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Academic year: 2022

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An Introdu tion to QuantumComputing Algorithms


Birkhauser, De ember1999

Hard over$44.95 (138pages) ISBN: 0817641270




Springer,May 2001

Hard over$44.95 (190pages) ISBN: 3540667830


Classi aland Quantum Computation

byA.Yu.Kitaev,A. Shen,andM.N.Vyalyi

Ameri an Mathemati al So iety,July 2002

Hard over$59.00 (272 pages) ISBN: 082182161X (soft overshould be onsiderably heaper)

A qui k surveyon amazon. omshowsthat the number ofbooks onquantum omputing

(20)ismorethan10timesashighasthenumberofquantumalgorithmsthat wehave

today(2: Shor'sandGrover's). Manypeopleinthe eld,in ludingthisreviewer,feelthat

Nielsenand Chuang'sQuantum Computation andQuantum Informationis probablythe

best andmost omprehensiveof these. Nevertheless, thereis roomforsomeotherbooks

with di erentperspe tives. Here wereview and ompare three books that fo usmainly

onthealgorithmi side ofthe eld, andhen e ana ordto besigni antlyshorterthan


1. Pittenger

ArthurPittenger'sAnIntrodu tiontoQuantumComputingAlgorithmsre e tsitsau-

thor'sownexperien einlearningthemathemati sandtheoreti alphysi srequiredforthe

subje t, as he writes in the a knowledgments. It is generally written in apleasant and

informalstyle, with mu h motivation in betweenthe mathemati s. Of the three books

reviewedhereitis probablythemostreadable.

It onsistsofthreepartsofabout40pagesea h. The rstpart(Chapters1and2) overs


the omputationalmodel: statesand operations,somequantum me hani alba kground,

and the ir uit model of quantum gates, generalizing lassi al reversible ir uits. The

hapter doesnot go into the issue of approximating arbitrary ir uitsby a nite set of

basis gates. The se ond part(Chapter 3) re e ts thetitle of the book. It explains the

mainquantumalgorithms: Deuts h-Jozsa,Simon,Grover,Shor,andthegeneralizationof

thelattertotheAbelianhiddensubgroupproblem. The hapterisself- ontained,ex ept

for some of the number theory needed for the lassi al post-pro essing and analysis of

Shor'salgorithm. The nalpart(Chapter4)dis ussesquantumerror- orre tionindetail.

It overs the 9-qubit, 7-qubit, and 5-qubit odes, as well as the general framework of

stabilizer odesandCalderbank-Shor-Steane(CSS) odes. Fault-tolerantimplementation

ofgates is notdealtwith. Still,in just 120pagesthis book managesto explain mu h of

the oreofquantum omputing,andto explainitwell.

2. Hirvensalo

MikaHirvensalo'sQuantumComputingismorere entbut oversquitesimilarground.

It toois mu h shorterthan Nielsen-Chuangandhasa lear omputers ien efo us;one

wonderswhether Hirvensalo wasawareof the earlierPittenger book, whi h he doesnot

referen e. Hisstyleofwritingismoreformalandmathemati althanPittenger's.

Thesix hapters ofhis book explainthe ir uitmodel(likePittenger,without adis-

ussionofuniversalgatesets), Shor'salgorithm,thehidden subgroupproblem, Grover's

algorithm, and thepolynomialmethod for query omplexity lowerbounds. As abonus,

thelast 80 pages of thebook onsist of twovery extensiveappendi es. The rst overs

themathemati alfoundationsofquantumme hani s. Thisin ludes quiteafewadvan ed

topi s thatare notusedin themain text, su hasanentropi versionofthe un ertainty

relations, Gleason's theorem that every well-behaved assignment of probabilities omes

fromadensitymatrix,anda hara terizationof ompletelypositivemapsondensityma-

tri es. These ondappendix explainssomemathemati alba kground: grouptheory,the

dis reteFouriertransform,linearalgebra,numbertheoryin ludingthe ontinuedfra tion

expansionusedin Shor's lassi alpost-pro essing,andsomeinformationtheory.

3. Kitaev,Shen, and Vyalyi

The very re ent Classi al and Quantum Computation by Kitaev, Shen, and Vyalyi

(KSV) grew out of a ourse on lassi al and quantum omputing given by Kitaev and

Shenin Mos ow in 1999. It is atranslated and expanded versionof an earlier Russian

book,whi hisstillavailableforfreeathttp://www.m me.ru/free-booksforthosewho


. Fromaresear her'sperspe tiveitisbyfarthemostinterestingofthe

threebooks,andIwill orrespondinglybemoredetailed indis ussingit.

Thebookhasthreeparts: lassi al omputing,quantum omputing, andsolutionsto

exer ises. The lassi alpartis quiteex ellent. Ina learand intuitivestyleofwritingit

des ribestheessentialsof thetheoryof lassi alalgorithmsand omplexity. This overs

Turingma hines, ir uits,reversible omputing,NP- ompleteness,randomizedalgorithms,

andthepolynomialhierar hy. This30-pageexpositionalsoin ludessomemoreadvan ed

resultslikeBPP P=poly andBPP 

2 .



thoroughexpositionofthequantum ir uitmodel,in ludingrepresentingorapproximating

arbitraryunitariesbymeansofelementarygates,quantum omputationwithmixedstates,

and a detailed a ount of measurement. After all the details of the ir uit model are

in pla e, the book ontinues in Chapter 13 to des ribe the phase estimation te hnique

(originallyduetoKitaev)andthewayit anbeusedtosolvetheAbelianhiddensubgroup

problem, in ludingfa toring and dis retelogarithms. Chapter 14 dealswith aquantum

versionofthe omplexity lassNPanda ompletepromiseproblemforthis lass. Finally,

Chapter 15 des ribes quantum error- orre ting odes and ends with abrief des ription

of Kitaev's work on tori odes and anyons, where error orre tion would be a natural

propertyoftheunderlyingphysi alsystemitself.

Apart from its on iseness and rigor, one of the main strengths of this book is the

attention it givesto Kitaev's ontributionsto quantum omputing. These in lude ade-

tailed analysis of eÆ ient approximation of arbitrary ir uits using only gates from a

spe i nite basis, the Abelian hidden subgroup problem, quantum NP- ompleteness,

andtori odes. These topi sareexplainedinmu hdetailandwithmanysubtletiesand

insightsthat areoften glossed over in other presentations|and for things like quantum

NP- ompleteness there is no otherpresentation. Agood understanding ofthe quantum

partofthisbook (in ludingthe exer isesand theirsolutions)will provide theresear her

withinvaluableinsightsandtoolsfornewresear h.

At the same time, this bias towardsKitaev's quantum work may also be viewed as

aweakness of this book. Even if onerestri ts attention to omputer s ien e aspe ts of

quantum omputing,variousthingsaremissing. Theworkofanumberofkeyresear hers

is ompletelyignored,in ludingthatofAndrisAmbainis,HarryBuhrman,DanielGottes-

man, Peter Hyer, Ri hard Jozsa,Mi hele Mos a,and Umesh Vazirani. Between them,

thesepeoplehave ontributedalargefra tionofthemainresultsonquantumalgorithms

and omplexity, yet none of their papersis even ited. The Deuts h-Jozsa algorithm is

absent;thereisnothingabouttheappli ationsofGrover'salgorithmin ounting, ollision-

nding et . The result that Grover's algorithm is optimal for quantum sear h is only

mentionedinpassingandthepaperthat rstprovedthis(Bennett, Bernstein,Brassard,

andVazirani \Strengths and weaknessesof quantum omputing") is not ited. There is

nothingelse on lowerbounds, virtuallynothing aboutquantum ommuni ationor om-

muni ation omplexity,noquantum ryptography,et . Thebook's oversuggestsusingit

asatextbookforagraduate ourseonquantum omputing,but Ifearthatsu ha ourse

wouldgiveasomewhatbiasedviewof the eld.

Ase ondproblemwithusingthisbookfora ourseisthedisparitybetweenits lassi al

andquantumparts. Theseareapparentlywrittenpredominantlybydi erentauthors. The

lassi alpartisgenerallyverywellandintuitivelywritten,anddoesnotpresupposemu h.

Ontheotherhand,thequantumpartisamu hlesssmoothread. Itissigni antlymore

demanding andnotquite self- ontained. Forinstan e, theproofthat thestandardbasis

of elementary gates an eÆ iently approximate ir uits over other bases (Se tion 8.3)

assumessomeknowledgeofLiegroupsandLiealgebras,andthelastse tionsabouterror-

orre ting odesassumesomea quaintan ewithhomologyofmanifolds. Again,thismay

beproblemati whenusingKSVasatextbookfora ourse,sin emoststudentswillnotbe

veryfamiliarwiththismaterial. Asanotherexample,theuseofquantumphaseestimation

in quantum algorithms is originally due to Kitaev, but the exposition of his method in


Mos aismu hmore learthantheexpositiongivenhere.

The abovepointsnotwithstanding, alot anbe learnedfrom this book; mu h more

thanfrom theother two,but itrequires agreatere ortbythereader. Thisis ne when

that readerisaresear her|andthat is probablywhere thebook willbeused themost:

asavaluableresour eforpeoplewhowanttolookuporlearntheintri a iesofthingslike

the ir uitmodel, quantum NP- ompleteness,et .

4. Comparisonand on lusion

Theoverlapbetweenthesethreebooksisquitelarge. Allthreeareexpli itlyoriented

towards omputer s ien e, devoting most of their pages to the quantum ir uit model

andthe main quantum algorithms. The ontentsof the Pittengerand Hirvensalobooks

in parti ular are very lose. The main di eren es are that Pittenger has a hapter on

error- orre tionand his style of writingis somewhat more informaland intuitive, while

Hirvensalohasa hapteronlowerboundsandsomemoremathemati alba kground(su h

as ontinuedfra tions).

The KSV book o ersmore than the other two books. This in ludes a su in t but

veryni eintrodu tionto alot of lassi al omplexity theory, amorein-depthdis ussion

ofthequantum ir uitmodel,and topi slikequantumNP- ompleteness andtori odes

thatare notreadilyavailable inanyotherbooks. Onthedownside, Ifound itsquantum

partmoredemandingandharderto readattimesthantheothertwobooks.

All three books are pre ise and reasonablysu in t introdu tions to the algorithmi

aspe tsofthe eldofquantum omputation. Assu htheywillbemostusefulto omputer

s ientists and mathemati ians who want to learn about the algorithms without being

bothered too mu h by the physi s. The books are suitable for a 1-semester ourse on

quantumalgorithms(omittingsomeofthemoreadvan edse tionsinthe aseofKSV).All

threebookshavemanyexer ises,butKSVistheonlyonethatgivesthesolutionsaswell.

Hirvensalodis ussessomelowerbounds butPittenger andKSV donot,and noneofthe

books treat ommuni ation-based topi s likequantum ryptography, hannel apa ities,

or ommuni ation omplexity,northevarious appli ationsofGrover'salgorithm.

So,whi hbookto hoose? Ifyouwantaverya essible rstintrodu tiontoquantum

algorithms,Iwouldre ommendPittenger'sbook. Ifyouprefermoreformalmathemati s,

Hirvensalo also gives agood rst introdu tion to roughly the same topi s. If you have

suÆ ient mathemati al maturity and/or are prepared to do some work while reading,

thengo forthe KSVbook. Foreveryonewith abroaderinterestin quantum omputing

(in luding quantum information theory), I would still re ommend Nielsen and Chuang

overthesebooks. It ontainsmu h morematerial, isveryreadable,andnotsigni antly

moreexpensivethanthethreebooksdis ussedhere.

Finally,toallthose urrentlyworkingonyetanotherbookaboutquantum omputing:

whatthis eld needsmostismorealgorithms,notmorebooks.

Ronaldde Wolf(rdewolf wi.nl)






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