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Ancient hunters, modern butchers : Schöningen 13II - 4, a kill- butchery site dating from the northwest European Lower Palaeolithic


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Ancient hunters, modern butchers : Schöningen 13II - 4, a kill-

butchery site dating from the northwest European Lower Palaeolithic

Voormolen, B.


Voormolen, B. (2008, March 19). Ancient hunters, modern butchers : Schöningen 13II - 4, a kill-butchery site dating from the northwest European Lower Palaeolithic. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/12661

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When we lump together the scarce evidence from 500,000 years of occupation in an attempt to typify 'the' Lower and Middle Palaeolithic we arrive at an 'episodic' use of locations

Chronostratigraphic constraints on the Marathousa -1 Lower Palaeolithic site and the Middle Pleistocene deposits of the Megalopolis basin (Greece) based on

Among the humerus remains one specimen yielded carnivore gnawing traces, one cut marks and three specimens yield impact notches likely created during marrow processing by hominids..

The PhD thesis Ancient Hunters, Modern Butchers presents a first detailed study of bone material found together with spectacularly preserved wooden spears at the Lower

Ancient hunters, modern butchers : Schöningen 13II - 4, a kill-butchery site dating from the northwest European Lower Palaeolithic.. Retrieved

For the post-MIS 7 Palaeolithic record this is now supported by archaeological and faunal assemblage data pointing to hunting and systematic butchery being part of European

The virtually complete lack of and complete lack of leg elements butchery traces among juvenile horse bone specimens seems to have favoured the existence of high carnivore

This together with the dominance of horse remains at the site could indicate that part of the encountered faunal assemblage at Schöningen 12b originally derived from butchery