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Design, synthesis, characterization and biological studies of ruthenium and gold compounds with anticancer properties


Academic year: 2021

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Design, synthesis, characterization and biological studies of ruthenium and gold compounds with anticancer properties

Garza-Ortiz, A.


Garza-Ortiz, A. (2008, November 25). Design, synthesis, characterization and biological studies of ruthenium and gold compounds with anticancer properties. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/13280

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License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden

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Page 165 Acknowledgements 


“Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well- preserved piece, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out and proclaiming, Wow, What a


Mavis Leyrer And again, WOW, WHAT A RIDE!, this is the best expression I can apply to the adventure of becoming a doctor in The Netherlands.

Of course, none of all this amazing experience could be possible without the unconditional help and advice of incredible people who not only contributed in my professional journey but also in the personal one.

Everything has been pretty enjoyable. From the bottom of my heart I thank you all.

Certainly it is not easy to write the acknowledgement section, I do not want to miss out anybody who has contributed to the completion of this personal project. I shall try to be as accurate as possible, and for any omissions or inaccuracies, I sincerely apologize in advance.

First and foremost gratitude is due to the esteemed Leiden University for my admittance, and to its learned faculty members for imparting quality learning and knowledge with their valuable support and able guidance that has led my way through this point of undertaking my research work. The financial support provided in part by CONACyT (National Council of Science and Technology) as a doctoral fellowship, by the Leiden University, by the Council for the Chemical Sciences of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (CW–NWO) and by COST (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) is gratefully acknowledged as well as the loan of RuCl3.3H2O by Johnson Matthey Chemicals (Reading, UK). I am particularly grateful for the generous sponsorship from Pharmachemie, B.V.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the personnel at the CBAC, which make my life much easier. Ingrid Bekooy, Yvonne Snellenberg and Marianne Kooistra, were incredibly nice and helpful, what an efficient team you are!. Yvonne I really appreciate your help and chats during the “inactive” times, they help me a lot. I also would like to express my deep gratitude to Esther van Delft for spending several hours in my paper work and for all her kindness.

The completion of my research projects would not have been possible without the assistance in numerous ways of John van Dijk, Jos van Brussel, and Jopie Erkelens. Joseph Johannes Maria, I really appreciate all, your friendship and your touching efforts to make me feel comfortable and happy at the office, thank you very much, I had the best time!!!!. I also would like to express my gratitude to Gé van Albada, who helped me with the far IR and EPR techniques and finally, I would like to thank Dr. Fu for his assistance in the powder X-ray diffractions studies. Special thanks to Fons Lefeber and Cees Erkelens for the assistance in the NMR determinations. I am truly grateful with Hans Den Dulk for his assistance in the determination of the in vitro cytotoxic activity of several of the compounds described in this thesis. I also would like to thank Maxime Siegler for the X-ray diffraction determinations, you are an excellent coauthor.

The road to my PhD degree has been long and winding, so I would also like to thank some people from the early days, my colleagues, Jimmy, Joris, Kristian, Marta, Patricia, Raja and Tiddo and from the very early days, I feel a lasting gratitude toward Anja, Ana, Elena, Eva, Jolanda, Karlijn, Luz, Michiel, Stefania and Remy who were among those who kept me going at the beginning. Anja, your friendship means a lot to me and I am truly grateful for the incredible effort you did in the translation of the summary!!. I also appreciate the generous advice and friendly being from Patrick. Finally I sincerely thank Uma, I really appreciate our scientific conversations and I am thankful for your confidence.

In addition to my colleagues I am truly thankful to the rest of my friends who had become a family for me, and helped me to keep my academic focus and gave me tons of personal happiness, always reminding me that there is more to live for than chemistry. I received from them a lot of help during my arrival, through staying and departure of The Netherlands. En especial, quiero agradecer infinitamente a Adriana and Rafael. Chicos, les agradezco tanto, tanto, tanto, como dice la canción. Mi Adri, no sabes el bien que me hizo tenerte cerca, te agradezco desde el fondo de mi corazoncito de azúcar, tus hermosos detalles. También les agradezco infinitamente que me hayan abierto tan generosamente las puertas de su hogar, disfrute mucho de su compañía y de la compañía del buen Rodri y Diego. Muchachos les salen tan bonitos los chamacos y tan sonrientes que deberían seguir la producción en serie, salven al planeta, por favor.

También quiero expresar mi cariño y agradecimiento a mi Familia de la Garza. Mi querida Fátima, muchas gracias, por estar cerca, por escucharme y por compartir conmigo tu maravillosa familia, te quiero mucho!. Fátima, Aris, Enrique papa y Enrique, y más tarde Anabel y Luci, les agradezco mucho todas sus atenciones, toda su ayuda y su amistad. Ahora nos veremos en nuestro México, allá los espero, porque de su pariente pobre no se libran.




Acknowledgements Page 166

Cuando pienso en toda la gente generosa que hay en el mundo también salta de inmediato en mi mente, la imagen de mi angelito Clara, por algo mi querida Paraninfa. Mi Clara muchas pero muchas gracias, siempre me dices que no hiciste nada por mí, pero tu ayuda en tiempos tan cruciales se va a quedar grabado en mi mente forever!!. Te quiero mucho y te agradezco también que me dejaras entrar a tu hogar y disfrutar de tu preciosa familia, a Hans Peter y las niñas un abrazo grande.

A mi querida Lupita y Mario también tengo mucho que agradecerles. Pues que te puedo decir mi querida Lupita, te agradezco infinitamente que ejercieras de manera tan gloriosa el trabajo de ser mi amiga, Desde que te conocí en extrañas circunstancias allá en el 2001, no dejo de agradecer al cosmos. Ya vamos para 9 años de amistad y ni la distancia la ha mermado. Los quiero mucho y les agradezco toda su ayuda y compañía.

Mi querida Nynke, tengo mucho que agradecerte y agradecerle a Jelte y Kobbe. Pase momentos encantadores en su compañía, Mi Nynke, gracias por escucharme, por tratar de entenderme y de hacerme depositaria de tu confianza y tu cariño. Arriba mi Nynke, y vamos por eso y por mas!!!.

Mi Cindy, te agradezco de todo corazón las conversaciones, los consejos, las orientaciones, pero sobre todo te agradezco tu calidez y tu amistad, mi querida paisana de mi apá, muchas gracias!.

A todos los chavos del relajo mexicano, Bety, Eri, Jordy, Juan Carlos, Lalo, Meta, Oscar, muchas gracias muchachos, la pase fenomenal.

Mi queridos Mariel y Jeroen, obviamente, las palabras no me ayudan a expresar suficientemente mi agradecimiento. Les agradezco en el alma su ayuda y apoyo, pero sobre todo su amistad y cariño. Mi Mari, disfrute mucho de nuestras conversaciones, quien sabe, a lo mejor algún día conseguimos arreglar el mundo!. También disfrute enormemente las noches locas, es que verdaderamente solo nosotras nos aguantamos el paso, te voy a extrañar tanto!!!!!. Y como olvidar que tu influencia fue tal que ahora regreso a México con proyectos artísticos en mi curriculum. Tratare de comportarme a la altura de una estudiante de maestra tan sobresaliente. Jeroen, pos sorry por las noches de canto y las desveladas, lo bueno es que ya me voy y a lo mejor tienes un poco de calma, aunque quien sabe, Mariel es muy eficiente !. Al menos no rompí ni un solo vasito!!!. La única personalidad mexicana que no lo hizo en tu casa!!! y quiero mi reconocimiento. Finally I must mention that through you I have the opportunity to meet and share incredible memories with your artistic group, Tulish. Tom, Bas, Yoki and Lars, It was a real pleasure!!.

To my roomies, the first in my life!. Rachelle and Johan (my first male rommie!!!), guys I spent a really nice time in the Hogewoerd. Muchas gracias mi Raquelito for your friendship, patience and guidance.

Later Ivette, Jorlijn and Martijn with whom I share nice moments, including Sam, thank you very much guys.

I would also like to express my gratitude to my friends which have been physically far from me, but electronically really close to me. All your encouraging messages keep me going even in the hard times.

Alex, Armandito, Bety, Cheo, Flor, Horacio, Janis, Letzy, Marce, Marco, Dra. Martha, Pao, Dra. Silvia, Tanya, Moni, Robert, thank you very much.

My dear Yoli, I owe you my deepest gratitude not only because you introduce me so lovely to the magic world of Mexican Danzon but also because all you patience, incredible friendship and understanding.

I will miss so much our Danzon afternoons and the chicken!!!, but specially your company, you are such a nice girl, do not forget it!. I owe you many gray hairs too but I hope in 20 years I will look really sexy in silvered hair. Your open kindness means a lot to me and I also thank you for sharing with me your really nice family, Frank, Boukje, Suzanna, Lisette, Riets, Baby and Maker. I will never forget you did my shopping every week!!!. Thank you for everything Yoli.

I specially would like to thank Sudeshna Roy. Su, I have spent such nice moments in your company that I will never find enough words to express my gratitude. I could not thank enough God, the universe and everyone that make possible the fact that we are sharing such a special moment in our lives. I cannot think in someone else that could appreciate and share better our adventure as you. Thank you very much Su from the bottom of my heart. I also would like to thank Susmit Basu, who had to deal with not one but two really stressed ladies, thank you very much for your support and understanding.

Finalmente mis palabras de agradecimiento van a mi Familia, por brindarme tooooodos estos años, ese amor incondicional, apoyo moral y extra dotación de porras. Soy simplemente el producto de su amor, ejemplo y apoyo. Las palabras no son suficientes para expresar cuanto les agradezco, cuanto los amo y cuanto los he extrañado en esta aventura. Mi vida sería terrible sin ustedes. La certeza de que ustedes estarán siempre ahí para recoger los pedazos y curar mis heridas, es la que me permite lanzarme sin miramientos a los retos y a vencer mis temores!!. A mi papá, Jorge, mi mamá, María Cris y mi hermana Cris les dedico este trabajo.


November 2008



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