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Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/78122 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Vardanyan, V. Title: Aspects of cosmic acceleration Issue Date: 2019-09-18


Academic year: 2021

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Cover Page

The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/78122 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation.

Author: Vardanyan, V.


Propositions accompanying the dissertation "Aspects of Cosmic Acceleration"

1. Inflationary α-attractor models can be extended to provide a unified framework for cosmic inflation and dark energy. In these extensions there exist powerful "consistency relations" between the inflationary and dark-energy observables [Chapter 2].

2. Gravitational-wave observations are able to severely constrain some alternative theories to General Relativity. In the case of the doubly-coupled bimetric theory of gravity these observations pinpoint to an interesting class of solutions, known as proportional background solutions [Chapter 3].

3. Investigating the vast variety of massive-gravity extensions to General Relativity is a well-motivated and timely research direction. For instance, cosmological observations and the requirement of perturbative stability impose strong constraints on the parameter space of Mimetic Massive Gravity [Chapter 4].

4. Density profiles of dark matter halos are sensitive to various microphysical details, including the theory of gravity. The so-called Splashback is an interesting feature of these profiles, and its location can be very sensitive to details of the screening mechanisms in modified gravity [Chapter 5].

5. Tests of gravity are entering a doubly-interesting epoch. We are witnessing not only a considerable improvement of the observational data, but also a wealth of complementary novel probes ranging from laboratory tests to new types of cosmological observations.

Baker et.al., arXiv:1908.03430 [astro-ph.CO], for a recent summary.

6. Gravitational waves are opening up a new window to the universe. This is achieved not only through the detection of gravitational waves from distinct, resolved sources, but also via the faint (and yet undetected) anisotropic gravitational-wave background originating from unresolvable astrophysical sources in the universe.

Cusin et.al., Phys.Rev. D 96 (2017) 103019.

7. As the so-called H0 tension gains statistical significance, it begins to pose a serious problem for the ΛCDM

model of cosmology. This tension can be considered as a guideline for exploring beyond-ΛCDM scenarios. Verde et.al, arXiv:1907.10625 [astro-ph.CO].

8. The De Sitter Swampland conjectures, if proven to be true in their strongest form, will pose a challenge for constructing observationally viable models of late-universe cosmic acceleration in string theory.

Obied et.al., arXiv:1806.08362 [hep-th], Akrami et.al., Fortsch.Phys. 67 (2019), 1800075.

9. Cosmology is the broadest and most cross-disciplinary field in physics.

10. Researchers in fundamental sciences should be more actively involved in influencing governmental science policies.

11. Having an agreeable office-mate is an essential part of doing PhD research.



36 Chapter 1 ŔeForm SUBCONSCIOUS (Muddled Thinking) Internal Colonization Unrealistic Dreamer American Walden (Sub-)Consciousness Enclosed Garden. Asocialen –

To give one example, I approached this by compressing dirt, plant fragments and building debris, collect- ed on the ruins of an early 20th century socialist commune in the

Asocialen-Private Prophesy-Detox, performance and installation, Ruchama Noorda, Diepenheim, 2012..

In this chapter, I set out to explore the contradictory social, political and spiritual legacy of the Lebensreform movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.. As mentioned

Civic Virtue, Tympanum (Ruchama Noorda), plaster, gravel, spray-paint and marker on wood, Civic Virtue VI, Grand Tour, W139, Amsterdam, 2013..

• The final Chapter 5 is dedicated to the study of the effects of screening mechanisms in modified gravity on the dynamics of the spherical collapse of dark matter.. In particular,

Zelfs als we deze belangrijke problemen negeren, met de veronderstelling dat ze te ingewikkeld zijn om met onze huidige kennis aangepakt te worden, is de studie van

From 2009 to 2013 I studied physics at the Faculty of Physics at Yerevan State University, alongside of which I have done research at the Yerevan Physics Institute and at the