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In some of the consumer health and wellness markets Philips has business activities like dental care and baby care


Academic year: 2021

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Appendix I Initial assignment Lead user research senior solutions

1. Introduction

Philips Applied Technologies is currently investigating opportunities in the area of personal and consumer health and wellness. Philips interest in this area is not new. In some of the consumer health and wellness markets Philips has business activities like dental care and baby care. In a number of other areas, like hearing aids and air treatment, Philips has been active but for some reason decided to withdraw from these markets. The current scope of activities of Philips in the personal and consumer health and wellness markets is rather limited. Available experience in other areas from the past still can be found but is 4 to 10 years old and as such must be considered outdated. This results in a situation where we have plenty of opportunities that we can address from the technology side, but we miss solid quality market input. A well-known approach to handle this issue is so called lead user projects. Philips has conducted lead user projects in the past (e.g. PC peripherals, Audio Design, Residential Security, Home Video Conferencing) with active involvement of Philips Applied technologies (be it under different names and organizations like ADC and ASA Labs).

2. Project objectives

1. Create a lead user network that provides consumer insights in the area of consumer and personal health and wellness.

2. Identification of high value product-market propositions that show an excellent fit between needs and Philips Applied Technologies capabilities.

3. Proposed approach

There are several possible approaches to address lead users: from offering prototype products that we have developed ourselves, to offering leading edge products from suppliers that can be found somewhere on the market. Depending on the approach the characteristics of related lead user projects will be entirely different. The consumer and personal health and wellness market is totally new to us, so we face maximum uncertainty. The proposed approach is to start with offering leading edge products available on the market, as this is lowest cost and lowest risk.

Way of working

(1) Creating a lead user network for consumer health and wellness.

Lead users have specific needs that are not fulfilled by existing products, and are actively looking for a solution. They are forced to develop solutions for themselves, often starting with existing products that are adapted to their needs. These users are ahead of market trends. For the proposed project, a lead user network will be build through a website, where we offer leading edge products in the area of consumer health and wellness. This website functions as a channel to sell the products, and should also be used for gathering insights in consumer segmentation (by means of e.g. analysis of browsing behaviour and forums). To prevent possible damage to the Philips brand no reference to Philips will be made, unless Philips Electronics Nederland takes responsibility. To eliminate well-known entry barriers for innovation, like e.g. technology fear, we offer help desk and technical assistance to the users.


74 (2) Identification of high value product-market propositions.

By observing usage of the offered products and finding out users’ experiences and suggestions, we can gain insights in where and how products and services offered can be augmented and/or improved. We also expect to discover unfulfilled needs where new solutions can be offered. This will lead to two different kind of development projects: 1 In case a Philips business group is interested they can offer funding for a development project. 2 – In case an external party is interested they can offer a development contract.

In both cases these development projects as such are separate from the lead user project. Prototypes resulting from such projects can of course be used in a new lead user project.

The size and diversity of the consumer and personal health area is too big to address this with one project. So we need a pragmatic segmentation to start with. Therefore we propose to start with already available project proposals (such as Gabriel for independent living). The main reason for this is that it can be assumed that for these products we have the technical capabilities to offer product support and technical assistance when needed.

Proposed projects are:

• Video chat with family/ friends and doctor

• Living independently/ Gabriel

• GSM for elderly

Lead user research will be started up in Nuenen, as there we have access to initial target groups. Also this location is geographically close to our organisation. Where the Nuenen project proves to be successful scaling up to the Netherlands and then to Europe/ Global can be considered. In this case we expect however active participation of business groups.

4. Deliverables Deliverables are:

• Investigate potential low hanging fruit

• Develop requirement capturing process for solutions designed around seniors

• Working lead user network

• Collect suggestions for product improvement and new products for Philips

In addition, this project will have the beneficial effect of introducing developers of Applied Technologies to the useful effects of applying usage centred design early on in the development process.

5. Planning and milestones

In total three products will be tested with around 10-15 lead users per test. The trial period will be 12 weeks per product. The first trial will be organised from wk 0536 till wk 47, the second and third products will be tested in trials organised from wk 0544 till wk 0604.


Appendix II Trial project Videophone

1. Introduction

A few weeks before the beginning of this research a trial project on the use of the lead user concept started. The initial idea was to conduct three of these trial projects during a total period of 36 weeks. Due to the change in the focus of the research eventually only one trial based on the Philips lead user approach took place. The product that has been used is the Videophone, a product made by D-Link (www.d-link.com). The aim of the project was to sell a D-Link Videophone (a € 239) to senior citizens in Nuenen. Because senior citizens are perceived as less mobile and have a need for realistic communication, they are seen as lead users with respect to innovative communication methods. The D-Link Videophone is a camera with a microphone, which can be connected to the TV and the broadband internet connection. The D-Link can communicate with other D-Link Videophones are with PCs using the software package Netmeeting in combination with a webcam. The product was sold on the internetsite www.leadusers.nl, especially erected for this purpose. Several local websites and websites for seniors were asked to put a link on their site to generate traffic on the leadusers site. Also several demonstration mornings have taken place in the Rabobank Nuenen and two demonstrations at other locations, where people could come to see the product. These demonstration mornings were announced on the site. In the local door- to-door paper ‘Rond de Linde’ two articles about the project appeared as well, as shown in figures 15 and 16.

Figure 15 Article “Rond de Linde”, 29th September 2005


76 2. Info document

Videofoon: geen PC meer nodig!

Steeds meer mensen ontdekken hoe leuk het is om contact te houden met andere mensen door middel van een videotelefoon. U kunt met een dergelijk product niet alleen praten met de ander, maar deze ook zien. Op deze manier kunt u een omgeving creëren, waarin u meer het gevoel heeft bij elkaar te zijn, ongeacht de lokatie van de mensen waarmee u praat.

Met de VideoPhone kan dit, zonder dat u een computer nodig heeft. U kunt de videotelefoon eenvoudig op de TV aansluiten.

Figure 16 Article “Rond de Linde”, 27th October 2005


Uniek aanbod: bij aanschaf van de Videophone kunt u nu, in ruil voor uw evaluatie van het product, gratis drie maanden ondersteuning krijgen.

Hoe werkt het telefoneren met de VideoPhone?

U kunt andere mensen bellen en gebeld worden, door een nummer te kiezen of een naam te selecteren uit de bellijst. Daarbij kunt u kiezen tussen praten via de telefoon (terwijl u elkaar op TV ziet) of volledig communiceren via de TV.

Hoe gemakkelijk is de VideoPhone te installeren en te bedienen?

Het installeren en bedienen van de videotelefoon is niet ingewikkeld. Desondanks krijgt u desgewenst ondersteuning van onze helpdesk – het apparaat wordt bij u thuis (of op kantoor) geinstalleerd, u krijgt uitleg over de bediening ervan en ook daarna zijn wij gedurende drie maanden beschikbaar voor ondersteuning bij u thuis. Voor het kunnen bedienen van het product is enige kennis van de Engelse taal echter wel een vereiste.

Wat kost de VideoPhone?

De prijs van de VideoPhone is 239 euro per stuk. Om met andere mensen te kunnen praten, moeten deze in het bezit zijn van òf (1) dezelfde videotelefoon òf (2) een PC met het (gratis) programma NetMeeting en een webcam.

Welke kosten zijn er verbonden aan het gebruik van de videotelefoon?

Naast de kosten voor de aanschaf van het product en vaste kosten voor een internetverbinding, betaalt u niets voor het videotelefoneren.

Wat heb ik nodig naast de VideoPhone?

Voor gebruik van deze videotelefoon heeft u nodig:

• Een televisietoestel.

• Een breedband internetverbinding (internet via ADSL of kabel modem, of in Nuenen en Eindhoven-Tongelre bijvoorbeeld een aansluiting op OnsNet).

• Een ethernet verbindingskabel tussen het modem en de TV.

• Heeft u een internetverbinding met modem en heeft u daar reeds een computer op aangesloten, dan kan het nodig zijn om nog een router aan te schaffen. Die maakt het mogelijk om meerdere apparaten tegelijk te verbinden met internet.

Zo’n router is in de winkel verkrijgbaar, maar kan ook door ons worden geleverd, voor een bedrag van 20 €.

• Optioneel: Wanneer het modem en de TV ver uit elkaar staan kunt u ervoor kiezen deze apparaten draadloos te verbinden via een zogenaamde ethernetbrug. Dit product kunt u eventueel via ons verkrijgen. Indien u er de voorkeur aan geeft om te praten via een telefoonhoorn, kunt u eenvoudig een normale telefoon op de VideoPhone aansluiten. Deze kan indien gewenst door ons geleverd worden.

• Een computer is dus niet nodig!

Hoe kan ik de VideoPhone verkrijgen?

U kunt nu gebruik maken van een uniek aanbod: wanneer u de Videophone koopt, krijgt u in ruil voor uw evaluatie van het product, gratis drie maanden ondersteuning. Om in aanmerking te komen voor dit aanbod, verzoeken wij u om onderstaande vragenlijst in te vullen. Het invullen van deze vragenlijst kost ongeveer vijf minuten. Op basis van dit formulier wordt bepaald of u in aanmerking komt voor dit aanbod. Alleen volledig ingevulde vragenlijsten kunnen door ons in behandeling worden genomen. Wanneer u


78 een geschikte kandidaat bent, dan nemen wij contact met u op. Betaling van het product vindt pas plaats op het moment dat het product bij u afgeleverd wordt.

Wat houdt de gratis ondersteuning in?

Het product wordt, indien gewenst, bij u thuis of op kantoor geinstalleerd en de bediening wordt u uitgelegd. Gedurende een periode van drie maanden kunt u vragen stellen wanneer u problemen heeft met het bedienen van het product. Onze technische experts helpen u het probleem op te lossen.

Wat wordt er in ruil voor deze service van u verwacht?

Wij willen graag leren over het gebruik van de VideoPhone. Daarom verwachten we dat u bereid bent om op verschillende momenten uw ervaringen met het product met ons te delen. We vragen u daarom enkele dagen na de installatie, na anderhalve maand en na drie maanden evaluatieformulieren in te vullen. Het invullen van deze formulieren duurt per keer maximaal 10 minuten.

Voor meer informatie kunt u terecht op de internetsite www.leadusers.nl of een e-mail sturen naar info@leadusers.nl

3. Evaluation

Based on several team meetings during which the progress was discussed and based on the contact with several senior citizens at the demonstration mornings the team evaluated the trial as summed up here in short:

ƒ The association of the D-Link with broadband internet restrained the target group from buying the product, since the introduction of free broadband internet for all households in Nuenen was accompanied by several hurdles.

ƒ Selling a product to potential lead users is time consuming and selecting lead users in this manner did not prove to work.

ƒ The Internet can be used to reach end users, even if these end users are senior citizens.

ƒ There is a need for communication between the seniors and their relatives or friends that are residing outside The Netherlands.

ƒ This need is mostly already fulfilled by using the pc and a webcam.

ƒ The use of the webcam is less expensive and the fact that the pc is in a separate room seems to provide the users with a feeling of privacy.


Appendix III Glossary

Above the line: is an advertising technique using mass media to promote brands. This type of communication is conventional in nature and is considered impersonal to customers. The strategy makes use of current traditional media: television, newspapers, magazines, radio, outdoor, and internet.

Architecture: the way in which the functional elements are assigned to the physical chunks of a product and the way in which those physical chunks interact.

Below the line: uses less conventional methods than the Above the line strategy. Below the line advertising typically focuses on direct means of communication, most commonly direct mail and e-mail, often using highly targeted lists of names to maximize response rates.

Blog: a blog (or weblog) is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed with the newest at the top.

Brand awareness: the extend in which the brand is well known in the marketplace.

Brand differentiation: the extend in which the brand has a point of differentiation.

Brand loyalty: the extend in which customers are loyal to a brand.

Brand reputation: the extend in which the brand is highly regarded in the marketplace.

Business-to-Business: non-consumer purchasers such as manufacturers, resellers (distributors, wholesalers, jobbers and retailers, for example) institutional, professional and governmental organizations.

Business-to-consumer: The purchasing of goods and services by individuals and for household use. Consumer purchases are generally made by individual decision-makers either for themselves or others in the family.

Consumer: one who uses the firm's products or services Customer: see Consumer

Concept: a clear written and possibly visual description of the new product idea that includes its primary features and consumer benefits.

Concept Testing: the process by which a concept statement is presented to consumers for their reactions. These reactions can either be used to permit the developer to

estimate the sales value of the concept or to make changes to the concept to enhance its potential sales value.

End user: see Consumer

Innovation: innovation refers to the creation of a product, service or process.


80 New product development process: a disciplined and defined set of tasks and steps which describe the normal means by which a company repetitively converts emergent ideas into salable products or services.

Personas: personas are hypothetical archetypes for actual users that drive the decision making for product development projects

Platform: underlying structures or basic architectures which are common across a group of products or which will be the basis of a series of products commercialised over a number of years.

Qualitative Market Research: consumer research conducted with a very small number of consumers, either in groups or as individuals. Results are not necessarily representative of consumers in general nor are they projectable. Frequently used to gather initial consumer needs and obtain initial reactions to ideas and concepts.

Satisfycing: accepting solutions which are good enough.

Usage scenarios: the development of a series of alternative fictional portrayals involving specific characters, events, products and environments, which allow us to explore product ideas or issues in the context of a realistic future.

User need concept: a concept that provides insight in the needs of the (potential) end users.


Appendix IV Internet-based collaboration mechanisms

Ben & Jerry’s Suggest-a-Flavour


Suggest-a-flavour allows customers to contribute ideas for new ice flavours. Ben &

Jerry’s is using this suggestions to regularly introduce new flavours that replace old flavours that end up on the “flavour graveyard”.

Company role

Ben & Jerry’s presents al its products on the website along with the flavours that are no longer sold. A form is provided for consumers to give a name and description of the flavour they would like to suggest. If the consumers need some inspiration they can use the “flavour generator” at which ingredients are provided with which one can create a new flavour. The company selects several flavour finalists, which are rewarded with a price.

End user role

The consumers can inform Ben & Jerry’s about flavour ideas they have or can play with the ingredients as provided by Ben & Jerry’s.


It is an easy and low cost manner in which Ben & Jerry’s is able to learn about the flavour wishes of their consumers. With the “flavour generator” Ben & Jerry’s is able to learn which ingredients are used in which combinations and which ingredients are never used. In case of a flavour that ended on the “flavour graveyard” consumers are also able to resurrect this flavour if there are enough requests. The suggestion box is a good mechanism as a portal between the company and its end users. The end users perform the role of resource, providing the company with new ideas.

Figure 17 Snap shot of Ben & Jerry’s Suggest-a-flavour


82 Hallmark Idea Exchange


The Hallmark Idea Exchange is a site that was developed for the purpose of both listening to and talking with consumers. The Idea Exchange is one more way to keep close to consumers, and it provides valuable insight into shifts in attitudes, behaviours, opinions, preferences and beliefs.

Company role

Hallmark works with outside companies to recruit representative consumer community members based on particular criteria and specific commonality, and to host the online communities (www.communispace.com).

Over time Hallmark develops a trust with the community members so that they feel comfortable sharing their lives and experiences with them. The insights gained go far beyond what is learned in a traditional form of online research.

End user role

Since 2000 the Hallmark Idea Exchange has been facilitating valuable ongoing dialogue with consumers. Online consumer communities include approximately 500 people with some commonality – life stage, age, etc. (e.g. mothers with kids, grandparents, Hispanics) – with the goal of gathering deeper insights about various consumer groups and their needs. About 1,000 consumers comprise two online communities.


The Idea Exchange provides Hallmark with information about what people find important for which reason and gives insight in the activities people undertake during their holidays, birthdays and all day family live. Members like and enjoy the experience of being part of an online community. They form bonds of association with others in the groups or with facilitators who work with the groups in a professional way. Members are honest, providing both positive and negative feedback. Participation is about 75 percent.

Customers brainstorm ideas, react to pricing recommendations, comment on merchandising strategy and talk about their wants, needs and product preferences.



Henkel’s primary intention was to increase loyalty of existing users of Henkel’s beauty products and to promote the products to other users. New users are attracted by the information provided by Womensnet on up to date trends, tips and tricks. The second purpose that was added later to the website is to generate consumer insights regarding specific themes and to get direct feedback on new product concepts.

Company role

The website is hosted and maintained by a third party. Around the co-creative activities (“Themen in Dialogue” and “Testcenter”) a lot of information on hair care, beauty and lifestyle is provided.


End user role

The users of the website are able to communicate with other users on a forum, are able to discuss the theme of the month, receive a monthly newsletter, and are invited to test products (only for German residents). These users need to register.


The website provides Henkel with consumer insights and with direct feedback from product testers on improvements and buying intentions. When registering, the users need to provide personal information and answer questions regarding product usage.



The company set up a website, www.ducati.com, in early 2000, inspired by an earlier Internet sales of a limited-production motorcycle. Within 30 minutes, the entire year’s production was sold out, making Ducati a leading international e-commerce player.

Since then, Ducati has evolved its site to create a robust virtual customer community that had 160,000 registered users as of July 2004.

Company role

The website that is used is at the same time the corporate website. The website is most likely maintained by Ducati themselves. Ducati also attempts to go beyond its customer base in an effort to gather ideas from as broad an audience as possible. Ducati community managers monitor relevant forums and bulletin boards hosted on independent websites.

End user role

Over 200 messages are posted every day on Ducati forums. Users can share their projects for customizing motorcycles, provide suggestions to improve Ducati’s next generation products, and even post their own mechanical and technical designs, with suggestions for innovations in aesthetic attributes as well as mechanical functions. To support their ideas, they can attach text or graphics files. In the customer service area of the website, individual bikers can self signal their technical competencies and solve mechanical problems posted by other Ducati fans. These technical forums help Ducati to benefit from spontaneous customer knowledge sharing, and help the company to glean suggestions for improving its marketing, engineering, and customer support. To validate its insights, Ducati uses online customer surveys to test product concepts and to quantify customer preferences. When registering, the users need to provide personal information and answer questions regarding their motor driving experience and motorcycle.


Ducati is able to better understand customer needs and gain insights into new products and services. Furthermore users can support each other due to knowledge sharing.

Ducati is using many mechanisms on its website and seems to use the Internet to its fullest potential.

Concept Lab Volvo


Concept Lab Volvo included five concept studies of how an entire range of small Volvos could look. Visitors were able to move through various pages, answering questions


84 about each vehicle from design to safety features that will help Volvo Car Corporation determine if and how these potential future models should be brought to market.

Company role

Volvo provides detailed information, virtual representations and simulations of five different concept cars.

End user role

Visitors to the site can put forward their views on these latest models and concept cars and perform the role of end user. Users were asked to explore one of the concept cars and then to fill in a short structured questionnaire. After this they were able to explore one of the other concepts. Visitors did not have to leave behind contact information or personal information.


Launched in the beginning of 2003, about 5,000 people registered as members on www.conceptlabvolvo.com and more than 100,000 people visited the site within less than four months. The website is no longer available online. The reason for this is unknown. Unfortunately, there is no active dialogue between individual visitors and Volvo and there is no community created. The users merely perform the role of end user.



Visitors have the opportunity to design their own watch, by selecting and combining predefined options for the strap, case, face, the hour/minute hands, and the second

Figure 18 Snap shot of Concept Lab Volvo website


hand of a watch. The purpose of Idtown was to learn about the “willingness to pay” and the heterogeneity of the watches that would be created.

Company role

The brand name Idtown has been used as a case study by Global Customization Ltd., Hong Kong, a spin-off company founded by the Advanced Manufacturing Institute of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. No watchmaker seems to be involved. A Swiss watch company however still offers the opportunity to create ones own watch at www.factory121.com. The company manufactures the customised watch and sends it to the customer.

End user role

The users are able to create their own watch by selecting a watch predesign as a starting base. This watch can than be customised and the redesign can be seen directly.


The customers can customise their own watches. The company learns about preferences and shifts in trends on the basis of which they can adjust their watch collection. Unfortunately, in order to offer standard watches and at the same time reach a high satisfaction level for all customers the manufacturer needs a tremendous amount of standard watches. From the study it therefore appears that offering individualized products by means of toolkits for user innovation and design is a promising way.

Streamium Café


The Streamium is a connected multimedia system. It connects devices with the PC and also provides the possibility to stream multimedia directly from the Internet. At the Streamium café users can share their experiences, ask questions and upload new applets.

Company role

The website is hosted by a third party. Philips has a good relation with this party and cooperates with them. Some Philips officials are active in the community.

Figure 19 Snap shot of Idtown


86 End user role

In the community end users can exchange their experiences, questions and answers regarding the use of the Streamium, and find tips and tricks. Furthermore, they can validate the applets they have created by submitting an applet, which is then validated by Philips and made available to all users. The community has 2600 registered users.


Users can support each other and create their own applets, which might lead to a higher product involvement of the end user and an enrichment of the Streamium product for other users.



Visitors have the opportunity to design their own footwear and equipment, by selecting and combining predefined options. The customised product can than be ordered and is delivered.

Company role

Nike provides customers with the ability to fully customise their products to their wishes.

Nike can learn from this about the taste and wishes of the end users with respect to design.

End user role

The user can select many Nike products and customise them.


Customers can buy products that are fulfilling their wishes with respect to design. The customisation is based on standard products. The influence of the end user is therefore limited to the design of a product and can not enhance products with respect to functionalities.

Figure 20 Snap shot of Nike’s customisation website


Appendix V Questionnaire leadusers.nl

De vragenlijst bestaat uit 12 stellingen en 1 open vraag. Daarnaast willen wij u vragen uw contactgegevens in te vullen, zodat wij contact met u kunnen opnemen.

Eens Oneens Stelling 1: Ik heb vaak een onrustig gevoel in mijn benen als

ik in bed lig

--- Stelling 2: Regelmatig word ik plotseling wakker met een benauwd



Stelling 3: Ik slaapwandel regelmatig ‘s nachts


Stelling 4: Ik ben onder behandeling voor psychische klachten (medicijnen,



Stelling 5: Ik slaap vanwege mijn werk op onregelmatige tijden of gedurende

de dag

--- Stelling 6: Ik moet ‘s nachts minstens 3 keer naar het toilet


De volgende stellingen hebben betrekking op uw laatstgenoten nachtrust:

Stelling 7: Ik voelde mij, nadat ik wakker was geworden, goed uitgerust


Stelling 8: Ik ben makkelijk in slaap gevallen


Stelling 9: Toen ik wakker werd had ik het gevoel maar een paar uur geslapen

te hebben


Stelling 10: Ik heb langer dan een half uur wakker gelegen voordat ik insliep


Stelling 11: Omdat ik niet meer in slaap kwam, ben ik maar uit bed gegaan



88 Stelling 12: Ik heb vannacht geen oog dichtgedaan


Hoe bent u terecht gekomen op Leadusers.nl en waarom heeft u zich aangemeld?

--- Contactgegevens

Vult u alstublieft hieronder uw verdere gegevens in, zodat we contact met u kunnen opnemen

Dhr Naam






Opmerkingen en suggesties betreffende de vragenlijst



Appendix VI Leadusers.nl

The website is entered via the URL www.leadusers.nl. On the homepage is explained what the aim of leadusers.nl is and which project currently is taking place. The home page is shown in figure 21.

If the visitor of the website clicks on a link, he/she is taken to the page dedicated to the sleep quality project. This page is shown in figure 22.

Figure 21 Snap shot of the Leadusers.nl homepage



Figure 22 Snap shot of the Leadusers.nl sleep quality page


Appendix VII Bulletin boards www.gezondheidsplein.nl www.dokter.nl

www.apneuvereniging.nl www.airwork.nl


Appendix VIII Google Ad

The Google ad appears at the right side of the screen where the search results are presented. The Google ad is illustrated in figure 23.

Heeft u slaapproblemen?

Werk nu mee aan de ontwikkeling van innovatieve productoplossingen.


Zoekwoord Zoekwoord- status

Minimum CPC voor zoekwoord

Huidige maximum CPC

Vertoningen Aantal klikken

CTR Gem.


Kosten Gem.


Totaal - Inhoudsgerichte advertenties 1209 2 0,2% €0,16 €0,32 4,9

insomnia Actief €0,09 €0,09 1496 7 0,5% €0,09 €0,63 3,5

nachtrust Actief €0,09 €0,09 63 0 0,0% €0,00 €0,00 8,0

niet slapen Actief €0,09 €0,09 72 0 0,0% €0,00 €0,00 2,9

slaap Actief €0,09 €0,17 3090 24 0,8% €0,13 €3,21 3,6

slaap probleem Actief €0,09 €0,09 45 0 0,0% €0,00 €0,00 1,2

Slaapkwaliteit Actief €0,09 €0,09 13 0 0,0% €0,00 €0,00 1,0

Slaapprobleem Actief €0,09 €0,09 553 8 1,4% €0,08 €0,68 4,1

slaapproblemen Actief €0,04 €0,09 2614 32 1,2% €0,08 €2,47 5,8

Slaapstoornis Actief €0,04 €0,09 1353 29 2,1% €0,08 €2,43 5,6

slapen Inactief €0,17 €0,09 1 0 0,0% €0,00 €0,00 8,0

slecht slapen Actief €0,04 €0,09 413 5 1,2% €0,08 €0,41 7,7

snurken Actief €0,09 €0,09 7036 39 0,6% €0,07 €2,68 7,6

uitgerust Actief €0,09 €0,09 12 0 0,0% €0,00 €0,00 2,2

wakker Inactief €0,17 €0,09 2 0 0,0% €0,00 €0,00 5,0

Totalen en gemiddelden: 17972 146 0,8% €0,09 €12,83 5,8

In table 6 the search words are presented and the costs per click are shown. For example the search word “insomnia” has a cost per click of € 0,09, the ad appeared 1496 times and led to a click to the website 7 times.

Figure 23 Google ad as it appeared

Table 6 Report of the search terms


92 Appendix IX Emerce

After the appearance of this article on Emerce (Figure 24) it spread around the Internet.

Websites that copied the article are:

www.vnunet.nl www.beursplaza.com www.avenue21.nl www.newwavemedia.nl www.upstream.nl mensmerk.blogspot.nl www.openinnovatie.nl ict.blieb.nl

www.strategicboard.com www.kluwermanagement.nl www.molblog.nl


Figure 24 Snap shot of the article on Emerce


Appendix X Planning

Stap 1. Bespreken van slaapproblematiek

In de eerste stap vragen wij jou en de overige lead users om verslag te doen van je slaaproutine, welke wordt opgedeeld in drie thema’s:

1. Slapen gaan 2. Slapen

3. Wakker worden

Iedere lead user kan anoniem verslag doen van zijn/haar ervaringen door een e-mail te sturen naar info@leadusers.nl. Dit bericht wordt door ons geplaatst, waarna andere lead users hierop kunnen reageren en bijvoorbeeld kunnen aangeven in hoeverre zij bepaalde problemen en oplossingen herkennen.

Stap 2. Vaststellen probleemgebied

Op basis van de verschillende verslagen en reacties wordt bepaald welk probleemgebied bijzondere aandacht verdient en waar mogelijk een oplossing kan worden ontwikkeld.

Stap 3. Concepten

Binnen het probleemgebied bieden wij vervolgens een aantal concept oplossingen aan die op basis van de door jou tot dan toe verschafte informatie zijn gegenereerd. Hierop kunnen jij en de overige lead users reageren en suggesties plaatsen voor eventuele aanpassingen.

Stap 4. Productvoorstel

Op basis van jouw suggesties en opmerkingen zal getracht worden te komen tot een definitief concept, dat door Leadusers.nl mogelijk verder kan worden ontwikkeld tot een definitief eindproduct.


94 Appendix XI Sleep theme’s

Slapen gaan

Op dit gedeelte vind je alle berichten en reacties binnen het thema “slapen gaan”. Je kunt je bericht sturen naar info@leadusers.nl met als titel “slapen gaan”. Zaken die onder andere aan de orde kunnen komen binnen dit thema:

De mate waarin je overdag actief bent en welke activiteiten je zoal hebt verricht

Hoe je de laatste uren voor het slapen gaan doorbrengt

De mate waarin je het gevoel hebt behoefte te hebben aan slaap wanneer je gaat slapen

Op welk tijdstip je gaat slapen en of dit veel varieert

Welk ritueel je doorloopt vlak voor het slapen gaan

Hoe je slaapkamer er uit ziet en de omstandigheden zijn wat betreft klimaat, licht en geluid

Hoe je in slaap valt en hoe lang het duurt voor dat je slaapt

Waarom je (denkt dat je) niet of juist wel goed in slaap valt

Hoe vaak je problemen hebt met slapen gaan

Welke externe factoren het slapen gaan mogelijk positief dan wel negatief beïnvloeden


Op dit gedeelte vind je alle berichten en reacties binnen het thema “slapen”. Je kunt je bericht sturen naar info@leadusers.nl met als titel “slapen”. Zaken die onder andere aan de orde kunnen komen binnen dit thema:

Hoe vaak je wakker wordt, wat je dan doet en hoe lang je wakker blijft alvorens je weer in slaap valt

Hoe lang je totale slaapperiode duurt en of dit veel varieert

Hoe de omstandigheden zijn wat betreft klimaat, licht en geluid

Waarom je (denkt dat je) niet of juist wel goed slaapt

Hoe vaak je problemen hebt met slapen

De mate waarin je het gevoel hebt behoefte te hebben aan slaap wanneer je wakker ligt

Welke externe factoren je slaap mogelijk positief dan wel negatief beïnvloeden Wakker worden

Op dit gedeelte vind je alle berichten en reacties binnen het thema “wakker worden”. Je kunt je bericht sturen naar info@leadusers.nl met als titel “wakker worden”. Zaken die aan de orde kunnen komen binnen dit thema:

Op welke wijze je gewekt wordt

Hoe laat je wakker wordt en of dit veel varieert

Hoe de omstandigheden zijn wat betreft klimaat, licht en geluid

Hoe je je voelt wanneer je wakker wordt

Of je weer in slaap valt of direct opstaat

Hoe vaak je problemen hebt met wakker worden

Welke externe factoren het wakker worden mogelijk positief dan wel negatief beïnvloeden

De mate waarin je overdag last hebt van vermoeidheid door een gebrekkige slaapkwaliteit


Appendix XII Memberarea home

After the lead user signed in the following page appeared. The latest contributions of the lead users are shown.

Figure 25 Snap shot of the Leadusers.nl memberarea


96 Appendix XIII Concepts


Om je pols doe je een prettig zittend horloge. Op dit horloge stel je de tijd in waarop je moet opstaan. Het horloge meet en berekent in het uur, voordat je moet wakker worden, het moment waarop je het lichtst slaapt. Dit is het moment waarop je wordt wakker gemaakt. Hierdoor zul je je minder beroerd voelen wanneer je opstaat.

Appendix XIV Questionnaire applicants Vragenlijst Leadusers.nl

De vragenlijst bestaat uit maximaal 4 vragen. Bij de meerkeuzevragen kunt u uw keuze kenbaar maken door de selectievakjes aan te vinken. Bij een open vraag kunt u uw antwoord in het grijze vlak typen.

1. Hoe bent u op de website leadusers.nl terechtgekomen?

Via een zoekmachine

Naar aanleiding van het artikel “Philips experimenteert met consumentgeleide innovatie”

Via familie/kennis/collega Anders, nl…

2. Waarom heeft u zich aangemeld bij leadusers.nl?

Vanwege slaapproblemen

Vanwege interesse in innovatie in het algemeen

Vanwege een zakelijke interesse op het gebied van slaap Anders, nl…

3. Nadat u zich aanmeldde heeft u een e-mail ontvangen met een link naar een vragenlijst om te bepalen of u mogelijk voldeed aan de lead user criteria. Heeft u deze ingevuld?


Ja (ga naar het einde van de vragenlijst) Nee (ga naar vraag 4)

4. Wat is de reden dat u deze niet heeft ingevuld?

Ik heb geen vragenlijst ontvangen

Ik had geen tijd om de vragenlijst in te vullen

Bij nader inzien dacht ik niet te voldoen aan de lead user criteria Anders, nl…

Einde vragenlijst

Ruimte voor opmerkingen:

Hartelijk dank voor het invullen van de vragenlijst

Appendix XV Questionnaire lead users Vragenlijst Leadusers.nl

De vragenlijst bestaat uit 6 vragen. Bij de meerkeuzevragen kun je je keuze kenbaar maken door de selectievakjes aan te vinken. Bij een open vraag kun je je antwoord in het grijze vlak typen. Indien je “Nee” aanvinkt bij de vragen 3 t/m 5, willen wij je vragen om dit toe te lichten.


1. Hoe ben je op de website leadusers.nl terechtgekomen?

Via een zoekmachine

Naar aanleiding van het artikel “Philips experimenteert met consumentgeleide innovatie”

Via familie/kennis/collega

2. Waarom heb jij je aangemeld bij leadusers.nl?

Vanwege slaapproblemen

Vanwege interesse in innovatie in het algemeen

Vanwege een zakelijke interesse op het gebied van slaap Anders, nl…

3. Heb je een bijdrage ingestuurd om je ervaring binnen een van de drie thema’s te delen?


Nee, omdat…

4. Heb je van de mogelijkheid gebruik gemaakt om te reageren op de bijdragen van anderen?


Nee, omdat…

5. Heb je van de mogelijkheid gebruik gemaakt om de concepten te bekijken en hierop te reageren?


98 Ja

Nee, omdat…

6. Wat is je mening over de samenwerking tussen Leadusers.nl en de geselecteerde lead users, zoals deze de afgelopen maanden heeft plaatsgevonden en welke punten zou je ter verbetering willen aandragen?

Einde vragenlijst

Ruimte voor opmerkingen:

Hartelijk dank voor het invullen van de vragenlijst.



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