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Introduction Introduction


Academic year: 2021

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Dear participant,

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire! The questions are about social media, more

specifically, Facebook Fan pages and the content of posts coming from Facebook Fan pages.

For the questions in this survey, consider a Facebook Fan page you have administration rights on. Furthermore,

the objective is to consider the posts you make on the Facebook Fan page in a pro-active way. This means that

you only consider the posts which you (as a Facebook Fan page) post on your Facebook Fan page’s Wall.

Therefore, please exclude posts which are listed as a comment on a Wall-post.

Throughout the questionnaire some definitions will be given, please answer the questions based on these


In total there are 12 questions to be answered, of which most are multiple-choice. It will take less than 5

minutes to answer all questions.

Thank you very much in advance.



- Communication messages, defined as “a one- or two-way messages without direct sell or promotion information”

T his an example of a Direct market ing message post ed on Facebook:


Considering t he t wo above described cat egories of post s and drawing from your experience as a social media market er, please answer t he following quest ions.


Direct market ing message post s lead t o more direct conversions.* Strongly disagree Slightly disagree Neutral Slightly agree Strongly agree 2.


communicat ion as perceived by an organizat ion’s public.* Strongly disagree Slightly disagree Neutral Slightly agree Strongly agree 3.

Direct marketing message post s have a negat ive effect on t he nat ural st yle of organizat ional communicat ion as perceived by an organizat ion’s public.*

Strongly disagree Slightly disagree Neutral Slightly agree Strongly agree 4.

Communication message post s have a posit ive effect on t he engaging st yle of organizat ional communicat ion as perceived by an organizat ion’s public.*


Communication message post s have a posit ive effect on t he nat ural st yle of organizat ional communicat ion as perceived by an organizat ion’s public.*

Strongly disagree Slightly disagree Neutral Slightly agree Strongly agree 6.

Wit h t he feedback received on communicat ion message post s, our organizat ion is able t o improve upon exist ing product s and services.*

Strongly disagree Slightly disagree Neutral Slightly agree Strongly agree 7.




What percent age of your post s on your Facebook Fan page can be classified as a Direct market ing message? Please indicat e from 0 t o 100%.*


What percent age of your post s on your Facebook Fan page can be classified as a Communicat ion message? Please indicat e from 0 t o 100%.*


How many Facebook Fans does your Facebook Fan page have?*


Which of t he following would describe your posit ion in t he organizat ion best ?* Social media marketeer


www.thesistools.com www.thesistools.com CEO Web analyst Support Other 12.

T o which indust ry does your organizat ion belong? please choose


(Opt ional)

If you want t o be informed about t he end-result s of t his research, please leave your email address below




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