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Laboratory spectroscopy and astronomical significance of the fully-benzenoid PAH triphenylene and its cation


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Molecular Astrophysics


Laboratory spectroscopy and astronomical significance of the fully-benzenoid PAH triphenylene and its cation

V. Kofman


, P.J. Sarre


, R.E. Hibbins


, I.L. ten Kate


, H. Linnartz


a Sackler Laboratory for Astrophysics, Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, PO Box 9513, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands

b Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD Utrecht, The Netherlands

c School of Chemistry, The University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom

d Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:

Received 18 January 2017 Revised 19 April 2017 Accepted 19 April 2017 Available online 20 April 2017 Keywords:

Astrochemistry Molecular processes Methods: laboratory Techniques: spectroscopic ISM: molecules

a b s t r a c t

Triphenylene (C18H12) is ahighly symmetric polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecule with a

‘fully-benzenoid’electronicstructure.ThisconfersahighchemicalstabilitycomparedwithPAHsofsim- ilarsize.AlthoughnumerousinfraredandUV-visexperimentalspectroscopicand theoreticalstudiesof awiderangePAHsinanastrophysicalcontexthavebeenconducted,triphenyleneanditsradicalcation havereceivedalmostnoattention.Thereexistsahugebodyofspectroscopic evidenceforneutraland ionisedPAHs inastrophysicalsources,obtainedprincipallythroughdetectionofinfraredemission fea- turesthatarecharacteristicofPAHsasachemicalclass.However,it hassofar notproved possibleto identifyspectroscopicallyasingleisolatedPAHinspace,althoughPAHsincludingtriphenylenehavebeen detectedmassspectrometricallyinmeteorites.Inthisworkwefocusonrecordinglaboratoryelectronic spectraofneutralandionisedtriphenylenebetween220and780nm,trappedinH2Oiceandsolidargon at12K.Thestudiesaremotivatedbythepotentialforspectroscopicastronomicaldetectionofelectronic absorptionspectraofPAHsinicemantlesoninterstellargrainsasdiscussedbyLinnartz(2014),andwere performedalsoinacoldArmatrixtoprovideguidanceastowhethertriphenylene(particularlyinits singlypositivelyionisedform)couldbeaviablecandidateforanyoftheunidentifieddiffuseinterstellar absorptionbands.Basedontheargon-matrixexperimentalresults,comparisonismadewithpreviously unpublishedastronomicalspectranear400nmwhichcontainbroadinterstellarabsorptionfeaturescon- sistentwiththepredictionsfromthelaboratorymatrixspectra,thusprovidingmotivationfortherecord- ingofgas-phaseelectronicspectraoftheinternallycoldtriphenylenecation.

© 2017ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved.

1. Introduction

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous in space andobservedin manytypesof astrophysical environments (Tielens,2013). Theirpresenceisinferredfroma numberofmid- infraredemissionfeaturesatwavelengthsthatarecharacteristicof C-CandC-HvibrationalmodesofPAHs(Allamandolaetal.,1989).

It is generallyacceptedthat excited vibrational levels ofPAHs emitinfraredradiationonrelaxationafterelectronicexcitation,for example in photon dominated regions (Tielens,2013). The phys- ical and chemical processes atplay on excitation are currentlya topicofintenselaboratorystudy;PAHscanbeionizedordissociate on photonabsorption (Zhenetal., 2014a;2015), whichholdsthe potential to enrich the interstellar medium with charged hydro-

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: kofman@strw.leidenuniv.nl (V. Kofman), peter.sarre@nottingham.ac.uk (P.J. Sarre).

carbonsandlargerhydrocarbon speciesthatare hard togenerate throughbottom-up reactionschemes. Recently, it wasshownex- perimentallythatitispossibletoformC60 by(multi-photon)pho- tolysisofverylargePAHs (Zhenetal., 2014b), inlinewithmodel predictions for astronomically more relevant excitation schemes (Berné et al., 2015; 2016). The moleculesC60,C70 andC60+ have beenobservedinanumberofastrophysicalsourcesthroughtheir IRemissionspectra(Berné et al.,2013;Camietal., 2010;Sellgren etal., 2010). More recently, Campbell et al. (2015) have claimed the assignment of two stronger andpossibly three moreweaker diffuseinterstellarabsorptionfeaturesinthe900–1000nmregion, as due to electronic transitions of C60+ (Campbell et al., 2015;

2016a; 2016b; Walker et al., 2015). Attempts to compare optical laboratory data for gas-phase spectra of PAHs with DIB absorp- tionfeaturesrecordedthroughdiffuseinterstellarcloudshavenot ledto identificationofanyPAHasaDIBcarrier.Awide rangeof PAHscould be presentincluding neutral, ionised,protonated,de- protonated,hydrogenated,dehydrogenated andsubstituted forms, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molap.2017.04.002

2405-6758/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Fig. 1. Molecular structure of triphenylene (C 18 H 12 ). The peripheral hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity.

howevernot all ofthesehavebeenexplored experimentally.Sur- veysandcriticalassessmentsoftheissueshavebeenpresentedby Salama(2008)andreferencestherein(Gredeletal.(2011);Huisken etal.(2014);SalamaandEhrenfreund(2014);Salamaetal.(2011); Steglichetal.(2011).Neutraltriphenylene,C18H12,isahighlysym- metric(D3h)molecule containingthreearomaticrings(seeFig.1).

ItisafullybenzenoidPAH,whichdistinguishesitfrommanyother PAHs as its aromatic rings are directly connected to each other, andallcarbonatomsparticipateinaromaticstabilization.Asben- zenoidPAHsarebothchemicallyandphotochemicallylessreactive thannon-benzenoidPAHs,thismakestriphenyleneparticularlyin- terestingin anastronomicalcontext, anditscation asapotential DIBcarrier.Triphenylene has been found inisomer-specific mass spectraofmeteorite samples(Callahan etal., 2008) andcontains sixhydrogen atoms in ‘bay’ sites.Based on the interpretation of thelineshapesof IRemission features, PAHs withsuch sitesare thoughttobepresentintheISM(Candianetal.,2010).

The outlineofthispaperisasfollows.Inthenext section the motivationfortheexperimentsisdiscussedandtheexperimental detailsaregiveninSection3.Section4summarizeswhatisknown abouttriphenyleneanditscationintheliterature.Thisinformation islinkedwiththeexperimentaldatainSection5.Thefinalsection concludeswithadiscussionoftheastronomicalrelevanceofthese findings.

2. Experimental-astronomicalmotivation 2.1.PAHsinwaterice

PAHs are expected to freeze out, as do many other volatile species,oncolddustgrainininterstellarandcircumstellarmedia.

Aswaterformsthemainconstituentoficeinspace, thestudyof PAHsinwatericeisofparticularinterest.Inthelaboratory,where specific PAHs can be selected, IR and UV–vis studies have pro- videdmuch informationon the physicaland chemical properties ofsuchspeciesembeddedinwaterice(e.g.Bernsteinetal.(2005, 2007);Bouwmanetal.(2011);Cuylleetal.(2014);Guennounetal.

(2011); Sandford et al. (2004)). In astronomical infrared ice sur- veys,however,manyPAHshavesimilarvibrationalmodes,causing spectralfeatures tooverlap.Itis herethat opticalelectronic solid state spectraof PAHsin a low temperaturewatermatrix can of- feranattractivepotential alternative(Linnartz,2014). Wateritself doesnotabsorb inthe UV–vis,andasignificant numberof elec- tronictransitions of neutraland ionised PAHs have much higher transitionstrengths andaremoremolecule-specificthan theirvi- brational spectra. This means that in laboratory studies of opti- cal spectra highly diluted mixtures of PAHs embedded in water icecanbeused,whicharemorerepresentativeofrealastronomi- calconditions.OpticalabsorptionspectroscopyofPAHsembedded ininterstellar iceanalogues was introduced in 2003 by Gudipati

and Allamandola (Gudipati and Allamandola, 2003; 2004; 2006) andhasmorerecentlybeenapplied toa numberofcasesinLei- den(Bouwman etal., 2011;2009; Cuylleetal., 2014). Arangeof PAHsembeddedinvariousmatrixenvironments(mainlyH2O,NH3 andNe/Ar)hasbeenstudied,alongwiththeirspectroscopicdepen- denceonanumberofparameters,includingtemperature,icemor- phologyandconcentration.Thepresentstudyaddstothisresearch throughthestudyoftriphenyleneanditscationembeddedinwa- terice.WiththediscoverythatradicalcationsofPAHscanbesta- bleinwatericeforextendedperiodsoftime,i.e.morethanseveral weeks(GudipatiandAllamandola,2006),thepotentialastrochem- icalrelevanceofthesetrappedionsbecameclear.Thissamestudy showedthatup to70%oftheembeddedneutralPAHsamplecan be ionisedby VUV radiation.As theelectrons andradical cations remain separatedin the ice, both species can participatein sub- sequentreactions. Regenerationof theparent neutral PAH is not significantlyobservedontheheatingofice-embeddedPAHcations (GudipatiandAllamandola,2006).RecentIRstudiesshowthefor- mation of alcohols (PAH-OH) and ketones (PAH=O) (Cook et al., 2015;Guennounetal.,2011)invacuumUV (VUV)irradiatedPAH- containingwatericesat14Ktemperatures.Generallyobservedis that critical to the lifetime ofthe radical ion is the morphology oftheicewhere,upon heating,thetransitionfromamorphousto crystallineiceinitiatestheendofitslifetime.Uptothatpoint,the stabilityargumentsuggeststhatastrophysicalicesmaybeenriched withions,and,asthe mainconstituentsoficeare transparentto visiblelight, thesespeciesmaythus be detectedby their absorp- tionfeaturesindirectorscatteredlight.

2.2. PAHsasdiffusebandcarriers

PAHs have been discussed as potential carriers of some, pos- sibly many, ofthe diffuse interstellar absorption bands formany years.However, to datenoneof thePAH neutrals,radical cations or protonated PAHs that have been studied spectroscopically in matrices or in the gas-phase has been found to have a defini- tive correspondence with spectra observed towards reddened background stars. It is clear that the strongest diffuse bands do not originate in small PAH species, but this does not rule out PAHs as an entire class contributing to interstellar absorption.

The recent claim of C60+ as a diffuse band carrier by Campbell et al. (2015) using dissociation spectroscopy of small helium tagged C60+-complexes was built initially on matrix absorption experimentsby Fularaetal.(1993)that arevery similarto those reportedhereforthetriphenylenecation(C18H12+).Thematrixre- sultsinspiredastronomicalobservationsbyFoingandEhrenfreund (1994)inthe relativelyunexploredandobservationallychallenging spectral region near 950 nm which revealed new diffuse bands in possible correspondence with the matrix data of Fulara etal.

(1993). The recent recording of complementary gas-phase spec- tra of HenC60+ Kuhn et al. (2016), confirms the laboratory rest wavelengths published Campbell et al. (2015, 2016a). Currently, several astronomical groups focus on the interpretation of the astronomicaldatathataresituatedinawavelengthdomainwhere telluricpollutionbywaterfeaturescausesaseriousissue(Cordiner etal.,2017;Galazutdinovetal.,2017;Walkeretal.,2016).

3. Experimentaldetails

The spectraof triphenylene andits cationwere measuredus- ing OASIS,ourOptical AbsorptionSetupforIceSpectroscopy. The setup has been used in a number of comparable studies previ- ously,anddetailsareavailableinBouwmanetal.(2009)andAllodi etal.(2013).DiluteicemixturesofPAHandwater/argon(between 1:3,000and 1:8,000) were preparedby sublimating triphenylene andco-depositing thiswithH2OorAronto aUV–vis-transparent


MgF2 windowheldat12K.Thesampleismountedinahighvac- uum chamber


10−7 mbar)on topof acold finger thatis cooled bya closedcycleheliumcryostat.Absolute temperaturecontrolis realized through resistive heatingusing a Lakeshore temperature controller. The resulting ice thickness is determined by laser in- terferometry inthereflected light ofaHeNe laser;a rathercom- mon procedure.SeeBaratta andPalumbo(1998)andforarecent overviewBossa etal.(2014). Typicalicethicknesses studied here are between 1 and 2


m. In these experiments the number of triphenylene molecules in the sample was determined by inte- grating the absorbance of the S3S0 transition (227-268 nm;

f = 0.99) and using the conversion factor 8.85× 10−13 from os- cillatorstrengthtocmmolecule−1asdescribedbyBouwmanetal.

(2009);Hudginsetal.(1993);Kjaergaardetal.(2000).Acommer- cialsampleoftriphenylene(98%purity)wasusedwithoutfurther purification.Itwasheatedtypicallytoatemperatureof350Kina smallovenpositionedclosetothesubstrateholder.Forthematrix, ultrapure milli-Qgeneratedwaterwasdegassedinseveralfreeze- pump-thaw cycles prior to use; commercial argon 5.0 was used without furtherpurification. Spectrawere takenusingadeep UV xenon-arc lampthat covers the wavelengthrange 220–1200 nm.

The lightwasguidedthroughtheicesampleandafterdispersion by a spectrograph,collectedon a CCDcamera. Thespectral reso- lutionis0.6nmper pixel,buthigherresolutionspectroscopycan be realizedby usingdifferentgratings. Giventhebroadnatureof thesolid state spectrarecordedhere, ahigherresolutionwasnot needed.Togenerateions,aH2microwavedischargelampwasused which generates mainly Ly-


and 160 nm VUV photons, with a

typical flux of 1− 5× 1013 photons cm−2 s−1 at the ice sample (Ligterink et al., 2015; Warneck, 1962). Electronic spectra of the cations were takenby monitoring the absorptionwithrespect to the non-irradiated ice. Positive features are thus the formed re- action products (i.e.,cation) anda negativefeatureillustrates the consumptionofaprecursorspecies.Thespectrashownarethere- sultoftheadditionof100–200spectra,or2–4secondsofintegra- tion dependingonthe settings.Whereasin previous studies(e.g.

Bouwmanetal.,2011)thePAHandPAH+spectralfeaturesaregen- erallywellseparated,thisisnotthecaseforthetriphenylenesys- tembelow300 nm.As aresultthecation spectrabelow290nm arenotshownordiscussed.

4. Spectroscopyoftriphenylene

Gas-phase (S1 – S0) spectra of neutral triphenylene recorded by laser-induced-fluorescence and dispersed fluorescence spec- troscopyhavebeenreported(Kokkinetal.,2007).Theoriginband transitionissymmetry-forbiddenandthestrongestvibronicallyal- lowedband(3510)near329 nmiscalculatedtohaveanextremely low f-value of 0.0007 (Kokkin et al., 2007). In a recentsensitive study of the 305–370 nm region no interstellar absorption was foundatthiswavelength(BhattandCami,2015).TheS2S0and S3S0transitionsaremuchstrongerwithoscillatorstrengthsof f∼0.5andf∼1,respectively(Malkin,1992).

In relation to the triphenylene cation, three gas-phase photo- electron(PES)studies (Boschietal.,1974;Brogli andHeilbronner, 1972; Schmidt, 1977) of triphenylene yield vertical ionic state separations with corresponding mean excitation wavelengths which we calculate to fall near 690 and 570 nm. Unfortu- nately, apart from the first photoelectron band (Boschi et al., 1974), no laboratory photoelectron spectra have been published that could assist in making spectral assignments, as noted in the critical analysis of available data by Deleuze (2002). Khan (1978, 1992) reported electronic spectra of the triphenylene cation in boric acid glass covering the 200–900 nm region and compared these data with both photoelectron spectra and theoretical results. An electronic spectrum of the cation in a

low-temperaturefreon matrixis also known(Shida, 1988) which revealed absorption bands at 1715 and 1360 nm in the near- infrared,708, 688, 640and 583 nm in the visible and405, 397, 385 and 363 nm in the near-UV. Similar results were obtained forthecationinans-BuClmatrix(Shida andIwata,1973).Finally, magnetic circular dichoism spectra are available for both the cation and the anion in boric glass at high temperature (van Paridonetal.,1979).

As isthe caseforthe benzene cation,the triphenylene cation hastwoalmostisoenergetic2A2 and2B1 ‘ground’electronicstates inC2vsymmetrywhichareseparatedinenergyduetoJahn-Teller interaction.Keszthelyietal.(2000)findthatQCFF/PIandROHFcal- culationspredictthe2A2 statetobethelowerinenergy,whereas DFTmethodsthey employedfavour2B1 asthelowerstate.Itwas noted that the ’almost negligible’ difference in energy between the states indicates that the cation could be fluxional in nature, butthismaynot be thecasein alow-temperature argon orwa- termatrix,orunderinterstellar conditions.Alaterstudyofthese two ‘ground’ states by Kato andYamabe (2005) found that their HOMO (B) with A2 symmetry is stabilised whereas HOMO (A) withB1symmetryisdestabilisedbyvibronicinteraction.Weadopt thisstate ordering here andlabel the electronic states following the notation of Keszthelyi et al. (2000) as D0, D1 etc. in order of increasing energy. The symmetry of the transitions is as fol- lows:D0,1,2,3,4,5,6,≡ ˜X 2A2,2B1 ,2A2,2B1,2A2,2B1,2B1 (Keszthelyi et al., 2000). No gas-phase electronic spectrum of the tripheny- lenecationisknown,butaninfraredgas-phasespectrumhasbeen recordedandwasfoundtobecomplexwithsignificantdeviations fromtheoretical prediction;thisis possiblydueto Jahn-Telleref- fects (Oomens et al., 2006). Finally, the QCFF/PI calculations by Keszthelyietal.(2000)predictabsorptionwavelengthsof642,588 and386 nm forUV–vis transitions fromX˜2A2 and647/641, 595 and386nmfromX˜2B1,withoscillatorstrengthsintherange0.03 to 0.1; Hirata et al. (2003) obtained bands at 685 and 574 nm (withfvaluesof0.06and0.116,respectively)usingTD-DFTmeth- ods.Althoughelectronic(andvibrational) spectraofalargenum- ber ofPAH radical cations in low-temperatureinertgas matrices havebeenrecorded,tothebestofourknowledgetherearenore- portedequivalentstudiesofthetriphenylenecation.

5. Results

Theneutraltriphenylenemolecule,C18H12,anditsradicalcation have been studied here in relation to their possible presence in watericemantlesoninterstellargrainsandaspotentialdiffusein- terstellarbandcarriers.

5.1. Spectrarecordedinsolidargonandwaterice

A sample of neutral triphenylene was deposited in solid ar- gon as described in Section 3 and yielded the absorption spec- trumasshowninFig.2(a).Further(sharper)bands near330nm wereobserved inthickersamplesandare attributedtothe weak (S1S0) transition (Levell et al., 2010) (see inset). Exposure to vacuum UV radiation using the MW discharge lamp results in ionisation oftriphenylene (ionisation energy of 7.88 eV (Jochims etal.,1999)).The resultingspectrumis showninFig.2(b)andis comparableto that obtained by Shida (1988) at 77 K ina freon matrix, but suffers significantly less from matrix perturbations (seeTable1).

Embeddingneutraltriphenyleneinwatericeresultsinamatrix shiftofroughly 0.5 nm (at402 nm)to longer wavelengthscom- paredwiththeargonmatrix.Thisisillustrated inFig.3(a),which also showsthat the overall triphenylene features in Ar andH2O arerathersimilar.TheresultingspectrumuponVUVirradiation is showninFig.3(b).Thesignaltonoiseratiosofthespectrainwater


Fig. 2. Electronic spectra of triphenylene neutral (a) and cation (b) in an argon matrix at 12 K. The inset in (a) shows the forbidden transitions to the S 1 state, which are approximately two orders of magnitude weaker and significantly narrower than the allowed transitions. In (b) the labeling D 3 , D 4 , D 5 etc. indicates the electronically excited doublet (D) state of the cation involved in the transition and follows the notation given in Keszthelyi et al. (20 0 0) .

Fig. 3. Triphenylene neutral and cation deposited in a water matrix at 12 K where (a) shows the neutral spectrum and (b) the cation (see 5.2 ). Dotted lines in the cation assignments indicate the location of the transitions in the argon matrix, full lines indicate the position in the water. For clarity the spectrum of the cation in argon as presented in 2 is shown above the cation spectrum in water ice.

areloweraslesstriphenylenecaneffectivelybeionisedduetothe limitedpenetrationdepthofVUV-radiationinwater(seeCruz-Diaz etal.,2014) Itshouldalsobenotedthatthetransitionstrengthof the cation is relatively low. Additionally,peak broadening is ob- servedforboththeneutralandthecation(seeTable1), whichis duetothestrongerinteractionsofwaterwithmolecules(ascom- paredtoAr).


AsoutlinedinSection4,theelectronicsymmetryoftheground stateofthetriphenylenecationhasnotyetbeenestablishedwith

certainty, and could be either 2B1 or 2A2. It is also uncertain as to whetherboth of these electronic states are populated in a low-temperaturematrix.Theobservedelectronictransitionsofthe cation fall intothree main groups near690and 560nm (broad) and at 402 nm with some further bands near 300 nm. Guided by the resultsof calculationsandphotoelectron spectra(see text andTable 1),these threegroupsare assignedto transitionsfrom thegroundD0state toD3/D4,D5 andD6 respectivelyasshownin Fig.2andlistedinTable1.

Absorption appears mostprominently intwo main regions in the argon matrixspectra near700 and402 nm. Keszthelyietal.


Table 1

Summary of results for neutral triphenylene (I) and the triphenylene cation (II) and literature values for the cation (III).

Experimental T [K] Transition λ[nm] a Width [nm(cm −1 )] b I. Triphenylene

Argon (this work) 12 S 3 ← S 0 255 (246, 238) 2.2 (340) S 2 ← S 0 282

S 1 ← S 0 317, 325, 332

Water (this work) 12 S 3 ← S 0 256 (248, 240) 3.4 (440) S 2 ← S 0 283

S 1 ← S 0 318, 325, 332 II. Triphenylene +

Argon (this work) 12 D 7 316 (300)

D 6 402 (395, 384) 4 (250)

D 5 560 (broad)

D 4,3 695, (677, 659, 629)

Water (this work) 12 D 6 402 (382) 4.5 (280)

D 4,3 699 (682, 661, 634)

Freon c 77 not assigned 405 (397, 385) 6 (370)

583 640 708 (688)

PES d − Vertical ionisation 570 −

energies (see text) 690

Theory T [K] Transition λ[nm] e Width [nm(cm −1 )] f III. Triphenylene +

QCFF/PI g,h2 B 1 – ˜ X 2 A 2 ( D 6 ) 386 [0.12] −

2 A 2 – ˜ X 2 B 1 ( D 6 ) 386 [0.11]

D 5 588 [0.09]

D 5 595 [0.11]

D 4 , D 3 642 [0.09], 642 [0.03]

D 4 , D 3 647 [0.07], 641 [0.04]

TD-DFT iπ0- π−5 ( D 5 ) 574 [0.116] − π0π−4 ( D 4 ) 685 [0.060]

a The strongest principal absorption bands are underlined and satellite bands are listed in parenthe- ses (). The computed f -value where available is given in parentheses [].

b The width is estimated based on the part of the peak that is exposed above the overlapping features. Note that this is not precisely the FWHM, as most of the transitions are not pure Gaus- sians/Lorentzians.

cShida (1988) .

dBoschi et al. (1974) ; Brogli and Heilbronner (1972) ; Schmidt (1977) .

e The strongest principal absorption bands are underlined and satellite bands are listed in parenthe- ses (). The computed f -value where available is given in parentheses [].

f The width is estimated based on the part of the peak that is exposed above the overlapping features. Note that this is not precisely the FWHM, as most of the transitions are not pure Gaus- sians/Lorentzians.

gKeszthelyi et al. (20 0 0) .

h It should be noted that the ‘ground’ 2 A 2 and 2 B 1 states have almost the same energy. Transitions near 5 μm (to D 1 ) are also predicted but with extremely low oscillator strengths of 0.0 0 07/0.0 0 01 and are neglected here, as are transitions to the D 2 state predicted at 1280 nm.

iHirata et al. (2003) .

(2000) calculatedthe energies oftherelevant electronicstates at optimised geometries for the 2B1 and 2A2 states, and also com- puted the oscillator strengths for the relevant transitions (see Table 1). The 402 nm band of the triphenylene cation in argon ismostreadily assignedtothecalculated originbandswhichare both predictedto fall at386nm withoscillator strengths of0.11 and are due to 2A2 – ˜X2B1 or 2B1 – ˜X2A2, depending on the groundstateadopted.Theadditionalweakerbandslocatedat395 and384nmprobablyarisefromexcitationtovibrationallyexcited states whichlie about440 and1160 cm−1 higherin energy,re- spectively.

Vibrational excitation of 440 cm−1 probably corresponds to promotionofthemodewitha1symmetry(419 cm−1)whichwas identified withthe strongestband inthe resonanceRaman spec- trumofthetriphenylenecationbyKeszthelyietal.(2000),andis

illustratedinFig.4oftheirpaper.Wereportanadditionalabsorp- tionfeatureat316 nm(D7),withapossiblevibroniccomponentat 300nm,whichwasnotreportedinthestudiesofKeszthelyietal.


In contrast the 695 - 629 nm spectral region is more com- plex and involves fully allowed photo-excitation to two excited electronicstates,eachpotentiallywithassociatedvibrationalband structure.Thismightbedisentangledthroughcomputationofthe vibrationallevelstructureintheexcitedelectronicstates.

Finallywe note that,while not recordedin thiswork,weaker bandsnear1715 and1360 nm,recorded by Shida (1988)using a freonmatrixandattributedtothetriphenylenecation,canreason- ablybe assignedasarising fromexcitationstothe 2A2 (D2)state whichiscalculated tolie 0.97 eV abovethe groundstate, witha computedoscillatorstrengthof0.05(Keszthelyietal.,2000).


Wavelength (A)

3650 3700 3750 3800 3850 3900 3950 4000 4050 4100 4150

Relative Transmittance

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

(a) (b) (c)

λ3923 λ3983λ4004λ4035 λ4075

Fig. 4. Spectra recorded towards the unreddened standard star βOri (HD 34085) (a), and two reddened stars HD 183143 (b) and HD 50064 (c), with the latter two spectra each offset vertically by 0.1. Stellar hydrogen and interstellar Ca ii H and K (3968.5 and 3933.7 ˚A) lines are prominent, with broad diffuse bands seen towards the two reddened stars between 3850 and 4100 ˚A (see also Table 3 and the text). The location of the diffuse bands is marked with horizontal bars.

6. Astrophysicalimplications

The motivationbehindthewatermatrixstudies isthat inrel- ativelydenseinterstellar regions PAHs areexpectedto freezeout ondustgrains, wheretheywill beembeddedinwaterice. Given thespecialnatureoftheice,i.e.,conservingthechargednatureof individualPAHsinan environmentwheredensities cangetmuch higher than in the diffuse interstellar medium, electronic solid statespectraaspresentedhereofferan alternativewaytosearch forindividual PAHs in space(Linnartz, 2014), particularlyfor the caseofthetriphenylenecationwhichisconsideredtoberelatively stable.However,observationalabsorptionstudieswillbechalleng- ing,asthenumberofsuitable sight-lineswherethereissufficient backgroundlight,butnotsomuchastocause(photo)-evaporation of the ice, is limited. Non-steady-state conditions would help in exposing ice-containing dust to sufficient illumination. An ideal caseis anembeddedyoung stellarobjectwithice-coveredgrains which is sufficiently dense, but also sufficiently transparent to background light to enablenear-UV-vis absorption spectra to be obtained. Spectraasshown inFig. 3provide a valuabletemplate forsuchstudies.

PAH radicalcations are commonlyproposedascarriers ofdif- fuseinterstellar bands and a key issueis whether thegas-phase triphenylenecationmightbe responsiblefora(small)partofthe diffuseinterstellar band spectrum. An estimate of the gas-phase origin bands for this radical cation can be made by comparing well-knownlaboratorygas-phaseandAr-matrixelectronicspectra forother chemically similar PAH radical cations. For the cations of naphthalene (C10H8+) (Romanini et al., 1999; Salama and Al- lamandola,1991), phenanthrene(C14H10+) (Andrews etal., 1985;


Biennier et al., 2003), anthracene (C14H10+) (Sukhorukov et al., 2004;Szczepanski etal., 1993),coronene (C24H12+) (Hardyetal., 2017;SzczepanskiandVala,1993)andpyrene(C16H10+)(Biennier etal., 2004; Salama and Allamandola, 1992), the shifts to lower wavenumber induced by the argon matrix are 95, 98, 223, 266, 232and352 cm−1,respectively;thecorrespondinggas-phaseline

widthsinjet-cold spectraare all quitebroad,being25,16,55,<

94,106and145 cm−1, respectively.Hence forcationictripheny- lene,usingtheselaboratorydataandtheAr-matrixdatainTable1, thegas-phaseoriginsarepredictedtofallinthe3970-4010 ˚Aand 6780-6900 ˚Aregions.Inpracticethelatter6780-6900 ˚Aregion isfartoo congestedwithdiffusebandsandtelluricfeatures fora meaningfulcomparisonbetweenlaboratoryandastronomicaldata tobemade.

However,amoretractablequestioniswhetherthereexistbroad interstellar absorption features in the 3970 - 4010 ˚A spectral re- gion? This partof the interstellar absorption spectrum has been littlestudiedandpresentschallengesasdiscussedbyHobbsetal.

(2008,2009).Theseincludearelativelypoorsensitivitylevelasthe photon flux is low due tointerstellar reddening, thepresence of atomichydrogen photospheric lines,and a selectioneffect which discriminates againstbroad featuresandreduces their detectabil- ity;thisisstrongestforhigh-resolutionobservations,asisthecase formostdiffusebandsurveys,resultinginalow centraldepthfor abroadabsorptionbandevenwhenitsequivalentwidthisreason- ablyhigh(Hobbsetal.,2008,2009).

Asummary onthe fewnear-UV studies ofinterstellar absorp- tion spectra undertaken up to 1995 has been given by Herbig (1995).Theseincluderecordingsmadeusingaphotoelectricscan- ner ata resolution of20 ˚A by Honeycutt (1972) who found ab- sorption between c. 3850 and 4100 ˚A but could not be certain thatitwasinterstellar inorigin.Morerecentsurveyscoveringthe near UV (see Sonnentrucker (2014) and references therein) have generallybeenconductedathighspectroscopicresolutionmaking detectionofbroad features difficult.Agood discussionof Apache Point Observatory (APO)-based observations, together with those ofJenniskensandDésert(1994)andofTuairisgetal.(2000) -all of which cover the near-UV, is presented in Hobbs et al.(2008; 2009). It is recognised by Hobbs and coworkers that their stud- ieswere biasedagainstdetectionofbroadDIBs,aswasnotedfor theirseparate studyby JenniskensandDésert(1994).Adedicated programme of low-resolution APO observations designed to ad- dress this issue has been initiated (York et al., 2014), and other


Table 2

Spectral type and E B−V for observed stars.

Star Spectral type E B−V

HD 50064 B6Ia 0.82

HD 183143 B7Ia 1.26

βOri B8Ia 0

Table 3

Diffuse band features recorded in the near-UV spectral re- gion towards HD 183143. The measured rest wavelength, full width at half maximum (FWHM), central depth (A c ) and equivalent width (W) are listed. The two bands marked are probably interstellar in origin; the one at 3983 ˚A was listed as a possible diffuse band by Hobbs et al. (2009) at 3983.60 ˚A with a FWHM of 5.3 ˚A.

Band λrest / ˚A; FWHM/ ˚A; A c W/m ˚A;

λ4075 4075(2) 14(2) 0.020(2) 280(40) λ4035 4035(2) 13(2) 0.018(2) 270(30) λ4004 4004(2) 22(3) 0.026(2) 540(40) λ3983 3983(1) 6(1) 0.020(2) 110(25) λ3923 3923(4) 48(8) 0.021(2) 930(70)

major surveyscovering the near-UV have been recently initiated (Maíz Apellániz, 2015). Observational data for a number of red- denedO-andB-typeandcomparisonstarswereobtainedbyHer- bigandSarrein1992and1993usingthe88UniversityofHawaii telescope(seeTable2) withtheCoudé f/34spectrograph,atafar lower resolutionof c. 7,000. A few diffuse bandsin the near-UV were found which are broad with full-width-half-maximain the range10–30 ˚A(60-200cm−1) -seeHibbinsetal.(1994),Hibbins (1996)anddiscussioninHerbig(1995).Figure4showsforthefirst time therecordedspectratowards HD183143andHD 50064,to- gether withthe spectrumofthestandardstar



son. Comparisonofthereddened andunreddenedspectrareveals thepresenceofthenear-UVbandslistedinTable3andhighlighted in Figure 4.Interestinglythesebands all fall inthe 3850–4100 ˚A rangesuspectedpreviouslybyHoneycutt(1972)ofbeinginterstel- larinorigin.

Giventhatabsorptionbygas-phaseC18H12+ inthe400nmre- gionispredicted,thismoleculecanbe consideredacandidatefor one or more of the broad diffuse bands seen, though gas-phase spectra of theion are essential to confirm orrefute thissugges- tion. Theequivalentwidths andFWHMofthe measured features towardsHD183143aregiveninTable3.

Taking 300 m˚A as a typical equivalent width (see Table 3), a wavelength of 400 nm, andthe computed oscillatorstrength for the2A2 -X˜transitionof0.11(Keszthelyietal.,2000),itispossible toestimatethecolumndensityofthetriphenylenecationtowards HD183143thatwouldberequiredtoproducesuchanabsorption.

The column density obtainedis 2 × 1013 cm−2 which is similar tothevalueinferredforC60+(Campbelletal.,2016b),thoughthe triphenylene cationwouldmake a demandonthe carbonbudget whichislowerbyafactorofthree.It isalsoexpectedthatasthe bandswouldbefromaPAHcation,thespectrallinewidthswould be largerthanfortransitionsofneutralPAHsandthisiscorrobo- ratedbythe gas-phaseexperimentaldataforsimilarPAHcations.

Forreference,aFWHMof145cm−1(asmeasuredinthelaboratory forthesimilar-sizedgas-phasepyrenecation)correspondsto23 ˚A at 400 nm whichis similar to the widths ofthe absorption fea- turesunderdiscussion(seeTable3).Weconcludethatthereisob- servationalevidenceofinterstellarabsorptionbandsinthe400nm regionthatareconsistentinwavelengthandwidthwiththoseex- pected for the gas-phase triphenylene cation, but that gas-phase laboratoryspectraareneeded,particularlyastheabsorptionbands areexpectedtobebroad.


FinancialsupportthroughtheNWO programPEPSci(Planetary andExoPlanetaryScience)andaNWOVICIgrantisacknowledged.

PJS thanks theLeverhulme Trust forawardof aResearch Fellow- ship andLeiden Observatory forhospitality during the course of thiswork.We wishtorecordourappreciationoftheinterestand encouragementofthe late GeorgeHerbig andofhis contribution totheastronomicalobservationsdescribedhere.


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To see more clearly how the peak position and width change with temperature, we used one broad Gaussian lineshape and one narrow Lorentzian lineshape to fit 13 CO 2 in disordered

PAHs are not expected to fluoresce in their typical mid-IR modes when incorporated in ices, since the energy is quickly dissipated into the phonon modes of the ice lattice

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I Mid-IR absorption spectroscopy 19 2 Band profiles and band strengths in mixed H 2 O:CO ices 21 2.1

PAHs are not expected to fluoresce in their typical mid-IR modes when incorporated in ices, since the energy is quickly dissipated into the phonon modes of the ice lattice

In these cases (sources followed by an asterisk in Table 3.2 and in Table 3.5 of Appendix 3.6), we performed the following correction: we scaled a H 2 O:CH 3 OH=9:1 laboratory

Table 4.3 Band positions of photoproducts appearing upon VUV photolysis of the PAHs antracene (Ant), pyrene (Py) and benzo[ghi]perylene (B ghi P) in water ice at 15 K com- pared

As described below, the photolysis of Py in water ices at higher temperatures produces other species in addition to the cation.. This explains the different curves