To approach or to avoid : neurobiological mechanisms in social anxiety Peer, J.M. van
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(2) Chapter8 GeneralDiscussion.
(3) Chapter8. Ǥ Chapter 1 Ǥ ǡ Ǥ
(4) ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥǡ ǡ Ǥ
(5) ǡ
(6) Chapters 2 7 ǡ Ǥ Ǥ. Overviewoffindings
(7) Chapter2ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǧ Ȁ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ȋǤǤǡ Ȍ Ǧȋ Ȃ ȋǦȌǡ Ƭ ǡ ʹͲͲͶȌǡ Ǧ ȋȌ Ǥ ȋǤǤǡ Ȍǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ȋǤǤǡ Ȍ ȋǤǤǡ Ǥǡ ͳͶ.
(8) GeneralDiscussion. ʹͲͲͻȌǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ
(9) ǡ ǡ ȋͳͷͲȌȋ͵ȌǤ
(10) ǡ ǡ Ǥ Chapter 3 Ǧ Ǥ ǡ ȋ Ǥǡ ͳͻͻ͵Ȍ ǡ Ǧ Ǧ Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ Ǧ ȋȌ Ǥ ǣ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ Chapter3ǡChapter4 ǡ Ǥ ǡ Chapter 2ǡ Ǥǡ Ǧ ͳͶ.
(11) Chapter8. ǡ Ǧ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ
(12) Chapters 2 3ǡ Ǥ ǡǡ ǣ ǡ ͳͷͲ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Chapter2ǡ Ǥ
(13) ǡ Ǧ Chapter3 Ǥ
(14) Chapter 5 ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǧǡ
(15) Ǧ ǡ ǡ ǦǤ
(16) ǡ Ǧ ǡ Ǧ Ǧ Ǥǣ ǡ ǡ ʹ Ǥ ǡ ȋȌ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ͳͶͺ.
(17) GeneralDiscussion. Ǥ Ǧ ǡ ǡ Chapter24Ǥ
(18) Ǧ Ǥ
(19) Chapter 6 Ǧ ǡ Ǧ ǡ ǡ Ǥ
(20) ǡ
(21) Ǥ
(22) ǦǤ
(23) ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Chapter 7 ȋȌȋ Ȍ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ ȋʹͲͲͷȌ Ǧ ȋȂȌ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ Ǥǡ
(24) ͳͶͻ.
(25) Chapter8. administration Ǧ Ȁ ǡ Ǧ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ
(26) Ǥ
(27) ǡ ǡ Ǧ ǡ Ǧ ǡȋȌ Ǥ. Theoreticalintegration Chapter 1ǡ
(28) ǡ Ǥ
(29) ǡ
(30) Chapters27 ǡ ǡ ǤǤǡ Ǧ Ǥ Increasedthreatprocessinginsocialanxiety Ǥ Chapter 5ǡ ǡ Ǥ ȋǤǤǡ Ƭ ǡ ʹͲͲȌǡ Ǥ ǡ Ȁ ȋChapter 2Ȍ ȋChapter 4Ȍǡ Ǥ ͳͷͲ.
(31) GeneralDiscussion. ȋǤǤǡ Ȍ Ǧ explicit ǡ Ǧ ȋǤǤǡ ȌǤ ȋ Ȍ ǡ Ǥ Increasedavoidancetendenciesinsocialanxiety Ǥ ǡ Ͷ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ȋǤǤǡ Ȍ ȋChapter2Ȍ ȋChapter3ȌǤ Ǧ ȋ Ǥǡ ʹͲͲͷȌǡ Ǧ ȋ Ǥǡ ʹͲͲȌǤ Ǥ ǡ ǤȋʹͲͲȌ Ǧ ȋ ͳͲΨ Ȍ ȋ ȌǤ Chapter 3 ǡ Chapter2Ǧ ȋ
(32) ǣ Ƭ ǡ ͳͻͻͶȌǡ ȋ ͵͵Ψ ȌǤ ǡ ǡ ȋ Ȍȋ ȌǤ Chapter 6 ǡ ȋǤǤǡ ͳͷͳ.
(33) Chapter8. Ȍ Ǧ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ ǡ ȋ Ȍ Ǥ ȋ Ȍ ȋǤǤǡ ǡʹͲͲȌ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ȋʹͲͲȌǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ȋ Ȍ Ǥ ȋǤǤǡ Ƭ ǡ ͳͻͻͺǢ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ƭ ǡ ʹͲͲ͵Ȍǡ Ǥ Ǥ Cortisolfacilitatessocialavoidance Ǥ Chapters2ǡ34 ǤChapter2 ǡ Ǥ
(34) ǡ Chapter 3 ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ Chapters 2 4 Ȁ ȋChapter 2Ȍǡ ͳͷʹ.
(35) GeneralDiscussion. ȋChapter 4ȌǤ
(36) ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Chapter 5 decreased Ǧ Ǥǡ Chapter 4ǡ Chapter 5 ǡ ǡ direction Ǥ ǡ Ǧ ǡ Ǧ ȋ Chapter 5 ȌǤ ȋʹͲͲȌ ǤǡǦChapters24ǡ Ǧ Ǥ
(37) ǡ Chapter 5ǡ Ǧ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ ȋChapters24Ȍǡ ȋChapter 5ǡ Ǥǡ ʹͲͲǢ Ǥǡ ʹͲͲͻȌǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ ȋ Ǥǡ ͳͻͻͻȌǤ
(38) ǡ
(39) Ǧ ǦǤ Contextdependencyofcortisoleffects ͳͷ͵.
(40) Chapter8. ȋChapters2ǡ4ǡ 5Ȍ ǡ Dz dzǡ ǡ Ǧ ȋ Ǥǡ ʹͲͲ͵Ǣ Ƭ ǡ ʹͲͲͳǢ Ǥǡ ʹͲͲͶǡ Chapter 1ȌǤ ǡ ȋ Ȍǡ ȋ Ȍǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ Ǧǡ ǤǤǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǧ Ǧǡ Ǥ ȋǤǤǡ Ȍ ǡ ǡ ȋ ǡ ǡ ȌǡȋȌ Ǧ ȋ Ȁ Ȍ ǦǦ ȋ ǤǤǡ Ǥǡ ʹͲͲ ȌǤ ǡ ǡǤȋͳͻͻͻȌ ǡ Ǥ Ǧ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ. ͳͷͶ.
(41) GeneralDiscussion. Strengths,limitations,andsuggestionsforfutureresearch Strengths ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ȋ Ǧ ǤǡʹͲͲͷǢǤǡʹͲͲȌǤ ǡ ȋ ǡChapter3Ȍ ȋChapters24ȌǤ ǡ Ǧ ȋǤǤǡǡ ǡ ȌǤ ǡǡ Ǥ Ǧ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ
(42) Chapters 4 5ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ȋǤǡʹͲͲ͵ȌǤ ǡ ͳͷͷ.
(43) Chapter8. Ǥ
(44) Chapter 3 ǡ Ǥ Limitations ǡ Ǥ ǡ
(45) Ǥ Chapters 4 5Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǧ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ȋChapters23ǢǤǡʹͲͲȌǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǧǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ Ǧ Ǥ ǡǡ ȋȌǡ ȋ Ƭ ǡʹͲͲȌǤ ͳͷ.
(46) GeneralDiscussion. ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǡȋChapters35Ȍ ǡ Ǥ ȋǤǤǡ ǤǡʹͲͲͻȌǡ Ǥ Suggestionsforfutureresearch
(47) ǡ
(48) Ǥ ǡ
(49) ǡ Ǥ . ǡ . ǡ ȋǤǤǡ ǤǡʹͲͲ͵Ȍ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ . ǡ ǡ . Ǧǡ ǡ ǡ ȋǤǤǡ Ǥǡ ʹͲͲͶǢ Ƭ ǡ ʹͲͲͷȌǤ ǡ ȋǤǤǡ Ȍǡ ȋǤǡͳͻͻͻȌǤ . ǡ . Ǥ ͳͷ.
(50) Chapter8. ǡ Ǧ ȋ ǡ ǤǤǡ Ǥǡ ʹͲͲǡ Ȍǡ Ǥ
(51) ǡ Ǥ. Clinicalimplications ǡ ǣ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ ȋChapter 3Ȍ ǡ ǤǤǡ ǡǤ
(52) ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ ȋǢǤǤǡǡʹͲͲͺǢǤǡʹͲͲȌǤ Ǧ ǡ ȋǤǡʹͲͲȌǤ ǡ ǡ ȋChapters 4 5Ȍǡ ȋǤǤǡ ǡChapter4 ȌǤ Ǧǡ ǡ ȋǦ Ȍ ͳͷͺ.
(53) GeneralDiscussion. ȋǤǤǡǤǡʹͲͲȌǤǡ ȋ ȌǡǦ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ȋǤǤǡǡǡǡǡƬ ǡʹͲͲͺǢ ǡǡǡǡƬ ǡʹͲͲʹǢǡ ǡ Ƭ ǡ ʹͲͲͻȌ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ
(54) Ǥ. Toconclude Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ȋ Ȍ ǡ ǡǦǤ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ. ͳͷͻ.
(55) .
Peripheral blood cells were stained with HLA-A2.1 tetramers containing the tyrosinase368–376 peptide followed by staining with a panel of lineage antibodies, as described in
Blades and blade fragments seem to have been especially used for longitudinal motions, mainly on plant material (7/12). Flake and flake fragments are used in different motions on
This shape also occurs in the combination artefacts (see below). The shape is the result of intensive use in a repetitive abrasive motion, carried out from different angles. In
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