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Differential susceptibility in education. Interaction between genes, regulatory skills, and computer games


Academic year: 2021

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Differential susceptibility in education. Interaction between genes, regulatory skills, and computer games

Kegel, C.A.T.


Kegel, C. A. T. (2011, October 19). Differential susceptibility in education. Interaction between genes, regulatory skills, and computer games. Mostert & Van Onderen, Leiden.

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Note. The screenshots have been derived from four different games: Selecting the proper name among three or five alternatives (a&b), selecting ‘mama’ among five alternatives (c), selecting the first letter of the name among five alternatives (d), and selecting the painting that starts with the letter of the child’s own first name (e.g., Tom – tiger or Sam- Snake) among three alternatives (e&f). When the mouse skims a picture, as in e and f, the computer pronounces the picture’s name.



Note. The screenshots have been derived from four different games: Selecting the proper name among three or five alternatives (a&b), selecting ‘mama’ among five alternatives (c), selecting the first letter of the name among five alternatives (d), and selecting the painting that starts with the letter of the child’s own first name (e.g., Tom  tiger or Sam Snake) among three alternatives (e&f). When the mouse skims a picture, as in e and f, the computer pronounces the picture’s name.



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She studied Education and Child studies at Leiden University, specializing in Learning Problems and Impairments (regular master, 2006) and Educational Sciences (research master,