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Conclusions and Recommendations Section C


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 It would be valuable to do research on individual family members’ (embedded in the family) strengths that contribute to family psychosocial well-being since,

In Chapter 4, the exploratory network analysis indicated that wetland management was an important aspect for successful adoption of push-pull by farmers, and

The aim of this study was to attempt to identify the electronic and steric properties of the precatalyst ligands that determine the characteristics of phosphine ligated

Disability organisations may also contribute to these promotional efforts by drawing the attention of the tourism industry to the needs and desires of people with

The rationale is that Quality of Work Life contributes to the perceived service delivery and performance of employees, and that satisfied employees tend to be hardworking,

 A comparison with coal characteristic properties, revealed that the higher tar yield of coal G#5 could be ascribed to the high vitrinite (60.2 vol.% m.m.f.b.) and liptinite

(eds) Research at grass roots: for the social sciences and human service professions. Pretoria: Van Schaik. Play Therapy with the sexually abused child.

The development of the social work empowerment programme for foster parents of sexually abused children was based on the identified needs gathered through a literature