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Groot-Brittannië, vers schapen- en geitenvlees


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Groot-Brittannië, vers schapen- en geitenvlees

Code: RL-252 Versie: 1.0.2 Ingangsdatum: 22-03-2022

Eigenaar: NVWA O&O, Team Import en export

Versie Datum Wijziging ten opzichte van vorige versie 1.0.0 13-07-2021 Naar aanleiding van de BREXIT is een certificaat

ontwikkeld ten behoeve van de export van vers schapen- en geitenvlees, naar Groot-Brittannië. Deze instructie en het bijgevoegde certificaat beschrijven de eisen en de bijbehorende dekkingen voor het afgeven van dit certificaat.

1.0.1 26-08-2021 De linken van de landenlijsten zijn aangepast. Voor de EU landen moet men op de algemene site naar de juiste requirements gaan.

De link naar de lijst voor overige landen is toegevoegd.

Afgesproken is om producten uit verschillende landen op één certificaat toe te staan.

De opmerkingen over driehoekshandel zijn verwijderd.

Invullen van de ISO-code is toegelicht.

Gehakt vlees is vervangen door gehakt en er is een toelichting wat daaronder valt.

1.0.2 16-03-2022 Actualisatie van de instructie


Deze instructie geldt voor het exporteren van vers schapen- en geitenvlees naar Groot-Brittannië.

Verwijzingen naar Groot-Brittannië in de instructie en/of het certificaat omvatten tevens de export naar de Kanaaleilanden en het Isle of Man.

De instructie beschrijft de voorwaarden die gelden voor de invoer in Groot-Brittannië. de controles die de NVWA hiervoor moet uitvoeren, en de gegevens die het bedrijfsleven moet aanleveren aan de NVWA.

Van deze instructie kan niet worden afgeweken.

Over de certificeringseisen die gelden voor de export van vers schapen- en geitenvlees naar Groot- Brittannië zijn officiële bilaterale afspraken gemaakt. Deze afspraken zijn bindend, van deze afspraken kan dus niet worden afgeweken.


2.1 EU-regelgeving

• Verordening (EG) nr. 999/2001

• Verordening (EG) nr. 178/2002

• Verordening (EG) nr. 852/2004

• Verordening (EG) nr. 853/2004

• Verordening (EU) nr. 1337/2013

• Verordening (EU) nr. 2016/429

• Verordening (EU) nr. 2017/625


2.2 Nationale wetgeving

• Wet dieren

• Besluit Dierlijke producten

2.3 Overige

• Handelsoverenkomst tussen Groot-Brittannië en EU.


Begrip Definitie

Groot-Brittannië Dit is het complete eiland dat bestaat uit de landen Engeland, Schotland en Wales. Ook de kleinere eilanden die direct om het hoofdeiland heen liggen zoals de Orkneys Islands, de Shetland Islands en het eiland Wight worden bij Groot-Brittannië gerekend. De Kanaaleilanden en het Isle of Man horen niet bij Groot-Brittannië.

Verenigd Koninkrijk Het Verenigd Koninkrijk bestaat uit de landen van Groot-Brittannië (Engeland, Schotland en Wales) plus Noord-Ierland. De volledige naam in het Engels is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Kanaaleilanden en Isle of

Man De Kanaaleilanden (Channel Islands) horen officieel niet bij Groot-

Brittannië of het Verenigd Koninkrijk. De eilanden Jersey, Guernsey, Herm, Alderney en Sark vormen een zogeheten ‘crown dependency’ (autonome bezitting van de Britse kroon). Dit geldt ook voor het Isle of Man in de Ierse Zee. Het staatshoofd van de Kanaaleilanden en het eiland Man is de Britse koningin, maar dan in haar hoedanigheid van respectievelijk de Hertogin van Normandië en de Lord of Mann.

Gehakt (gehakt vlees) Vlees zonder been, dat in kleine stukken is gehakt en minder dan 1 % zout bevat. Zodra kruiderijen of additieven zijn toegevoegd betreft het een vleesbereiding en moet het desbetreffende certificaat worden gebruikt.


De export van vers schapen- en geitenvlees naar Groot-Brittannië is toegestaan.

Om te kunnen exporteren naar Groot-Brittannië moeten de betrokken bedrijven een goedgekeurd GB- protocol vers schapen- en geitenvlees hebben.

Dit goedgekeurde GB-Protocol moet in e-CertNL geregistreerd worden. Format van GB protocol vers schapen- en geitenvlees staat vast en is te vinden op GB protocol vers schapen- en geitenvlees . Dit certificaat kan worden gebruikt voor export van vers schapen-en geitenvlees wat valt onder de HS- codes: 02.01, 02.02, 02.06, 05.04 of 15.02.

Certificaat: zie bijlage.

4.1 Algemeen:

• Raadpleeg vooraf de instructie Tijdelijke Maatregelen Derde Landen (TMDL-01) op mogelijke

exportbeperkingen. Als in de TMDL-01 informatie staat die in strijd is met een landeninstructie dan is de informatie vermeld in de TMDL-01 leidend.

• Het certificaat is beschikbaar in het systeem e-CertNL.

• Het certificaat dient niet te worden geprint op waardepapier, maar op blanco papier.


• Groot-Brittannië ziet de EU als derde land. Als in de verklaringen gesproken wordt over “derde land”

wordt hiermee de derde landen en de EU bedoeld. In de verklaringen wordt verwezen naar importregelgeving waarin lijsten van derde landen zijn opgenomen. Voor deze regelgeving heeft Groot-Brittannië op hun eigen website lijsten toegevoegd van EU-landen per product. Export of animals and animal products to the UK - data.gov.uk

• Als er in een verklaring (voetnoot) verwezen wordt naar Vo (EU) nr. 206/2010 (roodvlees), kan voor de codes van EU-landen gekeken worden op de website van GB onder

“Certification requirements for fresh meat of domestic and wild ungulates from EU and EFTA states”

en voor overige landen: Commission Regulation (EU) No 206/2010 of 12 March 2010 laying down lists of third countries, territories or parts thereof authorised for the introduction into the European Union of certain animals and fresh meat and the veterinary certification requirements (Text with EEA relevance) (legislation.gov.uk)

• Het vlees afkomstig uit Nederlandse slachthuizen, moet verderop in de keten gekanaliseerd worden door middel van geleidebiljetten.

• De dekking van de EU overstijgende eisen voor vlees afkomstig uit een andere EU-lidstaat dan Nederland dient door middel van een pre-exportcertificaat onderbouwd te worden.

• Voor dieren afkomstig uit een andere EU-lidstaat dan Nederland, dient het slachthuis te

controleren of de dieren langer dan 3 maanden in Nederland verbleven hebben. Indien niet kan het traces certificaat gebruikt worden als onderbouwing voor de gestelde dierziekte-eisen.

• Als het vlees of de dieren afkomstig zijn uit een derde land, zal belanghebbende dit moeten aantonen met een importcertificaat.

• Er mag nooit handmatig iets op het certificaat worden ingevuld, dus ook niet op stippellijntjes. Alles waarnaar bij de stippellijntjes gevraagd wordt, is terug te vinden op het voorblad (dit staat ook bij de verklaringen achter de stippellijntjes aangegeven).

4.2 Invuleisen van het certificaat

• Origine dier gemest = het land waar het dier gemest is (minstens de laatste 3 maanden voor slacht heeft verbleven).

• Origine vlees = het land waar het dier geslacht is;

• Origine product = het land waar de laatste handeling aan het te exporteren product heeft plaatsgevonden (gelabeld is met het identificatiemerk).

• Er moet aangegeven worden of het om karkassen, vers vlees of gehakt gaat.

• Bij de datum waarop de dieren in het land van slachten zijn binnengekomen hoeft voor dieren die in het land van slachten zijn geboren of hier langer dan 3 maanden verblijven geen datum ingevuld te worden. Bij alle andere dieren moet de datum worden ingevuld waarop ze in het land van slachten zijn binnengebracht. E-CertNL heeft deze data nodig om bij verklaring 2.2 te kunnen uitrekenen welke optie doorgestreept moet worden. Op orderregelniveau moeten deze data worden ingevuld.

• De slachtdata moeten worden ingevuld.

• Bij origines moet de ISO-code en regio (in geval van regionalisatie) worden ingevuld volgens de lijst van GB. De ISO-code en regiocode moeten als volgt worden ingevuld: Twee letterige ISO-code in hoofdletters gevolgd door een streepje en het cijfer (zonder spaties). Bij meerdere ISO-codes en regio de codes scheiden dmv een komma en spatie. Voorbeeld: DE-0, BE-1, DK-0.

• Plaats van vertrek = plaats van verzending

Plaats van laden = de naam van de plaats en bedrijf/(lucht)haven waar de producten in het vervoermiddel worden geladen voor de reis naar GB.

4.3 Toelichting bij het certificaat 1. Public Health Attestation

I, the undersigned official veterinarian declare that I am aware of the relevant requirements of Regulations (EC) No 178/2002, (EC) No 852/2004, (EC) No 853/2004, (EU) No 2019/624, (EU) No 2019/627 and (EC) No 999/2001 and certify that the meat of domestic bovine animals described in Part I, II and III was produced in accordance with those requirements, in particular that:

Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.


Verklaring 1.1:

the [meat] [minced meat](1) comes from (an) establishment(s) implementing a programme based on the HACCP principles in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 852/2004;

Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving. E-CertNL streept automatisch de niet van toepassing zijnde optie door.

Verklaring 1.2:

(1)the meat has been obtained in compliance with the conditions set out in Section I of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004;

Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

Verklaring 1.3:

(1)[the minced meat has been produced in accordance with Section V of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and frozen to an internal temperature of not more than -18°C;]

Deze verklaring is alleen van toepassing op gehakt, bij vers vlees of karkassen zal deze verklaring worden doorgestreept. Er kan alleen bevroren gehakt geëxporteerd worden. Wanneer gehakt geëxporteerd wordt moet gecontroleerd worden of de temperatuur -18°C is of lager is.

Verklaring 1.4:

the meat has been found fit for human consumption following ante and post-mortem inspections carried out in accordance with Section 2 and Section 3 to Regulation (EU) No 2019/627;

Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

Verklaring 1.5:

(1)either [the carcass or parts of the carcass have been marked with a health mark in accordance with Article 48 and Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 2019/627;]

(1)or [the packages of [meat] [minced meat](1) have been marked with an identification mark in accordance with Section I of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004;]

Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving. Belanghebbende moet aangeven of het om karkassen, vers vlees of gehakt gaat. E-CertNL streept dan automatisch de niet van toepassing zijnde optie door.

Verklaring 1.6:

the [meat] [minced meat](1) satisfies the relevant criteria set out in Regulation (EC) no 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs;

Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving. Belanghebbende moet aangeven of het om karkassen, vers vlees of gehakt gaat. E-CertNL streept dan automatisch de niet van toepassing zijnde optie door.

Verklaring 1.7:

the guarantees covering live animals and products thereof provided by the residue plans submitted in accordance with Directive 96/23/EC, and in particular Article 29 thereof, are fulfilled.

Richtlijn 96/23/EC blijft van toepassing conform art. 150 in de Vo (EU) 2017/625 tot uiterlijk 14 december 2022. Deze verklaring kan afgegeven worden op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

Verklaring 1.8:

the [meat] [minced meat](1) has been stored and transported in accordance with the relevant requirements of Sections I and V respectively of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004;

Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving. Belanghebbende moet aangeven of het om karkassen, vers vlees of gehakt gaat. E-CertNL streept dan automatisch de niet van toepassing zijnde optie door.

Verklaring 1.9:

with regard to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE):

(1) (1)either with regard to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE):


(a) the country or region of dispatch is classified in accordance with Decision 2007/453/EC as a country or region posing a negligible BSE risk;

(1)either (b) the animals, from which the meat or minced meat is derived, were not slaughtered after stunning, by means of gas injected into the cranial cavity or killed by the same method or slaughtered by laceration after stunning of central nervous tissue by means of an elongated rod-shaped instrument introduced into the cranial cavity;

(1)or (b) (i) were born, continuously reared and slaughtered in a country or region classified in accordance with Decision 2007/453/EC as a country or region posing a negligible BSE risk;

(ii) were slaughtered after stunning by means of gas injected into the cranial cavity or killed by the same method or slaughtered by laceration after stunning of central nervous tissue by means of an elongated rod-shaped instrument introduced into the cranial cavity;

(c) the meat or minced meat does not contain and is not derived from specified risk material as defined in point 1 of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 (**);

(1)either (d) the meat or minced meat is not derived from mechanically separated meat, obtained from bones of ovine or caprine animals;

(1)or (d) the meat or minced meat is derived from mechanically separated meat obtained from bones of ovine or caprine animals which were born, continuously reared and slaughtered in a country or region classified in accordance with Decision

2007/453/EC as a country or region posing a negligible BSE risk and in which there have been no BSE indigenous cases;

(1)(e) (i) the animals, from which the meat or minced meat is derived, originate from a country or region classified in accordance with Decision 2007/453/EC as a country or region posing an undetermined BSE risk;

(ii) the animals, from which the meat or minced meat is derived, have not been fed with meat-and-bone meal or greaves, as defined in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health;

(iii) the meat or minced meat was produced and handled in a manner which ensures that it did not contain and was not contaminated with nervous and lymphatic tissues exposed during the deboning process.

Deze verklaring heeft betrekking op de BSE-status van het land van verzenden (“dispatch”), dus Nederland. De eerste optie is van toepassing aangezien Nederland een land met een verwaarloosbaar BSE-risico is. De tweede en derde optie worden standaard doorgehaald.

(a) Nederland is het land van verzenden en het is een land met een verwaarloosbaar BSE-risico. Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

(b) De eerste optie kan afgegeven worden op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving. De tweede optie wordt standaard doorgehaald. De slachtmethode die bij de tweede optie beschreven wordt, is niet toegestaan in de EU als het vlees bestemd is voor humane consumptie.

(c) Deze verklaring kan afgegeven worden op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

(d) De eerste optie kan afgegeven worden op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving. De tweede optie wordt standaard doorgehaald. Separatorvlees van schapen- en geiten is verboden in de EU.

(e) (i) Er komen geen dieren uit een land met een onbekend BSE-risico. Deze verklaring wordt standaard doorgehaald.

(ii) Deze verklaring kan afgegeven worden op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

(iii) Deze verklaring kan afgegeven worden op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

De rest van deze verklaring zal standaard doorgehaald worden.

2. Animal health attestation

I, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify, that the fresh meat described in Part I, II and III:

Verklaring 2.1:

has been obtained in the territory/ies with code:………(2) (See table in paragraph I.

IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCTS, meat origin) which, at the date of issuing this certificate:


(a) has been free for 12 months from rinderpest, and during the same period no vaccination against this disease has taken place, and

(1) either (b) has been free for 12 months from foot-and-mouth disease, and during the same period no vaccination against this disease has taken place;

(1) or (b) has been considered free from foot-and-mouth disease since ...(dd/mm/yyyy), without having had cases/outbreaks afterwards, and authorised to export this meat by Commission regulation (EU) No .../ ... , of ... (dd/mm/yyyy);]

(1) (3) or (b) vaccination programmes against foot-and-mouth disease are being officially carried out and controlled in domestic bovine animals:]

De niet van toepassing zijnde opties moeten worden doorgehaald.

(a) De hele wereld is vrij van runderpest. Voor de EU geldt dat er niet gevaccineerd mag worden tegen runderpest en dieren die gevaccineerd zijn mogen niet ingevoerd worden in de EU. Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

(b) Het eerste deel van de eerste suboptie kan voor vlees uit de EU afgegeven worden op basis van OIE- regelgeving. Voor de EU geldt dat er niet gevaccineerd mag worden tegen mond-en-klauwzeer. Het tweede deel van de verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

Als het vlees uit een derde land komt, zal aan de hand van het importcertificaat aangegeven moeten worden welke optie van toepassing is.

De tweede suboptie kan alleen van toepassing zijn op gekoeld vlees, omdat op het moment van certificeren gecontroleerd moet worden of het land/regio (in geval van regionalisatie) waar het vlees vandaan is gekomen vrij is van MKZ, voor hoe lang en volgens welke regeling. Dit moet op het importcertificaat aangetoond worden.

De derde suboptie is alleen van toepassing op vlees uit derde landen, in de EU mag niet gevaccineerd worden. Dit moet op het importcertificaat aangetoond worden.

Verklaring 2.2:

has been obtained from animals that:

(1) either have remained in the territory described under point 2.1. since birth, or for at least the last three months before slaughter;

(1) or have been introduced on ………(dd/mm/yyyy) into the territory described under point 2.1 from the territory with code ………(2) that at that date was authorised to import this fresh meat into Great Britain (See table in paragraph I. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCTS Data entry animal and Animal origin);

(1) or have been introduced on ………(dd/mm/yyyy) into the territory described under point 2.1, from Great Britain (See table in paragraph I. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCTS, Data entry animal);

De niet van toepassing zijnde opties moeten worden doorgehaald. De belanghebbende moet de origine van de dieren aangeven. Verder moet de belanghebbende aangeven wanneer de dieren in het land van slachten zijn binnengebracht. Voor beide zaken zijn extra kolommen toegevoegd aan deel I van het certificaat.

De eerste optie kan worden afgegeven voor slachthuizen wanneer ze de gevraagde informatie kunnen leveren. Bij export verderop in de keten dient dit te worden onderbouwd met een geleidebiljet.

De tweede optie moet worden aangetoond met behulp van een pre-exportcertificaat of importcertificaat.

Er moet gecontroleerd worden of het land van waaruit geïmporteerd werd op die datum op de lijst stond.

De derde optie moet worden aangetoond met behulp van een importcertificaat.

Verklaring 2.3:

has been obtained from animals coming from holdings:

(a) in which none of the animals present therein have been vaccinated against [foot- and- mouth disease or] (5)rinderpest,

(b) not subject to prohibition as a result of an outbreak of ovine or caprine brucellosis during the previous six weeks, and

(1)either [(c) in and around which, in an area of 10km radius, there has been no case/outbreak of foot- and-mouth disease or rinderpest during the previous 30 days;]

(1)(4)or [(c) where there is no official restriction for health reasons and in and around which, in an area of 50 km radius, there has been no case/outbreak of foot- and-mouth disease or rinderpest during the previous 90 days, and,


(d) where they have remained for at least 40 days before direct dispatch to the slaughterhouse;]

(1)(8)or (d) where they have remained for at least 40 days before passing through one assembly centre approved by the competent veterinary authority without coming into contact with animals of a different health status prior to subsequently going directly to a


(a) Deze verklaring is af te geven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving. In de EU mag tegen deze dierziekten niet gevaccineerd worden en gevaccineerde dieren mogen niet geïmporteerd worden. Als de dieren afkomstig zijn uit een derde land zal de belanghebbende dit moeten kunnen aantonen door middel van een importcertificaat waaruit blijkt dat de dieren aan deze verklaring voldoen.

(b) Deze verklaring kan na controle van de dierziektesituatie op de boerderij van herkomst (waar de dieren gemest zijn) worden afgegeven. E-CertNL controleert automatisch de dierziektesituatie van aangifteplichtige dierziektes. Als deze eis op geel gaat is informatie over de dierziektesituatie hier te vinden.

(c) Bij deze verklaring zal standaard de eerste optie van (c) en (d) worden gekozen, de andere opties worden doorgehaald. Deze verklaring kan afgegeven worden op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

Voetnoot (4) verwijst naar een lijst van derde landen: Supplementary guarantees regarding import of matured de-boned meat to be provided when required in column 5 "SG" of Part 1 of Annex 2 to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010 with the entry "H". De H heeft betrekking op vlees uit Brazilië.

Indien het vlees afkomstig is uit een derde land zal de belanghebbende aan de hand van het importcertificaat moeten aantonen welke optie van toepassing is.

Verklaring 2.4:

has been obtained from animals which:

(a) have been transported from their holdings in vehicles, cleaned and disinfected before loading, to an approved slaughterhouse without contact with other animals which did not comply with the conditions referred to in point 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3,

(b) at the slaughterhouse, have passed ante-mortem health inspection during the 24 hours before slaughter and, in particular, have shown no evidence of the diseases referred to in point 2.1, (c) have been slaughtered on ……… (dd/mm/yyyy) or between

………(dd/mm/yyyy) and ………(dd/mm/yyyy). (6); (a) Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

(b) Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

(c) De slachtdata of slachtperiode worden ingevuld bij hoofdstuk I en in de verklaring wordt dit automatisch ingevuld met de eerste en de laatste slachtdatum die op het voorblad staan vermeld.

Verklaring 2.5:

has been obtained in an establishment around which, within a radius of 10 km, there has been no case/outbreak of the diseases referred to in point 2.1 during the previous 30 days or, in the event of a case/outbreak of disease, the preparation of meat for importation to Great Britain has been authorised only after slaughter of all animals present, removal of all meat, and the total cleaning and disinfection of the establishment under the control of an official veterinarian;

Deze verklaring kan voor vlees afkomstig uit de EU worden afgegeven op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

Voor vlees afkomstig uit een derde land zal belanghebbende aan de hand van een importcertificaat kunnen aantonen dat aan deze verklaring voldaan wordt.

Voor deze verklaring is het nodig om de origine van het vlees in te vullen.

Verklaring 2.6:

(1)either has been obtained and prepared without contact with other meats not complying with the conditions required in this certificate.

(1)(4)or contains [boneless meat] [and] [minced meat] (1), obtained only from de-boned meat other than offal that was obtained from carcasses in which the main accessible lymphatic glands have been removed, which have been submitted to maturation at a temperature above + 2°C for at least 24 hours before the bones were removed and in which the pH value of the meat was below


6.0 when tested electronically in the middle of the longissimus-dorsi muscle after maturation and before de-boning, and:

has been kept strictly separate from meat not conforming to the requirements set out in this certificate all stages of its production, de-boning and storage until it has been packed in boxes or cartons for further storage in dedicated areas;

(1)(7)or contains [boneless meat] [and] [minced meat] (1), obtained only from de-boned meat other than offal that was obtained from carcasses in which the main accessible lymphatic glands have been removed, which have been submitted to maturation at a temperature above + 2°C for at least 24 hours before the bones were removed, and

has been kept strictly separate from meat not conforming to the requirements set out in this certificate during all stages of its production, de-boning and storage until it has been packed in boxes or cartons for further storage in dedicated areas.

De eerste optie blijft staan, de overige opties worden standaard doorgehaald.

Deze verklaring kan afgegeven worden op basis van EU- en nationale regelgeving.

3. Animal welfare attestation

I, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify, that the fresh meat described in Part I of this certificate derives from animals which have been handled in the slaughterhouse before and at the time of slaughter or killing in accordance with the relevant provisions of retained EU law and have met

requirements at least equivalent to those laid down in Chapters II and III of Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 (9).

Deze verklaring kan worden afgegeven op basis van EU- regelgeving.


De NVWA-dierenarts is bevoegd en verantwoordelijk voor het afgeven van het certificaat.


Bijlage 1: certificaat vers schapen-/geitenvlees




Product no. Product Species (Scientific name)

Origin Approval number

Product no. HS- heading

HS-description (HS-4)

Number of packages

Type of packaging

Total nett weight

Total gross weight

Product no. Slaughter date Production date Freeze date Intended use Storage

Product no. Meat origin Animal origin Date entry animal

Marks :

Container number :

Seal number :


Product no. Approval number Address

Product no. Additional approvals Approval number Address

Slaughter house Cutting plant Cold store

Name and address of exporter :

Date of shipment :

Place of loading :

Dispatched from :

III. DESTINATION OF THE PRODUCTS Means of conveyance : Identification of the means of conveyance


Point of entry :

Name and address consignee :




I, the undersigned official veterinarian declare that I am aware of the relevant requirements of Regulations (EC) No 178/2002,EC) No 852/2004, (EC) No 853/2004, (EU) No 2019/624, (EU) 2019/627 and (EC) No 999/2001 and certify that the meat of domestic ovine and caprine animals described in Part I, II and III was produced in accordance with those requirements, In particular that:

1.1 the [meat] [minced meat](1) comes from (an) establishment(s) implementing a programme based on the HACCP principles in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 852/2004;

1.2 the meat has been obtained in compliance with the conditions set out in Section I of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004;

(1)1.3 the minced meat has been produced in compliance with Section V of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and frozen to an internal temperature of not more than -18°C;

1.4 the meat has been found fit for human consumption following ante and post-mortem inspections carried out in accordance with Section 2 and Section 3 of Regulation (EU) No 2019/627;

1.5 (1)either the carcass or parts of the carcass have been marked with a health mark in accordance with Article 48 and Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 2019/627;

(1)or the packages of [meat] [minced meat] (1) have been marked with an identification mark in accordance with Section I of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004;

1.6 the [meat] [minced meat](1) satisfies the relevant criteria set out in Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs;

1.7 the guarantees covering live animals and products thereof provided by the residue plans submitted in accordance with Directive 96/23/EC, and in particular Article 29 thereof, are fulfilled;

1.8 the [meat] [minced meat](1) has been stored and transported in accordance with the relevant requirements of Sections I and V respectively of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004;

1.9 with regard to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE):

(1)(1)either with regard to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE):

(a) the country or region of dispatch is classified in accordance with Decision 2007/453/EC as a country or region posing a negligible BSE risk;

(1)either (b) the animals, from which the meat or minced meat is derived, were not slaughtered after stunning, by means of gas injected into the cranial cavity or killed by the same method or slaughtered by laceration after stunning of central nervous tissue by means of an elongated rod-shaped instrument introduced into the cranial cavity;

(1)or (b) (i) were born, continuously reared and slaughtered in a country or region classified in accordance with Decision 2007/453/EC as a country or region posing a negligible BSE risk;

(ii) were slaughtered after stunning by means of gas injected into the cranial cavity or killed by the same method or slaughtered by laceration after stunning of central nervous tissue by means of an elongated rod-shaped instrument introduced into the cranial cavity;

(c) the meat or minced meat does not contain and is not derived from specified risk material as defined in point 1 of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No

999/2001 (**);

(1)either (d) the meat or minced meat is not derived from mechanically separated meat, obtained from bones of ovine or caprine animals;

(1)or (d) the meat or minced meat is derived from mechanically separated meat obtained from bones of ovine or caprine animals which were born, continuously reared and slaughtered in a country or region classified in accordance with Decision 2007/453/EC as a country or region posing a negligible BSE risk and in which there have been no BSE indigenous cases;

(1) (1)(e


(i) the animals, from which the meat or minced meat is derived, originate from a country o' region classified in accordance with Decision

2007/453/EC as a country or region posing an undetermined BSE risk;


(ii) the animals, from which the meat or minced meat is derived, have not been fed with meat-and-bone meal or greaves, as defined in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health;

(iii) the meat or minced meat was produced and handled in a manner which ensures that it did not contain and was not contaminated with nervous and lymphatic tissues exposed during the deboning process.

(1)or with regard to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE):

(a) the country or region is classified in accordance with Decision 2007/453/EC as a country or region posing a controlled BSE risk;

(b) the animals from which the meat or minced meat is derived were not killed after stunning by laceration of central nervous tissue by means of an elongated rod-shaped instrument introduced into the cranial cavity, or by means of gas injected into the cranial cavity;

(c) the meat or minced meat does not contain and is not derived from specified risk material as defined in point 1 of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No

999/2001, or mechanically separated meat obtained from bones of ovine or caprine animals.

(1)or with regard to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE):

(a) the country or region has not been classified in accordance with Decision 2007/453/EC or is classified as a country or region with an undetermined BSE risk;

(b) the animals from which the meat or minced meat is derived were not fed meat-and-bone meal or greaves derived from ruminants, as defined in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health;

(c) the animals from which the meat or minced meat is derived were not killed, after stunning by laceration of central nervous tissue by means of an elongated rod-shaped instrument introduced into the cranial cavity, or by means of gas injected into the cranial cavity;

(d) the meat or minced meat does not contain and is not derived from:

(i) specified risk material as defined in point 1 of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001;

(ii) nervous and lymphatic tissues exposed during the deboning process;

(iii) mechanically separated meat obtained from bones of ovine or caprine animals.


I, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify, that the fresh meat described in Part I, II and III:

2.1 has been obtained in the territory/ies with code:………. (3) (See table in paragraph I. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCTS, Meat origin) which, at the date of issuing this certificate:

(a) has been free for 12 months from rinderpest, and during the same period no vaccination against this disease has taken place, and:

(1)either (b) has been free for 12 months from foot-and-mouth disease, and during the same period no vaccination against this disease has taken place;

(1)or (b) has been considered free from foot-and-mouth disease since ...(dd/mm/yyyy), without having had cases/outbreaks afterwards, and authorised to export this meat by Commission Regulation (EU) No .../ ... , of ...


(1)(4)or (b) vaccination programmes against foot-and-mouth disease are being officially

carried out and controlled in domestic bovine animals;

2.2 has been obtained from animals that:

(1)either have remained in the territory described under point 2.1 since birth, or for at least the last three months before slaughter;


(1)or have been introduced on ...(dd/mm/yyyy) into the territory described under point 2.1 , from the territory with code ... (3) that at that date was authorized to import this fresh meat into Great Britain (See table in paragraph I. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCTS, Data entry animal and Animal origin);

(1)or have been introduced on ...(dd/mm/yyyy) into the territory described under point 2.1, from Great Britain;

(See table in paragraph I. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCTS, Data entry animal) 2.3 has been obtained from animals coming from holdings:

(a) In which none of the animals present therein have been vaccinated against [foot- and-mouth disease or](5) rinderpest;

(b) not subject to prohibition as a result of an outbreak of ovine or caprine brucellosis during the previous six weeks, and:

(1)either (c) in and around which, in an area of 10km radius, there has been no case/outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease or rinderpest during the previous 30 days;

(1)(4)or (c) where there is no official restriction for health reasons and in and around which, in an area of 50km radius, there has been no case/outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease or rinderpest during the previous 90 days, and:

(d) Where they have remained for at least 40 days before direct dispatch to the slaughterhouse;

(1)(8)or (d) where they have remained for at least 40 days before passing through one

assembly centre approved by the competent veterinary authority without coming into contact with animals of a different health status prior to subsequently going directly to a slaughterhouse;

2.4 has been obtained from animals which:

(a) have been transported from their holdings in vehicles, cleaned and disinfected before loading, to an approved slaughterhouse without contact with other animals which did not comply with the requirements set out in points 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3;

(b) at the slaughterhouse, have passed ante-mortem health inspection during the 24 hours before slaughter and, in particular, have shown no evidence of the diseases referred to in point 2.1;

(c) have been slaughtered on ...(dd/mm/yyyy) or between

... (dd/mm/yyyy) and ………...(dd/mm/yyyy)(6); 2.5 has been obtained in an establishment around which, within a radius of 10 km, there has

been no case/outbreak of the diseases referred to point 2.1 during the previous 30 days or, in the event of a case/outbreak of disease, the preparation of meat for importation to Great Britain has been authorised only after slaughter of all animals present, removal of all meat, and the total cleaning and disinfection of the establishment under the control of an official veterinarian;

2.6 (1)either has been obtained and prepared without contact with other meats not complying with the conditions required in this certificate.

(1)(4)or contains [boneless meat] [and] [minced meat] (1), obtained only from de-boned meat other than offal that was obtained from carcasses in which the main accessible lymphatic glands have been removed, which have been submitted to maturation at a temperature above + 2°C for at least 24 hours before the bones were removed and in which the pH value of the meat was below 6.0 when tested electronically in the middle of the longissimus-dorsi muscle after maturation and before de-boning, and:

has been kept strictly separate from meat not conforming to the requirements set out in this certificate all stages of its production, de-boning and storage until it has been packed in boxes or cartons for further storage in dedicated areas;

(1)(7)or contains [boneless meat] [and] [minced meat] (1), obtained only from de-boned meat other than offal that was obtained from carcasses in which the main accessible lymphatic glands have been removed, which have been submitted to maturation at a temperature above + 2°C for at least 24 hours before the bones were removed, and


has been kept strictly separate from meat not conforming to the requirements set out in this certificate during all stages of its production, de-boning and storage until it has been packed in boxes or cartons for further storage in dedicated areas.


I, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify, that the fresh meat described in Part I, II and III of this certificate derives from animals which have been handled in the slaughterhouse before and at the time of slaughter or killing in accordance with the relevant provisions of retained EU law and have met

requirements at least equivalent to those laid down in the Chapters II and III of Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 (9).


- Those countries subject to the transitional import arrangements include: an EU member State; Liechtenstein; Norway; Iceland and Switzerland.

- References to European Union legislation within this certificate are references to direct EU legislation which has been retained in Great Britain (retained EU law as defined in the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018).

- References to Great Britain in this certificate include Channel Islands and Isle of Man.

- This certificate is meant for fresh meat, including minced meat, of domestic ovine animals (Ovis aries) and caprine animals (Capra hircus).

- Fresh meat means all animal parts fit for human consumption whether fresh, chilled or frozen.

Part I-III:

- Registration number (railway wagons or container and lorries), flight number (aircraft) or name (ship) is to be provided. In case of unloading and reloading, the consignor must inform the BCP of entry into Great Britain.

- Use the appropriate HS code: 02.04, 02.06 or 05.04. In addition, for those territories of origin without the entry “A” or “F” in column 5 “SG” of Part I of Annex 2 to regulation (EU) No 206/2010, the HS code 15.02 may also be used when appropriate

- Indicate total gross weight and total net weight.

- For containers or boxes, the container number and the seal number (if applicable) should be included.

Part IV:

(1) Keep as appropriate.

(2) List of countries in the Annex to Decision 2007/453/EC.

(3) Code of the territory as it appears in Part 1 of Annex 2 to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010.

(4) Supplementary guarantees regarding meats from matured de-boned meat to be provided when required in column 5 “SG”of Part 1 of Annex 2 to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010, with the entry “A”.

(5) Delete when the exporting country carries out vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease with serotypes A, O or C, and this country is authorised to import into Great Britain matured de-boned meat which fulfils the supplementary guarantees described in Note (4).

(6) Date or dates of slaughter. Imports of this meat shall not be allowed when obtained from animals slaughtered either prior to the date of authorisation for importation into Great Britain of the third country, territory or part thereof or during a period where restrictive measures have been adopted by Great Britain against imports of this meat from this third country, territory or part thereof.

(7) Supplementary guarantees regarding meats from matured de-boned meat to be provided when required in column 5 "SG" of Part 1 of Annex 2 to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010, with the entry "F”. The matured de-boned meat shall not be authorised for importation into Great Britain until 21 days after the date of slaughter of the animals.

(8) Alternative guarantee may be provided when allowed for by the entry "J" in column 5 "SG" of Part 1 of Annex 2 to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010.

(9) Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing.


(**) The removal of specified risk material is not required if the meat or minced meat derives from animals born, continuously reared and slaughtered in a third country or region of a third country classified in accordance with Decision 2007/453/EC as posing a negligible BSE risk.



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To analyze whether the motives and direct ambivalence influence less future meat consumption, a regression of less future meat consumption on the ethical-,

› Of the different motives, the ethical motive positively influences less future meat consumption. › Direct ambivalence positively influences less future

Hypotheses •   H1: Consumers prefer meat to meat subs<tutes •   H1a: Consumers prefer grass-fed beef to grain-fed beef •   H1b: Consumers prefer soy/lupine-based

The majority of the consumers in this segment are female (about 70%). This class cares most about price. The consumers that are part of this segment are very price sensitive and

John Nicholson’s The Meat Fix (22 February) gives the impression that vegetarian and vegan diets are bad for your health?. Nothing could be further from