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21 October – 27 October 2021 Climate Prediction Center’s Central America Hazards Outlook


Academic year: 2022

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Climate Prediction Center’s Central America Hazards Outlook 21 October – 27 October 2021

The continuation of extremely limited rainfall continues to deepen rainfall deficits and expand abnormal dryness

1) Strongly suppressed rainfall during the last 30 days has strengthened moisture deficits over Honduras, northern Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Belize. Total negative rainfall anomalies are more than 100mm to 200mm – equating to less than 50% or even 25% of average. Vegetation health and cropping activities are being negatively impacted across the area.

2) This area of eastern Honduras and northern Nicaragua has been upgraded to drought as the longest lasting rainfall suppression has been observed in this area - more than 8 weeks to this point.


Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-683-3424.

Very little rainfall was received over a large swath of Central America last week.

Dry conditions returned to the region last week after some increase in rains during the prior week. Much of Guatemala, Belize, and western Honduras did not receive any rain. Eastern Honduras and Nicaragua only received light rain – generally less than 25mm. Small areas in southern Guatemala, and the Gulf of Fonseca region received larger amounts of up to 100mm or more. The most widespread heavy rainfall occurred in Costa Rica and Panama where as much as 100-200mm was observed. Negative anomalies of 25-100mm were prevalent across the whole area from northern Costa Rica northwards. On the 30-day time scale, negative anomalies have rapidly deepened and expanded so that 100mm or greater deficits cover much of the area of northern Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Belize. Coverage of abnormal dryness continues to rapidly expand as a result. Over longer time scales, deficits aren’t as extreme, but their coverage includes many of the same areas. The region has also observed a marked decrease in rainfall frequency during the past 30 days with 10-15 less rain days than usual. This trend dates further back in eastern Honduras. Corresponding to the lack of rain, warmer-than-average conditions have been present. This has increased stress on crops.

Models are predicting increased rainfall during the outlook period, especially in Guatemala. More than 50mm is possible across most of the region according to the GEFS model. However, this model has over forecasted rain recently and so near or below average rain is more likely based on trends. Tropical development is not expected to impact the region during the period.

Week 1 GEFS Rainfall Total Forecast and CMORPH average total rainfall (mm) 21 October – 27 October 2021

Figure 1: Source NOAA / CPC



 Dryness may worsen across central Honduras as reduced rains are forecasted over northern Central America during the next week. 1) Despite the observed increase in rainfall over

1) While the central part of Nicaragua recovered from abnormal dryness, its eastern part showed rising moisture deficit for the past three weeks. 2) Uneven rainfall

Another week of very poor rainfall throughout the Central America region. 1) Uneven and insufficient rainfall over many weeks strengthened moisture deficits over Honduras and

Many Pacific-facing parts of the region received moderate rains greater than 50mm, and even more than 100mm in the Gulf of Fonseca region and a small part of southern Guatemala..

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