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Yves Moreau Master of Bioinformatics Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2001-2002


Academic year: 2021

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Yves Moreau Master of Bioinformatics Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2001-2002


n Sequence alignment n Hidden Markov Models n Profile HMMs


n Regular expression

n Problem: regular expression does not distinguish



A .8 C 0 G 0 T .2 A 0 C .8 G .2 T 0 A .8 C .2 G 0 T 0 A 1 C 0 G 0 T 0 A 0 C 0 G .2 T .8 A 0 C .8 G .2 T 0 A .2 C .4 G .2 T .2 1.0 1.0 .6 .4 .6 .4 1.0 1.0 Sequence score 0472 0 8 0 1 8 0 1 1 6 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 8 0 1 8 0 ) ( . . . . . . . . . P = × × × × × × × × × × × × = ACACATC Transition probabilities Emission probabilities


n Log odds for sequence S: A: 1.16 T:-0.22 C: 1.16 G:-0.22 A: 1.16 C:-0.22 A: 1.39 G:-0.22 T: 1.16 C: 1.16 G:-0.22 A:-0.22 C: 0.47 G:-0.22 T:-0.22 0 0 -0.51 -0.92 -0.51 -0.92 0 0 25 . 0 log ) ( log 25 . 0 ) ( log P SL = P SL


65 . 6 16 . 1 0 16 . 1 39 . 1 51 . 0 47 . 0 51 . 0 16 . 1 0 16 . 1 0 16 . 1 ) ( odds log = + + + + − + − + + + + = − ACACATC -0.97 TGCT--AGG (exceptional) 4.6 ACCG--ATC 4.9 AGA---ATC 5.3 ACAC--AGC 3.0 TCAACTATC 4.9 ACA---ATG 6.7 ACAC--ATC (consensus) Log odds Sequence


n Hidden Markov Model

n The observations are the emitted symbols n The state transitions are hidden

n Estimation and training of HMMs can be done with

several dynamic programming methods

n We can compute the probability of observing a sequence

of observations given the sequence of the states (see previous slides)


n In general, we do not know the sequence of the states

(as the states are hidden) but we can find which sequence of states gives the highest probability of producing the sequence of observations = Viterbi


n Also, we can estimate the probability of producing a

sequence of observations independently of the state sequence = forward algorithm

n Further, we can estimate the probability of the different

states at each observation in the observation sequence = backward algorithm


n Parameter estimation

n Based on a set of sequences, we want to find an HMM that

could have produced this set of sequences

n If the state sequence is known, estimating the transition and

emission probabilities amounts to counting

n If the state sequence is not known, we optimize the parameters

so as to maximize the overall likelihood of the data

n The strategy is to find the best state sequences given the current

parameters and to reestimate the parameters given the best state sequences; this procedure is then iterated until


n Viterbi training uses the Viterbi algorithm in the iteration

n Baum-Welch training uses the forward-backward algorithm in the


n Hidden Markov Models for multiple alignments n Match, insert, and delete states



Multiple alignment (+ conserved columns)



containing previously unseen residues

n To avoid this problem, add pseudocounts (add extra counts as if

prior data was available)

New profile HMM

.85 .33


n More sophisticated pseudocounts are possible

n Different types of local alignments can be done with

HMMs (e.g., Smith-Waterman)

n Profile HMMs can be estimated from unaligned


n This produces also the multiple alignment n Need large number of sequences


n SAM: University of California Santa Cruz

n http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/research/compbio/sam.html

n Web service:

http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/research/compbio/HMM-apps/HMM-applications.html (takes time)

n Hmmer (‘hammer’): Washington University, St. Louis



n http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Pfam/search.shtml

n Collection of protein families and protein domains

n Provides multiple alignment of the protein families for the


n Provides the domain organization of proteins n Provides profile HMMs of the domains


n Higher gene density in prokaryotes n No introns in prokaryotes

n In prokaryotes, large ORFs (>300-500bp) likely to contain a gene but

smaller genes are harder to detect

n Eukaryotes n Promoter n CpG islands n 5’UTR n Exons n Introns n 3’UTR n Splice sites n Repeats


n Sources of evidence (positive and negative)

n Similarity to features not likely to overlap coding sequence (e.g.,

Alu repeats)

n Sequence similarity to known genes (e.g., found by BLASTX) n Statistical measure of codon bias

n Template matches to functional sites (e.g., splice site) n The structure must respect the biological grammar


n Search by signal

n Detect short signals in the genome

n E.g., splice site, signal peptide, glycosylation site n Neural networks can be useful here

n Search by content

n Detect extended regions in the genome n E.g., coding regions, CpG islands

n Hidden Markov Models are useful here


n Hidden Markov Models can be used to predict genes

n Homology to a known gene is also a strong methods for

detecting genes

n More and more gene prediction packages combine both


n In mammalians, CpG islands have higher G+C and CG

dinucleotide content than the rest of the DNA

n CpG islands arise in active regions where no

deactivation by methylation takes place (CG

dinucleotides in methylated regions disappear by deamination)

n CpG islands may be used as gene markers in


n Repeats make up a large part of the human genome n Alu repeats

n Long Interspersed Elements (LINEs) n Short Interspersed Elements (SINEs)


n Promoter region contains the element that control the

expression of the gene

n Prediction of the promoter region (e.g., prediction of the

TATA-box) is difficult

n Current methods in human do not significantly better than the


n Introns usually

n Begin with GU dinucleotide (donor splice site) n End with AG dinucleotide (acceptor splice site)

n Neural networks hav been applied for analysis of splice

sites, they are able to detect complex correlation between positions in a functional site


n Polyadenylation (cleavage of pre-mRNA 3' end and

synthesis of poly-(A) tract) is a very important early step of pre-mRNA processing

n The most well-known signal involved in this process is

AATAAA, located 15-20 nucleotides upstream from the poly-(A) site (site of cleavage)

n Real AATAAA signals can differ from AATAAA

consensus sequence. The most frequent natural variant, ATTAAA, is nearly as active as the canonical sequence.


n Most coding potentials are based on analysis of codon


n The HMMs keeps track of some kind of average coding

potential around each position

n The increase and decrease of the coding potential will


n Current performance on exon prediction is acceptable n However, grouping the correct exons into the genes is

still problematic

n In many cases, the majority of the predicted genes will



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