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Well-being and headache in adolescence : A self-regulation perspective


Academic year: 2021

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Well-being and headache in adolescence : A self-regulation perspective

Massey, E.K.


Massey, E. K. (2009, April 21). Well-being and headache in adolescence : A self-regulation perspective. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/13750

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Well-being and headache in adolescence:

A self-regulation perspective

Emma K. Massey


ISBN 978-90-8570-280-1

The research reported in this thesis was conducted under the auspices of the Research Institute for Psychology & Health, an Institute accredited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Printed by Wöhrmann Print Service on FSC certified paper

Front cover design by Jo-Ann Snel @ Boekentbent


Well-being and headache in adolescence:

A self-regulation perspective

Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op gezag van Rector Magnificus

prof. mr. P.F. van der Heijden,

volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties

te verdedigen op dinsdag 21 april 2009

klokke 15.00 uur


Emma K. Massey

geboren te Halifax in Engeland

in 1980



Promotor: Prof. dr. C.M.J.G. Maes, Universiteit Leiden Co-promotores: Dr. W.A. Gebhardt, Universiteit Leiden

Dr. N. Garnefski, Universiteit Leiden Referent: Prof. dr. G. Crombez, Universiteit Gent Overige leden: Prof. dr. M.J. Sorbi, Universiteit Utrecht

Prof. dr. R. Sanderman, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Prof. dr. P.M. Westenberg, Universiteit Leiden


For my family



Chapter One General Introduction 9

Chapter Two Adolescent goal content and pursuit: 21

A review of the literature from the past 16 years

Chapter Three Self-generated goals and goal process appraisals: 73 Relationships with sociodemographic factors and well-being

Chapter Four Goal frustration, coping and well-being in the context of 97 adolescent headache: A self-regulation approach

Chapter Five Headache, daily frustration and cognitive coping 119 in adolescent affect: A daily diary study

Chapter Six Daily frustration, cognitive coping and coping efficacy 133 in adolescent headache: A daily diary study

Chapter Seven Summary & General Discussion 145

References 163

Dutch Summary 185

Acknowledgements 191

Curriculum Vitae 193




2002a: Education goals positively related to family social status, academic performance, self-concept (depending on ethnicity), family and school environment, and varied according

There were no significant sociodemographic differences in free-time goal reporting, however, adolescents following a higher secondary education found free-time goals

In contrast to the findings on goal importance, adolescents with weekly headache reported greater frustration of their personal goals compared to those with less frequent

Finally, on days when frustration was high, next day positive affect was regressed on cognitive coping strategies and coping efficacy, controlling for age, gender,

When daily frustration is experienced, to what extent are cognitive coping strategies used in response to the stress and coping efficacy related to headache

The main research questions in this study were: (1) to what extent are the content of adolescent goals and goal- process appraisals related to the individual

African American mothers' and daughters' beliefs about possible selves and their strategies for reaching the adolescents' future academic and career goals..

In Hoofdstuk Vijf zijn de prospectieve relaties tussen hoofdpijn, dagelijkse frustratie, cognitieve coping en coping efficacy aan de enerzijds en positief en negatief