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The Lord be with You


Academic year: 2022

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The Lord be with You

The Lord be with You

To guide you on your journey His light may lead the way The Lord be with you

The shield of Christ protect you As you arise today

The Lord be with you May Christ uplift your spirit When you have fallen down The Lord be with you

May you be free from sorrow

The lord be with you as you rise today The lord be with you

And may his light surround you When dark or danger comes The Lord be with you

The shield of Christ defend you As you arise today

The Lord be with you

And may his ears hear for you May you see through His eyes The Lord be with you

May you be led by wisdom The lord be with you as you rise The Lord is with you

And may God’s word speak through you May these words give you strength The Lord is with you

His power will uphold you

The lord be with you as you rise today

Orig. title: Zegenbede Leon van Veen/Erwin de Vos English lyrics: Erwin de Vos

© 2014 Small Stone Media - www.smallstonemedia.com



And though the fig tree does not blossom, no fruit found on the vine Yet I will choose to trust You even in my pain. Lord, You are

Lord, You’re always with me, everyday And You’re right beside me, everyday You surround and protect me. Everywhere

Title: Glorie, Glorie (want deze nacht) Leon van Veen / Erwin de Vos. English lyrics: Erwin

En dat Hij aan het kruishout Zijn leven voor mij geven zou Maakte voor mij de schuld zo ongedaan voortaan Leon van Veen / Erwin de Vos. © 2012 Small Stone Media, Holland

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