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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/79825 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation.

Author: Stein, Y.

Title: Spinoza’s theory of religion : the importance of religion in Spinoza’s thought and its implications for state and society



Translations, Abbreviations and Texts

All quotations and citations of Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (TTP) are taken from:

Benedict de Spinoza. 2007. Theological-Political Treatise. Edited by Jonathan Israel; translated by Michael Silverthorne and Jonathan Israel. Cambridge University Press. After the designation ‘TTP’ I indicate first the chapter, then the paragraph, and finally the page number.

All quotations and citations from other works by Spinoza are taken from Spinoza: Complete Works. 1998. Translated by Samuel Shirley. Edited, introduced, and annotated by Michael L. Morgan. Hackett Publishing Company.

In my references to Spinoza’s works I will use the following abbreviations:

TIE stands for the Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect (Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione) ST for Short Treatise on God, Man, and his Well-Being (Korte Verhandeling van God, de mensch, en deszelvs welstand)

PPC for Principles of Cartesian Philosophy (Principia Philosophiae Cartesianae) CM for Metaphysical Thoughts (Cogitata Metaphysica)

E for Ethics (Ethica)

TP for Political Treatise (Tractatus Politicus)

I did refer to the TIE and the TP by naming the chapter, paragraph, and page number in Shirley’s translation, and I did refer to the ST by naming the part, chapter, and page number. To the books written in geometrical style, that is, the PPC and the E, I first name the part, then the number of the proposition.

I did adopt the following abbreviations for the E: - the first Latin numerals refer to the part;

- ‘p’ followed by an Arabic numeral denotes the proposition - ‘c’ denotes corollary

- ‘def.’ denotes definition - ‘p’ denotes proof - ‘s’ denotes scholium



Primary Literature by Benedict de Spinoza. In English:

- Spinoza. 2007. Theological-Political Treatise. Edited by Jonathan Israel; translated by Michael Silverthorne and Jonathan Israel. Cambridge University Press.

- Spinoza: Complete Works. 1998. Translated by Samuel Shirley. Edited, introduced and annotated by Michael L. Morgan. Hackett Publishing Company.

In Latin:

- I used the Gebhardt edition, freely available at the website ‘Spinoza et nous’ for the Latin text of Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: http://spinozaetnous.org/wiki/Tractatus_theologico-politicus.

- The website http://users.telenet.be/rwmeijer/spinoza/works.htm, made by Rudolf W. Meijer, which contains Latin web versions of selected works by Spinoza, based on the Bruder-edition, I used for the Latin text of:

Ethica ordine geometrica demonstrate Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione Tractatus Politicus


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Shortened versions


263 Deugd (1924) Deursen (2013) Donagan (1996) Dostoevski (1976) Douglas (2013) Durkheim (1995) Eckstein (1943) Enden (1992) Feuer (1966) Fortin (1987) Fraenkel (2012) Frances (10951)

Frank and Waller (2016) Frankel (1999) Frankel (2001) Frankel (2002) Freudenthal )2006) Fukuoka (2018) Garett (2002)



Kessler (2007) Kinneging (1997) Kinneging (2011) Kisner (2011)


266 Lin (2017) Locke (2010) Lord (2010a) Lord (2010b) Lorenz (2003) Macherey (1998) Macherey (2011) Machiavelli (2005) Machiavelli (2008) Maimonides (1963) Malcolm (2002) Martin (2008) Matheron (1969) Matheron (1971) Meier (2006) Meinsma (1980)


268 Sprigge (2005) Spruit (2011) Steenbakkers (2004) Steenbakkers (2011) Steinberg (2009) Steinberg (2013) Strauss (1930) Strauss (1952) Strauss (1953) Strauss (1959) Strauss (1965) Strauss (2012) Stuermann (1960) Svensson (2014) Taylor (1998) Tocqueville (2000) Touber (2018) Terpstra (1990) Tertullian (1966) Verbeek (2012) Verbeek (2003) Walther (1985) Ward (2009) Weber (1965)





Curriculum Vitae

The author of this dissertation was born on March 10, 1972 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. After finishing the Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam, where he obtained his athenaeum diploma, he went studying political science and philosophy at the University of Amsterdam and at the University of California, Berkeley. He received his M.A. in political science at the University of Amsterdam in 1999. From 1999 till 2003 he worked as a journalist for the Dutch daily Trouw, writing mostly about philosophical and religious issues.

His articles from this period have been published in books (in Dutch), such as: - Filosofie voor krantenlezers. (Philosophy for Newspaper Readers) Trouw dossier nr 19.

Rainbow Pocketboeken, mei 2002;

- De terugkeer van de geschiedenis, Letter & Geest, (The Return of History, Letter & Spirit), edited by Jaffe Vink and Chris Rutenfrans, Trouw/Augustus, 2005.

- Filosofisch Elftal: Nederlandse denkers over de actualiteit. (The Philosophy Team: Dutch Thinkers on Current Affairs), Nieuw Amsterdam, 2006.

In 2003 Stein became a teacher in philosophy at the Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam. At present he is still working at this school. In 2006 he also obtained the title M.A. Teaching Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. From 2006 till 2008 he taught philosophy at the Oostvaarders College in Almere. In 2007 and 2008 he wrote regularly for the Dutch weekly Opinio.

In 2010 he published the book (in Dutch): Stoppen met blowen.; de mythen, de gevaren en je laatste joint. (Stop Pot Smoking: the Myths, the Dangers, and Your Last Joint), Nieuw Amsterdam, 2010. In the same year Stein’s article on Leo Strauss appeared in Baudet & Visser (ed.): Conservatieve Vooruitgang: de grootste denkers van de twintigste eeuw (Conservative Progress, the Biggest Thinkers of the Twentieth Century). Bert Bakker. 2010. It is also in 2010 that Stein became an external PhD Candidate at the University Leiden, starting his research on Spinoza’s relationship to liberalism.

In 2010 and 2011 he taught philosophy for two semesters at the Roosevelt Academy in Middelburg. From 2011 till 2013 Stein was also an examiner for the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs, College voor Examens. In 2014 he gave a seminar on Spinoza’s Ethics at Leiden University. From 2011 till 2016 he organized and moderated debates on political, religious and philosophical subjects for the Liberal Jewish Community of Amsterdam.

In 2014 and 2015 he published some articles on Spinoza:



Radix, tijdschrift over geloof en wetenschap, 40(3), 2014, pp. 202-204

- “Over het nut van religie voor de staat bij Tocqueville en Spinoza” (On the Utility of Religion for the State in Tocqueville and Spinoza) in Filosofie. Themanummer: Alexis de Tocqueville, November 2015.

In 2015 some other essays appeared, such as:

- “Wij zijn allemaal Jep Gambardella” (We are all Jep Gambardella) in Bolkestein & Cliteur & Fennema: De succesvolle mislukking van Europa, Leiden University Press, (expected: December 2015)

- “Filosofie als motor en als cockpit van de school” (“Philosophy as Motor and Cockpit of the School” ) in Visser & Kusters (ed.) Verwonderenderwijs, Filosofie & Onderwijs, ISVW Uitgevers, 2015.




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1998 KNAW/Australian Academy of Sciences: visit research groups in Dutch language and culture and in cognitive linguistics at universities in Melbourne, Sydney,