EnsembleSVM: A Library for Ensemble Learning Using Support Vector Machines
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Support vector machines (svms) are used widely in the area of pattern recogni- tion.. Subsequent
(but beware, converting the initial letter to upper case for a small caps acronym is sometimes considered poor style).. Short
(but beware, converting the initial letter to upper case for a small caps acronym is sometimes considered poor style).. Short
This research is funded by a PhD grant of the Insti- tute for the Promotion of Innovation through Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT-Vlaanderen). This research work was carried
EnsembleSVM is a free software package containing efficient routines to perform ensemble learning with support vector machine (SVM) base models.. It currently offers ensemble
RESVM con- structs an ensemble model using a bagging strategy in which the positive and unlabeled sets are resampled to obtain base model training sets.. By re- sampling both P and U
Such functional modularity is mainly achieved by joint regulation of the genes within a module by a common set of TFs (also called the transcriptional
Compared to the hinge loss SVM, the major advan- tage of the proposed method is that the pin-SVM is less sensitive to noise, especially the feature noise around the decision