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The USAID FEWS-NET Weather Hazards Impacts Assessment for Africa April 12 - 18, 2007


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The USAID FEWS-NET Weather Hazards Impacts Assessment for Africa

April 12 - 18, 2007

• Slow to start seasonal rains are leading to dry conditions in much of eastern Kenya and adjacent regions.

• Belg regions of southwestern Ethiopia continue to receive above normal precipitation, and rains are expanding into adjacent portions of the country.

1) Agricultural problems exist in areas of

southeastern Africa due to erratic and lighter than normal seasonal rainfall coupled with warmer than normal temperatures. The most severe conditions exist in the western Maize Triangle.

2) Rainfall during the past two weeks along and north of the Limpopo Basin is leading to favorable flood recession moisture conditions.

3) Well distributed seasonal rains across

Tanzania, northern Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, and southern Angola have led to favorable growing conditions in the region. Localized areas of flooding were reported sporadically throughout the season.

4) Normal to above normal rainfall continues to fall in Belg areas of southwestern Ethiopian highlands. Showers and thunderstorms are again likely during much of the next week, in a wider area of Ethiopia.

5) Significant rainfall shortages are accumulating throughout much of eastern Kenya as seasonal rains continue to be very erratic and much lighter than normal. Adjacent portions of southern Somalia and southeastern Ethiopia have experienced recent precipitation.

6) Heavy rains are possible in areas of coastal Tanzania during the next week.

7) Seasonal rainfall has been above normal in the agricultural areas of Madagascar.


FEWS NET is a USAID-funded activity whose purpose is to provide objective information about food security conditions. Its views are not necessarily reflective of those of USAID. The FEWS NET weather hazards assessment process and products include participation by FEWS NET field and home offices, NOAA-CPC, USGS, USDA, NASA, and a number of other national and regional organizations in the countries concerned. Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Chet.Schmitt@noaa.gov or 1-301-763-8000 x7519

After a slow start, rainfall has increased in most areas of the Ivory Coast region, as short term dryness decreases.

As shown in the figure below, though rainfall was lighter than normal in much of the Ivory Coast region in western Africa during early March, rains have increased recently and this trend has continued into the first week of April. This has helped to increase moisture supplies throughout the region and reduce concerns of early season dryness.

Abnormally heavy rains continue along and to the north of the Limpopo Basin in southern Africa. This has led to favorable conditions for recession agriculture activities.

Continued heavy rain during the past two weeks has dramatically increased moisture, as shown in the previous image depicting soil water availability as a percent of capacity for maize purposes, in areas of southern Mozambique and southern Zimbabwe. Two-week accumulated precipitation totals have exceeded 150 mm in some locations, with widespread amounts greater than 50 mm in the area.

Through long season crops were negatively affected by poor performing rainfall, the latest trend of increased moisture is favorable.

Eastern Kenya rainfall continues to be much lighter than normal, as dryness expands to adjacent portions of western Somalia and southern Ethiopia.

Seasonal rainfall has been slow to start throughout much of eastern Kenya and adjacent parts of southern Ethiopia and Somalia, as concerns for short term dryness continue to grow (See the figure below). Little to no rainfall was observed again during the past week in Kenya, though some light showers are possible during the next 7 days.

Precipitation Anomalies: February 1 – April 2, 2007 From FEWS-NET/CPC

Locust outbreak possible in Eritrea due to heavy seasonal rainfall last year.

From the FAO (http://www.fao.org/ag/locusts/en/info/info/index.html),

“Unusually heavy and widespread rain that fell in the Eritrean

Highlands and on the Red Sea coastal plains from September 2006 to February 2007 led to the development of a Desert Locust outbreak in December 2006 in which two generations of breeding occurred. By late March, swarms were expected to form and move further north along the coast to Sudan as well as into the Eritrean Highlands.”

Precipitation Anomalies (mm) from CPC ARC Method


Soil Water Index as of April 8, 2007, showing favorable moisture conditions in much of the Limpopo Basin.




ƒ Three consecutive weeks of low rain totals have led to early-season dryness concerns in southern Sudan. ƒ The Inter-Tropical Front is located south of its normal position for

ƒ The Meher rains arrived late in Ethiopia, which may impact long-term crops. ƒ Early season rainfall deficits continue in northern Nigeria, Sudan and Eritrea. 1) Southeastern

ƒ Compounded by a poor Belg rains season, the Meher rains have not been plentiful and consistent, which may result in failure of long-term crops across portions of Ethiopia and

ƒ Little to no precipitation in the last week exacerbated dryness across parts of Sudan, Uganda, and southwestern Ethiopia. ƒ Below-average rainfall has led to deteriorating

ƒ A favorable round of rains during the last observation period coupled with increased rains over the last 30 days has brought improvement to rainfall deficits in West Africa. ƒ

conditions earlier in the year across Somalia and Kenya have resulted in multi-seasonal drought over a large area of the Greater Horn. 2) Negative rainfall anomalies in the

ƒ High amounts of rainfall continue over many parts of Somalia, Kenya and eastern Ethiopia. The persistence of anomalously wet conditions suggests a favorable October-December

ƒ Though only one month into the season, southern Africa rainfall totals in Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique are all falling 25 – 50 mm below average. However, there