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Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/136753


Academic year: 2021

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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/136753 holds various files of this Leiden University


Author: Pan, Y.


STELLINGEN (Propositions) Behorend bij het proefschrift:

General plant strategies and functions in wetlands: global trait-based analyses By Yingji Pan

1. Wetland adaptive traits and leaf economics traits should both be considered when we apply trait-based approaches to wetland ecology (this thesis).

2. The fast-return strategies of wetland plants may compensate for adaptation costs to the stressful environment and the relatively high herbivore risk in wetlands (this thesis).

3. The driving mechanisms for wetland plant adaptive traits are complex and highly case-specific. This provides challenges for future wetland vegetation modelling (this thesis).

4. The cheap and flexible adaptive strategies allow wetland plants to survive and prosper in a wide variety of wetland habitats (this thesis).

5. Trait-based approaches are more powerful to represent plant performances and strategies than traditionally emphasized plant functional types (PFTs) (van Bodegom et al., 2014; Verheijen et al., 2016).

6. We need careful ecological considerations to manage wetlands and optimize the balance between ecosystem services provision and greenhouse gases emissions (Zedler & Kercher, 2005; Mitsch et al., 2013).

7. The unique properties of wetlands make them ideal natural laboratories to test and evaluate the trait-based theory originated in non-wetland terrestrial ecosystems (Moor et al., 2017).

8. Despite their unique features, wetland habitat types across the globe share essential processes. A holistic understanding of this conceptual unity will advance scholars within their own areas of specialization (Keddy, 2010). 9. “Simplex sigillum veri” (Simplicity is the sign of truth). Motto of the Dutch



variable filtering conditions across the globe, with respect to tem- perature and precipitation regimes. Therefore, it can be assumed that future filtering conditions will result

a, Observed community (CWM) trait change over time (coloured lines) across all 117 sites versus expected CWM change over the duration of vegetation monitoring (1989–2015) based

The decoupled pattern of the three dominant trait axes in wetland plants not only reveals flexible wetland plant strategies in coping with the complex wetland conditions, but

(2014) Root porosity, radial oxygen loss and iron plaque on roots of wetland plants in relation to zinc tolerance and accumulation. (1991) Use, overuse, and misuse of

Next to wetland adaptive traits that are critical for plants to survive in wetlands, leaf economics traits that express how plants acquire and allocate resources and

Doordat deze groepen van eigenschappen mogelijk ontkoppeld zijn, geeft dit mogelijkheden om belangrijke functies van waterrijke gebieden zoals methaanemissies

From 2016, he was, as a PhD student, awarded a scholarship funded by the CSC-Leiden University joint program to study at the Institute of Environmental Sciences

We inves- tigated whether global leaf economic relationships are also present within the scale of plant functional types (PFTs) commonly used by Earth System models, and the extent