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Primal-Dual Proximal Algorithms for Structured Convex Optimization: A Unifying Framework


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Structured Convex Optimization: A Unifying


Puya Latafat and Panagiotis Patrinos

Abstract We present a simple primal-dual framework for solving structured con-vex optimization problems involving the sum of a Lipschitz-differentiable func-tion and two nonsmooth proximable funcfunc-tions, one of which is composed with a linear mapping. The framework is based on the recently proposed asymmetric forward-backward-adjoint three-term splitting (AFBA); depending on the value of two parameters, (extensions of) known algorithms as well as many new primal-dual schemes are obtained. This allows for a unified analysis that, among other things, es-tablishes linear convergence under four different regularity assumptions for the cost functions. Most notably, linear convergence is established for the class of problems with piecewise linear-quadratic cost functions.

1 Introduction

In this chapter we consider structured convex optimization problems of the form


x∈IRn f(x) + g(x) + h(Lx), (1)

where L is a linear mapping, g and h are proper closed convex (possibly) nonsmooth functions, and f is convex, continuously differentiable with Lipschitz continuous gradient. The working assumption throughout the chapter is that one can efficiently

Puya Latafat1,2 puya.latafat@{kuleuven.be,imtlucca.it}

Panagiotis Patrinos1 panos.patrinos@esat.kuleuven.be

This work was supported by FWO PhD grant 1196818N; FWO research projects G086518N and G086318N: Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique – FNRS and the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onder-zoek – Vlaanderen under EOS Project no 30468160: SeLMA.

1KU Leuven, Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT-STADIUS), Kasteelpark Arenberg 10,

3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium.

2IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Piazza San Francesco 19, 55100 Lucca, Italy.


evaluate the gradient of f , the proximal mapping of the nonsmooth terms g and h, the linear mapping L and its adjoint.

This model is quite rich and captures a plethora of problems arising in machine learning, signal processing and control [13,31,22]. As a widely popular example consider consensus or sharing type problems:

minimize x1,...,xN N

i=1 fi(xi) (2a) subject to x ∈ C, (2b)

where x = (x1, . . . , xN). In the case of consensus C = {(x1, . . . , xN) | x1= . . . = xN}, and for sharing C = {(x1, . . . , xN) | ∑Ni=1xi= 0}. The two sets are orthogonal sub-spaces and indeed the sharing and consensus problems are dual to each other [7]. More generally, when C is a subspace problem (2) is referred to as extended monotropic programming[5]. This family of problems can be written in the form of (1) with f (x) = ∑Ni=1fi(xi), h ≡ 0, and g = ιC, where ιXdenotes the indicator of the set X .

A recent trend for solving problem (1), possibly with the smooth term f ≡ 0 or the nonsmooth term g ≡ 0, is to solve the monotone inclusion defined by the primal-dual optimality conditions [10,20,8,14,15,32,18,24,9]. The popularity of this approach is mainly due to the fact that it results in fully split primal-dual algorithms, in which the proximal mappings of g and h, the gradient of f , the linear mapping L and its adjoint are evaluated individually. In particular, there are no matrix inversions or inner loops involved.

Different convergence analysis techniques have been proposed in the literature for primal-dual algorithms. Some can be viewed as intelligent applications of classi-cal splitting methods such as forward-backward splitting (FBS), Douglas-Rachford splitting (DRS) and forward-backward-forward splitting (FBFS). See for exam-ple [32, 15, 8, 6, 14], while others employ different tools to show convergence [10,21,18,11]. Convergence rate of primal-dual schemes has also been analyzed using different approaches, see for example [26,16,27,11].

Our approach here is a systematic one and relies on solving the primal-dual opti-mality conditions using a new three-term splitting, asymmetric forward-backward-adjoint splitting(AFBA) [24]. This splitting algorithm generalizes FBS to include a third linear monotone operator. Furthermore, it includes asymmetric precondition-ing that is the key for developprecondition-ing our unifyprecondition-ing primal-dual framework in which one can generate a wide range of algorithms by selecting different values for the scalar parameters θ and µ (cf.Algorithm 1). Many of the resulting algorithms are new, while some extend previously proposed algorithms and/or result in less con-servative stepsize conditions. In short, this analysis provides us with a spectrum of primal-dual algorithms each of which may have an advantage over others depend-ing on the application. For example, in [23] a special case was exploited to develop a randomized block coordinate variant for distributed applications where the step-sizes only depend on local information. The main idea was to exploit the fact that,


for this particular primal-dual algorithm, the generated sequence is Fejér monotone with respect to k · kS, where S is a block diagonal positive definite matrix.

The convergence analysis of all the primal-dual algorithms is easily deduced from that of AFBA. It must be noted that this work complements the analysis in [24] where AFBA was introduced. The relationship between existing primal-dual algorithms is already documented in [24, Fig. 1]. In this work we simplify AFBA by considering a constant step in place of a dynamic one. This modification sim-plifies the analysis of the primal-dual framework. In addition, we provide a general and easy-to-check convergence condition for the stepsizes inAssumption II. Fur-thermore, we discuss four mild regularity assumptions on the functions involved in (1) that are sufficient for metric subregularity of the operator defining the primal-dual optimality conditions (cf.Lemmas 4.3and4.5). Linear convergence rate is then deduced based on the results developed for AFBA (cf.Theorem 3.6). These results do not impose additional restrictions on the stepsizes of the algorithms. It is impor-tant to note that the provided conditions are much weaker than strong convexity and in many cases do not imply a unique primal or dual solution.

It is worth mentioning that another class of primal-dual algorithms was intro-duced recently that rely on iterative projections onto half-spaces containing the set of solutions [1,12]. This class of algorithms is not covered by the analysis in this work.

The paper is organized as follows. InSection 2we present the new primal-dual framework and discuss several notable special cases.Section 3is devoted to the in-troduction and analysis of a simplified variant of AFBA. InSection 4we establish convergence for the proposed primal-dual framework based on the results devel-oped inSection 3. In particular, linear convergence is established under four mild regularity assumptions for the cost functions.

Notation and Background

Throughout, IRnis the n-dimensional Euclidean space with inner product h·, ·i and induced norm k · k. The sets of symmetric, symmetric positive semi-definite and symmetric positive definite n by n matrices are denoted by Sn, Sn

+ and S++n re-spectively. We also write P  0 and P  0 for P ∈ Sn

+and P ∈ S++n respectively. For P ∈ Sn

++we define the scalar product hx, yiP= hx, Pyi and the induced norm kxkP=phx, xiP. For simplicity we use matrix notation for linear mappings when no ambiguity occurs.

An operator (or set-valued mapping) A : IRn⇒ IRdmaps each point x ∈ IRnto a subset Ax of IRd. The graph of A is denoted by gra A = {(x, y) ∈ IRn× IRd| y ∈ Ax} and the set of its zeros by zer A = {x ∈ IRn| 0 ∈ Ax}. The mapping A is called mono-tone if hx − x0, y − y0i ≥ 0 for all (x, y), (x0, y0) ∈ gra A, and is said to be maximally monotone if its graph is not strictly contained in the graph of another monotone operator. The inverse of A is defined through its graph: gra A−1:= {(y, x) | (x, y) ∈


gra A}. The resolvent of A is defined by JA:= (Id + A)−1, where Id denotes the identity operator.

For an extended-real-valued function f , we use dom f to denote its domain. Let f : IRn→ IR := IR ∪ {+∞} be a proper closed, convex function. Its subdifferential is the set-valued operator ∂ f : IRn⇒ IRn

∂ f (x) = {y ∈ IRn| ∀z ∈ IRn, hz − x, yi + f (x) ≤ f (z)}.

The subdifferential is a maximally monotone operator. The resolvent of ∂ f is called the proximal operator (or proximal mapping), and is single-valued. For a given V ∈ S++n the proximal mapping of f relative to k · kV is uniquely determined by the resolvent of V−1∂ f :

proxVf(x) := (Id +V−1∂ f )−1x= argmin z∈IRn { f (z) +

1 2kx − zk

2 V}.

The Fenchel conjugate of f , denoted f∗, is defined as

f∗(v) := sup x∈IRn

{hv, xi − f (x)}.

The infimal convolution of two functions f , g : IRn→ IR is defined as

( f@ g)(x) = inf

z∈IRn{ f (z) + g(x − z)}.

Let X be a nonempty closed convex set and define the indicator of the set

ιX(x) :=

0 x∈ X

+∞ x∈ X./

The distance to a set X with respect to k · kV is given by dV(·, X ) = ιX@ k · kV. We use ΠV

X(·) to denote the projection onto X with respect to k · kV. The sequence (xk)

k∈IN is said to converge to x? Q-linearly with Q-factor σ ∈ (0, 1), if there exists ¯k ∈ IN such that for all k ≥ ¯k, kxk+1− x?k ≤ σ kxk− x?k holds. Furthermore, (xk)k∈INis said to converge to x?R-linearly if there is a sequence of nonnegative scalars (vk)k∈INsuch that kxk− x?k ≤ vkand (v

k)k∈INconverges to zero Q-linearly.

2 A Simple Framework for Primal-Dual Algorithms

In this section we present a simple framework for primal-dual algorithms. For this purpose we consider the following extension of (1)



where l is a strongly convex function. Notice that when l = ι{0}, the infimal convo-lution h@ l reduces to h, and problem (1) is recovered.

Throughout this chapter the following assumptions hold for problem (3). Assumption I.

(i) g: IRn→ IR, h : IRr→ IR are proper closed convex functions, and L : IRn→ IRr is a linear mapping.

(ii) f : IRn→ IR is convex, continuously differentiable, and for some βf ∈ [0, ∞), ∇ f is βf-Lipschitz continuous with respect to the metric induced by Q 0 , i.e., for all x, y ∈ IRn:

k∇ f (x) − ∇ f (y)kQ−1 ≤ βfkx − ykQ,

(iii) l: IRr→ IR is proper closed convex, its conjugate l∗is continuously differen-tiable, and for some βl∈ [0, ∞), ∇l∗is βl-Lipschitz continuous with respect to the metric induced by R 0.

(iv) The set of solutions to(3), denoted by X?, is nonempty.

(v) (Constraint qualification) There exists x∈ ri dom g such that Lx ∈ ri dom h + ri dom l.

In Assumption I(ii)the constant βf is not absorbed into the metric Q in order to be able to treat the case when ∇ f is a constant in a uniform fashion by setting βf = 0. The same reasoning applies toAssumption I(iii).

The dual problem is given by

minimize u∈IRr (g

∗ @ f

)(−L>u) + h(u) + l(u). (4)

Notice the similar structure of the dual problem in which l, f and h, g have swapped roles. A well-established approach for solving (3) is to consider the associated convex-concave saddle point problem given by


x∈IRn maximizeu∈IRr L(x, u) := f (x) + g(x) + hLx, ui − h

(u) − l(u). (5)

The primal-dual optimality conditions are

0 ∈ ∂ g(x) + ∇ f (x) + L>u,

0 ∈ ∂ h∗(u) + ∇l∗(u) − Lx. (6)

Under the constraint qualification condition, the set of solutions for the dual problem denoted by U?is nonempty, a saddle point exists, and the duality gap is zero. In fact for any x?∈ X?and u?∈ U?, the point (x?, u?) is a primal-dual solution. See [28, Cor. 31.2.1] and [4, Thm. 19.1].

The right-hand side of the optimality conditions in (6) can be split as the sum of three operators:


0 0  ∈  ∂ g(x) ∂ h∗(u)  | {z } Az +  ∇ f (x) ∇l∗(u)  | {z } Cz + 0 L > −L 0  | {z } M x u  | {z } z . (7)

Operator A defined above, is maximally monotone [4, Thm. 21.2, Prop. 20.33], while operator C, being the gradient of ˜f(x, u) = f (x) + l∗(u), is cocoercive and Mis skew-symmetric and as such monotone.

Throughout this section we shall use T to denote the operator above, i.e.,

0 ∈ T z := Az +Cz + Mz. (8)

Algorithm 1 describes the proposed primal-dual framework for solving (3). This framework is the result of solving the monotone inclusion (7) using the three-term splitting AFBA described inSection 3. We postpone the derivation and convergence analysis ofAlgorithm 1toSection 4.

Notice thatAlgorithm 1 is not symmetric with respect to the primal and dual variables. Another variant may be obtained by switching their role. This would be equivalent to applying the algorithm to the dual problem (4).

The proposed framework involves two scalar parameters θ ∈ [0, ∞) and µ ∈ [0, 1]. Different primal-dual algorithms correspond to different values for these parame-ters. The iterates inAlgorithm 1consist of two proximal updates followed by two correction steps that may or may not be performed depending on the parameters µ and θ . Below we discuss some values for these parameters that are most interesting.

Algorithm 1 A simple framework for primal-dual algorithms Require: x0∈ IRn, u0∈ IRr, the algorithm parameters µ ∈ [0, 1], θ ∈ [0, ∞).

Initialize: Σ ,Γ and λ based onAssumptions II(ii)andII(iii). for k = 0, 1, . . . do ¯ xk= proxΓ−1 g (xk− Γ L>uk− Γ ∇ f (xk)) ¯ uk= proxΣ−1 h∗ (uk+ Σ L((1 − θ )xk+ θ ¯xk) − Σ ∇l∗(uk)) ˜ xk= ¯xk− xk, ˜uk= ¯uk− uk xk+1= xk+ λ ( ˜xk− µ(2 − θ )Γ L>u˜k) uk+1= uk+ λ ( ˜uk+ (1 − µ)(2 − θ )Σ L ˜xk)

A variant ofAlgorithm 1was introduced in [24, Alg. 3] that includes a dynamic stepsize, αn, in the correction steps. In that work the connection between existing primal-dual algorithms was investigated by enforcing the dynamic stepsize αn≡ 1. This approach results in cumbersome algebraic steps. By removing the dynamic stepsize we simplify the analysis substantially and provide a simple condition for convergence inAssumption II. Furthermore, in many distributed applications a dy-namic stepsize is disadvantageous since it would entail global coordination. More-over, in comparison to [24, Alg. 3] we generalize the algorithm by employing the matrices Σ and Γ as stepsizes in place of scalars and consider the Lipschitz conti-nuity of ∇ f and ∇l∗with respect to k · kQand k · kR.


In Section 4we show that the sequence (xk, uk)

k∈IN generated by Algorithm 1 converges to a primal-dual solution ifAssumption IIholds. Moreover, linear con-vergence rates are established if either one of four mild regularity assumptions holds for functions f , g, l and h (cf.Corollary 4.6).

Assumption II (Convergence condition). (i) (Algorithm parameters) θ ∈ [0, ∞), µ ∈ [0, 1].

(ii) (Stepsizes) Γ ∈ S++n , Σ ∈ S++r and (relaxation parameter) λ ∈ (0, 2) (iii) The following condition holds

(λ2− 1)Γ−1− (1 − µ)(1 − θ )(2 − θ )L>Σ L −βf 2λQ µ − (1 − µ )(1 − θ ) − θ λL > µ − (1 − µ )(1 − θ ) −θλL (λ2− 1)Σ−1− µ(2 − θ )LΓ L>−βlR !  0. (9) InAlgorithm 1the linear mappings L and L>must be evaluated twice at every iteration. In the special cases when µ = 0, 1 they may be evaluated only once per iteration by keeping track of the value computed in the previous iteration. As is evident from (9) the cases where both the algorithm and the convergence condition simplify are combinations of µ = 0, 1, θ = 0, 1, 2. Here we briefly discuss some of these special cases to demonstrate how (9) leads to simple conditions that are often less conservative than the conditions found in the literature. We have dubbed the algorithms based on whether the two proximal updates can be evaluated in parallel and if a primal or a dual correction step is performed.

The first algorithm is the result of setting θ = 2 (regardless of µ) and leads to the algorithm of Condat and V˜u [15,32] which itself is a generalization of the Chambolle-Pock algorithm [10]. With this choice of θ , the two proximal updates are performed sequentially while no correction step is required. In the box below a general condition is given for its convergence.

SNCA (Sequential No Corrector Algorithm): θ = 2 Substituting θ = 2 in (9) and dividing by λ2− 1 yields

Γ−1−2(2−λ )βf Q −L> −L Σ−1−2(2−λ )βl R

!  0.

If l = ι{0}, the infimal convolution h@ l = h, l

≡ 0 and β

l= 0. Using Schur complement yields the equivalent condition Γ−1− βf

2(2−λ )Q− L >

Σ L  0. If in addition Q = Id and Γ = γId, Σ = σ Id for some scalars γ, σ , then the following sufficient condition may be used

σ γ kLk2< 1 −2(2−λ )γ βf , λ ∈ (0, 2).

Notice that this condition is less conservative than the condition of [15, Thm. 3.1] (see [24, Rem. 5.6]).


In the next algorithm proximal updates are evaluated sequentially, followed by a correction step for the primal variable, hence the name SPCA. Most notable property of this algorithm is that the generated sequence is Fejér monotone with respect to k · kSwhere S is block diagonal. The algorithm introduced in [23] can be seen as an application of SPCA to the dual problem when the smooth term is zero.

SPCA (Sequential Primal Corrector Algorithm): θ = 1, µ = 1, λ = 1 In this case the left-hand side in (9) is block diagonal. Therefore the conver-gence condition simplifies to

Γ−1−β2fQ 0, Σ−1− LΓ L>−β2lR 0.

If Q = Id, R = Id, Γ = γId, Σ = σ Id for some scalars γ, σ , then it is sufficient to have

γ βf < 2, σ γ kLk2< 1 −σ β2l. (10) This special case generalizes the recent algorithm proposed in [18]. In par-ticular we allow a third nonsmooth function g as well as the strongly convex function l. In addition to this improvement our convergence condition with l∗≡ 0 (set βl = 0 in (10)) is less restrictive and doubles the range of ac-ceptable stepsize γ. The convergence condition in that work is given in our notation as γβf< 1 and σ γkLk2< 1 [18, Cor. 3.2].

Next algorithm features sequential proximal updates that are followed by a cor-rection step for the dual variable, for all values of θ ∈ (0, ∞). The parallel variant of this algorithm, referred to as PDCA, is discussed in a separate box below. We have observed that selecting θ so as to maximize the stepsizes, i.e., θ = 1.5, leads to faster convergence [25]. Moreover, if we set Σ = Γ−1, this choice of µ leads to a three-block ADMM or equivalently a generalization of DRS to include a third cocoercive operator (see [24, Sec. 5.4]).

SDCA (Sequential Dual Corrector Algorithm): θ ∈ (0, ∞), µ = 0, λ = 1 In this case the convergence condition simplifies to

Γ−1− (1 − θ )(2 − θ )L>Σ L −β2fQ −L>

−L Σ−1−β2lR

!  0.

If l = ι{0}then βl= 0 and using Schur complement we derive the following condition

Γ−1− θ2− 3θ + 3L>Σ L −β2fQ 0.

If in addition Q = Id, and Γ = γId, Σ = σ Id for some scalars γ, σ , then we have the following sufficient condition

(θ2− 3θ + 3)σ γkLk2< 1 −γ βf


The next algorithm appears to be new and involves parallel proximal updates followed by a primal correction step.

PPCA (Parallel Primal Corrector Algorithm): θ = 0, µ = 1 The convergence condition is given by

(2 λ− 1)Γ −1βf 2λQ L > L (2 λ − 1)Σ −1− 2LΓ L>βl 2λR !  0.

If f ≡ 0 (set βf= 0) and λ = 1, using Schur complement yields the following condition

Σ−1− 3LΓ L>−β2lR 0.

If in addition R = Id and Γ = γId, Σ = σ Id for some scalars γ, σ , then the following sufficient condition may be used

3σ γkLk2< 1 −σ βl

2 .

The parallel variant of SDCA is considered below. Interestingly, by switching the order of the proximal updates (since θ = 0), PDCA may be seen as PPCA applied to the dual problem (4).

PDCA (Parallel Dual Corrector Algorithm): θ = 0, µ = 0 In this case the convergence condition simplifies to

(2 λ− 1)Γ −1− 2L> Σ L −βfQ −L> −L (2 λ− 1)Σ −1βl 2λR !  0.

If l = ι{0}(set βl= 0) and λ = 1, using Schur complement yields the follow-ing condition

Γ−1− 3L>Σ L −β2fQ 0.

If in addition Q = Id, and Γ = γId, Σ = σ Id for some scalars γ, σ , then the following sufficient condition may be used

3σ γkLk2< 1 −γ βf

2 .

The last special case considered here involves sequential proximal updates fol-lowed by correction steps for the primal and dual variables. As noted before for this choice of µ, the linear mappings L and L>must be evaluated twice at every iteration.

PPDCA (Parallel Primal and Dual Corrector Algorithm): θ = 0, µ = 0.5 In this case condition (9) reduces to:


Γ−1−(2−λ )λ L>Σ L −2(2−λ )βf Q 0, Σ−1−(2−λ )λ LΓ L>− βl

2(2−λ )R 0. If Q = Id, R = Id, λ = 1 and Γ = γId, Σ = σ Id for some scalars γ, σ , the following sufficient condition may be used

σ γ kLk2< min{1 −γ β2f, 1 −σ βl

2 }.

This special case generalizes [8, Algorithm (4.8)] with the addition of the smooth function f and the strongly convex function l.

3 Simplified Asymmetric Forward-Backward-Adjoint Splitting

A new three-term splitting technique was introduced in [24] for the problem of finding z ∈ IRpsuch that

0 ∈ T z := Az +Cz + Mz, (11)

where A is maximally monotone, C is cocoercive and M is a monotone linear map-ping. AFBA in its original form includes a dynamic stepsize, see [24, Alg. 1]. In this work we simplify the algorithm by considering a constant stepsize, seeAlgorithm 2. This variant of AFBA is particularly advantageous in distributed applications where global coordination may be infeasible. Furthermore, unlike [24, Alg. 1], cocoerciv-ity of the operator C is considered with respect to some norm independent of the parameters of the algorithm, and the convergence condition is derived in terms of a matrix inequality. These changes simplify the analysis for the primal-dual algo-rithms discussed inSection 2. We remind the reader thatAlgorithm 1is the result of solving the primal-dual optimality conditions using AFBA. We defer the derivation and convergence analysis ofAlgorithm 1untilSection 4.

Let us first recall the notion of cocoercivity.

Definition 3.1 (Cocoercivity). The operator C : IRp→ IRpis said to be cocoercive with respect tok · kU if for all z, z0∈ IRp

hCz −Cz0, z − z0i ≥ kCz −Cz0k2

U−1. (12)

A basic key inequality that we use is the following.

Lemma 3.2 (Three-point inequality). Suppose that C : IRp→ IRpis cocoercive with respect to k · kU, and let V : IRp→ IRpbe a linear mapping such that V◦ C = C (identity is the trivial choice). Then for any three points z, z0, z00∈ IRpwe have

hCz −Cz0, z0− z00i ≤1 4kV

>(z − z00)k2

U. (13)


ha, bi = 2h1 2U 1 2a,U−12bi ≤1 4kak 2 U+ kbkU2−1, (14)

together with (12) and V ◦C = C to derive

hCz −Cz0, z0− z00i = hV (Cz −Cz0), z − z00i + hCz −Cz0, z0− zi = hCz −Cz0,V>(z − z00)i + hCz −Cz0, z0− zi (14) ≤ 1 4kV >(z − z00)k2 U+ kCz −Cz 0k2 U−1+ hCz −Cz0, z0− zi (12) ≤ 1 4kV >(z − z00)k2 U. ut

Our main motivation for considering V is to avoid conservative bounds in (13). For example, assume that the space is partitioned into two, z = (z1, z2), and Cz = (C1z1, 0) where C1is cocoercive. Using inequality (14) without taking into account the structure of C, i.e., that V ◦C = C, would result in the whole vector appearing in the upper bound in (13).

Algorithm 2involves two matrices H and S that are instrumental to its flexibility. InSection 4we discuss a choice for H and S and demonstrate howAlgorithm 1is derived. Below we summarize the assumptions for the monotone inclusion (11) and the convergence conditions forAlgorithm 2(cf.Theorem 3.4).

Assumption III.

(i) Assumptions for the monotone inclusion(11):

1) The operator A: IRp⇒ IRpis maximally monotone. 2) The linear mapping M: IRp→ IRpis monotone.

3) The operator C: IRp→ IRpis cocoercive with respect tok·k

U. In addition, V: IRp→ IRpis a linear mapping such that V◦C = C (identity is the trivial choice).

(ii) Convergence conditions forAlgorithm 2:

1) The matrix H := P+K, where P ∈ S++p and K is a skew-symmetric matrix. 2) The matrix S∈ S++p and

2P −12VUV>− D  0, (15)


D := (H + M>)>S−1(H + M>). (16)

Algorithm 2 AFBA with constant stepsize Require: z0∈ IRp

Initialize: set S and H according toAssumption III(ii). for k = 0, 1, . . . do

¯zk= (H + A)−1(H − M −C)zk


Lemma 3.3. LetAssumption IIIhold. Consider the update for¯z inAlgorithm 2

¯z = (H + A)−1(H − M −C)z. (17)

For all z?∈ zer T the following holds hz − z?, (H + M>

)(¯z − z)i ≤14kV>(z − ¯z)kU2− kz − ¯zk2

P. (18)

Proof. Use (17) and the fact that z?∈ zer T , together with monotonicity of A at z? and ¯z to derive

0 ≤ h−Mz?−Cz?+ Mz +Cz + H(¯z − z), z?− ¯zi. (19)

InLemma 3.2set z0= z?and z00= ¯z

hCz −Cz?, z?− ¯zi ≤ 14kV>(z − ¯z)kU2. (20)

For the remaining terms in (19) use skew-symmetry of K (twice) and monotonicity of M: h−Mz?+ Mz + H(¯z − z), z?− ¯zi =h−Mz?+ Mz + P(¯z − z) + K(¯z − z) + K(z?− ¯z), z?− ¯zi =h(M − K)(z − z?) + P(¯z − z), z?− ¯zi =h(M − K)(z − z?) + P(¯z − z), z?− zi + h(M − K)(z − z?) + P(¯z − z), z − ¯zi ≤hP(¯z − z), z?− zi + h(M − K)(z − z?), z − ¯zi − k¯z − zk2P ≤hz − z?, (M> + H)(z − ¯z)i − k¯z − zk2P.

Combining this with (19) and (20) completes the proof. ut

Theorem 3.4 (Convergence). Let Assumption III hold. Consider the sequence (zk)k∈INgenerated byAlgorithm 2. Then the following inequality holds for all k∈ IN

kzk+1− z?k2 S≤ kzk− z ?k2 S− kzk− ¯zkk22P−1 2VUV>−D , (21) and(zk)

k∈INconverges to a point z?∈ zer T .

Proof. We show that the generated sequence is Fejér monotone with respect to zer T in the space equipped with the inner product h·, ·iS. For any z?∈ zer T using the zk+1 update inAlgorithm 2we have


kzk+1− z?k2S=kzk− z?k2S+ kS−1(H + M>)(¯zk− zk)k2S + 2hzk− z?, (H + M>)(¯zk− zk)i (18) ≤ kzk− z?k2 S+ kS−1(H + M > )(¯zk− zk)k2 S +12kV>(zk− ¯zk)kU2− 2kzk− ¯zkk2P (16) ≤ kzk− z?k2 S− kzk− ¯zkk22P−1 2VUV>−D .

Therefore the sequence (zk− ¯zk)

k∈INconverges to zero. Convergence of (zk)k∈IN to a point in zer T follows by standard arguments; see the last part of the proof of [24,

Thm. 3.1]. ut

Our next goal is to establish linear convergence forAlgorithm 2. Before contin-uing let us recall the notion of metric subregularity.

Definition 3.5 (Metric subregularity). A mapping F is metrically subregular at ¯x for ¯

u if( ¯x, ¯u) ∈ gra F and there exists a positive constant κ, and neighborhoods U of ¯x andY of ¯u such that

d(x, F−1u) ≤ κd( ¯¯ u, Fx ∩ Y), ∀x ∈ U .

If in additionx is an isolated point of F¯ −1u, i.e., F¯ −1u¯∩ U = { ¯x}, then F is said to bestrongly subregular at ¯x foru. Otherwise stated:¯

kx − ¯xk ≤ κd( ¯u, Fx ∩ Y), ∀x ∈ U .

The neighborhoodY in the above definitions can be omitted [17, Ex. 3H.4]. Metric subregularity is a "one-point" version of metric regularity. We refer the interested reader to [17, Chap. 3] and [29, Chap. 9] for an extensive discussion.

The linear convergence forAlgorithm 2is established inTheorem 3.6under two different assumptions: (i) when the operator T in (11) is metrically subregular at all z?∈ zer T for 0 or (ii) when the operator Id − TAFBA has this property, where TAFBA denotes the operator that maps zk to zk+1 inAlgorithm 2. In Section 4we exploit the first result,Theorem 3.6(i). The advantage of this result is that it is easier to characterize the metric subregularity of T in terms of its component. It is worth mentioning that for the preconditioned proximal point algorithm (a special case of Algorithm 2 with C = 0, M = 0, K = 0, S = P) the first assumption implies the second one [30, Prop. IV.2].

Theorem 3.6 (Linear convergence). LetAssumption IIIhold. Consider the sequence (zk)

k∈IN generated byAlgorithm 2. Suppose that one of the following assumptions holds:


(ii) Let TAFBAdenote the operator that maps zkto zk+1inAlgorithm 2, i.e., zk+1= TAFBA(zk). The operator Id − TAFBAis metrically subregular at all z?∈ zer T for0.


k∈IN converges R-linearly to some z?∈ zer T and (dS(zk, zer T ))k∈IN con-verges Q-linearly to zero.

Proof. The proof forTheorem 3.6(i)can be found in [24, Thm. 3.3]. The proof of the second part follows by noting that

dS2(zk+1, zer T ) ≤ kzk+1− ΠS zer T(zk)k2S (21) ≤ kzk− ΠS zer T(zk)k2S− kzk− ¯zkk2 2P−12VUV>−D (22) = d2S(zk, zer T ) − kzk− zk+1k2W, (23)

where W is some symmetric positive definite matrix given by replacing ¯zk− zk= (H + M>)−1S(zk+1− zk) in (22). It remains to bound d

S(zk, zer T ) by kzk− zk+1kW. By Theorem 3.4, zk converges to some z?∈ zer T . Since I − TAFBA is metrically subregular at z?for 0, there exists ¯k ∈ IN, a positive constant κ, and a neighborhood U of z?such that

d(zk, zer T ) ≤ κkzk− zk+1k, ∀k ≥ ¯k, (24) where we used the fact that the set of fixed points of TAFBAis equal to zer T . There-fore for k ≥ ¯k we have

dS2(zk, zer T ) ≤kzk− Πzer T(zk)k2S≤ kSkkzk− Πzer T(zk)k2

=kSkd2(zk, zer T )(24≤ κ) 2kSkkzk− zk+1k2

≤κ2kSkkW−1kkzk− zk+1kW2 (25)

Combining (25) with (23) proves the Q-linear convergence rate for the distance from the set of solutions. Using this Q-linear convergence rate for the distance, it follows from (23) that (kzk− zk+1k

W)k∈IN converges R-linearly to zero and hence

also (zk)k∈INconverges R-linearly. ut

4 A Unified Convergence Analysis for Primal-Dual Algorithms

Our goal in this section is to describe howAlgorithm 1is derived and to establish its convergence. The idea is to write the primal-dual optimality conditions as a mono-tone inclusion involving the sum of a maximally monomono-tone, a linear monomono-tone and a cocoercive operator, cf. (7). This monotone inclusion is then solved using asym-metric forward-backward-adjointsplitting (AFBA) described inSection 3. In order to recoverAlgorithm 1simply applyAlgorithm 2to this monotone inclusion with the following parameters: Let θ ∈ [0, ∞) and set H = P + K with


P=  Γ−1 −θ2L> −θ 2L Σ−1  , K=  0 θ 2L > −θ 2L 0  , (26)

and S = λ µS−11 + λ (1 − µ)S−12 −1where µ ∈ [0, 1], λ ∈ (0, 2) with

S1=  Γ−1 (1 − θ )L> (1−θ )L Σ−1+(1−θ )(2−θ )LΓ L>  , S2=  Γ−1+(2−θ )L>Σ L −L> −L Σ−1  .

Notice that with P and K set as in (26), H has a lower (block) triangular structure. Therefore the backward step (H + A)−1inAlgorithm 2can be carried out sequen-tially [24, Lem. 3.1].Algorithm 1is derived by noting this and substituting S and H defined above. We refer the reader to [24, Sec. 5] for a more detailed procedure.

Our next goal is to verify that Assumptions I and II are sufficient for As-sumption IIIto hold. As noted before, the operator A is maximally monotone [4, Thm. 21.2, Prop. 20.33], and the linear mapping M is skew-adjoint and as such monotone. The operator C is cocoercive with respect to the metric induced by U = blkdiag(βfQ, βlR). InAssumption III(ii)we use the linear mapping V in or-der to avoid conservative requirements. The special cases when f ≡ 0 (or l∗≡ 0) are captured by setting V = blkdiag(0n, Ir) (or V = blkdiag(In, 0r)) where Is and 0sdenote the identity and zero matrices in IRs×s. It remains to verifyAssumption III(ii). Evaluating D according to (16) yields the following D = λ µD1+ λ (1 − µ)D2 where D1=  Γ−1 −L> −L Σ−1+ (2 − θ )LΓ L>  , D2=  Γ−1+ (1 − θ )(2 − θ )L>Σ L (1 − θ )L> (1 − θ )L Σ−1  .

Noting that Γ , Σ  0, and using Schur complement for D1and P defined in (26) we have

D1 0 ⇔ Σ−1+ (1 − θ )LΓ L> 0, Σ−1−θ42LΓ L> 0 ⇔ P  0.

Thus, since 1 − θ ≥ −θ2

4 for all θ , we have that D1 0 if P  0. It can be shown that the same argument applies for S1, S2and D2. The sum of two positive definite matrices is also positive definite, therefore S, D  0 if P  0. The matrix P is sym-metric positive definite if (15) holds. The convergence conditions inAssumption II are simply the result of replacing D, P, U and V in (15).

We showed thatAssumption IIIholds for the described choice of H and S. Algo-rithm 1is a simple application ofAlgorithm 2for solving the monotone inclusion (7). Therefore, the convergence ofAlgorithm 1follows directly from that of AFBA (cf.Theorem 3.4). This result is summarized in the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1 (Convergence). LetAssumptions IandIIhold. The sequence(zk) k∈IN= (xk, uk)k∈INgenerated byAlgorithm 1converges to a point z?∈ zer T .


Linear Convergence

In this section we explore sufficient conditions for f , g, h and l under which Al-gorithm 1achieves linear convergence. We saw thatAlgorithm 1is an instance of AFBA, therefore its linear convergence may be established based on the results de-veloped inTheorem 3.6(i). InLemma 4.3andLemma 4.5we provide four regularity assumptions under which T defining the primal-dual optimality conditions is metri-cally subregular at z?∈ zer T for 0. The linear convergence forAlgorithm 1is then deduced inCorollary 4.6.

Let us first recall the notion of quadratic growth: a proper closed convex func-tion g is said to have quadratic growth at ¯xfor 0 with 0 ∈ ∂ g( ¯x) if there exists a neighborhood U of ¯xsuch that

g(x) ≥ inf g + cd2(x, ∂ g−1(0)), ∀x ∈ U . (27)

Metric subregularity of the subdifferential operator and the quadratic growth condi-tion are known to be equivalent [2,19]. In particular, ∂ g is metrically subregular at


xfor ¯uwith ¯u∈ ∂ g( ¯x) if and only if the quadratic growth condition (27) holds for g(·) − h ¯u, ·i, i.e., there exists a positive constant c and a neighborhood U of ¯xsuch that [2, Thm. 3.3]

g(x) ≥ g( ¯x) + h ¯u, x − ¯xi + cd2(x, ∂ g−1( ¯u)), ∀x ∈ U . (28)

Strong subregularity has a similar characterization [2, Thm. 3.5]

g(x) ≥ g( ¯x) + h ¯u, x − ¯xi + ckx − ¯xk2, ∀x ∈ U . (29)

Next, let us define the following general growth condition.

Definition 4.2 (Quadratic growth relative to a set). Consider a proper closed convex function g and a pair( ¯x, ¯u) ∈ gra ∂ g. We say that g has quadratic growth at ¯x for


u relative to a nonempty closed convex set X containingx, if there exists a positive¯ constant c and a neighborhoodU of ¯x such that

g(x) ≥ g( ¯x) + h ¯u, x − ¯xi + cd2(x, X ), ∀x ∈ U . (30)

From the above definition it is evident that metric subregularity and strong sub-regularity characterized in (28) and (29) are recovered when X = ∂ g−1( ¯u) and X= { ¯x}, respectively.

Another regularity assumption used inLemma 4.3is the notion of local strong convexity: a proper closed convex function g is said to be locally strongly convex in a neighborhood of ¯x, denoted by U , if there exists a positive constant c such that

g(x0) ≥ g(x) + hv, x0− xi +c 2kx


Notice that local strong convexity in a neighborhood of ¯ximplies (29), but (29) is much weaker than local strong convexity since it holds only at ¯xand only for


u∈ ∂ g( ¯x).

In the next lemma we provide three different regularity assumptions that are suf-ficient for metric subregularity of the operator defining the primal-dual optimality conditions. InLemma 4.3(i) (orLemma 4.3(ii)) we use local strong convexity, as well as the quadratic growth condition (30) relative to the set of primal solutions (or dual solutions). Interestingly, this regularity assumption does not entail a unique primal-dual solution.

Lemma 4.3. LetAssumption Ihold. The operator T defining the primal-dual opti-mality conditions, cf.(8), is metrically subregular at z?= (x?, u?) for 0 with 0 ∈ T z? if one of the following assumptions holds:

(i) f+ g has quadratic growth at x?for−L>u?relative to the set of primal so-lutions X?, and h∗+ l∗is locally strongly convex in a neighborhood of u?. In this case the set of dual solutions is a singleton, U?= {u?}.

(ii) f+ g is locally strongly convex in a neighborhood of x?, and h∗+ l∗ has quadratic growth at u?for Lx?relative to the set of dual solutions U?. In this case the set of primal solutions is a singleton, X?= {x?}.

(iii) ∇ f + ∂ g is strongly subregular at x?for −L>u?

and ∂ h∗+ ∇l∗is strongly subregular at u? for Lx?. In this case the set of primal-dual solutions is a singleton,zer T = {(x?, u?)}.

Proof. 4.3(i)- Consider the point z?= (x?, u?). By definition of quadratic growth there exists a neighborhood Ux?and a positive constant c1such that

( f + g)(x) ≥ ( f + g)(x?) + h−L>u?, x − x?i + c1d2(x, X?), ∀x ∈ Ux?. (31)

Let Uu? denote the neighborhood of u?in which the local strong convexity of h∗+ l∗

holds. Fix a point z = (x, u) ∈ Zz? := Ux?× Uu?. Now take v = (v1, v2) ∈ T z = Az +

Mz+Cz, i.e.,

v1∈ ∂ g(x) + ∇ f (x) + L>u, v2∈ ∂ h∗(u) + ∇l∗(u) − Lx.


Let z0= (x0, u0) denote the projection of z onto the set of solutions, zer T . The subgradient inequality for f + g at x using (32) gives

hv1, x − x0i ≥ ( f + g)(x) − ( f + g)(x0) + hL>u, x − x0i. (33)

Noting that 0 ∈ T z0, by the subgradient inequality for h∗+ l∗at u0we have

(h∗+ l∗)(u) ≥ (h∗+ l∗)(u0) + hLx0, u − u0i. (34)

Summing (33) and (34) yields


where L is the Lagrangian defined in (5). By local strong convexity of h∗+ l∗ at u∈ Uu? (for some strong convexity parameter c2):

(h∗+ l∗)(u?) ≥ (h∗+ l∗)(u) + hv2+ Lx, u?− ui +c22ku?− uk2.

Sum this inequality with (31) to derive L(x, u) − L(x?, u?) ≥ c

1d2(x, X?) + hv2, u?− ui +c22ku?− uk2, z∈ Zz?. (36)

It follows from (35) and (36) that

hv2, u − u?i + hv1, x − x0i ≥c22ku?− uk2+ c1d2(x, X?) =c2 2ku ?− uk2+ c 1kx − x0k2 ≥ c ku?− uk2+ kx − x0k2, (37)

where c = min{c1,c22}. By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality

hv1, x − x0i + hv2, u − u?i ≤ kvk ku − u?k2+ kx − x0k2 12

. (38)

Combining (37) and (38) yields

kvk ≥ c ku − u?k2+ kx − x 0k2


≥ ckz − z0k = cd(z, T−10).

Since v ∈ T z was selected arbitrarily we have that

d(z, T−10) ≤1cd(T z, 0), ∀z ∈ Zz?.

This completes the first claim. Next, consider ¯z?= ( ¯x?, ¯u?) ∈ zer T such that ¯z? Zz?. Setting z = ¯z?in (36) yields

0 = L( ¯x?, ¯u?) − L(x?, u?) ≥c2


?− ¯u?k2.

Therefore, ¯u?= u?and since zer T is convex we conclude that U?= {u?}.

4.3(ii)- The proof of the second part is similar to part4.3(i). Therefore, we outline the proof. Let Ux?, Uu?be the neighborhoods in the definition of local strong

convex-ity of f + g and quadratic growth of h∗+ l∗, respectively. Fix z ∈ Zz?= Ux?× Uu?.

Take v = (v1, v2) as in (32), and let z0denote the projection of z onto zer T . In con-trast to the previous part, sum the subgradient inequalities for f + g at x0 and for h∗+ l∗at u to derive

hv2, u − u0i ≥ L(x0, u0) − L(x, u) = L(x?, u?) − L(x, u). (39)

Use local strong convexity of f + g at x, and the quadratic growth of h∗+ l∗at u? for Lx?relative to U?to derive

L(x?, u?) − L(x, u) ≥ c


Combining this with (39) and arguing as in the previous part completes the proof. 4.3(iii)- The proof of this part is slightly different. Let Ux?, Uu? be the

neighbor-hoods in the definitions of the two strong subregularity assumptions. Fix z ∈ Zz?= Ux?× Uu?. Sum the subgradient inequality for f + g at x and for h∗+ l∗at u to derive

hv, z − z?i = hv

2, u − u?i + hv1, x − x?i ≥ L(x, u?) − L(x?, u) (40) On the other hand by [2, Thm. 3.5], f + g has quadratic growth at x?for −L>u? relative to {x?} and h∗+ lhas quadratic growth at u? for Lx? relative to {u?}. Summing the two yields

L(x, u?) − L(x?, u) ≥ c2ku − u?k2+ c1kx − x?k2 (41)

Combining this inequality with (40) and using the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality as in previous parts completes the proof. Uniqueness of the solution follows from (41) by setting z = ¯z?∈ zer T such that ¯z?∈ Z

z?and using the convexity of zer T . ut

The assumptions ofLemma 4.3are much weaker than strong convexity and do not always imply a unique primal-dual solution. Here we present two simple exam-ples for demonstration. Notice that in the next example the assumption ofLemma 4.3(i)that f + g has quadratic growth with respect to the set of primal solutions is equivalent to the metric subregularity assumption.

Example 1.Consider the problem minimize

x∈IR g(x) + h(x) = max{1 − x, 0} + x

2min{x, 0}

The solution to this problem is not unique and any x?∈ [1, ∞) solves this problem. The dual problem is given by

minimize u∈IR g

(−u) + h(u), (42)

where g∗(u) = u + ι[−1,0](u) and h∗(u) = 12u2+ ι≤0(u). It is evident that the dual problem has the unique solution u?= 0. It is easy to verify that g has quadratic growth at all the points x?∈ [1, ∞) for 0 with respect to X?= [1, ∞). Moreover, we have ∂ g−1(0) = [1, ∞), i.e., X?= ∂ g−1(0). In other words in this case the assump-tion ofLemma 4.3(i)for g is equivalent to the metric subregularity of ∂ g at x?for 0. Notice that ∂ g is not strongly subregular at any point in [1, ∞) for 0. Furthermore, h∗is globally strongly convex given that ∇h is Lipschitz. Therefore, according to Lemma 4.3(i)one would expect a unique dual solution but not necessarily a unique primal solution, which is indeed the case.

Example 2.Let c ∈ [−1, 1] and consider minimize


When c ∈ (−1, 1) the problem attains a unique minimum at x?= 0. When c = 1 (or c= −1) all x?∈ (−∞, 0] (or x?∈ [0, ∞)) solves the problem. The dual problem is given by (42) with g∗(u) = ι[−1,1](u) and h∗(u) = ι{c}(u). The unique dual solution is u?= c. Furthermore, ∂ his strongly subregular at u?= c for all x?given that x?∈ ∂ h∗(u?). It is easy to verify that ∂ g is metrically subregular at x?= 0 for u? [−1, 1] but is only strongly subregular at x?= 0 for u?∈ (−1, 1). Notice that u?= c, therefore byLemma 4.3(iii)one would expect a unique primal-dual solution when u?= c ∈ (−1, 1) which is indeed the case.

Another class of functions prevalent in optimization is the class of piecewise linear-quadratic(PLQ) functions, which is closed under scalar multiplication, addi-tion, conjugation and Moreau envelope [29]. Recall the notion of piecewise linear-quadratic functions.

Definition 4.4 (Piecewise Linear-Quadratic function). A function f : IRn→ IR is called piecewise linear-quadratic (PLQ) if its domain can be represented as the union of finitely many polyhedral sets, and in each such set f(x) is given by an expression of the form 12x>Qx+ d>x+ c, for some c ∈ IR, d ∈ IRn, and Q∈ Sn.

A wide range of functions used in optimization applications belong to this class, for example: affine functions, quadratic forms, indicators of polyhedral sets, poly-hedral norms such as `1, and regularizers such as elastic net, Huber loss, hinge loss, and many more [29,3]. For a proper closed convex PLQ function g, ∂ g is piece-wise polyhedral, and therefore metrically subregular at any z for any z0 provided that z0∈ ∂ g(z) [29,17].

Lemma 4.5. LetAssumption Ihold. In addition, assume that f, g, l, and h are piece-wise linear-quadratic. Then the operator T defining the primal-dual optimality con-ditions, cf.(8), is metrically subregular at any z for any z0provided that z0∈ T z. Proof. The subdifferential ∂ g, ∇ f , ∂ h∗and ∇l∗are piecewise polyhedral [29, Prop. 12.30, Thm. 11.14]. Therefore, A and C are piecewise polyhedral. Furthermore, the graph of M is polyhedral since M is linear. Therefore, the graph of T = A + M + C is also piecewise polyhedral. The inverse of a piecewise polyhedral mapping is also piecewise polyhedral. Therefore by [17, Prop. 3H.1, 3H.3] the mapping T is metrically subregular at z for z0whenever (z, z0) ∈ gra T . ut The next corollary summarizes the linear convergence results based on the two previous lemmas andTheorem 3.6(i).

Corollary 4.6 (Linear convergence forAlgorithm 1). LetAssumptions IandIIhold. In addition, suppose that one of the following assumptions holds:

(i) f, g, l, and h are piecewise linear-quadratic.

(ii) f, g, l, and h satisfy at least one of the the conditions ofLemma 4.3at every z?∈ zer T (not necessarily the same condition at all the points).

Then the sequence(zk)k∈INgenerated byAlgorithm 1converges R-linearly to some z?∈ zer T , and (dS(zk, zer T ))k∈INconverges Q-linearly to zero.



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Asym- metric Forward-Backward-Adjoint splitting unifies, extends and sheds light on the connections between many seemingly unrelated primal-dual algorithms for solving structured

In this paper we considered the application of primal-dual algorithms for solving structured optimization problems in a message-passing network model.. It is shown that the

Plug and Play Distributed Model Predictive Control with Dynamic Coupling: A Randomized Primal-Dual Proximal Algorithm.. Puya Latafat, Alberto Bemporad,