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Commissie milieubeheer, volksgezondheid en voedselveiligheid


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PV\819072NL.doc PE442.924v01-00


In verscheidenheid verenigd


Commissie milieubeheer, volksgezondheid en voedselveiligheid



Vergadering van 2 juni 2010, 9.00 – 12.30 en 15.00 – 18.30 uur, en 3 juni 2010 9.00 uur – 12.30 uur


De vergadering wordt op woensdag 2 juni 2010 om 9.00 uur geopend onder voorzitterschap van Jo Leinen, voorzitter.

1. Aanneming van de agenda ENVI_OJ (201)0602_1v02-00

De agenda wordt aangenomen in de volgorde zoals uit deze notulen blijkt.

2. Mededelingen van de voorzitter 2.1 Vertolking

Alle talen zijn beschikbaar, met uitzondering van Ests en Litouws (op woensdagochtend ook geen Maltees).

2.2. Caroline Lucas wint de eerste parlementszetel voor de Groenen in de Britse geschiedenis

Voorzitter Leinen spreekt zijn gelukwensen uit voor de partijleidster van de Britse Groene Partij Caroline Lucas, die is gekozen als eerste parlementslid voor de Groenen in de Britse geschiedenis. Zij heeft haar functie als lid van het Europees Parlement op 17 mei 2010 neergelegd.

2.3 Data van de stemmingen

 De stemming over het verslag Florenz over AEEA wordt gehouden op 22 juni.

 De stemming over het verslag De Lange over de tenuitvoerlegging van wetgeving inzake biodiversiteit wordt gehouden op 14 juli.

2.4 Nieuwe uitvoerend secretaris van het raamverdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake


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Secreteraris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties Ban Ki-moon heeft mevrouw Christiana Figueres benoemd als de nieuwe uitvoerend secretaris van het secretariaat van het raamverdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake klimaatverandering.

2.5 Filmen bij de Commissie ENVI

Tijdens de vergadering heeft een TV-ploeg Corinne Lepage gevolgd.

2.6 Bezoek van een delegatie van de Groene Partij van de Duitse Bondsdag

De werkgroep ‘Milieu en energie’ van de Groenen van de Duitse Bondsdag woont op 3 juni de vergadering van ENVI bij.

2.7 Commissie Klimaatcommunicatie

De mededeling van de Commissie met de titel "Analyse van de opties voor een broeikasgasemissiereductie van meer dan 20% en beoordeling van het risico van koolstoflekkage" (COM(2010)0265) is naar leden van ENVI gestuurd.

2.8 Workshop over ‘Wat zijn de milieu-uitdagingen voor de EU 2020-strategie?’

De voorzitter kondigt aan dat de workshop ‘Wat zijn de milieu-uitdagingen in het kader van de EU 2020-strategie?’ plaatsvindt op donderdag 10 juni 2010 van 9.15 tot 12.00 uur.

3. Goedkeuring van de notulen:

Daar er geen notulen voorliggen, is de goedkeuring uitgesteld.

4. Verslag bezoek ENVI-delegatie aan Spanje, 22-24 maart 2010 Gedachtewisseling

Sprekers: Jo Leinen

5. Toezicht door de lidstaten op de uitoefening door de Commissie van haar uitvoeringsbevoegdheden


***I 2010/0051(COD) COM(2010)0083 – C7-0073/2010 Rapporteur voor


Jo Leinen (S&D) PA – PE440.146v01-00

AM – PE441.271v01-00 Ten principale: JURI – József Szájer (PPE) PR – PE441.207v01-00

 Goedkeuring ontwerpadvies

Goedgekeurde amendementen: 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 6, 31, 33, 36, 37, 10 (1e deel), 12, 3


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6. Beperking van het gebruik van bepaalde gevaarlijke stoffen in elektrische en elektronische apparatuur (herschikking)


***I 2008/0240(COD) COM(2008)0809 – C6-0471/2008

Rapporteur: Jill Evans (Verts/ALE) PR – PE430.424v03-00

AM – PE439.897v01-00 AM – PE439.865v01-00 Ten principale: ENVI –

Adviezen: JURI – Lidia Joanna Geringer De Oedenberg (S&D)

 Goedkeuring ontwerpverslag

Besluit: zie bijgevoegde stemmingsuitslagen (Bijlage I)

Het ontwerpverslag, zoals gewijzigd, wordt goedgekeurd met 53 stemmen voor en 0 tegen bij 1 onthouding.

7. Sluiting van het Protocol inzake het geïntegreerd beheer van kustgebieden bij het Verdrag inzake de bescherming van het mariene milieu en de kustgebieden van de Middellandse Zee


2010/0016(NLE) COM(2010)0030

Rapporteur: Jo Leinen (S&D) PR – PE440.161v01-00

Ten principale: ENVI –

Adviezen: TRAN – Besluit: geen advies REGI – Besluit: geen advies PECH – Besluit: geen advies

 Goedkeuring ontwerpverslag

Het ontwerpverslag wordt unaniem goedgekeurd.

8. Groenboek van de Commissie over het beheer van bioafval in de Europese Unie ENVI/7/00828

2009/2153(INI) COM(2008)0811

Rapporteur: José Manuel Fernandes (PPE) PR – PE440.140v02-00 AM – PE441.246v01-00 AM – PE441.206v01-00 Ten principale: ENVI –

Adviezen: ITRE – Giles Chichester (ECR) AD – PE430.833v02-00 AM – PE439.263v01-00


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 Goedkeuring ontwerpverslag

Goedgekeurde amendementen: 1, COMP 1, COMP 2, 58, 79, 61, 60, 59, 67, 68, 70 (eerste deel), COMP 3, 74, 76, 81, 78, AGRI 3, AGRI 4, AGRI 6, AGRI 7, AGRI 8, AGRI 9, AGRI 10, AGRI 12, AGRI 13, AGRI 14, AGRI 15, AGRI 16, AGRI 18, AGRI 19, ITRE 3, ITRE 4, ITRE 8, ITRE 9, ITRE 13, ITRE 15, ITRE 17 (tweede deel), ITRE 18, ITRE 19, 3, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, (eerste deel), 15, 16, COMP 4, COMP 5, 21, 22, 23 (eerste deel), 24, 26, 28, 27, COMP 6, 32, 38, 39, 37, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46

Het ontwerpverslag, zoals gewijzigd, wordt goedgekeurd met 55 stemmen voor en 3 tegen.

9. Redelijke inkomens voor landbouwers: een beter werkende voedselvoorzieningsketen in Europa


2009/2237(INI) COM(2009)0591 Rapporteur voor


Esther Herranz García (PPE) PA – PE440.189v01-00 AM – PE441.268v01-00 Ten principale: AGRI – José Bové (Verts/ALE) PR – PE439.121v01-00 DT – PE439.275v01-00

 Goedkeuring ontwerpverslag

Goedgekeurde amendementen: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, mondeling amendement op paragraaf 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18

Het ontwerpadvies, zoals gewijzigd, wordt goedgekeurd met 54 stemmen voor en 2 tegen bij 0 onthoudingen.

10. Ontwikkeling van het werkgelegenheidspotentieel van een nieuwe duurzame economie


2010/2010(INI) Rapporteur voor advies:

Rovana Plumb (S&D) PA – PE440.122v01-00 AM – PE441.201v01-00 Ten principale: EMPL – Elisabeth Schroedter


PR – PE439.396v03-00 AM – PE442.803v01-00

 Goedkeuring ontwerpadvies

Goedgekeurde amendementen: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Het ontwerpadvies, zoals gewijzigd, wordt goedgekeurd met 53 stemmen voor en 1 tegen bij 1 onthouding.

De vergadering wordt om 10.42 uur geschorst en om 15.12 uur hervat onder voorzitterschap van Jo Leinen, voorzitter.


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ENVI/7/02356 Gedachtewisseling

Sprekers: Salvatore Tatarella, Vittorio Prodi, Jo Leinen, Corinne Lepage, Aurore Maillet (Commissie DG ENV)

12. Verslag over de tenuitvoerlegging van EU-wetgeving tot behoud van de biodiversiteit



Rapporteur: Esther De Lange (PPE) PR – PE441.267v01-00

Ten principale: ENVI –

Adviezen: PECH – Isabella Lövin (Verts/ALE) AD – PE438.457v02-00 AM – PE439.400v01-00 PETI – Victor Boştinaru (S&D) PA – PE438.222v02-00 AM – PE441.275v01-00 DT – PE438.284v02-00

 Behandeling ontwerpverslag

Sprekers: Karin Kadenbach, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Sandrine Bélier, Oreste Rossi, Peter van Dalen, Chris Davies, János Áder, Corinne Lepage, Bas Eickhout, Gilles Pargneaux, Christa Klaß, Pavel Poc

Termijn voor de indiening van amendementen: woensdag 9 juni 2010, 12.00 uur Stemming in de commissie: woensdag 14 juli 2010

Plenaire vergadering: september 2010

13. Gedachtewisseling met Jacqueline McGlade, uitvoerend directeur van het EMA ENVI/7/02251

Gedachtewisseling over biodiversiteit en over het EEA-werkprogramma 2011

Sprekers: Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Sandrine Bélier, Carl Schlyter, Michail Tremopoulos, Kriton Arsenis, Judith A. Merkies, Vittorio Prodi, Linda McAvan, Bas Eickhout, Jo Leinen, Jacqueline McGlade

De vergadering wordt om 17.55 uur geschorst en op donderdag 3 juni 2010 om 9.15 uur hervat onder voorzitterschap van Jo Leinen, voorzitter.

14. Coördinatorenvergadering

Zie Bijlage II voor de genomen besluiten.

15. Informatie over receptplichtige geneesmiddelen (aanpassing Verordening (EG) nr.

726/2004) ENVI/7/00156

***I 2008/0255(COD) COM(2008)0662 – C6-0517/2008


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Ten principale: ENVI –

Adviezen: ITRE – Jorgo Chatzimarkakis (ALDE) AD – PE430.863v02-00 AM – PE438.482v01-00 IMCO – António Fernando Correia De

Campos (S&D)

AD – PE439.345v02-00 AM – PE439.867v01-00

 Behandeling amendementen

Sprekers over de punten 15 en 16: Gilles Pargneaux, Holger Krahmer, Marina Yannakoudakis, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, Carl Schlyter, Jo Leinen, Anja Weisgerber, Horst Schnellhardt, Peter Liese, János Áder, Linda McAvan, Andres Perello Rodriguez, Christofer Fjellner

Stemming in de commissie: 13 - 15 juli 2010 Plenaire vergadering: september 2010

16. Informatie over receptplichtige geneesmiddelen (aanpassing Richtlijn 2001/83/EG) ENVI/7/00159

***I 2008/0256(COD) COM(2008)0663 – C6-0516/2008

Rapporteur: Christofer Fjellner (PPE) PR – PE439.410v02-00 AM – PE441.215v01-00 Ten principale: ENVI –

Adviezen: ITRE – Jorgo Chatzimarkakis (ALDE) AD – PE430.857v02-00 AM – PE439.168v01-00 IMCO – Cristian Silviu Buşoi


AD – PE439.346v03-00 AM – PE439.868v01-00 DT – PE423.713v01-00

 Behandeling amendementen

Sprekers over de punten 15 en 16: Gilles Pargneaux, Holger Krahmer, Marina Yannakoudakis, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, Carl Schlyter, Jo Leinen, Anja Weisgerber, Horst Schnellhardt, Peter Liese, János Áder, Linda McAvan, Andres Perello Rodriguez, Christofer Fjellner

Stemming in de commissie: 13 - 15 juli 2010 Plenaire vergadering: september 2010

17. Gedachtewisseling met Voorzitter Buzek: Op weg naar een Europese Energiegemeenschap


 Gedachtewisseling

Sprekers: Jerzy Buzek, Jo Leinen, Richard Seeber, Gilles Pargneaux, Anna Rosbach, Bill Newton Dunn, Linda McAvan, Kriton Arsenis, Mario Pirillo, Vittorio Prodi, Michail Tremopoulos, Oreste Rossi, Karin Kadenbach, Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė,


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18. Datum en plaats van de volgende vergadering 21 juni 2010, 15.00 – 18.30 uur

22 juni 2010, 9.00 – 12.30 en 15.00 – 18.30 uur, Brussel


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Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (recast)

PR - 430.424v03-00

AM (77-196) - 439.865v01-00 AM (197- 339) - 439.897v01-00

Rapporteur: Jill Evans

Final version 1 June 2010

Paragraaf Am.


Tabled by Remarks/

Comments Rapp. Vote


(S&D), Davies (ALDE), Evans (Greens/EFA), Wils (GUE/NGL)

If adopted, 14, 15, 36, 69, 161, 167, 169, 195/part2, 212, 301, 303 are deemed to be adopted and 16, 17, 26-28, 30, 33, 68, 99/part1, 106-110, 113-123, 125-141, 143, 146-151, 154, 155, 162-166, 168, 170 - 174, 176, 179/part1, 180/part1, 184-189, 196, 267, 272, 300, 302, 304, 305, 312 fall

+ +

COMP2 Sonik (EPP), Van Brempt (S&D), Davies (ALDE), Evans (Greens/EFA), Girling (ECR), Wils (GUE/NGL)

If adopted 10, 11, 35-44, 72, 73, 74/part1, 91-96, 99/part2, 153, 177, 178, 196, 210-244, 245, 246-248, 249, 254, 255, 258-260, 264, 318, 336/part1, 337, 338 fall

+ +

CONS3 Sonik (EPP), Van Brempt (S&D), Evans

(Greens/EFA), Girling (ECR), Wils (GUE/NGL)

If adopted, 3, 4, 7, 34, 271 are deemed to be adopted and, 9, 48, 49, 87, 88, 90, 101-104, 197-207, 268-270, 273 fall

+ +


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CONS7 Van Brempt (S&D), Evans (Greens/EFA), Wils


If adopted, 195 first part is deemed to be adopted and 6, 29, 31, 32, 71, 181, 182, 194, 269/270 (second sentence), 313, 314, 315 fall.

+ -

CONS4 Van Brempt (S&D), Davies (ALDE), Evans (Greens/EFA),Wils (GUE/NGL)

If adopted 8, 31, 70, 71, 81-86, 181, 182, 194, 201- 205, 306-311, 313-315 fall Compatible to CONS7 without points 1, 2 and 5 in CONS4

+ -


CONS5 Van Brempt (S&D), Davies (ALDE), Evans (Greens/EFA), Girling (ECR), Wils (GUE/NGL)

If adopted, 80, 159, 263, 316 are deemed to be adopted and 97, 160, 175, 250, 251, 261

(corresponding part), 263, 309 (point 8), 310 (point 2), 313 (last part), 317 (points 1 and 2) fall

+ +


COMP6 Sonik (EPP), Van Brempt (S&D), Davies (ALDE), Evans (Greens/EFA), Girling (ECR), Wils (GUE/NGL)

If adopted, 98, 295, 298, 299 are deemed to be adopted and 12, 45, 47, 100, 208, 209, 251-262, 264-266 fall

+ +


13 Rapporteur + +

Art 1

105 Westlund Falls if 13 adopted + f

107 Weisgerber Falls if CONS1 adopted + f

106, part 1

Grossetête, Soullie

Falls if CONS1, 107 adopted

+ f

Art 2 - para 1

14, part 1

Rapporteur ", including cables ...


Not to be voted if CONS1 adopted (includes AM14).

Falls if 107, 106/part1 adopted

+ f


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108 Ulmer Falls if CONS1, 107,

106/part1, 114/part1 adopted

+ f

110 Sonik

300 Sonik

303 Sonik

To be voted together - one concept

110, 300 fall, and 303 deemed to be adopted if CONS1 adopted


14, part 2


106, part 2

Grossetête, Soullie 69 Rapporteur

To be voted together - one concept

Not to be voted if CONS1 adopted (includes AM14, 69).

Falls if 110 adopted


109 Pirillo Falls if CONS1 adopted

Compatible to other amendments as addition.

- f

Art 2 - para 1 a (new)

15 Rapporteur

Bijlage I 301 Rapporteur

To be voted together - one concept

Not to be voted if CONS1 adopted (includes AM15).

Falls if 110 adopted


111 Westlund Withdrawn W W

Art 2 - para 2

112 Sonik (Falls if 111 adopted) + +

Art 2 - para 3 113 Sonik Article 4, para 4 185 Sonik Article 4, para 5 192 Sonik Annex IIIa (new) 312 Sonik

To be voted together - one concept

Falls if CONS1 adopted

- f

Art 2 - para 3 Introductory part

114 Davies, Sterckx Falls if CONS1, 110, 14/part2, 113 adopted

- f

115 Juvin Falls if CONS1 adopted


- f

Art 2 - para 3 - point b

118 Ries Falls if CONS1, 115


+ f


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16 Rapporteur Falls if CONS1, 115, 118 adopted

+ f

116 Grossetête, Soullie 117 Weisgerber

- identical -

Falls if CONS1, 115, 118, 16 adopted

- f

123 Fjellner Falls if CONS1, 115, 118, 16, 116 adopted

- f

119 Krahmer

120 Fjellner

121 Ayuso

122 Rossi

- identical -

Falls if CONS1, 115, 118, 16, 116, 123 adopted

- f

Art 2 - para 3 - point c

17 Rapporteur Falls if CONS1 adopted deletion

+ f

154 Girling Falls if CONS1, 107,

106/part1, 14/part1, 108 adopted

- f

143 Seeber Falls if CONS1, 107,

106/part1, 14/part1, 154 adopted

+ f

141 Krahmer

125 Rossi

- identical -

Falls if CONS1, 107, 106/part1, 14/part1, 108 154, 143 adopted

(page 2)

+ f

126 Davies, Krahmer, Sterckx,


Falls if CONS1 adopted + f

128 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies

Falls if CONS1, 126 adopted

+ f

129 Fjellner Falls if CONS1, 126, 128 adopted

+ f

127 Weisgerber, Davies, Krahmer

Falls if CONS1, 126, 128, 129 adopted

+ f

Art 2 - para 3 - point c (new)

130 Fjellner - identical - - f


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131 Davies, Krahmer,

Sterckx Falls if CONS1 adopted

132 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies

Falls if CONS1, 130

adopted + f

133 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies

Falls if CONS1 adopted - f

134 Davies Falls if CONS1, 133

adopted + f

135 Van Brempt,

Haug, Merkies Falls if CONS1 adopted - f

136 Davies

137 Ulmer

- identical -

Falls if CONS1, 135 adopted

+ f

138 Grossetête, Soullie

Falls if CONS1, 135, 136

adopted + f

139 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies

Falls if CONS1 adopted - f

140 Davies Falls if CONS1, 139

adopted - f

184 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies

Falls if CONS1 adopted (note: linked to 139 and 140 - spare parts - repair)

- f

144 Davies + +

142 Grossetête, Prodi, Ayuso, Newton Dunn, Weisgerber

Falls if 144 adopted - Mistake in English

version: "exempted" should be "excluded". To be corrected if adopted.

+ f

124 Schnellhardt Falls if 144, 142 adopted + f


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145 Davies Oral amendment by


Falls if 144 NOT adopted

"By 31 December 2014 at the latest, the Commission shall submit a report examining the scope of the Directive to the European Parliament and the Council, to assess whether or not to include equipment as mentioned in Article 2(3)(cd) [...], to be accompanied by a legislative proposal, if appropriate."

+ -


145 Davies Falls if oral amendment to 145 adopted.

Split vote (Greens/EFA):

1st part: the whole text, without the words "in view of a possible inclusion" and

"the currently exempted"

and "in annexe VI"

2nd part: "in view of a possible inclusion"

3rd part: "the currently exempted" and "in annexe VI"


- -


- -

146 Krahmer Falls if CONS1 adopted - f

147 Rossi Falls if CONS1, 146

adopted - f

Art 2 - para 3 a (new)

148 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies, Westlund

Falls if CONS1 adopted + f

150 Rossi Falls if CONS1 adopted - f

Art 3 - point a

149 Krahmer Falls if CONS1, 150


- f


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151 Girling Falls if CONS1, 150, 149 adopted

- f

152 Davies, Sterckx - +

Art 3 - point b

18 Rapporteur Falls if 152 adopted + f

Art 3 - point c a (new)

153 Davies Falls if COMP2 adopted - f

Art 3 - point d a (new)

19 Rapporteur + +

Art 3 - point g a (new)

20 Rapporteur + +

Art 3 - point k a (new)

21 Rapporteur + +

Art 3 - point k b (new)

22 Rapporteur + +

156 Ulmer,


- -

Art 3 - point 1

23 Rapporteur Falls if 156 adopted + +

157 Ulmer,

Weisgerber 158 Van Brempt,

Haug, Merkies

- identical - + +

Art 3 - point 1 a (new)

24 Rapporteur Falls if 157 adopted + f

Art 3 - point p 25 Rapporteur + +

161 Rapporteur Not to be voted if CONS1 adopted (includes



26 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by 161)


172 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies

Falls if CONS1 adopted - f

155 Davies Falls if CONS1, 172


- f

Art 3 - point p a (new)

175 Westlund Falls if CONS5 adopted - f


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160 Van Brempt, Merkies, Westlund

Falls if CONS5, 175 adopted

+ f

159 Rapporteur Not to be voted if CONS5 adopted (includes


Falls if 175, 160 adopted


164 Davies, Krahmer, Sterckx

Falls if CONS1 adopted - f

162 Fjellner

165 Rossi

- identical -

Falls if CONS1, 164 adopted

- f

163 Ayuso Falls if CONS1, 164, 162


- f

171 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies

173 Ries

- identical -

Falls if CONS1 adopted

+ f

176 Sonik Falls if CONS1 adopted - f

167 Rapporteur Not to be voted if CONS1 adopted (includes



27 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by 167)


168 Davies Falls if CONS1, 167, (27), adopted

- f

Art 3 - point p b (new)

166 Rossi Falls if CONS1 adopted - f

169 Rapporteur Not to be voted if CONS1 adopted (includes


+ Art 3 - point p c


(note: AM 177, 178 have been moved to 214)

170 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies

Falls if CONS1 adopted - f

Art 3 - point p f (new)

174 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies

Falls if CONS1 adopted - f


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179, part 1

Rapporteur "cables ... capacity"

Falls if CONS1 adopted Compatible to 154, 143, without "cables,

consumables and

accessories" and to 141, 125 without consumables and accessories"

+ f

180, part 1

Van Brempt, Merkies

"updating ... capacity"

Falls if CONS1, 179/part1 adopted

+ f

179, part 2


180, part 2

Van Brempt, Merkies 181,

part 1


182 Van Brempt, Merkies

Addition of Part A and Part B

Falls if CONS4, CONS7 adopted

To be voted together - one concept

+ -


181, part 2

Rapporteur "cables, ... and parts for"

Falls if 179/part2 NOT, or if 154, 143, 141, 125 adopted

(page 4)

+ f

Art 4 - para 1

28 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by 179)


Art 4 - para 1 a (new)

29 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by 181)


Art 4 - para 1 b (new)

183 Van Brempt, Merkies, Westlund

Annex IVa 317 Van Brempt,

Merkies, Westlund

To be voted together - one concept

If CONS5 adopted points 1 and 2 of AM317 fall

+ -

Art 4 - para 4 184 Van Brempt, Merkies, Westlund

Not to be voted here - moved to 139/140 Falls if CONS1 adopted

See 139

See 139


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185 Sonik Not to be voted here -

moved to 113 to vote en bloc

Falls if CONS1 adopted

See 113

See 113

186 Buşoi Falls if CONS1, 184, 113

adopted (page 3)

+ f

187 Davies

189 Davies

- identical -

Falls if CONS1, 184, 113, 186 adopted

(note: by mistake the same AM appeared twice in the document with AMs)

+ f

188 Rapporteur Falls if CONS1, 184, 113 adopted

Compatible to 186, 187 as an addition of "cables, consumables and accessories"

+ f

Art 4 - para 4 introductory part

30 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by 188)


Art 4 - para 4 - point a a (new)

190 Davies - -

Art 4 - para 4 a (new)

191 De Lange, Merkies,

Gerbrandy, Van Dalen, Liotard, Oomen-Ruijten

Falls if 190 adopted - +

192 Sonik Not to be voted here -

moved to 113 to vote en bloc

See 113

See 113 Art 4 - para 5

193 Davies Falls if 113 adopted

(page 3)

+ +

Art 4 - para 5 a (new)

31 Rapporteur Falls if CONS4, CONS7 adopted or 179/part2NOT adopted (page 9)

+ f

194 Rapporteur Falls if CONS4, CONS7 adopted or 179/part2NOT adopted (page 9)

+ f

Art 4 - para 5 b (new)

32 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by 194)



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195, part 1

Rapporteur "and 1a"

Not to be voted if CONS7 adopted (includes AM 195/part1)

Falls if CONS4 adopted or 179/part2NOT adopted

+ f

195, part 2

Rapporteur "and VIa"

Not to be voted if CONS1 adopted (includes



196 Sonik deletion

Falls if CONS1, COMP2 adopted

Compatible to other AMs as deletion of Annex VI

- f

Art 4 - para 6

33 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by 195)


34 Rapporteur Not to be voted if CONS3 adopted (includes AM34).


(note: linked to AM 268, 269, 270, 48 on review)


197 Davies Falls if CONS3, 34


- f

198 Sonik Falls if CONS3, 34, 197


- f

Art 4 - para 7

200 Krahmer, Weisgerber

Falls if CONS3, 34 adopted

Compatible to 197, 198 by addition of "the

Commission shall use the same methodology ... also forward to the Committee referred to in article 18."

- f


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199 Berlato Falls if CONS3, 34, 200 adopted

Compatible to 197, 198 by addition of "the

Commission shall use the same methodology ... also forward to the Committee referred to in article 18."

- f

201 Fjellner Falls if CONS3, 34, 198 adopted

Compatible to other amendments as addition of

"To contribute to ... such legislation"

- f

202 Rossi

203 Girling

- identical -

Falls if CONS3, 34, 198, 201 adopted

Compatible to other amendments as addition of:

"Such a methodology ....

risk assessment submitted."

- f

204 Grossetête, Soullie

Falls if CONS3, 34, 197, 198, 200, 199, 201, 202, 203 adopted

- f

205 Westlund Falls if CONS3, 34, 197, 198 adopted

compatible to 199, 200, 201, 202, 204 as a deletion of "an unacceptable"

+ f

Art 4 - para 7 - subpara 1a (new)

206 Ries Falls if CONS3 adopted

(note: link with 306, 307, 308, which are deleting Annex III)

- f

207 Fjellner Falls if CONS3 adopted

Compatible to 199, 200 as an addition of "A

Consultation Forum shall be established for that


+ f

Art 4 - para 7 a (new)

208 Sonik Falls if COMP6 adopted + f


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Art 4 - para 7 b (new)

209 Sonik Falls if COMP6 adopted + f

210 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2 adopted (note: in case one the Annexes is deleted or not adopted the references need to be adapted accordingly)

+ f

211 Sonik Falls if COMP2 adopted

Compatible to 210 as an addition

(If 198 not adopted text will be without "in particular ...

electronic equipment".)

- f

Art 5 - para 1 - introductory part

35 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2, 210 adopted

(note: in case one the Annexes is deleted or not adopted the references need to be adapted accordingly)

+ f

36 Rapporteur Art 5 - para 1 - point


212 Sonik

- identical - deletion

Not to be voted if CONS1 adopted (includes AM36).

Falls if COMP2 adopted (note: linked to deletion of Annex II)


Art 5 - para 1 - point a a (new)

213 Rossi Falls if COMP2 adopted - f

Art 5 - para 1 - point b - introductory part

214, 177, 178, 218, 219, 221, 223, 234, 244

Sonik To be voted together - one concept

Falls if COMP2 adopted

- f


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37 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2 adopted Compatible to 214 as an addition of "for specific applications" and "and VIa"

(note: linked to 336, 337, 74)

+ f

Art 5 - para 1 - point b - indent 1

217 Sonik Falls if COMP2 adopted - f

38 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2 adopted deletion

+ f

Art 5 - para 1 - point b - indent 2

215 Van Brempt, Merkies

Falls if COMP2, 38 adopted

- f

39 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2 adopted + f

Art 5 - para 1 - point b - indent 3

216 Westlund Falls if COMP2, 39


+ f

Art 5 - para 1 - point b b (new)

218 Sonik Not to be voted here -

moved to 214 to be voted en bloc

Falls if COMP2 adopted

See 214

See 214

Art 5 - para 1 - point c

219 Sonik Not to be voted here -

moved to 214 to be voted en bloc

Falls if COMP2 adopted

See 214

See 214

Art 5 - para 1 - point c a (new)

221 Sonik Not to be voted here -

moved to 214 to be voted en bloc

Falls if COMP2 adopted

See 214

See 214

220 Seeber Falls if COMP2 adopted - f

Art 5 - para 1 - subpara 2

222 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2 adopted

Compatible to 220 by replacing second part by

"Those measures shall be adopted individually."

+ f


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40 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2, 222 adopted

Compatible as addition to 220 as addition of "and individually"

+ f

Art 5 - para 1 - subpara 2 a (new)

41 Falls if COMP2 adopted

(note: linked to adoption of Annex VIa, 336, 337, 74))

+ f

223 Sonik Not to be voted here -

moved to 214 to be voted en bloc

Falls if COMP2 adopted

See 214

See 214

224, part 1


226, part 1


227, part 1


229, part 1


- identical -

"Measures adopted ... of the equipment"

Falls if COMP2, 214 adopted

(page 13)

- f

225, part 1

Davies "Measures adopted ... a time-limited review,"

Falls if COMP2, 214, 224/part1 adopted

- f

232, part 1

Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies, Leinen

228, part 1


- identical -

"Measures adopted ... may be renewed"

Falls if COMP2, 214, 224/part1, 225/part1 adopted

- f

Art 5 - para 2

230, part 1

Ulmer, Weisgerber

"Measures adopted ..., on a case-by-case basis."

Falls if COMP2, 214, 224/part1, 225/part1, 232/part1 adopted

- f


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231, part 1

Rapporteur "Measures adopted ... may be renewed"

Falls if COMP2, 214, 224/part1, 225/part1, 232/part1, 230/part1 adopted(page 13)

+ f

233 Buşoi Falls if COMP2, 214,

224/part1, 225/part1, 232/part1, 230/part1 adopted

Compatible to 231/part1

- f

42 Rapporteur "measures adopted ... may be renewed"

Withdrawn (replaced by 231)

Falls if COMP2 adopted


238, part 2

Rapporteur "The Commission shall take into ... socio-economic ...


Falls if COMP2, 214 adopted

+ f

232, part 2

Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies, Leinen

"The Commission shall ...

socio-economic ...


Falls if COMP2, 214, 238/part2 adopted

+ f

224, part 2


226, part 2


Falls if COMP2, 214 adopted

"An application ... 30 months ... 9 months after submission of the


- f

229, part 2

Rossi Falls if COMP2, 214,

224/part 2 adopted

"The Commission shall decide ... 9 months after an application for renewal is submitted ... 27 months before an exemption expires"

- f


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230, part 2

Ulmer, Weisgerber

Falls if COMP2, 214, 224/part2 , 229/part2 adopted (page 13)

"No later than ... 9

months ... 18 months before an exemption expires"

- f

238, part 1


231, part 2


To be voted together - one concept

Falls if COMP2, 214, 224/part2 , 229/part2, 230/part2 adopted 238, part 1: "Applications shall ... 18 months ... 6 months ... as the case may be."

239, part 2: deletion of "The Commission shall ...


+ f

232, part 3

Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies, Leinen

"The Commission shall ...

six months ... 18 months ...

exemption expires."

Falls if COMP2, 214, 224/part2 , 229/part2, 230/part2, 238/part1 adopted

+ f

227, part 2

Girling "Application for renewal ...

18 months before an exemption expires ... 6 months before the expiry date of the existing exemption"

Falls if COMP2, 214, 224 part 2, 229/part2,

230/part2, 238/part1, 232/

part3 adopted

- f

225, part 2

Davies "provided ... 18 months ...

six months ... within the specified timeframes"

Falls if COMP2, 214, 224 part 2, 229/part2,

230/part2, 238/part1, 232/

part3, 227/part2 adopted

- f


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224, part 3


226, part 3


- identical -

"Where the Commission ...

comments received."

Falls if COMP2, 214 adopted

- f

227, part 3

Girling "In cases ... time to adapt"

Falls if COMP2 adopted

- f

230, part 3

Ulmer, Weisgerber

"Where the

Commission ....equipment concerned"

Falls if COMP2 adopted

- f

238, part 2


228, part 3


232, part 4

Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies, Leinen

- identical -

"Where the Commission ...

expiry of the exemption"

Falls if COMP2 adopted

+ f

235 Davies Falls if COMP2 adopted - f

225, part 3

Davies "The Commission shall decide ... the date(s) at which materials and components of EEE in annexes V and VI will be deleted.

Falls if COMP2 adopted

- f

232, part 5

Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies, Leinen

"The specific exemptions ...

or renewal has been taken"

Falls if COMP2 adopted

+ f

238, part 3

Rapporteur "The Commission shall adopt ... Article 18."

Falls if COMP2 adopted

+ f

228 Westlund

232, part 6

Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies, Leinen

- identical-

"Those measures ... 290 of the Treaty."

Falls if COMP2, 238/part3 adopted

+ f


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234 Sonik Not to be voted here -

moved to 214 to be voted en bloc

Falls if COMP2 adopted

See 214

See 214 Art 5 - para 2 a


236 Rapporteur

Annex VIb 338 Rapporteur

To be voted together - one concept

Falls if COMP2 adopted

+ f

Art 5 - para 2 b (new)

237 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2, 225/part3 adopted (page 18)

+ f

Art 5 - para 2 c (new)

238 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2 adopted + f

239 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2 adopted (note: references to Annexes need to be corrected if VIa is not adopted or if VI is deleted)

+ f

241 Davies

240 Ulmer,


- identical -

Falls if COMP2 adopted Compatible to 239

- f

Art 5 - para 3

43 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by 239)

Falls if COMP2 adopted


44 Rapporteur

242 Sonik

- identical -

Falls if COMP2 adopted deletion

+ f

Art 5 - para 4

243 Ulmer,


Falls if COMP2, 44 adopted

- f

244 Sonik Not to be voted here -

moved to 214 to be voted en bloc

Falls if COMP2 adopted

See 214

See 214

245 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2 adopted + f

247 Grossetête, Soullie

Falls if COMP2 adopted - f Art 5 - para 4 a


248 Krahmer Falls if COMP2, 247


- f


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Art 5 - para 4 b (new)

246 Rapporteur Falls if 236NOT adopted or COMP2 adopted (page 19)

(note: linked to new annex VIb)

+ f

249 Sonik Falls if COMP2,b adopted

(note: if adopted but 214 not adopted 3f needs to be deleted)

+ f

Art 5 a (new)

250 Rapporteur Falls if CONS5 adopted (note: nanomaterials)

+ f

Art 6 253 Sonik Falls if COMP6 adopted


(note: linked to 249)

- f

252 Rapporteur Falls if COMP6, 253 adopted

+ f

Art 6 - para 1 - introductory part

45 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by 252)


254 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2, COMP6, 253 adopted


+ f

255 Van Brempt, Merkies, Westlund

Falls if COMP2, COMP6,

253, 254 adopted - f

Art 6 - para 1 - indent 1

46 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by 254)

Falls if COMP2, 253 adopted


256 Rossi Falls if COMP6, 253

adopted - f

Art 6 - para 1 - indent 2

47 Rapporteur Falls if COMP6, 253, 256

adopted + f

257 Rapporteur Falls if COMP6, 253 adopted


(note: linked to 237)

+ f

259 Davies, Sterckx Art 6 - para 1 -

indent 3

260 Girling

- identical -

Falls if COMP2, COMP6, 253, 257 adopted

- f


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258 Van Brempt, Merkies, Westlund

Falls if COMP2, COMP6,

253, 257, 259 adopted - f

261 Van Brempt, Merkies, Westlund

Falls if COMP6, 253 adopted or 183NOT adopted (page 9) Compatible to CONS5 without "A standard for ...

the Directive"

(note: nanomaterials - link to article 4(1)b and Annex IVa)

+ f

263 Rapporteur Not to be voted if CONS5 adopted (includes


Falls if 253, 261 adopted

+ Art 6 - para 1 -

indent 3 a (new)

264 Davies Falls if COMP2, COMP6,

253 adopted

Compatible to 261, 263

- f

Art 6 - para 1 - indent 3 b (new)

262 Van Brempt, Merkies, Westlund

Falls if COMP6, 253

adopted - f

Art 6 - para 1 a (new)

265 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies, Paleckis, Westlund

Falls if COMP6, 253

adopted - f

Art 6 - para 1 b (new)

267 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies, Westlund

Falls if CONS1, 253

adopted + f

Art 6 - para 2 266 Rapporteur Falls if COMP6, 253 adopted


+ f

Art 6 - title 251 Rapporteur Falls if CONS5, COMP6,

253 adopted + f

Art 6 a (new) 270 Wils Falls if CONS3 adopted

Compatible to CONS7 by replacing "In particular ...

scientific evidence" with text CONS7d

+ f


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269 Rapporteur Falls if CONS3, 270 adopted

Compatible to CONS7 by replacing "In particular ...

scientific evidence" with text CONS7d

+ f

268 Van Brempt, Haug, Merkies, Westlund

Falls if CONS3, 270, 269 adopted

- c4a

+ f

272 Girling Falls if CONS1, 270, 269,

268 adopted + f

48 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by

269) W W

271 Rapporteur Not to be voted if CONS3 adopted (includes


(note: REACH)


273 Van Brempt, Merkies, Leinen, Westlund

Falls if CONS3, 271 adopted

(note: REACH)

+ f

Art 6 b (new)

49 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by

271) W W

Art 7 - introductory part (new)

50 Rapporteur + +

Art 7 - para 2 51 Rapporteur + +

274 Westlund - -

Art 7 - para 5

52 Rapporteur Falls if 274 adopted + +

Art 7 - para 7 53 Rapporteur + +

54 Rapporteur + +

Art 7 - para 8

275 Westlund Compatible to 54 as an deletion of "where the EEE presents a risk"

+ +

Art 7 - para 9 277 Krahmer - +



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276 Westlund Compatible to 77 as a deletion of "reasoned"

+ +

Art 8 - para 1 55 Rapporteur + +

278 Girling 279 Rapporteur 280 Davies, Sterckx

- identical - + +

Art 8 - para 2 - point a

56 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by

279) W W

281 Girling + +

57 Rapporteur Compatible to 281 as an

addition + +

Art 9 - para 3

282 Davies, Sterckx Compatible to 281, 57 as a deletion of "where that is not possible"

- +

Art 9 - para 5 58 Rapporteur + +

283 Rapporteur 284 Girling

285 Davies, Sterckx

- identical - + +

Art 9 - para 7

59 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by

283) W W

Art 10 - para 1 286 Rapporteur 287 Rapporteur

To be voted together - one

concept + +

Art 10 - para 2 - subpara 1

60 Rapporteur Falls if 286 adopted + f

Art 11 61 Rapporteur + +

Art 12 62 Rapporteur + +

Art 13 - para 1 288 Davies + +

Art 13 - para 2 63 Rapporteur + +

Art 15 - para 3 64 Rapporteur + +


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Art 16 - para 1 289 Fjellner deletion - +

292 Van Brempt, Merkies

- +


290 Fjellner Falls if 292 adopted - f

65 Rapporteur Falls if 292, 290 adopted + f

293 Rossi Falls if 292, 290, 65

adopted - f

Art 16 - para 2

291 Sonik Falls if 293 adopted

Compatible with 292, 290, 65 as an addition of "parts of"

- +

294 Rapporteur + +

31/27/0 Art 16 a (new)

66 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by

294) W W

Art 18 295 Rapporteur Not to be voted if COMP6

adopted (includes AM295).


Art 18 - para 1 a (new)

296 Krahmer + +

297 Fjellner Falls if 296 adopted + f

Art 18 a (new)

298 Rapporteur Not to be voted if COMP6 adopted (includes



Art 18 b (new) 299 Rapporteur Not to be voted if COMP6 adopted (includes



Art 20 - para 1 67 Rapporteur + +


Bijlage I 300 Sonik Not to be voted here -

voted with 110 deletion

Falls if CONS1 adopted

see 110

see 110


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301 Rapporteur Not to be voted here - voted with 15

(CONS1 includes AM301).

see 15

see 15

68 Rapporteur Withdrawn (replaced by 301)

(falls if CONS1 adopted)


Annex I - point 9 302 Rossi Falls if CONS1, 110 adopted (page 3)

Compatible to other AMs as an addition

- f

69 Rapporteur Not to be voted here - voted with 14/part2 (CONS1 includes AM14) deletion

see 14

see 14 Bijlage II

303 Sonik Not to be voted here -

voted with 110

(CONS1 includes AM303) deletion

see 110

see 110

Annex II - point 1 304 Davies, Sterckx Falls if CONS1, 14/part2, 110 adopted

+ f

Annex II - point 9 305 Rossi Falls if CONS1, 14/part2, 110 adopted

- f

306 Sonik

307 Krahmer

Bijlage III

308 Berlato

- identical -

Falls if CONS4 adopted deletion

- -


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70 Rapporteur Falls if CONS4, 306 adopted

Split vote (Greens/EFA):

1st part: deletion of points 1-4

2nd part: addition of points 1-4

3rd part: addition of point 5

4th part: points 6 and 7 without the words "other than brominated flame retardants" and "other than chlorinated flame


5th part: those words (Note: if any of the parts adopted the amendment will refer to Article 6a)

- + + +


- + 30/28/0

+ 29/28/0

+ 29/27/0


310, part 1

Van Brempt, Merkies

"Substances ... (PVC)"

Falls if CONS4, 306 adopted

+ +

29/28/0 311 Ries, Davies Falls if CONS4, 306,


(note: if adopted together with other amendments on Annex III, the substances will be added to the list with substances in these


+ +


309, part 1

Westlund point 1-7, 9, 10 Falls if CONS4, 306 adopted

(same note as for 311)

+ -



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310, part 2

Van Brempt, Merkies

Falls if CONS4, CONS5, 306 adopted

point 2

+ f

309, part 2

Westlund Falls if CONS4, CONS5, 306, 310/part2 adopted point 8

+ f

Annex III a (new) 312 Sonik Not to be voted here - moved to 113 to be voted en bloc

Falls if CONS1 adopted

see 113

see 113

314, part 1


313, part 1


315, part 1

Van Bempt, Merkies 71 Rapporteur

- identical -

Falls if CONS4, CONS7 adopted

Part1: addition of "Part A, Part B"

+ -

314, part 2


71, part 2


- identical -

Falls if CONS4, CONS7 adopted

Part 2: "brominated flame retardants (0,1%)"

+ -

313, part 2

Wils "Organobromines ...

brominated flame retardants"

Falls if CONS4, CONS7, 314/part2 adopted

- Mistake in the English version: "other than" should be replaced by "and other"

+ -

Bijlage IV

(note: the AMs on Annex III have been split after a request for split votes on AM314 and AM 71 by the S&D, and Greens/EFA)

314, part 3

Rapporteur - identical - + -


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71, part 3

Rapporteur Part 3: "chlorinated flame retardants (0,1%)"

Falls if CONS4, CONS7 adopted

313, part 3

Wils "Organochlorines ...

chlorinated flame retardants"

Falls if CONS4, CONS7, 314/part3 adopted

- Mistake in the English version: "other than" should be replaced by "and other"

+ -

314, part 4


71, part 4


313, part 4


- identical -

Part 4: "Polyvinylchloride (PVC) (0,1%)"

Falls if CONS4, CONS7 adopted

+ -

314, part 5


71, part 5


313, part 5


- identical -

Part 5: "Chlorinated plasticisers"

Falls if CONS4, CONS7 adopted

+ -

314, part 6

Rapporteur Part 6: "Phthalates ...


Falls if CONS4, CONS7 adopted

+ -

71, part 6


313, part 6


- identical -

"Bis (2-ethylhexyl) ...


Falls if CONS4, CONS7 314/part6 adopted

+ -


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313, part 7

Wils "Arsenic compounds ...

Bisphenol A (0.1%)"

Falls if CONS4, CONS7 adopted

+ -

313, part 8

Wils Carbon nanotubes and Nanosilver

Falls if CONS4, CONS5 adopted

+ f

316 Rapporteur Not to be voted if CONS5 adopted (includes


Falls if 313/part8 adopted


315, part 2

Van Brempt, Merkies

"Medium-chain ... (MCCP)"

Falls if CONS4 adopted

+ -

Annex IV a (new) 317 Van Brempt, Merkies, Westlund

Not to be voted here - moved to 183 to be voted en bloc

Compatible to CONS5 without points 1 and 2 (labelling)

See 183

See 183

Annex V -

introductory para - (new)

72 Rapporteur Falls of COMP2 adopted + f

Annex VI 318 Sonik Falls if COMP2 adopted


(note: mistake in AM, should be Annex VI)

- f

319 Girling Annex VI -

introductory part

320 Davies

- identical - deletion

- +

32/25/0 Annex VI -

introductory para - (new)

73 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2 adopted + f

321 Girling Annex VI - point 5

322 Davies

- identical - - +

Annex VI - point 6 323 Girling - identical - - +


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324 Davies

325 Girling Annex VI - point 8

326 Davies

- identical - - +

328 Davies

Annex VI - subtitle

329 Girling

- identical - deletion

- +

Annex VI - point 10 327 Girling - +

330 Girling Annex VI - point 11

331 Davies

- identical - - +

332 Girling Annex VI - point 17

333 Davies

- identical - - +

Annex VI - point 20 a - 20 w (new)

334 Davies - +

Annex VI - point 20 a - 20 j (new)

335 Girling Falls if 334 adopted - f

74, part 1


337 Wils

- identical -

"Annex VIa Applications ...

Article 2(a)"

Falls if COMP2, 110 adopted or if CONS1 and 15 NOT adopted

+ f

336, part 1

Schnellhardt "Annex VIa Applications ...

Category 11"

Falls if COMP2, 110, 74/part1 adopted or if CONS1 and 15 NOT adopted

+ f

74, part 2

Rapporteur Annex VI a (new)

336, part 2


- identical -

"1. Cadmium in ... cadmium telluride"

Falls if CONS1, COMP2 and 15 NOT adopted, or if 144, 142, 124 adopted (page 5)

+ f


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Annex VI b (new) 338 Rapporteur Not to be voted here - moved to 236 to be voted en bloc

Falls if COMP2 adopted

See 236

See 236

Annex VII - point 6 75 Rapporteur + +

76 Rapporteur Annex VII - point 7

339 Sonik

- identical - + +

Visum 1 77 Rapporteur not to be voted - will be

changed by lawyer linguists


Visum 5 78 Rapporteur not to be voted - will be

changed by lawyer linguists



Recital 3 a (new) 1 Rapporteur + +

Recital 3 a (new) 79 Van Brempt, Merkies, Leinen, Westlund

+ +

31/27/0 80 Van Brempt,

Merkies, Westlund

Not to be voted if CONS5 adopted (includes AM80).

+ Overweging 3 ter


2 Rapporteur + +

Overweging 3 quater (nieuw)

3 Rapporteur Not to be voted if CONS3 adopted (includes AM3).


Recital 3 d (new) 4 Rapporteur Not to be voted if CONS3 adopted (includes AM4).


Recital 3 e (new) 5 Rapporteur Falls if 80 adopted + -

Overweging 4 6 Rapporteur Falls if CONS7 adopted + -

81 Davies

82 Rossi

- identical -

Falls if CONS4 adopted

- +

Overweging 6

83 Krahmer Falls if CONS4 adopted

Compatible as an addition

- -


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84 Girling Falls if CONS4 adopted

Compatible as an addition

- +

85 Davies

Overweging 7

86 Krahmer

- identical -

Fall if CONS4 adopted

+ +

Overweging 8 7 Rapporteur Not to be voted if CONS3

adopted (includes AM7).

(note: link to REACH)


Overweging 11 8 Rapporteur Falls if CONS4 adopted + +


9 Rapporteur Falls if CONS3 adopted

(note: link to REACH)

+ f

87 Davies Falls if CONS3 adopted

Compatible to 9 as an addition of "This

examination ... article 4(7)"

(note: link to REACH)

- f

Overweging 12

88 Ulmer,


Falls if CONS3, 87 adopted

Compatible to 9 as an addition of "This examination ... relevant stakeholders"

(note: link to REACH)

- f


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Recital 12 a (new)

(note: AM90 has been moved to 103)

89 Grossetête, Prodi, Ayuso, Newton Dunn, Weisgerber

Split vote (Greens/EFA):

1st part: "The development ... and economically viable"

2nd part: "such as ... of this Directive"

- Mistake in English

version: "exempted" should be "excluded". In

justification "exemption"

should be "exclusion". To be corrected if adopted.

+ -

+ +

10 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2 adopted + f

92 Wils Falls if COMP2, 10


+ f

Overweging 13

91 Girling Falls if COMP2, 92, 10


- f

93 Sonik Falls if COMP2 adopted - f

94 Davies, Sterckx

95 Girling

- identical -

Falls if COMP2, 93 adopted

- f

96 Fjellner Falls if COMP2, 93, 94 adopted

- f

Overweging 14

11 Rapporteur Falls if COMP2 adopted Compatible

+ f

Overweging 14 bis (nieuw)

97 Rapporteur Falls if CONS5 adopted Compatible to 80 as addition of "In order to enable ... informed choice".

(note: nanomaterials)

+ f


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Overweging 19 98 Rapporteur Not to be voted if COMP6 adopted (includes AM98).


100 Rapporteur Falls if COMP6 adopted (note: scope, Annex II, III, VIa and VIb)

+ f

99, part 1

Sonik deletion of Annex II,III Falls if CONS1, 100 adopted

- f

99, part 2

Sonik deletion of Annex VI Falls if COMP2, 100 adopted

- f

Overweging 20

12 Rapporteur Falls if COMP6,

100, 99/part1 adopted

+ f

101 Krahmer

Recital 23 a (new)

102 Fjellner

- identical -

Falls if CONS3 adopted (note: REACH)

- f

90 Davies

Overweging 23 ter (nieuw)

103 Krahmer

- identical -

Falls if CONS3 adopted (note: REACH)

- f

Overweging 23 quater (nieuw)

104 Krahmer Falls if CONS3 adopted

(note: REACH)

- f





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Thursday, 3 June 2010, 9.00-9.45.



Mr Leinen, Chairman

Mr Seeber, Co-coordinator of the EPP Group Mr Liese, Co-coordinator of the EPP Group Ms McAvan, Coordinator of the S&D Group Mr Davies, Coordinator of the ALDE Group

Mr Schlyter, representative of the coordinator of the Greens/EFA Group Mr Callanan, representative of the coordinator of the ECR Group Ms Liotard, Coordinator of the GUE/NGL Group

Ms Rosbach, Coordinator of the EFD Group Apologies

Ms Hassi, Coordinator of the Greens/EFA Group Mr Ouzký, Coordinator of the ECR Group




A.1. Rules for imports into the EU from Greenland of fishery products, live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates, marine gastropods and by-products thereof


* 2010/0097(CNS) COM(2010)0176 Ten



Besluit: No opinion


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2010/2070(INI) Ten



Besluit: No opinion

A.3. The implementation of the Services Directive 2006/123/EC ENVI/7/02935

2010/2053(INI) Ten



Besluit: No opinion


A.4. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions : The EU role in global health


Ten principale: ENVI –

Adviezen: DEVE, EMPL

Besluit: Not short-listed

A.5. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee: A European strategy on clean and energy-efficient vehicles


Besluit: Short-listed as a possible candidate for own-initiative reports.


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European Union COM(2010)0228

Ten principale: ENVI –

Adviezen: REGI, AGRI

Besluit: Could be short-listed as a possible candidate for own-initiative reports, subject to availability of a free slot within the quota.

A.7. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on future steps in bio-waste management in the European Union


Ten principale: ENVI –

Adviezen: ITRE, AGRI

Besluit: Not short-listed


* *

B. DECISIONS ON ADDITIONAL REPORTS/OPINIONS/RESOLUTIONS B.1. Information on non-legislative activities

For information only.

B.2. GDP and beyond - Measuring progress in a changing world (COM 2009, 433) Besluit: Rapporteur to be nominated by the EFD Group.


* *


C.0. Possible committee initiative related to the workings of the International Whaling Commission


The coordinators agreed in principles that that the Environment Committee should address topical issues related to the work of the International Whaling Commisison by means of Oral Questions to the Council and/or Commission.


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The papers for the meeting included several letters from Mr De Castro to Mr Lehne and from Mr Leinen to Mr Lehne on the conflict of competence between ENVI and AGRI concerning an own-initiative report on the above subject.


The coordinators decided to maintain ENVI's request to draw up an own-initiative report on the Commission Green Paper on "forest protection and information in the EU: preparing forests for climate change" (which had been drawn up by DG Environment) and invited the chairman

- to write once again to Mr Lehne in order to defend ENVI's prerogatives and - to negotiate with the chairman of the AGRI committee, offering an enhanced

cooperation arrangement on the basis of Rule 50.

The coordinators also agreed that as long as no satisfactory arrangement for the "forest protection" file has been found, ENVI would reserve its right to closely scrutinise AGRI requests for own-initiative reports on

o "The EU protein deficit"

o "Recognition of agriculture as a strategic sector in the context of food security"

The chairman was invited write to Mr Lehne in order to explain the ENVI position.

C.2. Impact assessment on RoHS - request by Ms Hassi Besluit

The coordinators

- heard Mr Schlyter MEP, speaking on behalf of Ms Hassi, and Dr Lilico, who provided further explanations on behalf of the contractors (Europe Economics);

- held an exchange of views;

- decided that the executive summary of the impact assessment on RoHS (part 1) should be aligned to the conclusions (part 5) and invited Policy Department A to ensure that the necessary adaptations be carried out;

- agreed with regard to future impact assessments

o that the specifications for such studies should be thoroughly discussed by the coordinators and be worded accordingly and

o that the final study should be presented and discussed in the committee.

C.3. International mercury negotiations



Factors associated with a high virulence and pathogenicity were indentified in two very pathogenic human influenza strains, namely the 1918 ‘Spanish influenza’ pandemic and H5N1

Firstly, Member States want to keep their fiscal sovereignty, and secondly, the Union seeks a greater autonomy from the direct contributions of the Member States.. The paper

Concerning the second criterion, involvement in the EU budget, one has to state that the Kingdom of Norway fulfils the criteria for membership to a very large extent and is

The third hypothesis, formed through the theory about why Member States act on an international level the way they do, is that the Polish national government would

In view of the above, the NCAs believe it is necessary to have a rule which allows reporting persons to be offered the protective measures provided for in

different media systems as defined by Blum (2005, p. In addition, as many states as possible       should be taken into account in order to increase the argument’s validity

requirement but that of nationality of a Member State to claim citizenship rights under the Treaty, implying that it is not necessary to have exercised the right to move. In

Netherlands follow the ECB methods for SIs when categorising and analysing the risks of their LSIs, whereas the German banking supervisors follow their own national method for LSIs.