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List of Abbreviations iv


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents i

List of Tables iii

List of Abbreviations iv

Introduction 1

I. Introduction 1

II. Problem Definition 6

III. Justification 8

IV. Analytical Framework 10

V. Research Question 13

VI. Methodology 14

VII. Operationalization 15

Chapter 1 17

1.1 Theoretical Framework: Normative Power Europe (NPE) Approach 17

1.2 Dimensions of Normative Power 19

1.2.1 Normative Goals 20

1.2.2 Normative Means 22

1.2.3 Normative Impacts 26

1.3 Forms of the EU‟s Trade Power 28

1.4 Summary of the Theoretical Framework on NPE Approach 30

1.5 Some Limitations to the NPE Approach 31

Chapter 2 32

2.1 The Promotion of Labour Standards in the EU‟s Trade Agenda 32 2.2 The Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter in the EU-Korea FTA 37

2.2.1 Labour Standards Provisions in the EU-Korea FTA as Normative

Goal 33


2.2.2 Labour Standards Provisions in the EU-Korea FTA as Normative

Means 39

2.2.3 Labour Standards Provisions in the EU-Korea FTA as Normative

Impact 40

2.3 The Economic Motivation for the EU-South Korea FTA 44

2.3.1 The EU‟s position in the EU-Korea FTA 45

2.3.2 The Korea‟s position in the EU-Korea FTA 47

2.3.3 The EU‟s trade power 48

2.4 Sub-conclusion 49

Chapter 3 50

3.1. The Labour Situation in South Korea 50

3.2. Domestic Labour Regulations in South Korea 52

3.3. Internationally Recognised Labour Standards in South Korea 56

3.4. Reflections of the EU‟s Normative Impact in Promoting Labour

Standards in the EU-South Korea FTA 58

3.5. Sub-conclusion 61

Conclusion 63

References v

Annex 1: Chapter Thirteen on Trade and Sustainable Development of the

EU-South Korea FTA xi

Annex 2: The International Labour Organization‟s Fundamental

Conventions xii


List of Tables

Table 1: Fundamental rights at work and internationally recognized core

labour standards (CLS) and their ratifications per 15 July 2010 25

Table 2: Forms of the EU trade power 29

Table 3: Framework on Normative Power Europe Approach 22 Table 4: The Promotion of Labour Standards in the EU‟s Trade Agenda 36 Table 5: Internal Dimensios of Normative Power in the Labour Provisions

of the EU-South Korea FTA

42 Table 6: Labour Law reform in Korea—Findings of missions and reports

regarding OECD Monitoring Mandate Items in conflict with internationally recognized labour standards


Table 7: South Korea Ratification of ILO Core Labour Conventions 58


List of Abbreviations

ACEA European Automobile Manufactures Association ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations

CLS Core Labour Standards

DAG Domestic Advisory Group

DDA Doha Development Agenda

EC European Commission

ELSAC Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Committee

EU European Union

FDI Foreign Direct Investment

FKTU Federation of Korean Trade Unions

FTA Free Trade Agreement

G20 Group of 20

GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GCC Gulf Cooperation Council

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GE Strategy Global Europe Strategy

ILO International Labour Organization IMF International Metalworkers‟ Federations ITO International Trade Organization

ITUC International Trade Unions Confederations KCTU Korean Confederation of Trade Union KMWU Korean Metal Workers‟ Union

MERCOSUR Mercado Común del Sur

NPE Normative Power Europe

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development PSI Public Services International

ROO Rules of Origins

SDG Social Dimension of Globalization

TUAC Trade Union Advisory Committee of the OECD

UN United Nations

US United States

WCSDG World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization

WTO World Trade Organization


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Annex 1:

Chapter Thirteen on Trade and Sustainable Development of the EU-South

Korea FTA


Annex 2 :

The International Labour Organization‟s Fundamental Conventions



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