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Conformation of Polymer Chain in the Bulk


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Conformation of Polymer Chain in the Bulk

J.P. Cotton,1®D.Decker,11·H.


B.Farnoux,1®J. Higgins,1'G.Jannink,1®

R.Ober,ldC.Picot,lb and J.desCloizeaux1®

Centre de Recherchessur lesMacromolécules (CNRS),67083StrasbourgCedex,France;Servicede PhysiqueduSolideetdeResonanceMagnetique andServicedePhysique Théorique,Centre d’EtudesNucléairesde Saclay, 91190Gif-sur-Yvette, France; Instituí MaxVonLaue-Paul Langevin,38042 Grenoble,France; and LaboratoiredelaMatiere Condensée, College deFrance, 11,PlaceM. Berthelot,75005Paris,France. ReceivedMay 2,1974

ABSTRACT: Neutron coherent scatteringtechniques have beenusedfor thedetermination of the conformation of polymer in bulkandexperimental detailsare givenabout the application of this methodtothe study of polymeric systems. Measurements have been madefor smalland intermediatemomentum ranges on aseriesof eightmono- dispersedeuterated polystyrenes of molecular weight ranging from21,000to 1,100,000.Theresults lead tothecon-

clusonthatinamorphous state theconformationofthepolymermoleculeisindistinguishable fromthatin solvent andthatthe Debyescattering function whichisvalid for unperturbedchains appliesforq~1 aslowas 10Á.

Inorder to explainsuchpropertiesas rubberelasticity it has long been assumed that polymer chains in the liquid state obey Gaussian statistics.2,3Below its glass transition temperature a polymer becomes hard and loses its elastic properties. It is believed,4however, that this transitionaf- fectsonlythemotion ofthe drawnsegments and not their configurationwhichisexpectedto remainGaussian.There is much indirect evidence in favor of this hypothesis but until recently it has been impossible to prove it directly.

Moreover, many authors5,6believefrom theoreticalconsid- erations, electron microscopy, and diffraction results that thereismore orderinthe amorphous state,takingtheform ofsupramolecular structures.

In thispaper, we present the resultsofmeasurements of the conformation of polystyrene molecules in the bulk amorphous state. These measurements were made using theneutron smallanglescattering apparatusattheInstitut Laue-LangevininGrenoble and attheCEASaclay.Similar experiments in this field have already been published by Kirste7 and Ballard.8

Theneutron SAStechniqueisparticularlywell suitedto the problemfortwo reasons.

(1) Neutronwavelengths availablefromthe coldsources at each ofthe installations are ofthe order of 10Á. It is thus possible to match the experimental wave vectors to the molecular dimensions. In


scattering experiments only radii of gyration of very largemolecules can be mea-

sured, whileX-rayexperimentsneed extremely smallscat- teringangles.

(2) The difference between the neutron scattering length of deuterium and hydrogen is particularly useful since it will be shownthat deuteration does not affect the thermodynamic properties ofthe chains and that there is perfectcompatibilitybetween deuterated and hydrogenous molecules. Thus, if deuterated molecules are embedded in

a matrix of hydrogenous molecules, the scatteringpattern ofthe formermay be measured and the molecular dimen- sionsandthe statisticaldistributionof the chainsegments deduced. The contrast is large enoughforvery lowconcen-

tration ofpolymer tobeused.

In the first part ofthe paper we givedetailsoftheneu-

tron technique as applied to the problem ofpolymer con-

formation, then the samplepreparationisdescribed and fi- nallytheresults andtheir interpretationare discussed.

Neutron Small Angle



For experiments on polymeric systems two principal propertiesdifferentiateneutron scatteringfrom other tech- niques: the interaction with the sample depends only on the neutron-nucleus interaction leading to results de-

scribed in part A ofthis section; the wavelengths available rangefrom 1 to 12Á givingvalues ofthe scattering vector which are inaccessible to


and X-ray scattering. The apparatusisdescribedin partB.


Scattering Intensity.

The intensity scattered by systems with long-range correlations (greater than 10 Á) takes the form ofa central peak about the forward direc- tion. The amplitude of this peak varies stronglyfrom nu- cleus to nucleus. Isotopicsubstitutionusedin neutron scat- tering gives a powerful method of labeling molecules be-

cause it leavesthe chemical properties ofthe moleculesun-


Wenow evaluate the scatteringcross sectionofamixture oflabeledandunlabeled polymer molecules with a viewto its application to deuterated and nondeuterated polysty-

rene. Using the relation for the scattered intensity which

we derived,we considerthechoiceofsample.



CrossSection.Theneutron-nuclear in- teraction is characterized by a scattering length o¿ which takes into account the spin ofthe isotope of the nucleus considered. The scattering cross section a(q)perunit solid angleofa neutron ofwavelengthX scattered at an angle bya monoatomic system consistingof Natoms at positions r¡ iswritten9

v(q) =




q isthe scattering vector |q| = (4ir/X) sin 6/2, the barover

the scattering amplitudes denotes a spin and an isotopic averaging while the broken brackets indicatea thermalav-

erage of the function inside. a(q) may be written in the form

a{q) =






This relationshipintroduces the coherent scatteringampli- tude a and the incoherent scattering cross section a\ de- finedbya = and by


4 2


4 ( ^

- a2) (3) andforwhich tablesofexperimentalvaluesexist.10,11Thus the scatteredintensitydecomposesinto a coherentintensi-


dependingon the scatteringvector andan incoherentin- tensity


Values ofa and are given in Table I. It is evidentfromthetablethat thevaluesof the scatteringam- plitudes ofhydrogen anddeuteriumare very different.The transmission of the system T =


is given by the equation

T =



) ]


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where disthe densityofthesystem and x the thicknessof thesample.

Expression2takesno account of multiplescattering and

can onlybe used when T is ofthe order of unity. Letus consider a system of N deuterated molecules each com-

posedofm atomsofwhichthe scattering amplitudesare aQ

and ai„ (avaryingfrom 1to m). If thevalues ofthescat- tering vector q are such that q~x is large relativeto the molecular dimensions, the structure factor ofthe molecule may beneglected (this isin factalways true forsmallscat- tering angles). In this case, it is possible to generalize to molecules the idea of coherent and incoherent scattering amplitudes A andA\suchthat


A = aa Aj2 = aia2 (5)

o=l o=l

and thecross sectionthenbecomes

a(q) = A2S(q) + NA,2 (6)

whereS(q)isthe densityfluctuationcorrelationfunction of thecentersofmass ofthe molecules

S(q) = (eig(Ri-Rt>) (7) ij

Usingexpression5andTable Ithevaluesofthe scattering amplitudes<zhand am ofa monomer C8H8ofhydrogenous polystyrene and an and am of a monomer of deuterated polystyrene maybecalculated.

aH =


x 10"12 cm am2 =


xlO'24 cm2 aD = 10.672 x 10'12 cm am2 =


xlO'24 cm2 (8) Consider a system consisting of a mixture of IVa mole- culesoftype Awithcross sectionsA and Ai and



culesoftype B with cross sections B andBi ofthe same

volume. Using only the hypothesisoftheincompressibility ofthemixturewe can writethe scatteringcross sectionin theform12

a(q) = (A - B)2S(q) + N^A,2 +


(9) which demonstrates the contrast factorK2 = (A B)2 be- tween the two typesofmolecules. S(q) istheFourier trans- form ofthecorrelation function ofthe A molecules in the presenceofB, or, which is thesame thing, ofholes in the ensemble B causedby the presence ofA. Thuseven if the coherent cross section ofA is zero the scattered intensity givesthe correlationbetweenthe Amolecules.

(2) Signal


When the sample isa mixture of polymers ofmolecular weightMlabeled by isotopic substi- tution (A)andunlabeled polymers (B) the scatteredinten- sitymaybederivedfromeq 9in theform12



7 0

K2m* i MSAq) + m,



^ B2'1+ f* N(t,q)dt


mB j

where N isAvogadro’s Number, V the volume ofthesys- tem incm3,

theincidentneutron flux incm_2sec_1,tthe counting time in seconds, T the transmission (eq4) of the system. Ca and Cg are the concentrations in g cm-3, m&

andmg are the molecular weights ofthemonomers A and B, and K2,A\,andB\are the valuesof the contrast inscat- teringamplitude for the labeledandunlabeledmonomers.

Table I

Atom a x 10"12cm x 10'24cm2




D 0.667 7.2

C 0.665 0.01

Ref 11 9

S(q) is the Fourier transform of the correlation function betweenallthe markedmolecules,normalized tounityatq

= 0.N(t,q)isthe instantaneousrandomnoiseofthe appa- ratus. We can now discuss the amplitude ofthe scattered intensityand the signalto noiseratiofor thetwo cases.

Thesurface area ofthe sample isdetermined by the di- mensions of the incident beam and of the counter. Its thickness issuch that thetransmission issufficientlyhigh to reduce themultiple scattering. Equations 4 and 8show that at constant transmissiona sample can beten timesas

thick forthe deuteratedmatrixasforthe hydrogenousma- trix. However, the multiple scattering arising from an H matrixcomes from the strong incoherent scatteringampli- tudeofhydrogenandistherefore independentofscattering vector. Thisis not true in thecase ofaDmatrixwherethe multiplescattering effects arisefromthe coherent scatter- ingandare peakedin theforward direction.

The signalto noiseratioS/N, neglecting thenoiseofthe apparatusitself,is



Aj2 (Cb>?Za/Ca^b)-®i

Asan examplewe havecalculated the tworatiosfora solu- tion ofa polymer ofmolecular weight 10® at a concentra- tion of1%in the very lowqregion.Thesecalculationsindi- catefirst thatwe haveausableS/N ratio inboth situations.

Table II is stronglyin favor ofa deuteratedmatrix. How- ever, thenoise oftheinstrument itself (N(t, q)) isoftenof thesame orderas the incoherent background ofaPSHma-

trix and in practice the S/N ratio for a D matrix is only threeor four times betterthanforan H matrix.

Moreover, any density fluctuations or impurities in the samplewillproducea coherent signal whichisvery intense for the deuterated matrix due to its large coherent cross

section and ispeaked around the forward direction unlike the incoherent background from the hydrogenous matrix whichisisotropic. Suchasignalwas observedfrom all


deuterated polymer samples and proved very difficult to remove fromthe results. Thus in the smallq rangetheuse ofa deuterated matrixisnot obvious andwe found an hy- drogenous matrix more satisfactory. In discussing the in- termediateqrangewe showthatthesame arguments hold.

(B) Apparatus. Inorder to study the characteristicpair correlationfunction ofpolymersampleswe require scatter- ingvectors (q = (2irsin

)/ )

with valuesbetween10~3and

10_1A-1. Toreach these valuesthe experimentalarrange- ment must have very small scatteringangles


~ Io) anda long wavelength (greater than 4 Á). Furthermore in order to explorethesetwo limits ofthe rangeofqwhichgivepre- cise informationon chain statistics,as will bemade precise in the discussion, two types of experimental arrangement

are necessary andtheywillbedescribed separately.

(1) General Points about the Apparatus. Continuous neutron beams come from nuclear reactors in which neu-

trons are produced by nuclear fission at thermal equilibri-

um with themoderator at a temperature ofabout 373°K.

These neutrons are classified according to their energy E (in eV)relatedto themoderator temperature T (indegrees


Table II



Matrix S/N




Vertical divergence Horizontal divergence


m x 10s radians x 103 radians

40 13 0.8

20 2.5 1.5

10 5 3

absolute) andto the wavelength(inÁ) by the equation E =


6 x 104 = 8. 18 X 10"2/X2 (12) The corresponding wavelength spectrum is quasimaxwel- lian with a maximum at about 1.8 Á. In thisspectrum the intensity ofwavelengthsrequired forsmallanglescattering (E < 0.005, > 4 A) is weak. The flux may be increased andthe maximumofthe distribution shiftedto longwave- lengths by locally replacing the moderator bya coldsource

consisting ofa cell filled with


hydrogen or deuteri-

um.13·14In thiswayafactorofabout 10isgained in theflux of long-wavelength neutrons (“coldneutrons”).

Neutronguides15·16 (usingtotal internal reflectionof the neutrons)remove theeffectivesource ofneutrons fromthe reactor itself into an adjacent experimental hall. Curved guides act alsoas agetter forneutrons ofshort wavelength.

Figure 1shows the spectrum ofneutron wavelengths com- ingfromthe curved guide of thereactor EL3at Saclay.

Two typesofmonochromatorswere usedforthese exper- iments: either mechanicalor crystalline. Thefirst type isa

helical slot velocityselector17with a wavelength resolution ofthe orderof


= 5 X 10_1 whichmust beconsidered

wheninterpretingthe results.With acrystallinemonochro- mator neutrons ofwavelength are reflected according to the Bragg law.Fora pyroliticgraphite monochromator the maximumwavelengthis = 6.71Áandthe resolution


= 10-2. For the same wavelength the intensity of mono- chromaticneutrons isabout50times weakerthanfora me-


The choice betweenthese two systemsisin effecta com-

promise between the resolution and the signalintensity.

(2) Measurements in the Regionq < 1/Rg. Dll


paratus. This apparatus18 is constructed at the exit of a

neutron guide giving a white spectrum with a maximum wavelength at5Á. The incidentandscattered divergences may be modified by changing the distances between the

source andthesampleandbetweenthe sample and thede- tector andalsothe wavelengthoftheincidentneutrons.

The apparatusisshownin Figure2.

(a) Monochromator. Two mechanical monochromators

were usedintheseexperiments.One(A)givesawavelength spectrumofwhich thewidthat half-height

/( )


order of 50% (where < > is the mean wavelength of the spectrum). Thishalf-width isconstant for wavelengths be- tween 6 and 10 Á. The second monochromator (B) has a

wavelength spread

/( )

of8% at a mean wavelength of

8.6to 9Á.



By introducing strength sections of neutron guide of20, 10, 5, and 3 m, the distance between the effective source ofneutrons (the end of the guide) and the samplemay bevaried between2and40m. Thissource

10"110-2 10'3 ev

Figure 1. Plot ofthe logarithm oftheneutron flux in Ávs. the wavelength measured at theexit oftheneutron guide BI of the Saclay reactor EL3.Thecurves, (a) obtainedwiththe coldsource

and (b) without the cold source, show the neutron gain at large wavelengthinusingacoldsource.

Figure2. Schemeofthesmallangle apparatus D 11 oftheI.L.L.

high flux reactor. On the left a curved guide leads the neutron beam to themechanical monochromator (1). Then aguide (2) of variable length translatesthe neutron source to adistanceL from the sample (3). Thescattered neutrons are registeredon a multi- counter (4)atvariabledistanceD. Intheseexperiments L D

is3 cm wide by5 cm high. The maximumangular divergen-

ces oftheincident beam for differentdistancesL between samplesandsource are given in TableIII.

(c) Sample Holder. The neutron beam falling on the sample is defined by a diaphragm adapted in order to match the detectorcellswhich are ofdiameter0.8cm. For temperature-dependent measurements an automatic con- trolled oven was used. Measurement of sample tempera- ture was made with an accuracy of ±0.2° and regulation

was within ±0.05°. The sample cell for solutions was a metal framewithquartz windows1 or 2mm in thickness.

(d) Neutron Detector. The neutron detector is a BF3 counter consistingof64 X 64 = 4096 cells of1 cm X 1 cm

arranged in a square. Measurements were made with the multidetector at distances of10and20m from thesample (thisdistance isvariablewithin ±1 m due to severaldiffer- ent samplepositions whichare available).

In each experiment the neutron source was at the same

distance from the sampleas the detector. In these experi- ments, where the scattering is isotropic, cells are grouped with reference to their distance from the central cell (i.e., thepointwherethedirectbeamtransmittedby the sample falls). Theintensityin thecellsata distancefrom this cen-

tral cell between R Añ and R + AR is averaged and givenas an intensity


per cm2 (AR = 0.5cm),R varies from7to 35cm instepsof1cm.

The scatteringangle corresponding to each value of R


Table IV




( ),

A D, m mator

A 4 20.36 A

B 6.5 20.36 A

C 8.7 20.36 A

D 9.8 20.36 A

E 6.1 9.33 A

F 6.5 18.66 A

G 7.8 18. 66 A

H 8.7 18.66 A

I 9.8 18.66 A

J 8.8 9.33 B

K 8.7 19.33 B

Figure3.Schemeofthe setup at the endofthe curved guide BI ofthe Saclay reactor EL 3. One can see the cold neutron curved guide(a),thebiologicalshielding(b), thegraphite monochromator (c),thegraphitefilter (d), theincidentcollimation slit(e),the po- sition (f)ofthe sampleon the axis ofthe spectrometer, the soller slits (g)forthe scattered neutron analysis, andthe detector(h) in itsshieldingatascatteringangle .

is given by = R/D where D is the sample detector dis- tance.

(e) Definition of Parameters and


ofRe- sults.


Values of the Angles and



For determination ofthe radius of gyration Rg measure-

ments must be made inthe region q < 1/Rg. In TableIV

we give the configuration of the apparatus and the mean


( )

used fortheseexperiments. Also givenare themaximum6maxand minimum 6mmvaluesofthescatter- ingangle.

We were unable to perform experimentswith themulti- detector at 40 m from the sample becauseof the effect of gravityon thetrajectory oftheneutrons especiallyat long wavelengths making corrections for the wavelength spread in thebeamimpossible.


Wavelength Corrections. In the Guinier approxi- mation19 the scattered intensityiswritten as a function of wavelengthsandoftheincidentneutrons intensity


= 1(6,



/0( )[


(27 / )2( 2/3)]


where q has beenreplaced by

2 / .

When theradiationis not monochromatic the measuredintensityistheintegrat-

ed intensity for all wavelengths. If i

( )

is the intensityof theincidentbeamas afunction of wavelength





R = 7 cm R = 35 cm

6min Qmin 6max qma_K

x 103rad x 103A'1 x103rad x 103 V1

3.4 5.4 17.2 27

3.4 3.3 17.2 16.6



17.2 12.4

3.4 2.2 17.2 11

7.4 7.7 37.2 38.6

3.7 3.6 18.6 18

3.7 3.0 18.6 15



18.6 13



18.6 12

7.4 5.3 37.2 2. 38



18 13





<X> = (15)

( )




{2 /x)2Rg/3]i(

X)dX (16)


S 1 -


(X)dX'X2 J (17)

we defineI/Xq2 = /X-2i(X)dX//oasthemean yalueofX 2of the incidentbeam andqo =

2 / 0.

The scatteredintensity in thedirection isthenwrittenin the form

( )

= I(q0) =


1 - (qQ2R2/3)) (18)

For the wavelengthspread given by the two monochroma- torsusedinour experiment,we obtained

monochromator (A)


0.95( )

monochromator (B) 0=

0.99( )

(3) Measurements in the Regionq »


g.Forvalues of the scatteringvector q »


gmeasurements are made

on atwo-axis spectrometeratEL3Saclay12(Figure3).The principle ofthis apparatusistodefine the divergence of the scattered beam by a system of antidivergent slits without changing the counter-sample distance and to use mono- chromaticincidentneutrons, thus avoiding wavelengthcor- rections.

(a) Monochromator. This is a monocrystalof pyrolitic graphiteat the exit ofa cold neutron guide. It produces a

neutron beam ofwavelength X = 4.62 ± 0.07


A second graphite monocrystal eliminates the higher order contami- nation. The angular divergence of the incidentbeam is 30 min.

(b) SampleHolder. Thisandthe oven are analogous to thosedescribedabovefortheDll apparatus.



slits. Theseslits,placed betweenthe sample and the counter, are arranged to define the scat- tered beam falling on the counter. The beam defined by theseslits has a horizontaldivergence of30min. Thescat- tered wave vector,q, varieson thisapparatusbetween 2X 10~2and2X 10_1Á-1.



The preparationofthedeuterated polystyreneswas car- riedout under highvacuum byanionic polymerization. The absence of termination reactions during the polymeriza- tion,togetherwith ajudiciouschoiceoftheinitiator andof the polymerization solvent, leads always to atactic poly-

mers exhibiting a known molecular weight and character- izedby a narrow distribution ofmolecular weightsand ab-

sence ofbranching.20


Table V



no. Mw Afw/Mn


1 21,000 1.05 1,05

2 57,000 1.17 1.14

3 90,000 1.20 1.17

4 112,000 1.35 1.23

5 160,000 1.13 1.13

6 325,000 1.80 1.40

7 500,000 1.14 1.18

8 1,100,000 1.17 1.18

Useofa nonpolar solvent andofsecondary


(BuLi) as the


are ofspecial interest for the poly- merization ofstyrene.21 Inthis case,the initiation andthe propagationstepsmaybeseparated byan adequatechange of the temperature (at t below 5°, merely initiation takes place, while propagation becomes effective above 20°).

This procedure provides an easyway for removing the re- mainingprotonic impurities from the monomer before po- lymerization and thus offers the best available conditions for obtaining monodisperse polymers. Before each experi- ment, allglass walls ofthe apparatus and the polymeriza- tion solventare carefullywashedwith a dilutedBuLi solu- tion.

Pure secondary BuLi is obtained by distillation under highvacuum at 80° of the compounditselfafter having dis-

tilled off

the solvent.Dilution atthe desiredconcentration issubsequently achieved in the solventchosenforthe poly- merization.

Styrene, about 99% deuterated, was provided by the CEA. The monomer isfirst distilled on Na wire on an ap- paratus fitted with a small Vigreux column, then it is dis- tilled twice under highvacuum, on Na wireandon molecu- lar sieves. In this way, a reasonable degree of


(about 2 X 10~4


residual protonic impurities) can be reached without wasting a large amount of the expensive monomer.

The solventchosenfor thepolymerizationin most exper- imentsisbenzene. Toluene, whichwas first used, gives rise to transfer reactions with the polystyrylcarbanions22 (transfer constant = 5 X 10-6 at 50°) so thatthemolecular weightsofthe products obtainedare lowerthan thosepre- dicted from the ratio ofthe initial amounts of monomer



and the molecular weight distribution is en-

larged. As expected, this side reactionexhibits an increas- ing influence on molecular weight andpolydispersityas the

monomer dilution (solvent concentration) andas the poly- styrene molecular weight (ratio styrene-initiator) become higher.

The weight-average molecular weightsofthesamples of deuterated PS were determined by


scattering mea- surements inbenzeneor THF on a Fica apparatus. The re- fractive index increments, measured on a Brice-Phoenix differential refractometer, respectively0.091 and0.174cm3 g_1, are noticeably lower than the corresponding incre- ments of hydrogenatedPS (0.106 and 0.198).

The polydispersityof the productswas characterized by gelpermeation chromatography, with use ofa WaterAsso- ciates apparatus combined with an automatic viscometer, THF being the solvent. The usual way of calculating the differentaveragemolecular weights (Mn, Mw,Mz)fromthe GPC diagrams using the logM vs. elution volumecalibra- tion does not fit satisfactorily, since calibration curves are

different for ordinary and perdeuterated polystyrene.


solvent Mw Mw/M„

Toluene 20,000 1.50

Toluene 55,000 1.08

Toluene 83,000 1.07

Toluene 114,000 1.024

Benzene 172,000 1.02

Benzene 320,000 1.04

Benzene 530,000 1.10

Benzene 1,170,000 1.2







Figure 4.Gelpermeation chromatography. Elutioncurve ofsam-

ple PSD8.

Therefore we used the so-called “universal” calibration whichassumes that [r¡]M,measure oftheparticlesize, isin- dependent ofthe nature ofthepolymer.23 From the plots of log

[ ]

vs. elution volume, we were able to calculate

backtheaverage molecular weights. Figure4 showsa


calelution curve. The molecular weightandpolydispersity

are collected in Table V. Molecular weights range from 21,000 to 1,100,000. The Mz value has been calculated, sincewe shallneed it for correctingradii of gyration. This calculationhas not taken into account theaxial dispersion of the columns. It therefore gives an excess value of the polydispersity. Inthe last column ofthistable,we givethe characterization ofsome hydrogenated polystyrene (PSH) sampleswhichwere usedas matrices insome experiments.

The section of the beam in both apparatuses is of the order of 2 cm2 and determined the surface ofthe sample.

Itsthickness0.8mm foraPSHmatrix and5mm foraPSD matric has beencalculated in orderto have a transmission factor larger than 0.5. Tobe sure that this relativelysmall value does not introduce multiple scattering effects we have measured some samples with 0.4 mm thickness and obtained thesame result.

The solid samples are disk-shaped (2 cm in diameter) with concentrations of labeled chains rangingfrom0to 2 X 10-2gcm-3.

These sampleswere prepared bytwo methods leadingto the same neutron scattering results. In the first method, samplesare obtained by castingdilutechloroform solutions ofPSD and PSHon a mercury surface.The evaporation of the solventis achievedunder vacuum during several days.

In the second method PSD-PSH mixtures are directly molded above Tg under vacuum, using a device designed byJ. P. Gabel and A. J. Kovacs. Thesemixtures are them- selvesobtained byfreezedryingofPSD-PSHsolutions.


Typicalscattered intensities are shown in Figure 5. The upper curve corresponds to the scattering by deuterated


Figure 5. Experimental data obtained in the intermediate mo-

mentum rangefromthescatteringby the PSD 1in theH matrix and by the H matrix (+). The increase on the left ofthe lower curve comes fromthe wingofthedirectbeam.

Figure6.Intensity, in arbitraryunits, obtainedas afunction ofq by differenceofthecurves ofFigure5.Thefulllineisacalculated

curve whichisexplainedatthe endof thispaper.

polystyrenechains ofmolecular weight21,000,dispersed in

a matrix of undeuterated polystyrene chains. The lower

curve correspondsto the scattering by undeuterated poly- styrene bulk material. Ideally this curve should show no dependenceon q, at least inthisrange. The increase atlow angle is due to the divergence ofthe incidentbeam, since

even withoutsample such an effectisobserved.Thediffer-

ence curve (Figure 6) isthe scattering lawto be interpret-

ed. The average momentum range covered goes from 2 X 10-2 to 2 X 10-1 Á-1, which includes thus a small angle scattering range q < 1/Rg and an intermediate scattering range q > 1/Rg. The intensities were measured over the whole q range with the same apparatus (Figure 3). For higher molecular weights, both momentum ranges per- formed couldnot be covered with one experimental setup andthustwotypes ofexperimentswere performed.

In thefirst, we measured the radii of gyration from the scatteredintensity/(q)


1 - (q2Rg2/3))forsamples

Figure7.CoI~1 (E)isplottedvs. Co+R2 whereR isafunction ofthe scatteringangle = 2tR/D. Theslopes ofthe curves give the uncorrectedradiusof gyrationand the slopeofthepoints (X) obtained foreachC d byextrapolationatR = 0givesthe value A2

ofthe secondvirialcoefficient. Thedataare obtained fromPSD4


of molecular weight M as monodisperse as possible, with eightdifferentmolecular weights, in orderto test therela- tionship





whereK is a constant andca parameter


is recognized24 that 1 + e = 2v where v is a characteristic critical expo- nent) depending on the excluded volume. For this experi- ment, in the small momentum range,we used the appara- tus in Figure 2. The resultswere compared with radii ob- tained fromthesame polystyrenechainsandwiththesame

technique ina goodsolvent (CS2) andina 6solvent (cyclo- hexaneHatT = 36°).

Thesecond seriesofmeasurements consistedinthe anal- ysis ofthe segmental configuration from the shape of the momentum dependenceof the scatteredintensityfor larger valuesofq.Thefactthatthesegmentsare connected inthe form ofachain yieldsa characteristic scatteringlaw.Inthe absenceofexcludedeffect,Debye25 has shownthat

1(g) =


- 1 +


(20) withx = q2Rg2.

When x is large and if we write Rg2 = b2N/6, b being a characteristic length associated with the statistical ele- ment, N =


the ratio of the chain molecular weight

over thestatisticelement molecular weight,one obtains



KcM\2/q2b2{M/m) l/Rg

< q

< l/b


These measurements were performed in the intermedi- ate momentum range using theapparatusshown in Figure


(A) Small Momentum Range.Radii of


It is known that when there are concentration effects, one has to extrapolate the radii of gyration obtained at finite con-

centration of labeled polymersCq tozero C. Thishas been doneusing the Zimm procedure fora fewsamples in cyclo- hexane and in the bulk. For small concentrations, Cq of deuterated chains, and for small values of q the inverse


TableVI ñw,Á

PSD Mw cs2 Bulk C6H12(36°)

CeHi2 (35°)

1 21,000 50(E) 38(E) 42 (A)

2 57,000 84(E) 59 (J) 70 (B)

3 90,000 115 (G) 78(F) 88 (B)

4 112,000 87(F)

5 160,000 168 (G) 107 (G, K) 117 (B) 108

6 325,000 204 (G) 143(C,F,H) 150 (B,C)

7 500,000 213

( , , )

191 (C)

8 1,100,000 568 (I) 297(1,K) 293 (D) 303

Technique NS“ NS“ NSa LS6

NS= neutron scattering.6 LS= lightscattering.

scattering intensity can be represented by the Zimm for- mula




+ q2Re2/3) + 2A2CD (22)

andthe valueofRg2isobtained byextrapolationto Cq= 0.

Figure 7, for instance, shows the Zimm plot which corre- sponds to PSD 3. Similar diagramshave beenobtained on

samples 1, 4, 6, and 7. Within the experimental errors no concentration effect can be detected. This result allows a

simplification of the experimental procedure. In effect all theothersampleswere measuredat onlyone concentration Co = 10-2 g cm-3, in the cyclohexane H solutions at 36°

and in the bulk.Only in CS2have we extrapolated to zero concentrationaftermeasurements atfourconcentrations.

It iswellknownthat scattering experimentsdo not givea weight average for the radii ofgyration. More precisely if

we assume between fig2 andM the relation ofthe type in

eq 19, the experimental radii of gyrationcorrespond to an averagemolecular weight given by therelation

Thisaverage isa “z” averageonly if c= 0. Sincewe can ex-

pect ( to be small as a first approximation, which will be

justified later, we replace


byMz. Unfortunately, the precision ofMz ismuch lowerthan that ofMw. We there- forepreferto plotour resultsas functionsofMw,correcting the radii of gyration by thefactor (Mz/Mw)1/2. This factor being in most ofthe cases rather small, both methods are

equivalent. The valuesobtained, which we havecalledRw,

are reported in Table VI. The capital letters in brackets correspondtothe experimental setup (seeTableIV).

InFigure8we haveplottedlogR as afunction oflogMw for the three cases: deuterated polystyrene in a matrix of hydrogenated polystyrene, polystyrene in cyclohexane at 36°, and polystyrene in carbon disulfideat room tempera- ture.

The first striking resultisthat inbulkthe dimensionsof the moleculesare nearly thesame as in cyclohexane(CgH^

at 36°) in the entire range of molecular weights. This strongly supports the hypothesis that the sizes of the chainsare identicalin both situations.Sincecyclohexaneis at 36° a solventfor polystyrene, thecoefficientineq 19 is

zero andRg2shouldobeytherelation


= KM (24)

and actually in Figure 8 we have drawn a straight line of

Figure8.LogRw isplottedvs. logMw. The experimental dataare obtained indifferentenvironments: (X) inagoodsolventCS2,(+) ina6solvent,

( )

in the bulk. Theslopesof0.6(inCS2) andof0.5 are obtained byabestfitmethod.

Figure9. (Rw2/M„)1/2isplottedas afunction oflogMw.The data

are (X) forPSD inCS2,(+) in solvent, and

( )

inthebulk. The

horizontal line, whichisthemean for the data obtained in sol- vent andinthebulk,isconsistentwith aGaussianconfiguration.

slope0.5whichgoesthroughthe experimental points. Fig-

ure 9shows (RW2/MW)1/2asafunction oflogMw. Thehori- zontalstraightlinegives the valueof(K)1/2 = 2.75 X 10-9 cm.

We note that the best fit for the cyclohexane poifits would not givea slope exactly equalto 0.5, butthis is not surprising. For ordinary polystyrene it is well known that incyclohexane the pointisofthe orderof35°; thiscould beslightly different fordeuterated polystyrene.It has been shown by Strazielle, et al.,26thatthereis asmalldifference in temperaturefordeuterated polystyrene (PSD) inordi- nary cyclohexane. Moreprecisely, Straziellehasfoundthat for PSD in the pointis30°, forPSH in CeDi2 it is 40.2°, and for PSD in C6Di2 it isof the order of 36°. This small difference in temperatures (30° instead of 36°) should be taken into account for very precise measure-

ments. From viscosity data we can evaluate its effect as

being ofthe order of 4%on the valueof Rg.This couldex-

plain why in cyclohexane theRgvaluesdo not vary exactly

as in thebulk.

It should be noted that this comparison between values obtained in cyclohexane and in bulkisveryprecise,even if there issome systematic error in the absolute values, since measurements have beenmadein bothcases withthesame

apparatus using the same corrections. Nevertheless, it was also important to check if the absolute values of radii of


Figure 10.q2I(q) in arbitrary units isplotted us. q, obtained for differentsamplesindifferentenvironments: (A)forPSD1in PSH matrix, (B) foraPSH(Mw= 114,000)inamatrix ofPSD4,(C)for PSD6in its PSH matrix, (D)foraPSH(Mw= 3.8 X 106)in sol- vent (CeDi2 40°), and (E) forPSD 10in its PSH matrix. Thefull linesare calculatedcurves obtainedfrom theDebyefunction.

gyrationhave beenmeasuredcorrectly. Forthispurposewe

have measured the radius ofgyration for two samples by


scattering. Since the principles ofthe measurements

are exactly the same and sincethesame type ofmolecular weightaverage isobtained, the agreement should begood.

Forsamples 5and8 incyclohexane (30°) we measuredthe values of 108 and 303 Á, respectively, which are in very good agreementwith the neutron results. It iswell known that carbon disulfide is a good solvent for polystyrene, therefore thecoefficientt fromeq 19 ispositive and should reach its asymptotic value for large molecular weights e 0.2.Thebeststraightline (Figure8)gives


= KMU2

which is very satisfactory. This result demonstrates the possibilitiesoftheneutron scattering techniqueforabetter experimental verification of viscosity theories, since it is possible to measure simultaneously the


viscosity indexandthe dimensionsofthe molecules.


of Temperature. It is wellknownthatbelowthe glass transition temperature polymeric systems are not in equilibrium. One objection to our resultscould be that in these experiments we are measuring frozen conformations unrelated to equilibrium properties and that the good agreementbetweenresultsobtainedinCeHi2andinbulkis

fortuitous. Wewouldliketo recallthatwe usedtwoprepar- ative techniques. Inthesecond one wherethe disksare ob- tained by molding,allthesamples have been annealedfora

fewhours, above Tgat 120°. No differences have been de- tected between the results obtained for the two types of sample.

To provemore directly that the dimensionswe are mea-

suring correspond to equilibrium conformation we have made measurements on one ofour samples, 6,at 120°,hav- ing waited36hrto besure equilibriumhad been reached.

At room temperature we obtained 143 Á for Rg and at hightemperature134Á.This small difference,8%,couldbe due to experimentalerror. It couldalsobeexplained by the thermal effect on the statistical unit or unperturbed di- mensions. If it is confirmed that in the bulk state volume effects can be neglected, this kind of experiment should

Figure11.q2I(q)isplotted, inarbitraryunits,us. q. Thesamples

are PSH (Mw = 1.1 X 106)inaPSD10matrix, forthe concentra- tions(2.00,1.52,1.01,and0.512 X10-2gcm-3). Theanomalous de-

crease at thebeginning ofthecurves isnot an effectof multiple scatteringsincethesampleC p - 1.52 X 10-2withathicknessof2 mm (cross points)gives thesame resultas thesame sample of4 mm thickness.

allow study of thermal variation of unperturbed dimen- sionsover awiderangeoftemperature.

Interaction between Chains. For molecular weights of samples1,4, 6,and7,the intensities correspondingto four finite concentrations were measured, showing that the coefficient A2 in eq 22 is always lower than5 X 10-5 cm3 g-2. This raises the problem ofthe absence ofany visible coil interaction. Since there is no chemical difference be- tween the deuteratedandtheundeuteratedchains,thepair correlation g(r) between two deuterated segments sepa- rated byadistancer shouldbewrittenas




+ (1 -


(25) where vd is thefraction ofdeuterated us. total number of segments and


thepair correlation along a chain. The only hypothesis inthis formulationistheuniform distribu- tion of labeled segments inthe matrix. The scattering in- tensityisproportionalto theFouriertransformofg(r) and thisleadsto







(26) wherep isthe densityofpolystyrene segments, Cd/p = m, and S(q) is the scattering law associated with a single chain. Formula 26hasthe expected symmetry in substitu- tionofCd/pfor(1 Cd/p)). Thereisno scatteredintensity inthelimits Cd = 0and Cd = p. Inthelimit q = 0, thein-

verse scatteredintensityisthen






(27) Comparingwitheq 22,we findasecondvirialcoefficient

A2 =



ThisvalueofA2 isalwayssmallerthan5X 10-5cm3g-2for the molecular masses used in our experiments andthere- foreeq 28 is not incompatible withthe small experimental valuesofA2.

In thisdiscussionwe haveshownthattheradiusofgyra- tion in thebulk isequal to the radiusof gyrationin cyclo- hexane for the same molecular weight and that A2 = 0.

This strongly supports the hypothesis of the Gaussian characterofthe polystyrenechains in the bulk. Neverthe-



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