.Wefoundthatthemodelcontainingthefactorsanxiety,gloominessandsomatic/vege-tativewasonaveragethebestpredictingandthemostcorrectmodel. (IDS-C ),threetimesinahalfyearperiod.DuringthisperiodthesubjectsreceivedCognitiveBehaviouralTherapy.Tofindtheunderlyingfact
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six ordinal variables with principal-component factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha is 0.7, which passes a conventional guideline for the reliability of the scale. NPM reform index is
That is, when subjects demonstrate different scores on each subdomain (high on SA and low on ED or vice versa), their total of negative symptoms may be similar, while their
Our aim was to gauge the typical effect size of being ostracized in the Cyberball game and to see whether this effect is moderated by cross-cutting variables that were hypothesized
The study has four main steps: (a) first, for a particular psychological test, it de- tects the pattern of missing values obtained in a real situa- tion; (b) second,
In general, the operations where missing values have to be taken into consideration in Step 1 and Step 2 are the calculations of Euclidean distances and the calculation of
Cumulative probability models are widely used for the analysis of ordinal data. In this article the authors propose cumulative probability mixture models that allow the assumptions
This paper presents a general class of models for ordinal categorical data which can be specified by means of linear and/or log-linear equality and/or inequality restrictions on
Summarizing, for this application, the modied Lisrel model extended with Fay's approach to partially observed data gave a very parsimonious description of both the causal