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The politics-administration dichotomy : a reconstruction Overeem, P.


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Research for this study was conducted in the Institute (formerly Department) of Public Administration at Leiden University, The Netherlands.. It was designed as a part of a

Indeed, a great deal of initiation in the field of Public Administration consists in learning the flaws of the politics-administration dichotomy: “Presumably, even the

I have argued that the dichotomy is deeply rooted in the tradition of constitutional thought, but formulated only after the establishment of the

Apart from their objections to the dichotomy itself (see Chapter Four), they have doubted, qualified, and denied that the classics endorsed the dichotomy between politics

It is reflected, for instance, in the definition the Public Administration Dictionary gives of the politics-administration dichotomy: “The view that public administration should

“The complementarity of politics and administration holds that the relationship between elected officials and administrators is characterized by interdependency,

Further, it is clear that from the viewpoint of constitutionalism the third solution takes precedence over the other two: after it is established that public administration as an

Therefore, if a dilemma occurred in which disentangling politics and administration could serve the promotion of a constitutional value such as liberty but at the cost