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Neonatal management and outcome in red cell alloimmunization Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.


Academic year: 2021

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Neonatal management and outcome in red cell alloimmunization

Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.


Smits-Wintjens, V. E. H. J. (2012, February 15). Neonatal management and outcome in red cell alloimmunization. Retrieved from


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License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden

Downloaded from: https://hdl.handle.net/1887/18485

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Neonatal management and outcome in red cell alloimmunization


ISBN/EAN: 978-90-9026589-6

Cover-photos: Mika van Zon, participant in the LOTUS study.

Mika’s photos (a few days after birth and at the age of 5) are published with kind permission of his parents.

Layout and printing: Pasmans Offsetdrukkerij BV, Den Haag.

The printing of this thesis was financially supported by Willem-Alexander Kinderziekenhuis, Leiden.

© 2012 V.E.H.J. Smits-Wintjens, Leiden, The Netherlands.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any way or by any means, without the prior permission of the author or the copyright-owning journals for previously published chapters.


Neonatal management and outcome in red cell alloimmunization


ter verkrijging van

de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof. mr. P.F. van der Heijden,

volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen op woensdag 15 februari 2012

klokke 13:45 uur


Vivianne Elise Huberta Johanna Smits - Wintjens geboren te Maastricht

in 1972



Promotor : Prof. dr. F.J. Walther Copromotor : dr. E. Lopriore

Overige leden : Prof. dr. A. Brand

Prof. dr. R. Devlieger, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, België dr. P.H. Dijk, Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen dr. D. Oepkes


Aan mijn ouders, Robert, Koen, Tijn en Lieke


Table of contents

Chapter 1 General introduction and outline of the thesis . . . .

Chapter 2 Rhesus hemolytic disease of the newborn: postnatal management, associated morbidity and long-term outcome

Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 2008; 13:265-271 . . . .

Chapter 3 Intravenous immunoglobulin in neonates with Rhesus hemolytic disease: a randomized controlled trial

Pediatrics 2011; 127:680-686 . . . .

Chapter 4 Bacillus cereus cerebral abscesses in a term neonate with Rhesus hemolytic disease treated with exchange transfusion

J Pediatr Inf Dis 2010; 5(3):277-280 . . . .

Chapter 5 Neonatal morbidity after exchange transfusion for red cell alloimmune hemolytic disease

Submitted . . . .

Chapter 6 Cholestasis in neonates with red cell alloimmune hemolytic disease:

incidence, risk factors and outcome

Neonatology; In press . . . .

Chapter 7 Thrombocytopenia at birth in neonates with red cell alloimmune hemolytic disease

Vox Sang 2011; Epub ahead of print . . . .

Chapter 8 Top-up transfusions in neonates with Rhesus hemolytic disease in relation to exchange transfusions

Vox Sang 2010; 99(1):65-70 . . . .

Chapter 9 Exchange transfusions and top-up transfusions in neonates with Kell hemolytic disease

Vox Sang 2010; 100(3):312-316 . . . .











Chapter 10 Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after intrauterine transfusion for fetal alloimmune anemia: the LOTUS study

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011; Epub ahead of print . . . .

Chapter 11 General discussion and future perspectives . . . .

Chapter 12 Summary . . . .

Chapter 13 Samenvatting . . . .

List of abbreviations . . . .

Authors and affiliations . . . .

Curriculum Vitae . . . .

Publications . . . .

Dankwoord . . . .

117 133 147 153

163 165 167 169 171




In our center term neonates with RHDN are treated with transfusions of red blood cells when hemoglobin levels fall below 8.0 g/dL (5.0 mmol/L) or below 9.6 g/dL

We recorded the following obstetric and neonatal data: fetal hemoglobin (Hb) concentration and gestational age at first IUT, number of IUTs, gestational age at birth, birth weight,

Umbilical venous catheterization was required in this case because an ET was deemed necessary to reduce the elevated bilirubin levels and the risk of

(classified according to Bell’s criteria 20 ), proven sepsis (clinical and/or biochemical signs of infection with a positive blood culture), suspected sepsis (clinical

6,8-10 Data on the incidence and severity of cholestasis in neonates with red cell alloimmune hemolytic disease is scarce, and little is known about pathogenesis, risk

We recorded the following obstetric and neonatal data: type of red cell alloimmunization, number of IUTs, presence of fetal hydrops, fetal platelet count before each IUT, number of

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of this new guideline on the number of top-up transfusions and determine if neonates with hemolytic disease of the newborn

We recorded the following obstetric and neonatal data: fetal hemoglobin concentration at first IUT and number of IUTs, gestational age at birth, birth weight, hemoglobin level and