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Academic year: 2021

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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/137306 holds various files of this Leiden University


Author: Sow, H.S.


Cover Page

The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/137306 holds various files of this Leiden University


Author: Sow, H.S.


Stellingen behorende bij het proefschrift

“In vivo mechanisms of antibody-based cancer immunotherapy” 1. Engagement to FcγR does not hamper the therapeutic efficacy of

anti-PD-L1 mAb in mice (this thesis)

2. Anti-PD-L1 blockade combined with TGF-β inhibition increases influx of CD8+ T cells in the tumor microenvironment for

effective tumor control (this thesis)

3. TLR ligands and IL-2 improve the therapeutic efficacy of anti-TRP-1 antibody therapy of melanoma in mice by enhancing cooperative innate and adaptive immune responses (this thesis) 4. High numbers of pre-existing tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes

(TILs) are associated with stronger response to anti-neu mAb therapy (this thesis)

5. Characterization of antibody-FcγR interactions for individual therapies is key to guide the selection of the IgG isotypes that mediates the desired effector function (Furness et al.,2014 Trends in Immunology, 35: p290-298)

6. For the improvement of therapies based on TGF-β inhibition, it is important to gain a mechanistic understanding of TGF-β inhibition in the tumor immune microenvironment and how this affects the generation of adequate antitumor immune responses (Zhao et al., 2018 Cancer Immunol Res; 6, 1459-1471)

7. Identification of the relevant effector cells required for antibody therapy is essential for the development of rational combination therapies (Furness et al.,2014 Trends in Immunology, 35: p290-298)

8. The utility of BALB/c-NeuT mammary mouse model in the in

vivo analysis of FcγR function is hampered by the lack of FcγR


9. A better understanding of murine tumor models is required to enable appropriate model selection which permits adequate extrapolation of the preclinical results to the patient (Mosely et al., 2017 Cancer Immunol Res; 5, p29-41)

10. All scientific data should be published, positive and negative, so long as it advances the state of knowledge (Enago 2018). Negative results are also crucial and have underestimated impact on the progress of our scientific understanding

11. One of the crucial PhD candidates’ tasks is to prevent professors or supervisors from freeing precious empty slots in their agendas 12. Empty your mind, be shapeless, formless - like water. Put water



34-36 In mice, systemic inhibition of TGF-β signaling in ApoE -/- mice by using a recombinant soluble TGF-β type II receptor 23 or a blocking TGF-β1 antibody results in an

Here, using thorough expression analysis of the BMP/TGFß signaling pathway members in the endothelial and hematopoietic compartments of the aorta at pre-hematopoietic and

Al met al zouden het aanwakkeren van genexpressie van pro-inflammatoire genen, hogere CD11b expressie, slechte vorming en ontwikkeling van alveoli, LIF-MYF

Aan de hand van de literatuur wordt bekeken hoe astma ontstaat en welke invloed TGF-β heeft op remodellering en inflammatie van de luchtwegen, welke kenmerkend zijn voor

The activation of CAFs through transforming growth factor (TGF)-β and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) induces angiogenesis, reprograms immune cells in the tumor

The solid was filt- ered and washed with respectively water, isopropyl alcohol and diisopropyl ether to give 65% of 24b; mp 71-72 °c.. Analytical material was obtained

Characterization of colorectal cancers based on the TGF-β signaling profile of the microenvironment is superior to the same characterization of the tumor cells – Calon, Cancer

At higher temperatures, the extent of carbamylation of the avibactam-derived OXA-48 T213C* complex was observed to decrease more substantially relative to the unmodified enzyme