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University of Groningen ADHD and the power of generalization te Meerman, Sanne


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ADHD and the power of generalization

te Meerman, Sanne



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te Meerman, S. (2019). ADHD and the power of generalization: exploring the faces of reification.

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.84379221


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However, as I talked to Johnny about it, I Iearned he himself had associations with Sartre when he conceived the work: “The Other’s look fashions my body in its naked- ness, causes

The analysis of textbooks shows how future professionals are led to believe that ADHD is mainly a genetic affliction.. Chapter 5 contains a critical review on ADHD in relation to

The authors first summarize our response: “The critical letters by Dehue and colleagues and Batstra and colleagues claimed that we observed only small effect sizes and hence

We will now discuss sections that contain disclaimers. Disclaimers occur alongside generalizing claims, in addition to already non-generalizing claims or, in some cases, in

They indeed found a significant but weak association, that cannot justify their claim that their results “suggest that rare inherited structural variations play an important role in

And indeed, “case-control” studies -comparing groups of children with and without a diagnosis of ADHD- show small group differences in terms of brain anatomy (Sowell et al.,

Gleitman H and Gross J (2011) Psychology: Eighth International Student Edition, 8th, International Student Edition edn.. Norton & Company, New

Medical jargon, for instance words like “symptom”, can also reify ADHD as the term implies that behaviors like interrupting others are the result of a disease or disorder.. Speaking