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Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook June 19


Academic year: 2022

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Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-683-3424.

Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook June 19 – June 25, 2014

Dryness continues across southern Hispaniola.

During the last week, moderate rain (10-30mm) was observed across the Artibonite and Centre departments of Haiti and bordering areas in northwestern Dominican Republic. Rains during the past several weeks have increased in frequency across northern Hispaniola, which has helped to improve poor ground conditions in northern Haiti and northwestern Dominican Republic. Elsewhere during the past seven days, light rains (<15mm) were observed in central Dominican Republic and along the northern coastline of Hispaniola. Overall, rains were below-average during the past week which added to already substantial thirty-day (100-200mm below-average) and seasonal rainfall deficits. Seasonal rains have been below 80% of normal across Hispaniola with the driest areas in southern Haiti and southern/eastern Dominican Republic having observed less than 50% of their seasonal rains thus far. Poor vegetative conditions remain across localized areas in the Sud and Nippes departments of Haiti and the southwestern parts of the Dominican Republic. For the next seven days, rainfall is forecast to be light (<15mm) across much of Hispaniola with the exception of central parts of Haiti and the Dominican Republic where moderate rains (15-40mm) are expected. The lack of widespread heavy rains will likely increase rainfall deficits and provide little relief to dry conditions in southern Haiti and the Dominican Republic.



Many other regions, especially in northern and southern portions of Haiti and western Dominican Republic, exhibit deficits well in excess of 50mm.. Similar deficits can

While the northern portions of Hispaniola have received abundant and above-average rainfall over the past thirty days, its southern counterparts have suffered from insufficient

During the past week, reduced rainfall prevailed over the southern parts of Hispaniola, with suppressed rain across southern Dominican Republic and light

During the past week, increased amounts of rainfall were received over central and southern parts of Hispaniola, with suppressed rain across northern Dominican Republic..

During the next week, rainfall forecasts indicate a slight increase over the Island, with moderate to locally heavy rain over portions of southern, west-central, and northern

Since early July, rainfall has been generally suppressed over western and southern Haiti, as well as throughout central and eastern Dominican Republic.. While the increase in rains

During the past week, suppressed rain prevailed over Hispaniola, with the exception of central Haiti and the south- central portions of the Dominican Republic, where moderate

Over the past thirty days, much of the Island has received below-average rain, with the largest (&gt; 100 mm) deficits in southwestern and northern Haiti and