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Eindexamen Frans vwo 2009 - I


Academic year: 2021

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Eindexamen Frans vwo 2009 - I


▬ www.havovwo.nl www.examen-cd.nl ▬

Vraag Antwoord

Tekst 6 Immigration: la terre promise

27 D

28 maximumscore 1

De kern van het goede antwoord is:

actief en passief kiesrecht / het recht om te kiezen en het recht om je verkiesbaar te stellen

29 D 30 C

31 maximumscore 1

De kern van het goede antwoord is:

Steeds meer immigranten spreken geen Engels en/of Frans.

32 C





Sir: I am delighted to read that a survey has backed up what I hoped about my generation (“Optimistic, responsible and political: the face of today’s teens”, 31 March) – that

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(He could actually do that, he realized, without having to call it denial.) He would meditate and read, and focus on himself for once. He couldn’t say for sure when he’d be back,

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2 According to one, our children are displaying greater intelligence than children of previous generations, explaining why around one in five grades given is an A.. Twenty years


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