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Memory function after stress : the effects of acute stress and cortisol on memory and the inhibition of emotional distraction


Academic year: 2021

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Memory function after stress : the effects of acute stress and cortisol on memory and the inhibition of emotional distraction

Oei, N.Y.L.


Oei, N. Y. L. (2010, November 18). Memory function after stress : the effects of acute stress and cortisol on memory and the inhibition of emotional distraction. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/16156

Version: Not Applicable (or Unknown)

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden

Downloaded from: https://hdl.handle.net/1887/16156

Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version (if applicable).


Memory function after stress:

Memory function after stress:

Memory function after stress:

Memory function after stress:

the effects of acute stress and cortisol the effects of acute stress and cortisol the effects of acute stress and cortisol the effects of acute stress and cortisol on

on on

on memory and the inhibition of emotional memory and the inhibition of emotional memory and the inhibition of emotional memory and the inhibition of emotional distraction





Cover by Werner studio (Leander Lammertink) Printed by CPI Wöhrmann Print Service


Memory function after stress:

Memory function after stress:

Memory function after stress:

Memory function after stress:

the effects of acute stress and cortisol the effects of acute stress and cortisol the effects of acute stress and cortisol the effects of acute stress and cortisol on


on on memory and the inhibition of emotional memory and the inhibition of emotional memory and the inhibition of emotional memory and the inhibition of emotional distraction

distraction distraction distraction

Proefschrift ter verkrijging van

de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden,

op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof.mr. P.F. van der Heijden, volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties

te verdedigen op donderdag 18 november 2010 klokke 15 uur


Nicole Yü Lan Oei

Geboren te Amsterdam in 1967



Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ph. Spinhoven Copromotor: Dr. B. M. Elzinga

Overige leden: Prof. Dr. J. W. van der Does

Prof. Dr. G. Fernández, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Prof. Dr. S. A. R. B. Rombouts

Prof. Dr. O. T. Wolf, Ruhr-Universität Bochum



Chapter 1 General introduction 9

Chapter 2 Glucocorticoids decrease hippocampal and prefrontal

activation during declarative memory retrieval in young men


Chapter 3 Psychosocial stress impairs working memory at high loads: an association with cortisol levels and memory



Chapter 4 Hydrocortisone reduces emotional distracter interference in working memory


Chapter 5 Propranolol reduces emotional distraction in working memory: A partial mediating role of propranolol- induced cortisol increases?


Chapter 6 Stress shifts brain activation towards ventral “affective” areas during

emotional distraction


Chapter 7 Summary and general discussion 125 Nederlandse samenvatting (Dutch



References 149

Curriculum Vitae 176




License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden Downloaded.

In that regard, the enhancement of memory processes during the early stages of responding to a stressor can be viewed as logical and salutary.” However, one of the

When neutral words were analyzed separately (neuCH-.. neuCR), significantly less activation was found during hydrocortisone treatment in the right superior frontal gyrus, left

High cortisol levels at the time of testing were associated with slow WM performance at high loads, and with impaired recall of moderately emotional, but not of

No effect of psychosocial stress was found on memory specificity or experience, but cortisol increases tended to be related to less specific, recent memories elicited by neutral

Data were ana- lyzed using repeated measures ANOVAs, with as between- subjects factor Group (hydrocortisone vs. placebo) and Load (high vs. low), Target type (present vs. absent)

Furthermore, to examine whether reconsolidation specifically is affected by cortisol, future investigations should increase cortisol levels after memory reacti- vation to separate

The present study examined the immediate and prolonged effects of both cortisol and propranolol administration on physiological responses to script-driven imagery of nega-