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The Bey, the mufti and the scattered pearls : Shari'a and political leadership in Tunisia's Age of Reform -1800-1864


Academic year: 2021

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The Bey, the mufti and the scattered pearls : Shari'a and political

leadership in Tunisia's Age of Reform -1800-1864

Haven, Elisabeth Cornelia van der


Haven, E. C. van der. (2006, October 26). The Bey, the mufti and the scattered pearls : Shari'a

and political leadership in Tunisia's Age of Reform -1800-1864. Retrieved from



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183 index of subjects in translated religious

documents [not included in this index siyāsa, siyāsa shariyya]

ablution, 131,169

Abode of War (Dār al-Harb), 166 adultery, 130,133

People of the Book [Ahl al-Kitāb], 165-169 alchemists, 156

backgammon, 153 banishment, 137,140 Banī Isrā īl, 132 batala damuhu, 134

bida (reprehensible innovation), 139 chess, 153 Christians, 165,166 circumstantial evidence, 124,125,126 coercive interrogation, 127,133,136 compurgation (qasāma), 147 corruption (fasād), 122,124,129,133,136 counterfeit coins, 156 crucifixion, 128

customary law (urf ), 133, 146 Day of Judgment, 130,158 dhimmi, 144,166

execution, 123,137,139,144

exemplary punishment, 123,139,140 exposure to public scorn, 139 faqīh al-nafs, 125 female relative, 143 firāsa, 133,146,149,150,152,153 Fitna, 151 fitra, 163 flogging, 128,136,137,140,144 fornication, 126 fraud, 156 add, udūd, 126,127,136,137,141,144 ākim (non-sharīa judge), 140,143 ākum al-urf, 134 highway robbery, 133 imā, 162 homage to caliph, 137,138 homosexuals, 124,139,143 ijtihād, 145,146

ilm al-qāī (judge’s knowledge), 147 intercourse with animal, 141 jewelry, 148,156

Jews, 166 jināyat, 130

ka al-mirwād fī’l-makula (like a feather in a pot of kohl), 130

al-khāssa w’l-āmma (the elite and the common people), 122

lā arar wa lā irār, 129 liān, 130

majlis al-sharī (High Religious Council), 159 market inspector (mutasib), 146,155,156 Masī (Jesus), 167

ma#laa (public interest), 123,124,129,140 ma#laa al-mursala,129

mastūrīn, 125,127 ma$ālim, 125

moderation in times of crisis (takhfīf al-akām bi umūm al-balwā), 131

mu#an, 143 Mujtahidūn, 146 muqallidūn, 146 murder, 130,133,134 . premeditated murder, 139 musical instruments, 156 oath,124,126,130,133,138,142,144,147, 148


184 slanderous allegation (qadhf ), 130,132

slaughtering, 165-169 spy, 139

stimulants (mushkirāt), 156 Sunnat Allāh al-Jāriyya, 131 Tan$īmāt, 159

tashawwuf ilā al-urriyya, 159,164 tazīr, 136,137,139-143,145 theft, 128,133,135,136,142,145 unbelief (kufr), 145

uncleanliness (najāsa), 168,169

walā, 160

weights and measures, 156 wine drinking, 124,128,139,144 wine selling, 124,142

witnesses, 125,126,130,131,140,143 zakāt, 147,163



I say, and [it is mentioned] in some book, on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbās, 74 may God Most High be pleased with them, on the authority of the Prophet (SL‘M), that he

This being the situation and out of sympathy with the fate of these poor people in their world and that of their owners in the Hereafter, we decided to forbid the people

So is the [slaughtered animal] of the Jew or Christian permitted because he claims a monotheistic faith, regardless of the fact whether he is a dhimmi or someone living in

shaykh, elder, chief of a tribe or village; title for a religious leader; Sufi master shaykh al-islām, highest religious functionary. Sunna, the exemplary behavior of the Prophet

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden Downloaded from: https://hdl.handle.net/1887/4968.

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Onderzoek naar historische achtergronden en theologische rechtvaardiging, werd in verkorte vorm als artikel gepubliceerd in het Tijschrift van de Nederlandse

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