −5 to 12%). The PRE score predicted a risk change of −24.0% (95%CI −30 to −17%, Figure 1B), again close to the actual observed

relative risk reduction.


In this study we compared two existing risk prediction scores, the AD-VANCE score and the KFRE, with the PRE score in predicting renal risk and in predicting the renoprotective effect of treatment with losar-tan in patients with type 2 diabetes and CKD. The three scores showed generally equal good performance to predict renal risk. However, ther-apy response predictions using the ADVANCE score and KFRE score



A novel drug response score more  accurately predicts renoprotective drug effects

than existing  renal risk scores

markedly underestimated the actual observed renoprotective effect of losartan, whereas renoprotective drug efficacy estimates based on the PRE score were similar to those actually observed.

Why did the PRE score perform better in predicting the effect of lo-sartan than existing risk scores? While the ADVANCE risk score and the KFRE are based on baseline demographic and/or disease characteristics of which some are not influenced by treatment (for example age or gen-der), the PRE score incorporates risk markers that change during drug intervention (for example blood pressure or hemoglobin). Interestingly, the different choice of parameters in the three scores had only modest influence on the performance to predict renal risk. It should also be noted that the PRE score was developed using clinical trial data which enhances internal validity given careful registration and adjudication of clinical endpoints.[17] In contrast, most risk scores, like KFRE, are de-veloped in observational studies with less stringent outcome recording and adjudication. Observed PRE score KFRE -40 -20 0 -30 -10 10 -50 20 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 -50 20 B -28.8% (-42.0, -11.5) 3.1% (-5.1, 12.1) -24.0% (-30.4, -17.1) A Figure 1 Pr edi cted ris k c hange of E SR D endpoi nt (% ) Pr edi cted ris k c hange of c om pos ite r enal endpoi nt (% ) -21.8% (-34.5, -6.5) -22.6% (-28.2, -16.5) -12.4% (-17.1, -7.4) Observed PRE score ADVANCE risk score

Observed PRE score KFRE -40 -20 0 -30 -10 10 -50 20 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 -50 20 B -28.8% (-42.0, -11.5) 3.1% (-5.1, 12.1) -24.0% (-30.4, -17.1) A Figure 1 Pr edi cted ris k c hange of E SR D endpoi nt (% ) Pr edi cted ris k c hange of c om pos ite r enal endpoi nt (% ) -21.8% (-34.5, -6.5) -22.6% (-28.2, -16.5) -12.4% (-17.1, -7.4) Observed PRE score ADVANCE risk score

Figure 1. Observed and predicted drug-induced changes in risk of the

compos-ite endpoint of doubling of serum creatinine to ≥ 200 μmol/L or ESRD (A) and the ESRD endpoint (B) in the RENAAL dataset. Predictions based on the ADVANCE risk score are only presented for the composite renal endpoint since the ADVANCE risk score was developed using this specific endpoint.Predictions based on the KFRE are only presented for the ESRD endpoint since the KFRE was developed to predict ESRD events. PRE predictions are shown for both endpoints.


Developing drug response tools in patients with type 2 diabetes is an area of active ongoing research. A recent study proposed five clusters of individuals with different rates of diabetes progression and risk of complications. The authors suggested that this subclassification might help to tailor early treatment to patients who would benefit most.[18] A subsequent analysis assessing the clinical utility of this cluster-based strategy indicated that for predicting response to glucose lowering drugs, models incorporating simple clinical features outperformed the cluster approach.[19] However, the performance of all models, both clusters and clinical features, to predict response to glucose lowering drugs was low.[19] Hence, these studies show that clinical features measured before drug exposure are insufficient to accurately and pre-cisely predict drug response. Alternative strategies should thus be ex-plored such as using the observed change in clinical features during the first weeks or months of therapy to predict a drug’s efficacy to reduce the risk of long-term clinical outcomes. We showed that the PRE score, by integrating changes in risk markers after a short period of treatment, can be utilized to predict long-term drug response, providing a prom-ising alternative to predictions based on clinical features before drug exposure.[4–8]

This study should be interpreted with the following limitations in mind. We note that the ADVANCE score included the presence of retinopathy and the age at which formal education was completed as predictors for renal outcomes. These data were not available in the RENAAL study, which may have resulted in an underestimation of the performance to predict renal events, although it is unlikely that drug response estimations by the ADVANCE risk score were influenced since these features do not change over a short-term period. We com-pared the performance of the three risk scores to predict the effect in a single trial with a specific drug, losartan. Other studies demonstrated that the PRE score accurately predicts the effect of other drugs such as a glucagon like peptide receptor agonist, sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor, and endothelin receptor antagonist.[5,20–22] This study demonstrated that the PRE score adequately predicted response to ARB therapy. Further prospective studies are needed to assess whether a PRE score guided therapy approach compared to standard of care improves long-term clinical outcomes.



A novel drug response score more  accurately predicts renoprotective drug effects

than existing  renal risk scores

In conclusion, this study showed that the PRE-score, a composite score of multiple short-term drug effects outperformed existing risk scores in predicting long-term effects of angiotensin receptor blockers on renal outcomes, while it showed similar performance on estimating renal risk. This response score may aid in personalizing treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes to guide therapy towards more favorable outcomes.


NMAI is supported by a grant from the Innovative Medicines Initiative BEAt-DKD programme. The BEAt-DKD project has received funding from the IMI2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement 115974. This joint undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations. HJLH is supported by a VIDI grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (917.15.306).


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2. Tangri N, Stevens LA, Griffith J, Tighiouart H, Djurdjev O, Naimark D et al. A predictive model for pro-gression of chronic kidney disease to kidney failure. JAMA 2011; 305: 1553–1559.

3. Jardine MJ, Hata J, Woodward M, Perkovic V, Ninomiya T, Arima H et

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20. Idzerda NMA, Stefansson BV, Pena MJ, Sjostrom DC, Wheeler DC, Heer-spink HJL. Prediction of the effect of dapagliflozin on kidney and heart failure outcomes based on short-term changes in multiple risk markers. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2019. 21. Idzerda NMA, Clegg LE, Hernandez

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A novel drug response score more  accurately predicts renoprotective drug effects

than existing  renal risk scores

Supplementary files

Supplementary Table 1. Identified renal risk scores that were developed in

popula-tions including patients with type 2 diabetes and/or diabetic kidney disease. The risk scores marked grey in the table below are used in the present study.

Year Population Patients,

n Events, n Predictors Outcome

Tangri et al.

[S1] 2011 CKD stage 3–5 3449 386

eGFR, age, sex, UACR, albumin, phosphate,

bicarbonate, calcium ESRD Jardine et al.

[S2] 2012 T2D, high renal and/or CV risk 11,140 128

eGFR, retinopathy, sex, UACR, SBP, waist circumference, HbA1c, age at completion for-mal education Composite of DSCR to ≥ 200 μmol/L and ESRD Bidadkosh et al. [S3] 2017 T2D, advanced CKD 861 60 UACR, sCr, Hb, age, sex, NT-proBNP, hsTNT Composite of ESRD and 40% eGFR decline Desai et al. [S4] 2011 T2D, anemia, CKD stage 3–4 995 222

Age, sex, race, BMI, insulin use, eGFR, SUN, UPCR, albumin, prior stroke/PAD/HF, cardiac arrhythmia, Hb, CRP, prior AKI, NT-proBNP, TnT ESRD Hoshino et al.

[S5] 2015 T1D or T2D, CKD stage 1–5 205 NR Pathological features based on renal biopsy ESRD Johnson et al.

[S6] 2008 CKD stage 3–4 9782 323

Age, sex, eGFR, di-abetes, anemia,

hypertension ESRD Landray et al.

[S7] 2010 CKD stage 3–5 382 190 Sex, UACR, phos-phate, sCr ESRD Li et al.

[S8] 2016 T2D 604 22 HbA1c, eGFR, pro-teinuria, VAP−1 ESRD Schroeder et al.

[S9] 2017 CKD stage 3–4 22,460 737

Age, sex, eGFR, Hb, proteinuria, SBP, anti-hypertensive treatment, diabetes ESRD Xie et al. [S10] 2016 CKD stage 3–5 Low socio- economic status 28,779 1730

Age, sex, race, eGFR, dipstick proteinuria ESRD T2D, type 2 diabetes; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CV, cardiovascular; DSCR, doubling of serum creatinine; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; UACR, urine albumin: urine creati-nine ratio; sCr, serum creaticreati-nine; Hb, haemoglobin; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; hsTNT, high sensitivity troponin T; BMI, body mass index; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; SUN, serum urea nitrogen; UPCR, urine protein: urine creatinine ratio, PAD; peripheral arterial disease; HF, heart failure; CRP, C-reactive protein; AKI, acute kidney injury; SBP, systolic blood pressure; HbA1c, glycated haemo-globin; VAP−1, vascular adhesion protein 1.


Supplementar y T ab le 2A. Character istics of

the included scores and

their dev elopment populations . Study P opulation Outcome P atients, n Ev ents, n Median FU, y Predictor s V alidation** KFRE T ang ri 2011 [S1] CKD stage 3–5 ESRD after 1, 3 and 5 y 3449 386 2.1 Age, sex, alb, eGFR, A CR, ca, phos, HCO3 Exter nal AD V ANCE Jardine 2012 [S2] T2D , high renal and/or CV r isk

Composite renal outcome after 5

y 11140 128 4.4 Sex, eGFR, retn, A CR, SBP , w aist circ , HbA1c , education age Inter nal PRE score P ar ving 2012 [S11] T2D , high renal and/or CV r isk

Composite renal outcome / ESRD

4287 ESRD: 110 Comp: 248 2.7 A CR, SBP , HbA1c , Hb, ur ic acid, TC, BMI, K Exter nal P ackham 2012 [S12] T2D , o ver t proteinur ia

Composite renal outcome / ESRD

598 ESRD: 9 Comp: 30 0.8 Lewis 2001 [S13] T2D , o ver t proteinur ia

Composite renal outcome / ESRD

569 ESRD: 101 Comp: 158 2.6

* Defined as a doubling of ser

um creatinine to ≥ 200 μmol/L or ESRD ** Inter nally

validated scores are

tested in

the dataset used

to dev elop the r isk model. Exter nally

validated scores are additionally

tested in a different dataset

that is not used for dev

elopment. Supplementar y T ab le 2B . Character istics of the RENAAL tr ial. Study Inclusion cr iter ia Inter vention Pr imar y outcome Ev ent rate, N/n (%) Median FU , y RENAAL [S14] T2D , A CR > 300 mg/g sCr 1.3–3.0 mg/dl Losar tan 100 mg/day on top of standard care

Composite of DSCR, ESRD and death

Placebo: 359/762 (47.1) Losar tan: 327/751 (43.5) 3.4 CKD

, chronic kidney disease;

T2D , type 2 diabetes; CV , cardio vascular ; ESRD

, end-stage kidney disease;

FU , follo w-up; alb, ser um alb umin; eGFR, esti -mated glomer

ular filtration rate;

retn, retinopath y; A CR, ur ine alb umin: ur

ine creatinine ratio;

ca, ser um calcium; phos, ser um phosphate; HCO3. Ser um bicarbonate; SBP

, systolic blood pressure;

w aist circ , w aist circumference; HbA1c , glycated haemoglobin; education age,

age at completion of for

mal educa -tion; Hb, haemoglobin; TC, total cholesterol; BMI,

body mass index;

K, potassium; sCr, ser um creatinine; DSCR, doubling of ser um creatinine.



A novel drug response score more  accurately predicts renoprotective drug effects

than existing  renal risk scores

Probabi lity of c ompos ite renal ev ent (% ) A Predi ct ed R isk Q uin tile PRE s co re G N D χ 2st at is tic 8 .8 P= 0. 07 20 40 60 80 1 2 3 4 5 0 O bs er ved Pr edi ct ed 1 2 3 4 5 Probabi lity of c ompos ite renal ev ent (% ) 80 60 40 20 0 Predi ct ed R isk Q uin tile G N D χ 2st at is tic 124 .5 P< 0. 01 O bs er ved Pr edi ct ed ADV ANCE ris k e ng in e 1 2 3 4 5 PRE s co re Probabi lity of ES KD (% ) 60 40 20 80 0 Predi ct ed R isk Q uin tile O bs er ved Pr edi ct ed G N D χ 2st at is tic 8 .9 P= 0. 06 1 2 3 4 5 Probabi lity of ES KD (% ) 60 40 20 80 0 KF RE O bs er ved Pr edi ct ed G N D χ 2st at is tic 4 .7 P= 0. 32 B Predi ct ed R isk Q uin tile Probabi lity of c ompos ite renal ev ent (% ) A Predi ct ed R isk Q uin tile PRE s co re G N D χ 2st at is tic 8 .8 P= 0. 07 20 40 60 80 1 2 3 4 5 0 O bs er ved Pr edi ct ed 1 2 3 4 5 Probabi lity of c ompos ite renal ev ent (% ) 80 60 40 20 0 Predi ct ed R isk Q uin tile G N D χ 2st at is tic 124 .5 P< 0. 01 O bs er ved Pr edi ct ed ADV ANCE ris k e ng in e 1 2 3 4 5 PRE s co re Probabi lity of ES KD (% ) 60 40 20 80 0 Predi ct ed R isk Q uin tile O bs er ved Pr edi ct ed G N D χ 2st at is tic 8 .9 P= 0. 06 1 2 3 4 5 Probabi lity of ES KD (% ) 60 40 20 80 0 KF RE O bs er ved Pr edi ct ed G N D χ 2st at is tic 4 .7 P= 0. 32 B Predi ct ed R isk Q uin tile Supplementar y Figure 1. Obser ved ver sus predicted r isk for

the composite renal outcome of doubling of ser

um creatinine

to ≥


μmol/L or

ESRD based on predictions by





isk score and

the PRE score


and for

the separate ESRD endpoint based on predictions by


KFRE and

the PRE score



Supplementary Figure 2. Receiver operating curves (ROC) for the composite renal

endpoint of doubling of serum creatinine to ≥ 200 μmol/L or ESRD based on predic-tions by the ADVANCE risk score and the PRE score (A) and for the separate ESRD endpoint based on predictions by the KFRE and the PRE score (B).

P for difference 0.02 Specificity Sens iti vi ty 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 PRE score 0.82 ADVANCE score 0.79 Specificity Sens iti vi ty 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 PRE score 0.81 KFRE 0.83 P for difference 0.24 B A P for difference 0.02 Specificity Sens iti vi ty 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 PRE score 0.82 ADVANCE score 0.79 Specificity Sens iti vi ty 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 PRE score 0.81 KFRE 0.83 P for difference 0.24 B A



A novel drug response score more  accurately predicts renoprotective drug effects

than existing  renal risk scores

S1. Tangri N, Stevens LA, Griffith J, Tighiouart H, Djurdjev O, Naimark D et al. A predictive model for pro-gression of chronic kidney disease to kidney failure. JAMA 2011; 305: 1553–1559.

S2. Jardine MJ, Hata J, Woodward M, Perkovic V, Ninomiya T, Arima H et

al. Prediction of kidney-related

out-comes in patients with type 2 diabetes. Am J Kidney Dis 2012; 60: 770–778. S3. Bidadkosh A, Lambooy SPH,

Heer-spink HJ, Pena MJ, Henning RH, Buikema H et al. Predictive Proper-ties of Biomarkers GDF−15, NT-proBNP, and hs-TnT for Morbidity and Mortality in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes With Nephropathy. Diabe-tes Care 2017; 40: 784–792. S4. Desai AS, Toto R, Jarolim P, Uno

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The long-term kidney protective effects of the sodium glucose co transporter 2 inhibitor dapaglifozin can be attributed in part to improvements in (renal) mitochondrial function.

Better prediction of drug response in diabetic kidney disease: a biomarker approach to personalize

[35–37] For the ARBs losartan and irbesartan as well as for the calcium antago- nist amlodipine, the PRE score predicted long-term renal and CV risk changes that were similar to

Volume overload is frequently observed in patients with type 2 dia- betes at high cardio-renal risk.[12,13] Extracellular volume restriction, by means of moderating dietary

Distribution of patients according to percentage change in proteinuria (UPCR ) and absolute change in total cholesterol (TC) from baseline to week 14; in all treatment groups (A)

Predicted risk change for the composite renal outcome of ≥ 30% eGFR de- cline or ESRD (A) and for the composite renal outcome of ≥ 40% eGFR decline or ESRD (B) in the EXSCEL

Changes in single risk markers often insufficiently predict the long-term drug effect on clinical outcomes, as shown by multiple clinical trials.[22, 36–38] Integrating

In Chapter 4, we therefore compared two existing risk scores with the PRE score in their ability to predict long-term renal effects of ARB therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes