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The fine art of boundary sensitivity

Waldring, I.E.


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Waldring, I. E. (2018). The fine art of boundary sensitivity: Second-generation professionals engaging with social

boundaries in the workplace.

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The third research question tested the effect of cultural identity preservation of second generation migrants on tempo aspects of fertility, where it was

Based on the literature, our hypotheses are (1) Turkish children show more externalizing behaviors than Dutch children as previous findings have shown that

Second-generation Turkish immigrant families in the Netherlands : parenting and toddler behavior problems..

Second-generation Turkish immigrant families in the Netherlands : parenting and toddler behavior problems..

In the literature inconsistent results have been reported regarding child behavior problems (e.g., externalizing behaviors) in Turkish immigrant families living in the Netherlands

Based on the literature, our hypotheses are (1) Turkish children show more externalizing behaviors than Dutch children as previous findings have shown that

In the Turkish immigrant group only, we also examined the associations between the Turkish and Dutch language use, emotional connectedness to the Turkish and

Therefore, we investigated the influence of child temperament, positive parenting, and authoritarian discipline on child physical aggression in second-generation Turkish